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October 16, 2014 at 1:17 pm #369255
Ha CLEO.. you don’t waste time ! 2 men after you. P better step his game or or N is in there !!!
I LOVE the thoughts of handcuffing Frank to the bed……… preferably with me still there and doing unmentionables ! I don’t think I could be hard enough to leave a guy handcuffed. You’ve put a BAD idea in my head though, naughty girl ! Imagine his local fire brigade having to come out and saw them off/unpick them !! It would probably make the papers as he’s a world champion kick boxer !
October 16, 2014 at 1:32 pm #369259Cleo
That’s what I was hinting at Harley LOL, and no I went to P’s dad’s birthday last nast, it was just family and P invited me, and then his dad invited me to Thanksgiving LOL. N invited me out, but after that he hasn’t responded to my one text LOL because he knows i’m dating his friend I guess.
Hahaha it would be hilarious if you do the unmentionables and then just leave him there. Tie up his feet to, so there is no way he is getting out, and you better make sure to throw away the key ;)
October 16, 2014 at 2:40 pm #369278Harley
oooh… P IS stepping his game up… hanging out with the family !
Leave N on the back burner so !
Think I’d leave the key.. out of reach, where he could see it !! Make sure I gag him so he can’t scream for help ! oooh.. there IS an evil streak in me after all ! i could take photos and SELL to newspapers !
October 17, 2014 at 4:56 am #369350maria
So sorry Mel… you said he’s a honest person, and I hope you’re right… however, I wouldn’t trust the “she got a hold of him out of the blue 3 days ago” to 100%. That sounds like a story 9 of 10 guys who had ALREADY cheated, would make up…
I believe he was waiting for the right moment to tell you, and WHENEVER that moment would have appeared (not before you went to court, not when you were ill etc), he would have told you the “3 days ago” story…
Just… be open to the possibility that he might not be telling you the truth… I hope everything develops in best possible way for you… keep us updated… hugs…
I had a great time with hottie last night… he dropped me off at work this morning, and we kissed in his car for like 10 minutes before I left… it was lovely… but at the same time I did not want my colleagues or boss to see us… soo, I felt like a naughty teenager… can’t think of a better way to start my day…
What are your weekend plans girls?
October 17, 2014 at 5:58 am #369351Harley
Boringly quiet one for me. Some study..catch up with the nieces…walk the dog. ..Cook. that’s about it.
Glad you had a great night! And yep….I live feeling like a naughty kid again !
October 17, 2014 at 8:58 am #369363Ana
Hi girls! I’ve been lurking for a while, and need some support. May I join?
October 17, 2014 at 9:35 am #369374Harley
Work away Ana…or start a new thread if you like. I don’t mind which.
October 17, 2014 at 9:40 am #369375maria
Yes, of course you can join us Ana :-D . If you have a really long issue/story, it is probably better if you start your own thread though. You’ll get more answers that way…
October 17, 2014 at 10:12 am #369387Ann
I am going to be busy this weekend, but good busy. No dates or anything, but will be with friends. My ex husband asked me to come over to help him with an errand, and I guess I am going to do that too. We are on good terms, but its so much easier when I don’t have to think about him.
Normal Guy is traveling, he seems too normal….something has got to go wrong soon. :)
Mel, I hope you’re hanging in there.
October 17, 2014 at 10:16 am #369388Cleo
Yeah this weekend is going to be a quiet one for me to. I am hanging with an old gf tonight, then Saturday and Sunday I don’t really know what I have planned. P will be video shooting all weekend long, so I probably won’t have time to see him. I actually have to say I will miss him! Last night he told me he thought he wasn’t going to see me again before we hung out because he looked through my phone and saw guys messaging me, not flirting may I add. I think we both get jealous of each other, and he thought I was moving on from him.
And Mel sounds like you had some FUN ;) and that is always a good way to start the day.
And Harley quiet weekends are always good. You have time to yourself and can do whatever you please.
October 17, 2014 at 10:21 am #369394Harley
Cleo….you meant maria…ya daft git .lol.
If he can flirt with gals..you can have make friends. Don’t tell him you miss him..just wait for him to contact .
P…tell him to grow up.October 17, 2014 at 10:36 am #369399Ana
Harley and Maria: Thank you both so much! I just jumped into this thread because it is the one with the most interaction (no, I’m not going to hijack it, lol), so I thought it would be good to say hello here first and then start my own thread as soon as I feel I’m able to word things out a bit more clearly. Right now I think I’d end up typing out a very long and confusing post, so I may end up leaving it for this evening or tomorrow.
Thanks again. :-*
October 17, 2014 at 11:03 am #369403Mel
I am doing okay, it was just a double wammy of a day yesterday, I also ended up losing the court case against the lady who abused my daughter so I was just well beat down I guess.
I talked to my dad and a few guy friends, who also know “him”, and they all agree that the other girl thing was just an excuse she may or may not exist. They all firmly agree that it is more of a fear thing for him, that because he fell in love with me his feelings scared him. See he lost his wife 4 years ago very suddenly and very tragically and because of that he fears committing to someone because it could happen again. This I do understand, I am the first one he has really loved after her that he could see a life with and it is perfectly understandable that he would have this fear. So now it is just up to him to figure it out either he will or he wont. Cause we really cant control that, we haven’t spoken since “the talk”, but I do fully expect to hear from him because I know his curiosity about me and how I am doing is going to get the best of him, I know he will use the excuse of the court thing to find out how it went since I didn’t let him know yesterday. But like I said, it is all up to him now.
However, just because of this I am not going to wallow, (I may have yesterday and I may tonight also lol) but I still am going to live my life. We had had plans together this weekend to go pumpkin patching, so I am still going to do that with my daughter there is no reason not too even if he isn’t going to be there.October 17, 2014 at 11:51 am #369415celesteannv
I am still floored by all of this. I do realize that he is a little young, maybe you are right about being scared, bu still pretty crappy. Sorry about the court case , but yes. keep things as normal as possible for your daughter and it will keep your mind busy as well.
Welcome Ana.
Harls.. I am waiting for the news reports of the crazy Irishwoman jailed in Germany :)
Grown up weekend for me. Really looking forward to it after the stress last weekend. J texted that dinner is in the crockpot already this a.m. and to call when I hit the main road he lives off of and the martini will be ready when I hit the door. Think we will be hanging with his oldest tomorrow afternoon.. weather is perfect for a drive to see the leaves!
Maria – Is Orlando around for the weekend? Will you see daylight? lolOctober 17, 2014 at 12:23 pm #369422Ana
Thank you, celestannv! :)
October 17, 2014 at 12:34 pm #369427Harley
AWW Mel.. that all sucks. Courts are so unfair at times.
I guess.. time will tell with W.. maybe it IS all bad timing but I don’t know.. strange to mention a girl.. do you know her name or anything… snoop on FB ??? ( bad idea I KNOW )
Celeste.. just for you I will try to get some good stories, but NO arrests !… bet I won’t, now I said it. Saw my dog walking guy again this morn.. he’s starting to talk more.. I wish he didn’t smoke… I can smell him before I see him ! I am trying to study TEFL.. exams are YUK. IF I pass.. will start learning German next.
Ann.. keep your mental and physical distance from ex.. stop letting him use you to do stuff. he HAS to cope on his own. New guy sounds great. I’d be happy with normal !
Ana.. awaiting the story.
October 17, 2014 at 12:54 pm #369438Mel
He doesn’t have a facebook, he doesn’t like social media we kept it totally out of our relationship we were totally old school lol.
W is extreamly honest person really to a fault, I do believe an old friend did contact him, he has had the same number for years. But I think he used it as an excuse because and like my dad said, to be an asshole, if I had anger to him, or was more pissed, in his mind I wouldn’t be so hurt, and he didn’t want to hurt me, and according to my dad and lots of other guys, they think that if they come off as an asshole then we (the girls) might recover easier because we would have anger instead of hurt. But I don’t know I don’t know his thoughts I can only speculate.October 17, 2014 at 1:03 pm #369441Harley
Yes.. I see the logical reasoning re pissing a girl off.. but I just don’t KNOW.. and neither do you.
Assumptions.. can be all wrong at times.
I guess.. this is a case of wait it out and wait for more info from him. Waiting is shit though. But the truth always comes out.
Try to keep busy and pamper yourself.
October 17, 2014 at 1:22 pm #369447Mel
Exactly I don’t know, but I am not going to let that bother me. See I had always had the stance and made sure he knew it is I DONT NEED HIM, I CHOSE HIM. BUT I DONT NEED HIM TO COMPLETE MY LIFE. I have a full life, and I am happy with my life, he was just a part of it not the whole of it. So yeah it sucks, but there is always someone else. If he choses to come back I have a whole set of tricks up my sleeve so he will either step up or not. But either way it is still the same I don’t need him.
October 17, 2014 at 1:35 pm #369450Mel
And the thing is guys are like little children when it comes to curiosity, he is going to get curios about what is going on with me. He doesn’t have any access to my FB to find out and even if he did set up an account to try and find out, he cant because I have everything set to private. Our mutual friends I have made sure to keep conversations brief. So if he and when his curiosity gets the best of him he will reach out, and when he does that then puts all the power back in my hands. And it is going to drive him crazy, I know because I know this guy, he has things at his place that aren’t mine, but will remind him of me everytime. I know he is super attached to me and this is an extream form of the rubberband thing. And I am not worried, I have plans already set for next week with a guy friend. And if it doesn’t work out then there are plenty of other men out there to chose from :-)
October 17, 2014 at 1:40 pm #369452Harley
ha ha ha..loving your attitude. I think a lot the same way about Frank.. but then I forget. BOOHOOHOO. BUT YES.. there ARE more fish in the sea for us.. I’m just not in the market right now for romance. Am looking forward to seeing other mates anyway in Germany. So.. I will make sure all is not lost. There is NOTHING like being surrounded by SECURE male friends that you can drink, hug and have a cuddle with and they WON’T make a pass ! but then again.. THAT WAS FRANK ! ha ha ha.
October 17, 2014 at 2:21 pm #369462maria
Ha, yes Orlando is around… I think we both need a little space though. I’ll be home alone relaxing watching TV (Idol) tonight, and tomorrow I’ll have dinner at a friends place, and he will be out with his guy friends… Sunday he will leave again and be away for 2 weeks… I’d like to see him before that, but it’ll have to be on his initiative…
Celeste, it sounds like you’re going to have a nice cozy night tonight. Enjoy!
Cleo, out with P and in with N.
Harl, OMG if shy little Frank knew about your masochistic plans, he’d go into shock or something…
Ann, perhaps normal is his “wrong”… normal can be soo booring… but yet, it’s faaar better than most other wrongs…
Mel, whatever his real reason for breaking up with you is, his behavior is strange and IMO crappy… it’ll be “interesting” to see what he does next… I hope you get all the clarity you want/need…
October 17, 2014 at 2:33 pm #369463Harley
HA ! Maria.. my jury is STILL out on whether Frank.. shy.. or a player !
Wise move giving O and yourself some space.. reel him in even more !
Ralf has been posting on fb though so I told him to let me know if we are all doing drinks.. fri.. sat.. or both ! guys being guys.. they /he will not let me know until the Fri !
re Mel.. yes.. it will be very interesting over the next while.
October 17, 2014 at 2:39 pm #369467Mel
But he didn’t break up with me ladies, I am the one that ended it or at least it was agreed upon by both of us, I told him if that is what he wanted then fine but he wasn’t going to have me too. I told him I am not going to sit and list my qualities, he already knows them. It was an oddly strange and calm conversation. I think he was expecting some dramatics, but when I didn’t give any that is when he started slipping up and when I know I heard the real reason for this, the excuse was the “girl” to gain dramatics, when I didn’t give that he kept talking and the fear of the commitment came through, and that is when he slipped and told me how much he loves me doesn’t want to lose me and is scared.
That is when I told him he needs to figure himself out and left it at that and haven’t contacted him since.October 17, 2014 at 2:43 pm #369468Harley
Oh yes.. more power to you setting boundaries and not settling for shit. i really do admire your balls. he’ll definately be thinking. I’d LOVE to be a fly on his wall, watching and hearing all.
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