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September 25, 2014 at 10:39 am #366002
About the article I am somewhat confused …. so did she mean ask a guy out on a date?? How would you let him chase you if you are doing the asking?? I am confused …. :(
September 25, 2014 at 10:54 am #366003Phoebe
I hope you all got a chance to further explore that site…really wonderful advice on there. Thanks for appreciating it, Harley and Maria! :)
Sherri..I only quickly skimmed through what Harley copied and pasted, as I’ve read it in the past. Maybe one of the other ladies can give you a condensed version of what she’s saying. I would, but I’m being bad am at work right now, so I can’t stay….lol.
September 25, 2014 at 11:00 am #366004Harley
No Sherri.. you Don’t ASK a man on a date.. when you see a guy you are interested IN.. like me FRANK.. you “mentally choose him in your mind”( out of any of the guys you can have that night, YOU pick HIM), YOU let HIM CHASE YOU ( but you have secretly already picked him) and then HE thinks HE got you by asking you out, BUT ALL ALONG.. you had really ensnared HIM.. dumb git just don’t know it. YOU encourage him to CHASE you with smiles, fkirting etc… or asking him for sex in teh end like me ! ( that’s where I maybe went wrong !)
THEN.. you get to take responsibility like I do now.. by Frank NOT returning my affections..
September 25, 2014 at 11:37 am #366014maria
Yes, Harley is right…
She means be happy fulfilled alone, meet men and decide if they’re for you or not, don’t sit on your butt and wait for a man to fulfill you…
Know that you can’t make a guy do anything he doesn’t want to do (get his act together, fall in love, commit etc). Make choices that are good for you, walk away from stuff/people that are not good, and be selective when you choose your partner and make sure you’re compatible…
Then let him lead (and be as forward as you’re comfortable with) (she doesn’t say that but I do) (and Harl too)…
She means that you should be in control of YOUR life, and if you are, you will control the SITUATION, but not him…
What he does he does out of his free will… even though a guy’s will is highly affected/influenced (and sometimes steered) by how you act… at least IMO…
September 25, 2014 at 11:42 am #366015Harley
“even though a guy’s will is highly affected/influenced (and sometimes steered) by how you act… at least IMO… ”
WELL… I GOT THAT bit wrong MAria. ha ha ha.
And yes.. like Maria, I do believe in being a bit forward.. life is too short. That’s WHY I chose Frank and was forward with him.. I saw a window of opportunity.. I was only THERE for a few days. IF he lived HERE.. I’d be letting HIM do the chasing and leading.
September 25, 2014 at 11:58 am #366023Sherri
Oh Harley … think about it this way re Frank …
1) He helped you get over Mike
2) He gave you an amazing experience in bed which u did not have for a few years
3) He helped you org multiple times so now u know u canIMO he served more than his purpose for that night ;)
Now you need to think back on that night and what he did to help you org and then educate any other guy of how to help you do it :D
September 25, 2014 at 12:06 pm #366027maria
You didn’t get it wrong Harl, soo many other guys would have loved what you did and started chasing you because they wanted more… your lives are not compatible, that’s the problem… not what you did…
(OK, you did say no to all his suggestions and plans, but that’s another story)…
September 25, 2014 at 12:09 pm #366028Harley
ha ha Ha Sherri.. I THINK of ALL those things a million times a day !
THEN.. try to distract myself.
When you’ve been guzzling champagne( him!), it’s very hard to go back to pisswater wines !
Perhaps… I need to find a guy with Loooong fingers.. that can reach the right spot to make me orgasm.
I can just SEE me, every possible date now.. me checking out his fingers !!!! next guy… next guy… next guy.
ha ha ha.. you’ve cheered me up ! THANKS.
September 25, 2014 at 12:11 pm #366030Harley
ha ha ha Maria. I KNOW I did nothing wrong… except for living in the wrong country and all the “no’s”.
AND.. if a guy wants you.. he’ll come get you. I REALLY do believe that. Look at my FWB after 18 yrs.
September 25, 2014 at 12:46 pm #366055red
Wholy cow this post is getting long! I have not even read all of it. Hey harley everyone is right about frank, he gave you an awsome experiance, think fondly of him for that and then push him out of your mind.
Wholy f-ing cow cow bud asked me and my sister out to lunch. I am not thinking of it as a date. That way when things go back to him pulling away I won’t lose my freaking mide.
Is there a cure for kyrptanite? What did superman do? I am all buzzy inside and I keep telling myself to CALM THE HELL DOWN!!!
Like take a breath red your just friends, but then why would he talk about moving to town, do I want kids, what it would be like to live togeather.I keep thinking at lunch today he his going to be cold and distant because that’s his M.O so that I will be prepaird. And it will be ok if he is, I have done that been their with him before.
September 25, 2014 at 12:47 pm #366057Tamara
Thanks for sharing this article! I like it a lot. The crown, the decision about the knight.
It’s true wearing a crown is heavy, but I think not wearing one makes a suffer deeper.The only thing that I think differently (or maybe she doesn’t talk about) is when you have feelings. Imagine you have feelings for a man, you get along great but he can’t commit for one reason. Hard to walk away, because your feelings are as strong as your crown.
Apart from that, it makes me think of a guy I met 2 weeks ago. He was super attractive, charming, I found him beautiful, at my taste etc… We met out at a party, he came talking to me, then we exchanged our numbers.
But I felt he wasn’t acting really interested (comparing to others who raised the bar high before). He texted me the day after, then many times during the week. But always just chit chat, I mean nothing concrete such a date.
Eventually, I got tired and I stopped answering him after a week (maybe the 4th time he initiated). And really I don’t care. I don’t feel I have lost anything.
There are other men out there, some who will treat me as I like, who will be interested. Men who want to play or want you to make all the effort are not Worth the time. Next! Yes, my crown is on my head! lolSeptember 25, 2014 at 1:11 pm #366069Harley
Good for you TAM.
RED.. relax the khacks.. take a chill pill. It’s just lunch.. I’d feel EXACTLY the same as you .. and look WHERE that got me ! Kryptonite my ass. Bud.. has a LOT of proving himself to do.
Our latest Guinness advert..”IN PURSUIT OF MORE”.. THAT’s what we’re aiming for girls, not limp dick/asshole cowards.. MORE !MORE ! MORE !
September 25, 2014 at 1:30 pm #366074Tamara
Thanks Harley. I haven’t followed all about Franck, but what it seemed to me is that he wasn’t enough present.
You can do better, a man who shows you as much attention and affection as you did to him. With love and sex also!September 25, 2014 at 1:53 pm #366077celesteannv
Oh Harley… laughed out loud about long fingers… I tell J that I am SOOO luck he is a talented guitar player.. very talented fingers lol
5 more days ladies… cannot wait to get out of hereSeptember 25, 2014 at 2:39 pm #366088Harley
OOH Celeste.. STOP torturing me with memories.. ha ha ha.
I may post an advert in the papers ” good looking 40-50 yr old man with looog fingers required to service a young filly ”
My mates want me to get a lifesize cardboard cut out of me, put up on our office building with” man wanted” underneath…I’m tempted !
5 days woohoo !
Yes Tam.. Frank was NOT present enough !
September 25, 2014 at 2:40 pm #366089Harley
meant loooNG not looog !
September 25, 2014 at 4:23 pm #366101celesteannv
Ha ha.. love the cut out idea. How about the car wrap adverts they have.. he he
September 25, 2014 at 5:24 pm #366102Harley
Ha ha ha…..IF I were a vindictive bitch I would get a naked full length pic of me wrapped around his car and motorbike….I’ve 2 tattoos and he’s not into tats. …so …see how he likes that !
Our other mate Mark just invited me back to Germany for Xmas. Ha ha ha. It’s never ending. I will think about it. I hate Xmas ..my son always goes to Dublin for the party scene and I do be on my own….unless family feel sorry for me…..which makes me feel just OH SO LOVED. I may have my house by the though and can bail out to there.
September 25, 2014 at 6:23 pm #366107Violet
Sorry about Frank, Harley <3 I understand feeling disappointed about it – I don’t think you’re taking it too hard. At least you know for sure now, and you can move on.
In defence of “The Secret”, you need to listen to the audiobooks to get the effect. I saw the film years ago, and read the book, and I didn’t get it. It’s actually really powerful when you listen to it. And it doesn’t recommend being passive – the main thing it says is to put yourself in a state of feeling good – do whatever you need to do to feel good now. That feel-good feeling generates more positive experiences.
I have to say, I’ve been talking to a lot of people about it over the last six weeks, and since they’ve started listening to it too, they have all noticed weird synchronicities happening. In addition, everyone is reporting feeling more positive and upbeat!
A weird thing is happening with me too… Like I said at the start of the thread, I’ve tried for years to be a “nice person”, but underneath I resented people because I felt taken advantage of (victimised). In the last six months (since breaking up with S.) I’ve embraced my anger and have stopped being so giving, but I still felt like a victim. But then”the secret” made me realise that the victim feelings were my choice. And now I can recognise that tendency really clearly in other people… and weirdly (here’s the change) – even if people piss me off, I don’t have that critical, self righteous feeling I used to have… because I understand there are two sides to every story, and I can appreciate that the other person’s reality is just as “right” as mine. It’s strange, but the anger and bitterness in me is dying. It feels nice!
September 25, 2014 at 7:01 pm #366110Sherri
Hahaha Harley laughing about the long fingers. Both fwb n P had short fingers but those fingers were amazing. Fwb is really good in that area. I think I’ve told him a couple of times that he needs to insure those fingers ;) rfol.
I have def made up my mind that I want fwb back. He will be coming either on Mon or Tue. I will let him know on Sun. I’m really looking forward to it. I hope its as good as I remember.
Btw girls do U know what happened to EL?? She is not even replying to emails. I hope she is ok.
September 25, 2014 at 7:24 pm #366111red
In persuit of more. Dam I am getting that on a t-shirt. Went to lunch and had good time. Very relaxed. He talked about taking us, my sister and I to vegas. Called me on his way home, talking was easy and fun.
He looked to make sure the road up the mountain was clear for us. Seemes kind of down when he realized we could not have lunch tomorrow because I would be gome. ;) teehee. Won’t see him again untill Monday. Seeing how he does at work will be intresting.
He does have a lot to prove. I am keeping my self on naked.September 25, 2014 at 7:26 pm #366112red
Oh my god that should be on gaurd. Not naked! Wow auto correct!
September 26, 2014 at 1:17 am #366126maria
Vi, yeah, I know The Secret isn’t recommending passiveness, but to me it seems some people believe that it is some sort of answer to everything, and that you don’t need to create your own happiness if you believe in it. From what you have explained those people don’t get how it works though.
Harl, I think there will be turbulence in your life from Halloween to Christmas. You should totally go to Germany for Christmas, at least if you want turbulence/change in your life… and why not combine in persuit of more with just do it… you’ll be unstoppable…
Celeste, I TOTALLY agree about guitar players… looking forward to updates re your new job… it sounds promising so far…
Sherri, my dear, I’m not sure if you think Harl and I answered your question re the article… did we?
Ann, it seems you bit by bit are getting rid of Gambler guy… good for you!
Serena, where are youuuuu? Are you in Chicago?
Tam, when you have feelings for a guy who can’t commit, you simply accept that you can’t make him want something he doesn’t want.
Red, something’s definitely budding between you and Bud…
Hottie… called last night, late, but not inappropriately late. I love talking on the phone late at night, when everything is dark and quiet and you kind of lower your voice because of it… it feels so much more personal, intimate and emotional than daytime chats. We had a really nice, relaxed, quiet and cozy talk in the dark…
Hmm… I miss him… like crazy, to be honest…
What are your weekend plans girls? Tell tell tell…
September 26, 2014 at 3:36 am #366131Harley
Hi all. I am positive and proactive today. what will be, will be. Like Vi says, I refuse to be a victim. 5 weeks will make or break I guess. i have good dys where I give myself kick in teh ass and then bad moments I think of him. I can’t shake this feeling.. there’s more to come. But.. I won’t be passive. IF I see him.. I’ll tell him my Guinness line ! My gut is all over the shop.. no idea what it is telling me !
BUT.. it WILL tell nme SOMETUHING.. in time !OOOH.. I LOVE the teeshirt idea Red.. just MIGHT have to do IT ! Yep.. you and Bud.. I see sparks ahead. Treat him mean to keep him keen !
Vi.. thinking good thought IS working wonders for me as well.. yesterday when I had negative thoughts re Frank, life etc was horrid. Am back to good thoughts today. GIRL POWWER. Princess crown is back on !
Sherri.. great news on FWb.. good luck… not that you need it !
Maria.. quiet weekend planned. Try not to miss him too much… don’t get too invested like me.. but at least the is returning your favours. I KNOW one thing for me.. I’m getting OUT of the FWB box and INTO the girlfriend box !
I was talking to Gibson and she told me where’s my pride, don’t accept shit from him and set my bar higher. AND I WILL.
Everyone else.. HELLO ! have a great weekend.
September 26, 2014 at 3:40 am #366132Harley
Hey RED.. enjoy Estes Park adn I printed off your “men’s brains v women’s brains” story and gave it out to my friends and staff here at work………….. they creased up laughing ! It’s EXCELLENT. Am gonna frame it and put it on wall in my new hous.. maybe next year. My last house had a wall full of family pics and another in my kitchen full of vintage meal signs.. some tractors/Harley Davidsons/ special sayings and love quotes.
A REAl talking point when anyone comes to visit.
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