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- This topic has 1,590 replies and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
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October 16, 2014 at 4:19 am #369176
Cleo, I get so much better vibes from your back burner guy… you should definitely keep him as an option… but know that once you take it (him) to the next level, it will be over with your current guy…
Harl, I honestly think you have taken up a LOT of space in Frank’s head since your rendezvous. I still believe he wants to talk to you, but prefer it to be in person. As for him not answering you right now… I think he just doesn’t know what to say… he’s not the kind of person that would just talk for the sake of talking in a situation like yours (not when he’s sober anyway)…
I LOVE red dresses… I’m not planning to wear one tonight though. I will wear his watch, but not “nothing else”, not initially anyway…
October 16, 2014 at 5:31 am #369177mel
Well I’m single again:-( didn’t even see that one coming.
October 16, 2014 at 6:11 am #369179Harley
Fuck me Mel. What the hell ???
October 16, 2014 at 6:25 am #369180Harley
Thanks for that Maria. I SOOO hope you are right. In my text to him and Ralf. I teased them about soccer…said when I was coming back…hope to meet them all fir drinks and can they find a good Halloween party and can we do something the next day so I see something of their beautiful countryside a d don’t just spend my visit in pubs. So…we’ll see. I am trying not to get my hopes up but boy is he Sexy !!
Glad all is going well with you.
October 16, 2014 at 9:26 am #369198Sherri
OMG Mel!! What in the world happened?
October 16, 2014 at 9:51 am #369202celesteannv
OMG.. WTF?October 16, 2014 at 9:54 am #369204Harley
I’m sure she’ll get back to you all later. She’s busy right now. But I know she’ll love all the support.
October 16, 2014 at 9:54 am #369205Ann
What the HELL! Mel,,,,,,what happened? Hugs sweetie…..ugh
October 16, 2014 at 10:19 am #369209Phoebe
Mel, no fekkin’ way!!! :(
Can’t “wait” to hear this. Ugh ugh ugh!!!
October 16, 2014 at 10:53 am #369213mel
so basically what happened was a girl that he had a crush on for 10 years got a hold of him out of the blue 3 days ago and I guess she admitted to liking him too so he felt that he needed the opportunity to explore that he told me how sorry he was and that he didn’t want to hurt me but felt that he needed to be upfront and tell me I told him find go do what you want but you’re no longer with me he started to cry and say that he doesn’t want to lose me in his life that he loves and cares for me deeply but doesn’t know if he’s ready for that kind of strong commitment. he said he was sad about throwing away our relationship but he just doesn’t know what to do he asked if we could still keep our plans I told him no.it was a very emotional conversation I did not over react or raise my voice in any way I simply told him that isn’t that is something he has to do then he should do it and if I truly had made him happy this wouldn’t be happening. I know he’s going to continue to try to contact me he has made it very clear that he wants to stay in my life I just don’t know what to do right now.
October 16, 2014 at 10:55 am #369214mel
he doesn’t want a relationship with this girl flat out told me that but he told me that if he agrees to meet with her he thought it would get physical and that is why he with this route
October 16, 2014 at 10:59 am #369216Phoebe
Unbelievable. It’s great that he told you what was going on in his head, but still. Jesus H. Christ. Damn damn damn. Completely out of left field…….
Good for you for telling him what you thought though. But again….DAMN DAMN DAMN.
October 16, 2014 at 11:00 am #369217Sherri
These guys need a clobbering over the head …… seriously!!!! Grass is always greener. And he put a hold on your relationship so that he could get sex from her?? Seriously??? I am actually quite offended for you Mel. In my mind, I am picturing her to be old and haggard and he is totally turned off by her and then comes running back to you and you tell him … “Sorry dude but another guy whom I had a crush on 10 years ago has contacted me and we are having mind blowing sex and I don’t want to stop that!!!!”
May be at this time, take the time to really think if you want to take him back or let him go. If you want to let him go, then don’t entertain any kind of “staying in your life” from him.
October 16, 2014 at 11:05 am #369218mel
oh no he didn’t put our relationship on hold I told him if that’s what he wants he’s not having me to end of story not going to happen I also told him one of three things are going to happen he’s going to meet up with her and have a casual fling and see what happens or you going to meet up with her and realizes that he missesf*** out of me or he’s going to meet up with her have a fling and move on he said most likely it’ll be option two but I told him too bad you made your choice and choices have consequences. That’s when he started to cry and telling me how sorry he is for screwing this up. it obviously was a really long conversation too much to continue to type it word for word but it just does I know he feels bad and he has a lot of thinking to do I also know is I will most likely hear from him todayI just don’t know what I will say back.
October 16, 2014 at 11:08 am #369221mel
I also told him that I’m not going to sit here unless all of my good qualities if he wanted if he wants to be with me then he would. I don’t know maybe he got scared I have no idea what happened.
October 16, 2014 at 11:21 am #369224Ann
Wow. This is the guy that went out of his way to see you the other day, just for lunch.
I think he got scared. This is not someone who can be truly committed to you, he will always have one foot out the door. You would never, never feel secure with him. You need NC. Oh, MY, sweetie. It’s going to be rough. We here all know how strong you are. Hugs….Hugs….ugh.
October 16, 2014 at 11:36 am #369225mel
I guess we can only see how it goes if he decides that he wants to try with me again then he is going to have to jump through some hoops serious ones
October 16, 2014 at 12:05 pm #369236celesteannv
Ugghh Mel,
So sorry. This sucks. Wow.. do not know what to say. A crush is understandable, we have all had them, but to throw away a good thing for a maybe.
I am heartbroken for you.J pursued 2 VERY attractive younger women – early 40’s – before dating me and it seems that they liked the attention, but did not reciprocate his feelings. I have had a few weak and insecure moments over the past year when I have worried about this exact thing happening in my relationship with either of these girls.. yuck. I know you are strong, but know that my heart is going out to you.
October 16, 2014 at 12:08 pm #369237Harley
There is of course a VERY slim chance he’ll decide not to meet her, or he meets her, realises it’s you he wants and leaves her standing… but how can you believe him if he says this is what happened ???
Good on you being so strong.
Personally.. for me. I could only take him back if he decided not to meet her or he brought me with him to meet her !
I can understand he’s been hit with a hard choice and I do admire his honesty, but I also think it really shitty of him.
I think I would go No contact. I know it means a breakdown in communication but if you keep talking, you will get more hurt and he will perhaps think he can get away with anything.
10 yrs.. I mean.. he was 14 ! Or less ! BOTH of them will have changed by now.
IF he meets her.. it opens up a can of worms.. like ONE night will not be enough ! HAS the stupid plonker(moron) even thought of THAT !
WHAT has your dad said/advised?? Apart from wanting to blow him apart of course !
October 16, 2014 at 12:16 pm #369242mel
He is a very honest person so I have no reason not to believe anything he ever says. He doesn’t know what to think as of last night he hasn’t agreed to meet her he just didn’t know what would happen if he did meet her, he knows that they aren’t compatible as a relationship he told me that.
My dad hasn’t really said anything except his loss.
Like I said I will just have to see what happens he knows what a catch I am he said that last night but he’s scared of commitment right now and that I’m a lifetime woman so I don’t know maybe he needs to see what life is now like without me to find out what he wants. I don’t think this really has to do with the other girl I think it’s more his feelings became strong and it scared him.October 16, 2014 at 12:19 pm #369244Phoebe
It’s when stuff like this happens, where everything seems to be flowing well, no flags, you’re feeling comfortable…..that scares the shit out of me as far as relationships go.
It just seems like EVERYTHING has to be such a damned risk. I mean, at almost a year, you’d think that you’d earned the right to finally relax, not be on guard, enjoying the relationship for what it is…..and then BAM. Side swiped.
I guess that’s why I’ve been more inclined to hang in there with my situation, b/c I’ve been in a couple of relationships where ON PAPER, things were “as they should be” as far as communication, time spent together, it felt easy and right, and then I was blindsided. In one, HE jettisoned me out of the blue. The second time, I was the one who had to end it due to issues that were deal breakers. And marriage had been a topic with BOTH of them. And with BOTH of them, all had appeared well and smooth for a while…and then the “surprise”. With my guy now, while ON PAPER it hasn’t been ideal, the length of time where we’ve been doing this has been the longest relationship I’ve had, so I don’t know. :-/ He has been the only one who has fought for us in an appropriate way when I’ve attempted to walk away. (The last bf that I broke up with went a bit nutty…actually had to consider a restraining order. Luckily he calmed the Hell down, and we are able to be friends now.)
You know you have us here for support, Mel. This is just….wow.
October 16, 2014 at 12:23 pm #369245Harley
Yes.. i did think of your last point… it’s not the girl.. it’s him an committment. Well.. he either mans up or steps out. Yes.. I think he needs to miss you and the wee one… it could be a rough few months though. I don’t think a few weeks is enough to miss someone really. I’m glad you can trust him to be honest.. that’s a good sign.
I guess.. time apart so !
Hope all went well today with the wee one !
October 16, 2014 at 12:27 pm #369247Harley
WOMEN.. really have the backbone !
Frank.. goes off FB as soon as I go on !
WUSSES.. the lot of them.
I think we should all start a modern day tribe of AMAZONS !
October 16, 2014 at 12:53 pm #369250Cleo
Mel- I am so sorry for that to have happened to you. What a crummy situation. This girl he hasn’t seen in ten years, WTF. You are such a nice person, and I would have been going all holy hell on his arse. If he does text you just tell him what you are telling us. I mean you guys have been in a long relationship, and he should have known that you were in it for the long haul because it seemed he was to. It just flipping disturbs me that he could do this.
Maria- HAHA Back burner guy knows I am in a relationship with his friend, so he is not keen to text me back LOL. I think when I am single he would. Also, last night we went to his father’s birthday dinner together and his father invited me to go to Thanksgiving with them in North Carolina, to bad I always go to see my grandma for thanksgiving, but it was a nice gesture.
Harley- THAT DAMN GERMAN. FRANK NEEDS TO GET HIS ARSE IN PLACE. Or his clothes taken off and handcuffed to the bed and left there for weeks ;)
October 16, 2014 at 1:11 pm #369254celesteannv
Hugs for your daughter too. This is part of the relationship piece that scares me as much as my potential loss… my son seeing yet another failed relationship. J is the first guy I let Luke meet and they get along really well. Oh balls.. again so sorry! -
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