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August 12, 2014 at 2:36 pm #358895
I totally agree with Serena and Harley – Vi, you are STRONG and you have a lot of willpower too, and that’s a GREAT combination…
So sorry Sherri. I have to say, just like Vi you’re super strong too. Like Harl said, new date already… and LOL to “the least he could do was provide me with sex till the time my pack was done” – that’s the spirit (joking about it already), you go girl.
Serena, I basically eat the Atkin’s diet, but with more carbs than recommended, cause I don’t eat it to lose weight, I eat it because (IMO) it’s healthy.
I work out 3 hours a week on a vibration plate (it’s mainly used by people with injuries, but can be used for normal workouts too). It doesn’t make you lose weight or build muscle mass in any way, it just strengthens, tones and tightens your whole body.
I do other stuff too, like dancing, tennis, skiing etc, but only sporadically and for fun.
If I’d want to lose weight I’d cut down on the carbs and start doing something fat burning (walking, running, cycling or simular).
If I’d want to build muscles, I’d eat more protein and lift weights…
Feel free to ask if you have more questions…
August 12, 2014 at 3:33 pm #358923Violet
Before I go any further – on the nutrition front; I will say that to lose weight you either need to lower carbs, or lower fat. Both are viable options to lose weight.
The difference is your metabolic framework. Some people do really badly on a low fat diet; some do really badly on a low carb diet (me). Low carb diets can be very oestrogenic, so if you have hormonal imbalances (like I do), low carb can be a death knell (and nearly was for me).
I’ve made two documentaries about low carb diets and I know they definitely do work for some people, but personally a low fat diet works a lot better.
Maria: I follow the dietary advice of an eminent endocrinologist called Dr. Ray Peat. If was his work that made me discover I had oestrogen dominance, and it’s his topical progesterone I use. He recommends a low fat diet – fruit, eggs, shellfish, red meat, low starch. He recommends eating a lot of bone broth or supplementing gelatine (sounds weird, I know) – which I do. It’s amazing for hair. I don’t drink or smoke, don’t eat wheat, soy or vegetable oils, and the only “junk food” i might eat is homemade ice cream.
Most people will say that weight is about diet, but for me my weight is pretty rock solid. WHen I up my exercise I rally start to get in shape. I used to lift weights, but now it’s just yoga six times a week.
Serena, it might help to know what your diet and activity is currently?
August 12, 2014 at 3:42 pm #358928Violet
On the me being strong front… oh girls.. thanks. I think everyone is strong, in their own way though. Co-dependent people are actually very strong, because they live through such terrible pain all the time. But people who have too much self respect to be treated badly are also strong. I know it sounds strange, but even suicide requires an extreme amount of strength.
Sometimes I get scared that my life is not moving forward; and that makes me think that all this self-awareness is pointless. But when I’m in good frames of mind, I can see how my life is developing; and I AM learning… albeit slowly ;)
In other news… I met S. today. He was at the yoga studio at the same time as me. We chatted for about 20 mins, then I made myself scarce. I found him boring actually… still talking about the exact same stuff he was talking about when we were together. (He asked me if I’d gotten his text and I cut him off). Not really sure how I feel about it right now.
August 12, 2014 at 4:27 pm #358962Harley
Cutting him off is excellent… you took control, saw through his shite, took a stand and enforced a boundary. WAYHEH !
I think… we all think we are standing still at times. Sometimes we can’t see the wood for the trees, then we forge oour way through it.. we eihter get innner strngth and momentum .. or help from others.. or both.
Vi.. we’re ALL coming along in leaps and bounds… YOU definately.
Time will tell how you feel about him… BORED… is GREAT for a start !
August 12, 2014 at 4:33 pm #358966Violet
Thanks Harley <3
But.. oh, I feel so sick right now. I just stalked him on FB. He has a new girlfriend! I know I shouldn’t care but.. I feel sick.
Kind of shows what a true he is though… still contacting me; asking me to meet him… touching my arm tenderly in the studio today. When he has a gf. Ugh. I wish I never had to see him again.
August 12, 2014 at 4:46 pm #358973Harley
WOW ! THE FUCKIN RAT ! GOBSHITE ! FB is hard to take i know… but in hindsight this could be the best thing that happened…. FINAL nail in the coffin for you… as you say… gobeen !
DEFO time to move on now. Don’t even let him know you were stalking.. he’ll love it.
Just ignore from now on.
August 12, 2014 at 6:21 pm #359016Violet
Do you know what’s weird? We’re not friends on FB, and I never found his page before today (I looked.. many times :P)
I actually think the Universe was protecting me from finding out.. I don’t think I could have coped with it before today.
You what the worst thing is… I just did another really i-depth stalk (I know, I know) – I stalked his gf, mother and brother… and I discovered that he’s been going out with her since we broke up! WTF? He’s been contacting me relentlessly every since we broke up… and the whole time he had a gf?
I’m actually mad at myself that I wasted so much time (a year!!!) on some guy that was such a rat. Talk about terrible judgement.
August 12, 2014 at 6:23 pm #359017Violet
And he actually had the cheek today to tell me that he “wasn’t in a good head space” – looking for sympathy (which I didn’t give him) – ARRRGH! I’m such an idiot.
August 12, 2014 at 6:27 pm #359018Raven
These days when I run into Mr. Mad Cow, I kind of wretch with WTF was I thinking!
August 12, 2014 at 6:38 pm #359019Violet
Lol :D nice to see you Raven ;)
I was thinking about this earlier. I cam away thinking “What did I ever see in him?” I wonder… are we blinded by attraction? And (in my case) – desperation?
I think this is a really timely reminder that I should be A LOT more selective before accepting dates with people ;)
August 12, 2014 at 8:29 pm #359030Sherri
The guy had to cancel as a last min client meeting came up. At least this guy has some kind of career. He wanted to meet after but I said rain check. Today I went for physio n the physio guy told me I look very vibrant n happy. I guess that’s how I look when I’m pissed. So beware if I look happy actually I’m quite pissed.
On another note, we were dating for 2.5 months (slept together for 1.5 months). Do U think I would have a grieving process to go thru??
Also I remember talking to him about a week ago that if we ever broke up, we could still continue being friends and he said yes for sure. Again I think it was my 6th sense rearing its head. And then he didn’t even have the balls to meet and break up or even break up on the phone.
August 13, 2014 at 1:04 am #359058Violet
Sherri, tbh you’re being rude. I dont mind people sharing and the thread digressing but you’ve just come in and haven’t even acknowledged me. If you’re not even going to feign interest in the original poster, start your own thread.
August 13, 2014 at 3:38 am #359067Harley
Hi Vi.. I think I DO get blinded by attraction. THEN.. when the honeymoon period is over.. I see the REAL person. DID you and S date often enough to get past honeymoon stage ??? Yes.. we are blinded by desperation.. I am.. I married my ex hubby due to it.. was sick of being a single mother on my own.
I think we ALL look at ex’s and think WTF…. pass the sick bucket. I ALSO think we are all gettting an AWFUL lot better at spotting RED FLAGS !
I think this guy is a MASTER at being a right piece of work and you COULD never HAVE SEEN through it all. I think you beating yourself up a bit too much here. Look.. how you had THE SENSE NOT to go back to him.. you could have been leading a double life( the other woman) at this stage.
A MASSIVE bullet well dodged as the American say !
August 13, 2014 at 4:29 am #359081Violet
Thanks Harley <3 That means a lot. Yes, he’s a master manipulator… and I was also incredibly vulnerable and damaged when we met. It was a disaster waiting to happen (for me).
To be honest I’m pretty upset about it. I only slept for two hours last night. I’m kind of in shock. There were so many photos of the two of them – within two months of them meeting she was going to weddings and family gatherings with him. Now they play in a band together… When we were together he wanted me to sing on some of his tracks. And the weird thing is… but the girl isn’t that pretty. She’s really young, but kind of trashy looking. When we were together, S. made it pretty clear that I was the best looking woman he’d been with. I don’t know why I wasn’t enough to make the gf status on Facebook. We were seeing each other for longer and he didn’t even introduce me to a single friend or want to call me his GF. It was like I was his dirty secret. He never intended on being my bf… I can see that now.
See… this is why I don’t think I’m strong. Things like this really knock me. Some people can just let it run off their backs.
August 13, 2014 at 4:29 am #359083Violet
How’s the book going Harley? x
August 13, 2014 at 4:39 am #359085Harley
Yup. I’m a run off my back type of girl.
You are analysing stuff here, to which you wil get NO answers.. I used to do it too.. lack of self-confidence for me.. the ” why wasn’t I enough” , “what did I do wrong””if only I didn’t talk so much ” etc etc etc. I beleived all the verbal abuse my family gave me about being abnormal, mentally unhinged ( I am completely btw. Ha ha ha ha …NOT !)
YOU KNOW it’s not you ! DEEP down you DO. YOU .. JUST don’t BELIEVE IT. Even though you once thought it.. he and you weren’t a good fit.
I think it all comes back to.. changing your self-beliefs, thought process, confidence , self-esteem, the VIBE as you say.
I read your posts on FB.. and YOU come across as SOOOOO clued in and confident with your yoga and film stuff, you ARE really happy in your own skin about this stuff.. so how come you can’t transfer THAT oozing of self worth, career wisse.. TO YOURSELF !
ARE YOU hanging out with friends/associates that compliment you and buck you UP all the time… or ARE the majority.. moaning, negative minnies. I know you have talked about cutting people out of youtr life.. you MAYBE need to culivate a WHOLE new set of friends.. maybe NOT.. you TELL ME !
August 13, 2014 at 4:43 am #359086Harley
Book slightly disappointed.. as in a lot of taking ages to get to the point I thought. And.. a lot like the stuff I read on other posts/from authors/Eric/Sabrina.Some very good salient points and tips though.
I do think I assess men too quick, see ONLY the good and trust too easy, give the benefit of the doubt. So.. I will monitor that trait inme and try to reel it in.
I DID… lean back and take my time with German, saw red flags.. but STILL trusted… that’s the auld romantic in me ! I HAVE learned.. am not anywhere near as hurt as i was with Mike… considering , technically I have gone for 2 men, the 1st time in 7 yrs.. and somewhat been rejected by both ( I know it’s them.. not me!).. I AM GRAND. just DANDY.
But yes.. I will read book over and over again. Thnaks a million for it.
August 13, 2014 at 6:41 am #359096Sherri
I apologize Vi. I’m glad to see the new u. Had missed ur advice on these threads. I will butt out now.
August 13, 2014 at 7:29 am #359106maria
I totally agree you (anyone) should choose a diet that fits them/that makes them feel good.
I do agree with a lot of what Ray Peat says (but not all).
You said “low carb diets can be very estrogenic”, and I wonder HOW… cause IMO a low carb/high fat diet balances your hormones…
(Also, if you check out just one of the hormones I was talking about earlier, let it be melatonin) (a deficiency of melatonin almost always results in high estrogen, and low melatonin almost always means low progesterone).
As for your ex and you not letting go of him – sometimes it’s right to act on your feelings, and sometimes it’s not. Sometimes we need to tell ourselves that what we are doing/what we are feeling, is wrong, ridiculous and a waste of time and emotions – and simply snap out of it. I think it’s time for you to do that right now… just be DETERMIND to NOT LET HIM or what he did or what he does AFFECT YOU anymore.
August 13, 2014 at 8:25 am #359110Serena
Morning ladies,
Lots of interesting things to reply to :) heading to a meeting. B.o.r.i.n.g
Hope you’re all well. Vi I read you didn’t sleep well :( I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time.
I’ll be back later to reply properly.August 13, 2014 at 2:13 pm #359180Violet
Hi girls <3
I’m absolutely shattered after two hours sleep and a full day teaching yoga :P Don’t have the brainpower to write much now.. only that I love you guys! Really appreciate all your wisdom and advice… and I love how this thread is just a few of us chatting about what’s going on with us. Please keep sharing.
On that note – Sherri, you don’t need to “butt out” <3 I was just like “WTF – is she ignoring me?!” ;) How are you doing today?
More from me tomorrow. Lots of love and a hug <3
August 14, 2014 at 1:57 am #359244maria
Please, take care of yourself honey <3
Looking forward to hear from you and the other girls <3
August 14, 2014 at 3:23 am #359250Harley
Well. I’m alive and well. Presume you all are ! busy , busy househunting.
All else.. boring ! Been looking at dating site but no one taking my interest.
I have to behave for a few months now and get money back in the bank.. so no gallivanting off to strange countries I think. BOOHOOHOO !
August 14, 2014 at 3:54 am #359259Violet
Hey girls, I feel terrible today unfortunately. I think I’m in shock.
I understand now what that article meant when it said that people with low self worth take a lot longer to get over breakups. I think I value myself so little; and then comparing how he is treating this girl (he is plastering pictures of them all over the internet), compared to how he treated me, just seems to validate this low self worth… like I don’t believe I deserve better.
I don’t know if I’m processing anymore… I don’t even know what I’m crying about.
Harl, to answer your question – yes, I’m gradually wedding out all the people who don’t love and cherish me, and in general I think I’m starting to learn how to implement boundaries. This thread has been very helpful – since I started it I’ve become really aware of how I throw myself at people energetically… and I am trying to stop doing it, and to notice when people try to infiltrate my boundaries. It’s difficult, but I’m definitely learning.
Regarding how I present myself career-wise on FB. It’s true… I do feel quite confident in my career. I stopped struggling about three months ago – I decided to start going with the flow – and things have taken off for me in that time! So I really trust the Universe is working things out for me.
I can’t seem to apply this to my love life though. I never want to take the opportunities that come my way. In a way, this most recent pain seems to have been part of the flow. Maybe trusting that I am meant to be feeling this will help me process it, and not hold on.
Maria, do you think there’s some kind of energy / healing work I could do to help me with this? I’m actually a reiki master, but I’ve never found reiki a long term help.
Re. the high fat diets balancing your hormones: for me it was the opposite. When I was high fat, that’s when my hormones really went off the scale (started mentsruating every two weeks, SEVERE insomnia, even more severe depression).
August 14, 2014 at 4:07 am #359264Harley
Hi Vi.. lots of love.
I know it’s hard to see the pics.. but it’s shock therapy alright. God knows if it will last with her, but it doesn’t matter.
Rejection is hard to take and you are not coping well with it.. I do. thank god. I just TRUST that even though I can’t see it NOW.. the guy wasn’t right for me.
I CAN see now, M wasn’t for me, but Frank.. It was soo magical, I’m NOT there ..yet.. but I AM TRUSTING, he was either NOT for me, or it will work out in time.. the ” go with the flow attitude”
LOGICALLY… I think you know, S not for you.. it’s emotionally you are not coping well. Would you go to the doctor and talk, or try some counselling ???
OH>> I FEEL FOR YOU ! If only we had a magic pill to make us get over them, without all this heartache.
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