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October 22, 2014 at 3:21 am #370042
Ha ha Maria. ..idk.
I know how to say…how are you..you look good. .how us work. You are speaking with your eyes again ..you say you wish to sleep with me again.
As I said. ..The important stuff !!!
May e .. .I want to say…’ how are you REALLY ???? Everything Ok at home. ..With TOM ???’ Then…I think k I am getting too personal !!! I am NOT going to say the gooey stuff like. …I miss you ! Puke….vomit….sick bag please.
Idk….suggestions are welcome.
October 22, 2014 at 3:31 am #370046Harley
Ok…I thought.
I want to say ‘ we have fun together, right ? I respect you..you respect me. I’d like to see more of you . What do you feel about all if this ?
October 22, 2014 at 6:11 am #370055maria
OK, Harley, here goes…
We have fun together, right? – Wir haben spaß (pronounced spass) zusammen, ne?
I respect you. You respect me. (We respect each other). – Ich habe respekt vor dir. Du hast respekt vor mir. (Wir haben respekt voreinander).
I’d like to see more of you (I’d like to see you more often). – Ich möchte gerne dich öfters (pronounced oefters) sehen.
What do you feel/think about all of this? – Was denkst du über all dies?
Hope that was of help :-D .
It’ll be REALLY interesting to hear his answers…
October 22, 2014 at 7:16 am #370057Harley
THANKS maria…I bet I get the…I’m not sure…it’s not you. . It’s me story !!!
But.. at least I shall know !
It’s time for me to man up !
October 22, 2014 at 9:44 am #370074Sherri
The 38 year old has gone MIA. I am thinking of messaging him tomm if still no news from him …. If he doesn’t reply then when I meet him at the 31st party I will act as if nothing happened. I will then expect him to ask me out again if he really wants to go out ….
I had a guy msg me yesterday on the online site. His profile mentioned “looking for one man woman” so many times and when I asked him about his likes and dislikes, among likes was “loyalty, one man woman etc.” and in dislikes was “liars, cheaters etc.” so I asked him if he was cheated on in his previous relationship. He answered “yes” and then asked me if I wanted to get to know him further. I was already feeling his negativity so I replied back to him “I have always been loyal and never cheated. But the amount of time you have mentioned one man woman in both your profile and replies make me believe that you are not over your hurt yet and not moved on. Because of this you will bring the shadow and pain of it into your new relationship and expect your woman to prove her loyalty even if she has given you no reason to doubt her. That while I am looking for someone special, this is way too much negativity and not what I am looking for. So better luck in your search.”
I know I did not owe him an explanation but I just did not want to faze out on him. What do you think ladies, did I handle that properly?? Anyway there was no way I was going to date him at all. Too much negativity IMO. Even if a person has been cheated on – Celeste were you? The fact that most of his replies consist of that IMO means he is not healed yet and so not really ready to be in a relationship. Just trying to analyse as I am building my guydar and checking out how to check for RED FLAGS.
On another note – landlord checking out contractors in earnest and he said he may come by this weekend to see what he can do for my flooring. I have started a course but not in a mood to study at all … yup I totally suck!! Right now besides 38 year old, no other guys on the horizon whom I want to date. P and FWB don’t count. FWB sent me his availability for next week and week after … have given him two tentative dates as I am waiting for my ex to get back to me re the kids. FWNB still on bed rest so my TV is still broken :(
October 22, 2014 at 9:50 am #370076Harley
Sherri. ..I would not have bothered replying to him at all with your explanation. Re 38 yr old. .so d’s like he is pulling a fade and will not even be at the party on the 31st.time to Gill that ledger up again I think. Am glad landlord us getting g the finger out….that means doing some work. Yep…studying us hard as we get out of student mode. What you studying ????
October 22, 2014 at 9:52 am #370077Harley
Sounds like he is pulling a fade
October 22, 2014 at 10:02 am #370080Sherri
Hmmm on 2nd thoughts I will not msg 38 year old … he knows how to contact me. I RSVPd for the party and plan to go there and have a blast. The group is fun and he was fun too whether we date or not …
I do not understand LinkedIn at all and so joined a free 6 week online course to teach me the ins and outs of it. Here a lot of recruiting is done via LinkedIn so it will benefit to know about it …
Also a heads up ladies that there are courses on cousera which are free which will teach you things that you may want to know about and its all free ….
October 22, 2014 at 10:39 am #370084Harley
Thanks for the tip. I am trying to brush up on German without paying for a course ! Man. .LinkedIn. ..I go on it now and then but not a great fan myself. Yep…wait it out re 38 yr old. Maybe he busy…maybe he not interested…time shall tell.
October 22, 2014 at 1:14 pm #370108celesteannv
Hi ladies.. been focusing on new work stuff, but already finding some major red flags.. ugghh. How is it that I had a great job and relationship sucked and now vice-versa? Trying to determine why my “ahole radar” which is usually spot on, is off in this sense.
Seems that CEO hires people on his own (like me) and does not follow through on promises. And welcome to PA .. right to work state means that a company can let you go at any time for any reason. No work contracts here.
Looking at trying to get some freelancing jobs lined up to work on at night and am going back to the job hunting well.Sherri, yes ex H cheated and frankly was the most jealous person. Funny that he and his mom and his sister all did the same.. Plan B set up while still dealing with Plan A. We had not slept together in years as alcohol impaired performance, so not sure what they did together. I still felt hurt as we were supposedly trying to “work” on our marriage while he was seeing her.
It did take me a long time to trust again and while I was not one to be needy, it took a long time for me to let a man get close to me.
I feel pretty health on this issue as J dated ALOT and knows a ton of women. On the other end, he has never given me a reason to question him.
PS would def wait out the 38 yr old
PPS – I use linkedin quite a bit an find it a good networking tool.Harls.. do they do Halloween in Germany like we do in US.. a big F dealy? You coudl get a horse and ride into the pub as Lady Godiva
Maria – how many languages do you know?
October 22, 2014 at 1:22 pm #370113Harley
Celeste. ..I’m confused. DO you have a job or has he let you go ???? Germans barely celebrate Halloween I think…..but I’ll make them. I like the idea of the horse but my hair is short. I am NOT letting all my jiggly bits hang out !!
October 22, 2014 at 1:39 pm #370121celesteannv
I am still working but it seems shaky and people are very negative and he has fired two people without reason in the last 4 months. Not sleeping due to this.. but good new is have had time to apply to a couple of positions and reach out to past freelance clients.
You need to get a long blond wig to wrap around ya! I had a great red one last year.. halfway down my back when I went to a party as Jessica Rabbit.. J said that was the night he knew we had to be exclusive – cause “I wasn’t bad,.. I was just drawn that way” :)
October 22, 2014 at 2:11 pm #370133Harley
Ha ha ha…I never thought of a wig ! !
Bummer about the job…yep…keep looking for a new one.I am going to be sooooo overdressed ..but I do t care . I’m also gonna look sooo Sexy !
October 22, 2014 at 4:23 pm #370175Cleo
You go Harley, I love to always be dressed sexy!
So update on P. We hung out these past two days, and we got in a fight last night, which was all due to his part.So, today he is like I need space, and I said if you want to continue dating you let me know by Friday. And he said oh so you have better prospects out there LOL. I’ll let him make the decision, and if he breaks it off it is single time, and I will be posting on Facebook Single and ready to mingle LOL.
October 22, 2014 at 4:32 pm #370177Harley
Oh No…..you gave him an ultimatum
!!!!..I hope I don’t see a fb single status !!!! How are you feeling ?? Was it a stupid argument or one worth having ????
It’s a red fishtail lace dress too !!!! SUPER sexy.
October 22, 2014 at 4:43 pm #370178Cleo
Now he is saying he is sorry, but I’ll wait till Friday to see what happens. I am already drinking I am so mad.
October 22, 2014 at 4:44 pm #370179Cleo
It was an argument worth having! And red is my favorite color looks good on us brunettes!
October 22, 2014 at 4:57 pm #370182Harley
Don’t talk to him when drinking. This will only get worse. At least he’s trying to kiss and make up. Stop drinking and talk to him with a clear head tomorrow….I bet he has only have a clue…If even !!! Of what he’s done wrong.
Men! Meh !
October 23, 2014 at 2:13 am #370230maria
Harl, for how long will you stay in Germany?
Celeste, sorry to hear about your new job… sometimes “hard times” leads to new (better) oppotunities though… keep your eyes open and… keep looking…
I love the “I’m not bad… I’m just drawn that way”… and I can totally see you as Jessica…
I speak English, German, French, Spanish and Swedish.
Sherri, perhaps 38 yr old is a bit off after the marathon… regardless, you’ll get clarity re his level of interest when you see him at that party…
Cleo, to be honest, it almost seems like you want him “out of your life” (or that you’re fine either way) (and that’s not a bad thing)…
October 23, 2014 at 3:05 am #370237Harley
I’m there for 6 days..but only 4 nights with the guys…For the last 2 I go to visit another friend.i get in Thurs. ..plan on spending Thurs night on my own at the hotel. .A few quiet drinks. I will message Ralf to see about meeting up Friday night…Frank I will NOT message…I have done enough chasing. I will see if I can get Michels phone no right and call him too..He is best mates with Frank..If I see ANY of them Friday…that will decide plans for Saturday…maybe none of them will turn up..ha ha ha.. wow. . You know a lot of languages. I only know a wee bit of French and German
October 23, 2014 at 6:12 am #370262maria
Well, I love talking/communicating… and besides, English and German are similar to Swedish, and Spanish is similar to French, so if you know one it’s not that hard to learn another… it’s not like learning Chinese or anything…
What ever happens… I think you’ll have a great time in Germany (and I wanna hear every detail)…
Frank… I will be really disappointed if he doesn’t show up… so I can imagine how you’d feel… I do wonder what goes through his head right now…
October 23, 2014 at 6:22 am #370263Harley
Ha ha ha….YOU wonder…my head is fried ! !!! Although….I am keeping busy and trying bit to think. I BET he’s wondering….can I get her back in bed ! Then again…He is VERY self Controlled…so maybe he thinking he’s not interested. A few days shall tell. I think…He will not let me know he is coming out…He shall just turn up …like last time.he will be confused why I am not contacting him.
But…what’s the point if me assuming anything. Another 8 or 9 days shall tell. But…I don’t know whether to wear my red dress the Friday night or Saturday night. Decisions. Decisions !
October 23, 2014 at 6:24 am #370264Harley
And yes.. I shall be disappointed if he is not mature enough to try to salvage a friendship at least.
October 23, 2014 at 6:57 am #370267maria
Hmm… if you text/speak to Ralf on Thursday, you will know more about Fri/Sat, and what day to wear the red dress…
No, there’s no point in assuming anything, but being prepared and “ahead” is always a good idea…
October 23, 2014 at 7:00 am #370268maria
AND… HA, 1000 comments… we should celebrate…
It certainly is a record in here… and I’m pretty sure it would be in most other forums too…
Yay us, yay ANM and yay to love, life and guys and to never stop talking about it and them…
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