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October 13, 2014 at 11:33 am #368593
Celeste, I’m thinking about your family, and hoping your mom’s health is figured out…it’s all very scary, and I hope you yourself get good rest too.
Harley….this house soap opera you are living must be exhausting!!
I had a really nice weekend. I helped my friend spread dirt all over his lawn, as he had new sidewalks put in, it was a beautiful fall day, and we really enjoyed talking. He is a FWNB and he and I really, really understand each other. He has been incredibly supportive with me getting rid of Gambler Guy.
Most of my friends are men I’ve realized…my married women friends kind of ditched me after my divorce, and I don’t party in bars like my single friends do….and men just kind of latch on to me… I have a question about that though. I have a feeling I am going to be dating Normal Guy pretty regularly. It just seems to be naturally heading that way. Is co-mingling FWNBs and dating partners possible? I would like Normal Guy to meet this FWNB, I think they would get along…is that even done? Would the FWNB feel weird? The FWNB is a commitment-phobe and I think he thinks in some future decade we would possibly date, but I know that would never happen.
October 13, 2014 at 11:50 am #368595celesteannv
Thank you all for the lovely posts. Feeling off event though mom seems to be stable. Dad does not push the issue with doctors.. she is a shadow of herself just a year ago. I suspect that she is having small stroke strokes that are going unnoticed.
She just sits and watches TV and then does odd repetitive behaviors. The reality of mortality sucks.
Cleo.. wondering how it went with the guy.Maria – hope you had a great weekend
Harls.. thanks for the extra supportOctober 13, 2014 at 1:02 pm #368608Cleo
I am very sorry Celeste, and I am hoping the best for this situation. It is extremely hard since it is your mother, and strokes in general aren’t good, but she can get better. I have seen a lot of people go back to themselves after a stroke even though parts of their body won’t move the same way.
I am back in a relationship with the guy. He said he wanted to be in one, and that he won’t be doing that ever again. I said if he does it is the last straw and I AM DONE. We had a good night he took me to dinner to watch the Cardinals win YEs. Sorry St. Louis is my hometown lol. And then we hung out at his place. I will just see how things go. He kept talking about how he missed me, and that he didn’t want to go to hockey last night because he would rather spend the whole night with me, since I wouldn’t see him this past weekend because I was upset.
October 13, 2014 at 1:03 pm #368610Cleo
Oh and Celeste I just read it wasn’t a stroke. So I am glad about that!!!! Hopefully the neurologist will have good news this week!
October 13, 2014 at 1:07 pm #368611Phoebe
Celeste….hoping the best for your mother!!
Hugs to ALL the awesome ladies in this thread.
I’ve never been one to bond too much with other women, but damn, I love this forum and the friends I have made here! Luv you all!!!
October 13, 2014 at 1:27 pm #368615Harley
WE ALL love and support each other.
Celeste.. keep going. It’s all you can do. Doctors will tell you all how to go forward re exercises/mind stimulation etc. Life sucks and throws us curve balls at times.
I’m loving the balls ! especially Franks. Sorry.. TMI ! Ireland plays Germany in soccer tomorrow……….. of course we shall be thrashed.. so I shall message the guys then.. they will be in good form !
Cleo… make him WORK for you !
Ann… yes you CAN mingle both.( as long as you are sure FWNB does not fancy you and you would NOT hurt his feelings… I told my FWB , Frank was the best I ever had in bed.. OOOPS !.. it only turned him on more and made him determined to put Frank out of my mind.. but I still hurt him I think ! I would just do it gradually for a short time.. 30mins….perhaps helping your mate in the garden again.. guys bond over muck !
Maria.. I take it the weekend went great.
Vi.. good luck lately with house.
Pheebs.. can’t wait to hear how tonight with “guy” goes
Serena.. COME BACK !
Mel.. hope you feeling better.. glad your daughter picked the princess costume for Halloween.
Raven.. bring back some pervertedness……… I’m in the mood !
Buttercup.. How ARE you doing ???
October 13, 2014 at 1:29 pm #368616Harley
Oh yes.. house going slow.. may have it by Xmas but I have been networking with builder men to get some recycled stuff chap and cheap labour !
IF they were single………….I just may have offered ” my services ” hahahahaha
October 13, 2014 at 2:32 pm #368626Phoebe
Use the old-fashioned ‘barter system’, Harls! lol
October 13, 2014 at 2:34 pm #368628maria
Celeste, I too am very sorry… a loved one getting ill or hurt is pretty much my only fear in life so I can imagine how you must feel right now. You’re probably right about that she’s had smaller unnoticed strokes. Hopefully a neurologist can shed some light and give her best possible treatment for recovery…
Cleo, one wrong step from your guy and you should send him to the dungeons never to see the light of day again…
Ann, I think it’s totally OK to introduce a male friend to the guy you’re dating, as long as the friend is JUST a friend…
Phoebe, I luv you too, and all you other awesome ladies in this thread as well <3
Harl, yes most likely Germany will win tomorow so that’ll be a good time to message the guys… Halloween is not that far away… I’m really looking forward to all your adventures and stories from that/Germany…
And yes, I had a great weekend… I wasn’t sure how he’d “act”, since things are new and we had not seen each other in 3 weeks… but he was super cute and all touchy/huggie/kissie… he was also tired (after 5 hours of driving), and in no mood for serious partying (and neither was I)… soo, after about 1 hour he asked if I wanted to leave, and I said yes (of course). He said lets go then and took my hand… I said “OK” and “um… where?” He said “your place!?” (I live a 5 mins walk from where we were). I said “yes”…
Soo, we spent the night (morning, and better part of the Sunday) at my place… oh, and he forgot/left his watch in my apartment… not sure what that means… probably that I distract him… regardless, he’ll be home this week so he’ll have plenty of time to come over and pick it up…
October 13, 2014 at 2:38 pm #368630Phoebe
High five, Maria!!!! :-D
October 13, 2014 at 4:35 pm #368659Harley
October 13, 2014 at 6:23 pm #368694Ivy
I met this guy online everything was going great saw each other once a week texted almost every day & talk on phone once in a while. About 2 weeks ago things still seem fine but he hadn’t asked me so when can I see you again which was his line to get together. I started freaking out bc by date 5 I realized I really liked him. In the text he did most of the initiating but I made sure to respond bc didn’t want him to think In was not interested. We had been talking for about 6-7 weeks. We never discussed if we were dating others & what we were looking for bc I didn’t care at first until I realized I actually liked him. So, about 2 weeks now notice a shift in communication and him wanting to get together. Almost 2 weeks ago after asking if we could talk on phone he asked when I was free so we saw each other but I was apprehensive. As the evening went He was acting like his usual self, showed affection, was attentive, kissed me good night several times and asked me to text when I got home. When I text his reply was still the same as before. Then fri. He just sent text saying hi, sat& sun nothing. Mon I accidentally sent him a text that was for my friend. Didn’t say anything about him just about me not feeling well & being overwhelmed. He replied asking if I was ok & he was concerned. I told him I was just having conversation with my friend & no idea how it went to him. He replied good bc he was concerned Tue. I text again. He replied short and to the point. So,this past wed i decided to text him and ask him to meet me. I needed to take this confusion & pressure out of my chest. I didn’t tell him why just didn’t tell him why I wanted to meet him. He said yes with no hesitation.
tell me I can’t put all my eggs in one basket but this felt different. This felt right especially after date 5.
So, wed I text to ask if he could meet for a bit bc i wanted to express what
I have been feeling and help me make a decision. But about 45 min before we needed to meet he text to cancel. He asked if I could talk later on the phone. I said can you talk now in case he was driving somewhere on his way we could just talk, he didn’t respond. I text again and said later is fine thanks. The point is we never talked. I read it as he would call me bc he had to cancel for no unknown reason. Last time he cancelled he at least called with an excuse. This time he just cancelled. So, yesterday morning I woke up and thought wait was I suppose to call him? But I felt he cancelled and he asked to talk on phone later. I asked if we could talk then if he was driving somewhere, but didn’t reply. So, i said later is fine. Thanks. I’m so confuse, but figured if he wanted to talk he would have called/text… I feel that after we had our conversation re: our deal breakers he started doing just that. I’m disappointed bc I like him more than I thought I would? I assumed that bc of his field of work he would be better than this more mature and honest. I feel a bit better today than even yesterday but Wed after he cancelled I was really sad. This makes me feel he doesn’t want to have contact. I feel the that since he cancelled, he should have called me especially when He appears to be busy or unavailable when I try to make contact in the past few weeks. It’s now sat & has attempted no contact. I have no idea where the disconnect occurred. He said he doesn’t like people who purposely hurt others, lie, and dishonesty , so what is this. :/(. It’s now mon and no contact!!!
Your Thoughts please?! I’m confuse!October 13, 2014 at 6:31 pm #368695Sherri
Hi ladies,
Quite a busy weekend for me. thanksgiving weekend.will update tomm.
ivy – make a new post for yourself to get advice ….
October 13, 2014 at 6:52 pm #368704Mel
Well an update from me,
I was dying this weekend of the awful flu, thankfully my guy and I agreed a couple of days before hand to spend the weekend apart. He really wanted just him time ( he hadn’t had any for a long time and it was really getting to him) so I told him lol works out good cause I am super sick. I didn’t really expect to hear from him due to him wanting to be in his cave, but I did he still made sure he reached out to me everyday to see how I was feeling, and to let me know how his day was and of course every night the goodnight sweet dreams thing. So even though I was so sick, that did make me feel nice. LOL he wasn’t going to touch me with a ten foot pole but it was nice that he reached out.
Yes my daughter did finally decide on a princess costume, she said I can be the queen and my guy can be the prince lol (he and I both thought it was cute) Funny thing is he would totally do it too she has him wrapped around her little finger.
October 13, 2014 at 7:51 pm #368717Harley
Ivy…you keep posting about this…WHY ??? Aren’t you the same one who posted weeks ago and I gave you an answer then…and a few days ago I think. Leave it be. Forget about him.
And start a new thread please. This is not the thread for a NEW problem.
Mel…glad to hear it’s all going well..
This marine is a keeper !
October 13, 2014 at 8:10 pm #368722mel
Yeah I think I am going to keep him
October 14, 2014 at 3:43 am #368757maria
Thanks for the high five and lovely jealousy girls :-D
Hottie will come over Thursday night… I promised to wear his watch and nothing else… he “liked” that…
Mel, that’s so nice of your guy to reach out and make you feel good, he does sound like a keeper indeed…
Have a super day everyone !!!
October 14, 2014 at 8:55 am #368798Harley
Wish I were wearing Frank’s watch and nothing else !!!oh you lucky duck !! I am soo happy for you. I love new young love !
October 14, 2014 at 9:31 am #368804Sherri
Wow. Lots to catch up on. Celeste I am glad it was not a stroke.
It was a busy Friday and Saturday for me with the kids being there. They went to their dad’s on Saturday evening. I have been having this terrible back ache for sometime now and physio too doesn’t seem to be helping neither are pain killers. I hope it goes away soon. Not getting good sleep either.
This Sunday I was supposed to meet this guy at 6 pm whom I was looking forward to meet as he looked good on paper and conversations via chat flowed with us. I get a shock 15 min before we were supposed to meet when he sends me a message that he feels I am too sophisticated for him and that he is a simple guy. Also that he did not tell me that he has a lazy eye and so usually his first dates are his last dates and the women don’t want to meet him again. So wishing me the very best for my life.
He never ever showed that he was this insecure in our chats. WOW … how do you check for that?? Anyway I was glad that we didn’t meet but disappointed as well bec I was looking forward to it.
On Sunday I met another guy who was really nice but there is some baggage re his ex. He has been divorced for 5 years and has 1 daughter. I have not dropped him for now. I find I am very rarely attracted to guys on the 1st meet. Even the eye candy ones, I just look not that interested in talking to. I think the only guy whom I have actually ever been attracted to from the 1st meet was FWB and that too once he started talking to me not when I saw him. I wasn’t even attracted to Oct guy the 1st time. Some guys I am a strict no – not attracted and never will be but the guys whom I am not a strict no, then I meet them a few more times to see if there is anything there as I find I get attracted slowly … more to a person’s personality than the looks. Looks too play a role but not as much as personality.
Even in the case of my bf before marriage, I was not at all attracted to him and then he pursued and pursued me till I agree to go out with him and that’s when I came to know his personality etc. etc.
I may be meeting another guy today but he has yet to get back to me which he said he will by noon. So lets see. I have asked him to come to my city.
October 14, 2014 at 11:56 am #368829celesteannv
Mom and dad have appointment with neurologist later this week. We shall see.
Work going well, just hard to reach my new boss to get ok on projects (we are very decentralized so do not actually see him) but I just keep plugging away. Getting positive feedback, so that is a good sign.Maria.. love the watch comment. J is always leaving guitar picks at my house.. wonder if I should ‘return’ them that way lol.
Mel.. that is sweet of your guy. Glad all is going well and hope you are on the mend!
Harls.. I love working with contractors.. even if just for the visual…
Not sure if I missed it but any update from Pheebs and Cleo?
Vi.. hope all is still going well
Sherri.. so odd that this man is on a dating site and does not address that upfront. I was once messaged by a guy in a wheelchair. He was hurt in a car crash and was very honest about the level of his disability. I might have been shallow, but could not go there. Maybe this guy was afraid of the upfront rejection too.
My experience is that many of the very attractive guys are VERY lazy. I always went for the 7-8’s with big personalities. And totally agree that as you get to a know a person their relative attractiveness can go up or down. I think J is as hot as hell but because I know what a wonderful, smart, funny person he is.October 14, 2014 at 12:20 pm #368835Cleo
Maria- I am glad you had a blast with your man, it sounds like you had a great time. And, he probably “accidentally” left his watch, so you would be thinking of him ;) because I know I leave stuff at my dudes house, and he will be like I miss you seeing your things laying around.
Celeste- I am glad your job is going well, and I am still hoping the best with the neurologist appointment. I am just glad it wasn’t a stroke.
Mel- I am glad you are on good terms with your guy, and having a break is always nice, so you can relax and catch up on your favorite T.V shows, since you were sick, which I hope you are feeling better. I love watching the ID channel, aka deadly women LOL. The women are psycho.
Sherri- I laughed so hard when the guy said he had a lazy eye, so normally girls would never go on a second date with him, maybe he should have told you that before you investing your time in him. I hope the guy you are supposed to meet at noon is a keeper!
Harley- HAHA offered your services! Hell you still should still try to if they were cute. And, Frank aww girl, you said you were going to message him, so let me know how that goes!
And for me, I hung with my guy last night, we went to the itap bar, I didn’t drink to much. I have actually been doing really good with my drinking, and we watched the Rams football game. Let’s just say the RAMS Suck! Then I went back to his house, and this morning he said bye babe and that he will miss me today while he is at work. Right now I am making him do all the initial contact, even though it is now 7 months in. Like Harley said he has to WORK for it now.
October 14, 2014 at 8:19 pm #368928Cleo
The sex is great, and I guess I am horny after drinking with friends, so I asked him out on a dinner date Thursday LOL. I have this new hot red dress that is sure to make him want more. After hockey tomorrow he wants to hang to, so we will see how this goes LOL. Friday I have plans with my g/f’s, and he usually asks me out Friday night, but I am keeping my plans.
October 15, 2014 at 3:32 am #368974Harley
Wear the red dress Cleo…It will look beautiful with your dark hair. I am good. Reflective time for me…just thinking king g on a lot of different things. I messaged Germans. ..they have not even looked at message yet. Guys being guys …they will not try for ages . Last time I was in Germany. ..they just turned up on the night ! But I’m Ok. .not stressing. .what will be will be.
October 15, 2014 at 5:20 pm #369118Cleo
LOL Harley, you and I and are red dresses. And, I plan on wearing it tonight, since we changed the dinner to tonight. I am glad you are reflecting on things, and thinks will certainly get better. I have been reflecting on things to. Just trying to get my mind, body and spirit in tuned. And, yes guys are guys and they will get back to you, I am sure of. They make take awhile, but they should message.
Guy number 2 invited me out last night lol. I was sleeping though. I texted him today telling him I was sleeping and asked if he had a fun time. No response yet. I am just keeping him on the back burner because boy is he cute!
Hope for some updates from you gals xoxo (omg I am sounding like gossip girl)
October 15, 2014 at 9:31 pm #369148Harley
Ha ha ha..I am good. Frank saw message tonight. ..but no reply. I did not really expect one. I just keep telling myself to try and get over him. I should look for a back burner guy…..but I am not in the mood for more romance and I just can’t do that sort of stuff. I hate leading men on or hurting their feelings. More power to you. Have LOTS of fun tonight!!!!
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