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October 9, 2014 at 12:06 pm #368087
I find that I am in terms of freedom like a teenager or new college student as I have never ever really experienced freedom in my life and that’s why I don’t really want to give it up so easily. Though I hardly had any sex during my marriage, I found I didn’t want to go on a shagging spree. FWB had to really work hard to get all my barriers down. And we had sex after 3 months of just making out … and we were FWB LOL.
But at the same time I do get into the mood sometimes of wishing for companionship. Because I had hardly gone clubbing in my 20s, when I go to clubs and guys hit on me, I really don’t know what to do. I get very conscious about close dancing with guys. And it is not an act or anything. So basically I am a 35 year old wanting the freedom of a 20+ year old with the maturity of a 35 year old and the shyness of a virgin. Yep, I am a total handful.
October 9, 2014 at 12:24 pm #368090Phoebe
I met my husband when I was 17….we had our first child when I was 21 while we were engaged, and we married 2 years after that. Basically I went from my father’s house and rules into a serious relationship with the bf, so I never really experienced too much unfettered freedom. He even ended up going to college close to me, and we spent all our free time together. After he graduated, I still had two more years to go, but ended up getting pregnant before heading back up for my senior year at college, so I was the “quiet pregnant chick” who lived in the upstairs corner room at my sorority house. I’d come down for classes, food, and the endless snacks that I HAD to have!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol That’s it.
But when I first got separated, well, I inadvertently ended up on a shagging spree b/c I had no idea what the Hell I was doing as far as proper dating, and jumped into bed on too many first dates. :-/ I shudder to think about it now, but I can’t go back and change it.
Think of yourself as wonderfully unique, and only a truly special man gets to experience ALL of you and ALL aspects of your wonderfullness. :-D
October 9, 2014 at 1:15 pm #368097Cleo
Along with this topic, what age do you think guys stop playing the field? I am 23 and my significant other is 27, but he still likes to party and what not. I have been through my partying phase, and we both don’t like clubbing anymore. We just go to dinner, games, bars sometimes, but as I said in my prior thread I am working on not drinking to the point I black out, since alcoholism runs in my family.
October 9, 2014 at 1:20 pm #368098Mel
All guys and women are different I know women in their 50’s that cant seem to be responsible and want to still act like a teenager. And I know guys in their early 20’s who don’t want to play the field they enjoy the calm “family” life. So it really depends on the person and their maturity level.
October 9, 2014 at 1:28 pm #368100Cleo
Yep that is true Mel, you have great insight on everything. MY mom is 60 and tries to act like a teenager, so I can totally understand this. And a lot of people my age really enjoy the club scene. I just can’t do it anymore to many guys trying to finger you while you dance- gross.
October 9, 2014 at 1:42 pm #368101Harley
Yup…. Mel sums it up well. It’s all about finding the right peg for the right hole .. no perverted puns intended ! A guy who is compatible with you. Mike at 54.. immature, Frank at 43.. waaay mature. And yes.. I have REALLY come into myself in my 40’s. Much happier, confident, secure, know what I want or as Celeste said.. at least what I don’t want.
October 9, 2014 at 1:49 pm #368102celesteannv
I was got married at 22 (started dating him at 19.5) and was with him for over 20 years. I also had very few BF/partners before him. So at 45 I was fairly inexperienced and out there again. Totally get it.
My ex H was very controlling and I too treasured my freedom and was so sure that I would never want a relationship again but did jump into the multiple dating with gusto about 10 months after the divorce. I met R after about 1.5 of being single and we got serious quickly. He ended up breaking up with me over our first serious disagreement and broke my heart. I am grateful to him as he showed me who he was very early on but also taught me that I could love and be loved again. When I bet J about a year later, after lots of serial dating, I knew he was different.. heck I was different.
He often says he wished he had met me years earlier when his business was good. I am glad we didn’t .. I was a mess and am sure it would not have worked.
You are on a path and it takes time to heal. Enjoy your weekend, your kids and then look at the papers. It will hurt to complet them, but is part of your process of moving on.October 9, 2014 at 2:24 pm #368110maria
Cleo, that sounds serious “too many guys trying to finger you while you dance”. You shouldn’t LET THEM do that to you – it really is up to you to give out signals that that is NOT OK…
October 9, 2014 at 2:39 pm #368117Mel
Man things have changed I haven’t been to a club in at least 10 years, guys didn’t do that shit, Of course they would have gotten their ass kicked too.
October 9, 2014 at 2:46 pm #368120Harley
Ha.. Cleo’s comment. Bloody hell/well.. soo true here. I can’t get out for a night without some guy coming up and hitting on me, or trying to touch. And you wonder why I go around hitting guys in the balls !
Even when I’m at the bar , reading a paper, minding my own business……….. some guy has to start ! AnD of course… it’s NEVER a drop dead hunk………. ALWAYS a foul looking/smelling skunk !
October 9, 2014 at 3:40 pm #368142Mel
The last time I had a “not so great” guy try and hit on me at the bar I just looked at him and said Really? Turn around and walk away your not gonna waste my time or yours.
My friend thought I was a bitch but you know I just wasn’t in the mood to try and be nice to someone that made me want to vomit.
October 9, 2014 at 3:43 pm #368145Harley
Mel.. I must try to remember that. better than the kicking. it’s just.. I hate being groped and it’s a reflex reaction… I really must stop it !
October 9, 2014 at 3:47 pm #368146Mel
HAHAHA me to the last time a guy groped me he ended up with lacerations on his penis. Because I just reached back and grabbed and twisted and told him to never touch my person with out my expressed permission unknown to me he wasn’t wearing any underwear and the zipper of his jeans cut his member up pretty bad. But that was the last time anyone has ever groped me without my permission.
October 9, 2014 at 3:51 pm #368150Harley
DEADLY ! I love that one ! MMN………… no undearwear………. don’t start me thinking !
I’m gonna have to wear one of those “granny” underwear contraption thing-ees, that SUCK my stomach in. Briget Jones won’t get a look in !
October 9, 2014 at 3:55 pm #368151Mel
LOL Well, I learned self defense from my dad a former Marine. Lets just say people really don’t mess with me.
October 9, 2014 at 4:06 pm #368157Harley
Fiesty ! That;s the irish bit.
October 9, 2014 at 4:14 pm #368161Cleo
Maria, that is why I said trying to finger me LOL. I slap their hands away and tell them to get the F on somewhere whenever that happened. IT was just to many bad experiences with pervs at the club that I couldn’t handle it anymore LOL. A swift kick in the balls like Harley said would have been a nice move to! LOL
October 9, 2014 at 4:19 pm #368162Mel
Well I do play big girl ball, I will kick your ass first and ask questions later if you try to touch me. I literally slammed a guys head off the bar once.
I never got in any trouble, the bouncers were my body guards anyway so.
But I shouldn’t have to get violent for someone to realize that this IS MY BODY NOT THIERS DONT TOUCH. So I quit going out.October 9, 2014 at 8:31 pm #368200Sherri
That’s why I love my uncle dances. No one gropes, lots of place to dance. I always wear jeans to a club. Possibility of being fingered is mil then. I think I also put out a don’t touch me vibe as its very rare that anyone hits on me. Either that or I don’t know how to read what a hitting on is. And when someone does, I really don’t know how to react. I’ve even been told. Its ok just dance with me don’t feel shy lol.
October 10, 2014 at 6:20 am #368246maria
Hmm… guys do hit on me, but very cautiously… as for touching/grouping (without me being OK with it), it doesn’t happen. Probably because I have friends (both male and female) around me most of the time (and I send out “don’t even try” signals as well).
A while ago a guy just walked up and kissed me (on the mouth) though… he said “I’ve wanted to do that all night”… I didn’t hit him… why? cause it didn’t feel as if he was invading my space… it felt cute, bold and totally OK (I had been looking at and flirting with, but not talked to him earlier that night)…
I actually did the same thing when I met my ex. I met him in a club, we talked and flirted all night, I was super attracted to him but knew nothing was gonna happen since he had seroius ex problems… yet… I wanted him to know for sure how I felt… so when the club was about to close and we we’re going home, I grabbed his shirt… and kissed him right on the mouth (I kissed him, smiled, said “bye”, turned and started to walk away) and it “worked”… 3 seconds later he said “wait”, asked for my phone, typed in his number and said “this is my home number in NY, CALL ME when you get there” (this was in December and I had told him that I was going to NY in June next year)…
I did go to NY and I did call him and we ended up in a 9 months long relationship after that…
October 10, 2014 at 6:41 am #368247Harley
Great story Maria. Ah I love a bit of romance. Quiet weekend planned for me. Orlando is back….yes …..????? Enjoy ! Mmmn….perhaps I should just KISS Frank !
October 10, 2014 at 9:32 am #368264celesteannv
OMG Cleo.. ewww. I have had a few ass grabbers in my day, but nothing like that. I did have a man kiss out of nowhere a couple of years back at a concert. He was gone so fast I had no time to react.
Harls.. I am laughing at your smelly man comment, but really how can you blame them for hitting on you?? :)
Quiet weekend here.. mom and dad coming to visit. Love to see them, but it is hard to see my mom since her stroke. She has given up trying to work on her speech and it makes me sad to see her fade away.
J and I will be going out Saturday afternoon for a bit and I am cooking for the whole crew Sunday afternoon.
October 10, 2014 at 10:07 am #368268Harley
Hugs Celeste. It’s always hard to see parents fade but that is the cycle of life. My dad had alzeimers near the end. We laughed our heads off with him he was so funny. He kept getting out of the house a d lost. .We’d find him a mile or two up the road, fallen in a ditch. You’d hop in to pull him out and he’d be shouting at you ‘ feck off home and make me a cup of tea…I’ve pissed me pants and am soaking ‘. ….and ya wonder how I’m nuts with him as a role model !!!
Try to enjoy the weekend. It can only get better. I hope for a quiet one and to study a bit.
October 10, 2014 at 2:08 pm #368289celesteannv
Wow.. feel like I should not have complained. So upset. Dad just called. They were driving down to visit and he thinks Mom had another stroke. They are at hospital in CT getting her checked out. Sick to my stomach. Already called crying to J and best GF. She is only 67 and seem so old and frail. Waiting to hear is horrible.
October 10, 2014 at 2:25 pm #368292Harley
Oh NO.. that;s awful. I hope it turns out good news. I will pray. Gosh.. it sucks. WHERE is CT… and in relation to you… how far away ??? It sucks waiting Thank god fro gf and J.. he will be over ASAP !
stay strong, think positive.
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