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October 23, 2014 at 7:17 am #370271
Wayheh…amen to all you said. I’ve learned sooo much from here.
October 23, 2014 at 11:14 am #370296Ann
Group hug. :)
Normal Guy is traveling this week, and he and a coworker were driving through the oil fields yesterday, going to a construction site (he’s a pipeline inspector)…..anyway. He called me while driving and put me on speaker phone and said he just wanted to say hi. So, I had a conversation with him and his coworker. The coworker obviously had been told all kinds of things about me. He knew where I worked, where I was from, joked with me a bit about how he would close his ears for a while if I wanted to say anything private to Normal Guy…… There was lots of laughing, and I’m definitely getting the impression this guy is really normal. Could it be they were driving to a casino? Horse Track? Crack House? That’s the way my life usually goes! Ha
October 23, 2014 at 11:24 am #370298Sherri
Or may be going to set up the TV at a girl’s house, Ann ;)
My FWNB is much better and coming to set up my TV tomm. I had not seen my little one (3 year old) since Saturday morning so when I saw her yesterday she was getting a lot of kisses from me till she was running away to stop my kissing. She is a little minx and got a big mouth on her. I keep telling her that she has lost the chubbiness in her cheeks because she talks too much and now she tells that to everyone she meets LOL
I haven’t seen FWB for two weeks now and I guess I am missing the action. But now I am on my period so it doesn’t matter anyways. I gave him my availability as the 31st during the day … should be done by then … lets see what he comes back with.
October 23, 2014 at 12:25 pm #370304Ann
Ha…..Sherri…good one.
Sex is just plain fun, it just is. I can’t seem to untangle it from emotions like you can Sherri. I wish I had that ability!!
October 23, 2014 at 1:37 pm #370317Harley
Serena says to say a big HI to you all. Especially Maria. She enquired about Orlando ! She has been overbusy with work of late.
I got fitted for underwear in my red lace dress and the zipper broke… I bet it will break again in Germany and I don’t get to wear it !
Mike.. is still trying to post about me on FB……. saying he had a “reason” ( me) for going to the bar where I worked. Ah.. God loves a guy who tries ! I had mentioned I’d be back in Germany next week. On another post I mentioned I liked hugging good looking Germans so he will get the hint if he is Fb snooping.
Ann.. this is GREAT. He’s telling his mates about you ! WOOHOO !
Sherri.. get that leger sheet filled again !
I am thinking of replying to a guy that messaged me on pof.. but think I will wait till I come back from Germany… I sorta am booked up this weekend with family, last minute stuff so no point in seeing him then. No idea what he look like. but he’s 43, 6 ft and work in a lab about 10 miles from me.
October 23, 2014 at 1:47 pm #370322Sherri
For me I am sure I would be very emotionally involved with FWB if I saw a future with him in anyway. But right from the 1st time I met him, when he told me that he lives with his parents, I knew I couldn’t go there again (had done that with my ex) and so I actually told him that I did not find a future with him.
But I was quite upset when I went home as I was quite attracted to him and totally drawn to his personality. So I messaged him again just to say hi and he told me that he would really like to date me. I told him ok as long as it is casual. Right at the beginning I had put sex off the table. And he was ok with it. When we met and made out and stuff, he was very patient with me as I had a lot of barriers that he had to bring down. I am actually quite grateful to him for that as I did not even realise that time that I needed that patience. It took me almost 3+months to even be ready to have sex with him.
I remember being upset as he was seeing other girls. We had not had the exclusivity talk. And when he told me a week after we met twice that he had met this girl and they had made out, I was like ok that’s fine but I am not comfortable fooling around with someone who may be fooling around with someone else. I am not telling you not to do, its just that then in that case I will back out. He thought over it and decided to stick with me for whatever reason and not go with that other girl. He had a kind of a make out/blow job thing with her (no sex). When I asked him why he did that he was like you are way better than her in all aspects so I rather stick with you LOL. That was a total ego boost to me. And I had never given him a blow job …. RFOL
During the time that we have been “casually dating” (that’s what he calls it), he has dated 2 other girls but just met them a couple of times. I remember becoming needy etc as once he had made plans with them and he did not have time for me. I also remember there being a time when he was really busy at work and him wanting to spend the one day that he had off by himself and me becoming really upset. So yeah I went thru all the needy, upset phases.
I have met his parents, dined and had lunch with them, met his sister, few cousins, uncle, gone for a family event as his friend. But both he and I know we are not in a “relationship”. But it also helped me keep my perspective as I knew that I would never want a future with him and the possibility of him moving out of his parents house is quite nil. And knowing about his previous relationships which were actually just an FWB with a title helped me distance myself emotionally.
Plus in the summer he was way too busy that we did not meet at all. Then I started dating P and me being with P helped me flush out the hormones from my system with FWB. So I guess now that we have been “together” for almost 11 months, my hormones have settled down and its no big deal if I don’t see him. Actually I find that he is ideal for me as I can date and meet other guys while having my physical needs met.
What used to annoy me was his texting habits where he used to not reply to my texts for days till I sent him a reminder. But as soon as I told him that that was not acceptable behaviour, he has made a point to reply to me. We don’t text much, just about schedules or cancellations or meetings but he agreed that that was his fault and is ok with replying to my texts or texting his schedule so we can co-ordinate.
He is a very nice guy and someone I can totally be myself with and someone whom I find indulges me and makes me feel beautiful and really accomplished (sex wise) though I am totally winging it. An added plus is that he is great at making me scream ;) that always helps LOL
October 23, 2014 at 2:06 pm #370329Phoebe
Nothing much to contribute, other than I am enjoying sending a few sexy texts to my man while we’re both buried to our eyeballs at work……..and he’s reciprocating rather nicely, and upped the ante a bit.
Just brightened the Hell up on MY day. ;)
October 23, 2014 at 2:10 pm #370330Harley
Hope he keeps “IT” up… the texts as well !
October 23, 2014 at 2:15 pm #370332Phoebe
Now I want to go through my phone and look at “special pictures” I have locked. Ha ha!
And he’d better keep EVERYTHING up, or I’m going to kick his ass. ;-)I’m getting excited for you and your Germany trip, Harls!
October 23, 2014 at 2:26 pm #370335Harley
Yea.. I’m getting slowly excited. NOT there YET. Just trying NOT to think of him and have NO expectations. Right now,,, I just want the zipper of that dress NOT to break in Germany.
October 23, 2014 at 2:34 pm #370339Cleo
So P and I broke up last night then this morning he is all wanting it to work out, he just needs some space for a little while….. whatever that means.
Back burner guy said he will meet up with me Saturday, he is so cute, so maybe something will come from there. He is just a slow as hell texter.
It is hard going through this emotional turmoil with P. I am just not going to contact him anymore until he contacts me again.
October 23, 2014 at 2:41 pm #370340Sherri
Cleo I would suggest you just tell him that you need some space from him and that he not contact you. Tell him that you cannot do this breaking up getting back together thing. That you need some space from him for you and that if he cares for you, he will respect your request. This will help you gain some perspective and help you go no contact. As you cannot go no contact if he keeps contacting you and it will get all ur emotions tangled up and you will not be able to move on.
I guess since you are officially “single” you can go meet up with back burner guy :)
October 23, 2014 at 2:48 pm #370343Harley
Cleo.. I’d do as Sherri says. you and P can not keep bouncing back and forwards like pingpong.
October 23, 2014 at 3:01 pm #370347Harley
Well.. I’ve just gone crazy messaging 2 guys on POF. One.. I mentioned already and another. I decided.. what the hell !
October 23, 2014 at 4:31 pm #370373Cleo
Oh I told him I’d give him space, and omg Harley I was on okcupid last night just for the hell of it, and this guy was hot and so I gave him my number. First thing he says is I want something casual dtf. I said no thank you!.
And yeah back burner guy driving me crazy because he takes forever to text back, but you know he probably busy doing other stuff. But Saturday i’m going with all my guy friends to the local bar where there are hotties. And he is supposed to be there. I will be looking hot for him, or any other guy that peaks my interest.
And yeah I am giving him his space nc for me with him. I just need to stop thinking about P, it is so annoying uhg!
October 23, 2014 at 4:35 pm #370374Ann
Sherri, your story is interesting. When I think about many of us on this forum, I can see how many are growing and learning, just in the very short time I have “been” here. Others are more wise, and have seen their share of rodeos. I am just thankful for all of you. Seriously, thank you.
Then of course there are the ones that come here, post a horror story and vanish, not really wanting to hear advice. I learn from them too.
October 23, 2014 at 4:36 pm #370375Harley
Yep.. me trying to not think of frank.
ONE pof guy is texting back.. but that’s all it sounds like.. just passing time. i am not overly interested,.
Relax on N not texting.. some guys are crap at it. you want too much, too soon and all your own way ! ha ha ha !
October 23, 2014 at 4:39 pm #370376Cleo
You are right Harley! I do want to much to soon all my way LOL. I’m acting like a serial dater right now haha. I think it is just to get P off my mind. I relate so much with you and Frank. It is so hard to get these guys out of our minds!
October 23, 2014 at 4:48 pm #370378Harley
YUP.. gonna wash that man right out of my hair !
Bloody easier said than done !
yes.. I like things my own way too.. but I am learning to compromise.
I’m gonna flirt my ass off in Germany !
October 23, 2014 at 4:55 pm #370380Cleo
Yes it is easier said than done, and I am going to flirt my ass off this weekend LOL. And, you better flirt it and get it in Germany, girl I know you can do it (:
October 23, 2014 at 7:14 pm #370399Mel
Im sorry ladies for not being on here much the last week or so. As you know have been going through a lot, but I am okay :-) I started a new dance class so I am in actual physical pain lol
Anyway, he has contacted me some over the last week and has asked to meet so we are meeting this Saturday to talk, I don’t know how it is going to go, but we will see :-)
October 23, 2014 at 7:16 pm #370401Ann
Sending hugs Mel…..communication is not a bad thing, at least one conversation to understand what occurred.
October 23, 2014 at 7:36 pm #370404Phoebe
I was wondering how you were doing, Mel, but didn’t want to pry….
Hope Saturday goes “well”. xoxo
October 23, 2014 at 7:48 pm #370406Cleo
So Maria and Harley were right, back burner guy (N) said he had a lot of errands to run today, and he had a wild night out last night. That is why it took so long to text me.
He said he definitely wants to kick it and wants to take me to a Blues game which is the hockey league in my state.
I said next week we should go for drinks, and that I was definitely down for the Blues game.
I haven’t even thought of P, since N has been contacting me, so maybe this can turn into something more. *fingers crossed*
And, Sherri you were right the going back and forth together is to draining. I will give him his space and see my own guys at the same time.
October 23, 2014 at 8:46 pm #370411mel
I have actually been good thinking on things and spending time with friends and on me. Colored my hair different and started a belly dancing class :-)
I also through him through a loop today when he texted me lol
He asked if we could get together next week I said next week is pretty booked the weekend is completely out and I have things going on during the week so he asked about Saturday I said ok he then asked what time and where I wanted to go so I just did simple 1 the marina he then said oh I thought I would take you out to lunch but if that’s what you want to do then that sounds fun I said ok see you then he then said I hope you have a good night and looking forward to seeing you and I just said you too
All of his texts had winky faces and smiling faces so I think he’s interested -
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