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August 14, 2014 at 4:42 am #359272
Thank you Harl <3
You know, weirdly, since writing the message, I suddenly feel a lot better! I think it was reading the “listen to sabrina” thread. I feel comforted knowing that we all go through this sometimes.It’s just never happened to me before.
I’ll probably vacillate up and down but I think when I feel bad are the moments when I am giving all my power away. I need to keep reminding myself that he’s a fucked up asshole who wove me into his web, and I had the good sense not to get more entangled. He is plastering pictures of this girl all over FB and still contacts me. Says it all.
August 14, 2014 at 4:48 am #359275Harley
THAT’S the attitude Vi.
I thought that thread great.
Ad yes.. you willbe up and down for a while
I bet in mths.. the pics will have disappeared.
Block him from Fb. best thing Mike did to me..allowed me to heal. now he has unblocked me.. I never look. did once.. that was all that was needed. He “re-friended .. AGAIN” his ex.. was all I needed to see.
August 14, 2014 at 8:32 am #359297Serena
I’m back. Ok, I’m going to reply in order of posts.
Re: Nutrition – I count my calories through an app on my phone, I don’t eat wheat bec of an intolerance and minimal dairy. Bec of a medical illness – I’ve not been as active as I have been in the past and I think that’s what’s bothering me because I know that I need to exercise but at the moment it’s a bit difficult. So to make sure I’m still losing -I’ve started to watch my diet as they say it’s 70-80 per cent diet and 20-30 per cent exercise. Thank you for sharing your diets and exercise regimes ladies.
Maria – I want to lose weight and tone up. I’m not ‘fat’ per se, just not where I’d like to be weight wise. I suppose yea it is for health reasons and I won’t lie I’m being vain too. ;)
Ok moving on…
Vi – With regard to FB stop looking at his, I think you know this too. It will only make you feel worse and then you’ll wonder – why, what happened, what an ass, etc…He is a coward in my opinion. But like the saying goes we can only control our own actions and not others. Perhaps he posts all those pictures not bec he is happier with this new girl but it’s like self validation to himself that he is with someone else and so his family and friends can see too. You turned him down and rightly so. He has issues of his own he needs to deal with. Bec jumping into a relationship right after you’ve broken up with someone isn’t always the answer. So it’s like he’s created an insta-relationship for himself maybe to move on, maybe to forget…you were probably the best thing that happened to him. Stop crying over a man that doesn’t deserve your tears and your energy. (I know that sounded harsh but not my intention at all <3)I think it may help if you took all that new found knowledge you have and try and forget the past, that part of your life is over. I know it’s easier said then done and this is your life and experience not mind. Don’t think of your time with S as wasted. It’s time that you invested on learning about yourself and relationships so that you are more ready to meet that man that deserves you the amazing Violet. :) I truly believe in metaphysics and like attracts like and positive energy and the universe’s messages. I know you believe this too. Try reading some of Mastin Kipp’s stuff. He sends out a newsletter everyday called the ‘The Daily Love’ when I was down, I read his stuff a lot. It relates to everything in life not just relationships. (Eric this isn’t a relationship forum plug – just a nice to read pick me up.)
August 14, 2014 at 9:38 am #359310maria
Serena, can you power walk? Walking is great IMO, and it gives you super nice and strong legs and butt… It’s actually good for your mood too, it is/can be meditative, and like running it releases happy hormones (endorphins) (and it burns about as much calories as running too)…
Vi, I actually do an amygdala healing (amygdala is, simplified, the emotional center of the brain). Basically, I focus the healing on the person’s head and let them talk about their feelings.
It’s kind of hard to do on yourself though, but there’s another amygdala healing that’s supposed to be effective – it’s really easy, you just sit down somewhere comfortable, like in a soft sofa, and cross your ankles, put your hands together (in your lap) like if you are praying, then straighten your little, index fingers and thumbs and hold them together (with your ring and middle fingers still “bent down”). Close your eyes and think about the emotion/feeling that is bothering you and imagine/feel it getting weaker and dissolving.
Do this every day for about 15 minutes. It’s supposed to deprogram and heal your amygdala. You can try it and see if it works, maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t…
August 14, 2014 at 10:40 am #359323Sherri
Hi Vi,
I hope you are feeling ok. I’m feeling quite tired today … had a full day with the kids yesterday at an amusement park and still feeling tired …. old bones and all at 34 ;)
I have started a new thread about the other guy. Bec its my way with every relationship ending to find out what I did well and what I didn’t do to improve myself. Not just for the next person but for me. So ladies any input would be great :)
August 15, 2014 at 3:04 am #359446maria
Good morning my darlings, and happt Friday!
Vi, one thing you can try for better sleep is an acupressure mat. I know several people who swears it makes them fall asleep within 15 minutes (and as an extra plus acupressure mats make you release oxytocin and endorphins too)…
Serena, I’m usually not a fan of “diet pills”, but one thing you can try if you want to boost your diet a little extra is chilli. It has been proven effective in many studies and is good for you in many ways…
Harley, all that power walking you’re doing – you should be super proud of yourself! You go girl (literally)!
Sherri, I think you’re handling the break up just fine. The fact that he texted you and didn’t call was of course shit. Perhaps one day he’ll apologize and you’ll be friends… who knows… just set it aside and enjoy the upcoming helicopter tour and wedding… that sounds like A LOT OF FUN.
August 15, 2014 at 3:25 am #359448Harley
Hi all. happy , happy frioday. it’s the weekend .Wayheh !
Positive thoughts all round.
I even gave a “flirt” to a guy on pof !.. Another German.. sigh ! NO ONE in Ireland is taking my fancy !
Still.. it’s a bit of fun and shows I am moving on all the time.
I like the chilli tip.. must try it.
Vi, Sherri, hope you both well. Things WILL improve. Maria, Serena glad to hear all is good.
August 15, 2014 at 3:35 am #359451Violet
Happy Friday beautiful :)
Maria, that healing modality sounds really interesting. I actually found ana amazing talk on youtube last night, about how trauma surveyors basically get addicted to the brain chemicals that trauma creates, and as a result they keep seeking out bad situations in order to get the next chemical hit! It makes perfect sense. I transcribed a lot of it – will post it here.
I’ll look into acupresssure mats; that sounds good. Though weirdly, I have slept pretty well for the last two nights. Either my progesterone is kicking back in, or else the most recent shock has shaken things up.
Harley, It’s so weird… but since I wrote my last post here, I completely bounced back. I had a great day yesterday and feel really positive.
I remember feeling so upset, and then I stopped struggling with it, and just allowed it to wash over me. And then it disappeared…
Serena, you’re a sweet heart <3 I loved everything you wrote. He has completely fast-forwarded the girl into the relationship. Whenever they break up… be it months or years down the line, it won’t be pretty.
I need to reprogram me myself to believe that I deserve a loving relationship… because on a core level I’m hardwired to feel lonely and rejected. I need to change those feelings before I can create a healthy relationship, if that makes sense. I’m gonna post something below, which I found really interesting.
Back to diet: I always heard that it was 70% diet, 30% exercise too, but funny, my experience has been different. My weight would stay stable once I stuck around 2000 cals. I could eat 1,600 regularly and never lose any weight. It would take a severe deficit to make me lose (like 1,000 – which is obviously very unhealthy).
What HAS made me lose weight… is yoga. Cardio made me hungrier, lifting weights helped a bit, but a daily yoga practice (three vigorous sessions a week), plus being less sedentary in general have been the best things for me. I walk and cycle every day, and teaching yoga+ working in the studio keeps me moving as well. Moving consistently every day apparently keeps your metabolism going. I didn’t have that luxury when I was stuck at my ask, but now I’m rarely sitting for more than 2 hours as a time.
Maria’s right about the walking too – my older sister has an amazing body, and all she’s done for the last 10 years is power walking. She walks for an hour four nights a week.
I also think that there’s an emotional component to weight. When I got really sick with my hormonal imbalance two years ago I gained 20 lbs! Once I went on progesterone, the first 10 lbs melted off, then to took me another few months to lose the next 5, and I’ve kept bouncing within 5 lbs ever since.
Then, about a week ago, I suddenly lost weight. It literally came out of nowhere. I’m pretty much back to where I was before I got sick two years ago. I’m in good shape.
I sense that over the last six months, I’ve really been building myself up from the inside – getting stronger by doing yoga, eating well… and then once I was strong, the extra weight just slid off.
I think once you get yourself to a certain level of fitness, it’s easier to stay thin. That’s why my sis can walk and it keeps her looking amazing, whereas someone just starting out might take a long long time before four nights of walking a week is enough for them. IT was the same with me and my exercise regime.
August 15, 2014 at 4:02 am #359457Harley
GREAT PODST VI… glad to hear all well.
Yup.. I lost a stone in 3 mths.. 8 mths later.. barely a bit.. but am toning up so am happy. I’ve been in the best shape ever for the past 10 yrs. Even had wee 18 yr old boy racers ( fast car dudes) checking me out on my walk this morn.
August 15, 2014 at 4:09 am #359461Violet
Whoo hoo Harley! :) <3
This is the talk that I listened to. There’s another hour I need to get through, I will post it here once I listen if you guys are interested. Or I can send you the links. xx
At times of trauma, our emotional fears from long ago can be triggered. if we’ve known these fears before, we experience the fresh wound, AND the old wound.
Sensitive people who feel emotions POWERFULLY AND DEEPLY have significantly magnified emotional experiences. The same can be said for those individuals who had past experiences of trauma. The more emotionally charged we are, the more we create thoughts that go with our pain, and these thoughts create fear, dread and powerlessness.
The more disconnected we are from our own POWER, mindfulness, self reaisation, and self value, and dont do anything to stop the addictive cellular cycle, the easier it is for our emotional body to take control of our mind and our life.
This is why logic alone will not help you. Emotions are not tangible – they are energetic.
E-motion = energy in motion
It’s the energy of the emotion that created the peptide cycle, and the resulting physiological, psyhcological or compulsive addictive symtpoms.
Such as loss of life force, inability to function, PTS etc.
Talking creates more thoughts about the trauma, and more hardwiring of the additction.
Focusing on, talking about and intensely feeling the trauma keeps you stuck in the emtoinal, mental and physical symptoms of the trauma.
Their addcitive pain cycle has not been addressed and broken.
When you were narcissistically abused, you created masses of victim petides, then you got hooked on those peptides. You became that negative person on the path of emotional addiction, deterioration and self destruction.
If your emotional addcition to destructive peptides is significant enough, you may find it impossible to break your addiction, no matter what you think or how much advice you receive.
THere’s a connection between your emotional vibration and what occurs in your outer world.
You cant create a different experience regarding something, when inside you dont believe you have the ability to, or that you deserve it.
You cant get the position until you ARE positioned.
And you cant get anyone else to give you your qualifications. Because your qualifications (“vibration”) is your job.
I truly believe that our infinite inner self knows when we are not a match for what we want to create.
And if our inner identity is not a match, we feel needy, insecure and desperate. we try to get someone outside us to give us what we want, because instinctively we know we cant do it ourselves.
If you dont know or feel genuine love, you cant experience it.
It’s impossible to experience it unless your inner identity is a match for it.
The belief – which is the knowing and the feeling, MUST precded the creation.
To experience genuine love, your inner identity must believe you are worthy of it.
People in healthy relationships are the vibration of knowing and believing healthy and safe love.
“Logic” does not speak to your inner identity, because your inner identiry is the deep, unconscious part of yourself. Advice and factual information is mostly ineffectual.
Recognise this – your unconscious mnind is an incredibly powerful tool.
When beliefs are instillated at the unconscious level, the bodys DNA functions dont know the difference between real and imagined events. If the unconscious mind accepts a belief, it beceoes emotionally and physcaily real – no exception.
However – if you cannot believe in getting well, or you cant believe in healthy and fulfilling love for yourself, you cant and wont create it.
in trying to, you have to battle with your tortured self identity, which only believes the agonising stories it has previously accepted.
Teach your inner identity to let go of teh torutred beliefs, and gain the knowing of the experience you do want to have.
Trying to move on does not address the need to re-wire your brain neurons to heal the peptiide addiction. The re-wiring can only take place when you interrupt the cycle and replace it with a new healthuer one.
When you cry, you release pain and feel better. But if you didnt realise the reasons for the pain (which is the associated damaged inner identity belief systems), you will have to cry over and over again.
Your pain never went away because you only realised painful energy when it got too extreme, but you never healed the reasons for your pain.
But the reasons for your pain is what is causing your pain.
The steps to the energetic transofrmation of our inner identiry are this:
1) the recognition wthat the emotional pain is the symtpom of unhealed inner identity beliefs.
2) the acceptance that the outer siations or the person who triggered your pain in a catalyst bringing up for you what you needed to heal.
3) the embracing and being with the emotion in order to access the inner identity dysfucntions that require healing.
August 15, 2014 at 4:22 am #359462Harley
EXCELLENT POST> COMPLETELY agtreed with ALL of it. I especially like this bit
“Logic” does not speak to your inner identity, because your inner identiry is the deep, unconscious part of yourself. Advice and factual information is mostly ineffectual.
I always have people tell me of the logical/factual advice when dealing with a guy problem… I ALWAYS go with my EMOTIONAL and GUT.. sometimes because they are right.. MAINLY.. so I know I have tried to the best of my ability in a relationship and can live with myself.
But yes.. I DO beleive in self love.. one cannot heal until they forgive themselves asn love themselves. WHen I cried over guys in the past , my insecurity from childhood would come back.. my family always giving out to me, putting me down, telling me I’m “mental”… JUST LIKE YOUR POST SAYS.
In the past few years, I let all that go.. I realise my family have problems, and I AM FINE !( a bit nuts.. but fine ! lol !).
NOW.. I love myself and realise any guy is lucky to have me. I’m GOOD at enriching people’s lives. I’m TRULY in a good place, more than good, to start a relationship again.
August 15, 2014 at 5:02 am #359468Violet
Glad you enjoyed it Harley :)
It explained a lot to me too… lIke how I struggle to let go of things. Because I’m a victim of past trauma, “victimhood” is literally wired into me now, and I’m literally addicted to the chemicals that come with the experience of being a victim. I have been slowly changing this over the last few week – by holding back more in my interactions with people, being less vulnerable, and being less “nice”. The opposite advice to what’s usually given to people – LOL :D
August 15, 2014 at 6:01 am #359472Harley
Yes.. but it’s good to be like this at times. .. some people call it selfish.. I call it “taking care of yourself”.
I think what you posted is FOR YOU to read over and over again. The girl who started this thread is also great in what she says.
TOO many people are willing to drag you down. I work with some complete cows.. I laugh my head off ( mentally) and just ignroe them.. not worth the effort.
Life is too short to dance /interact with ugly people. Since my sister died I have completely changed. I wake up each day.. determined to be positive, not sweat the petty things/people, grateful to be alive. I never realised how sad at times and negative I was before. I have brought HEAPS better people into my life and gotten rid of the hanger ons. NOW.. I CHOOSE who to be with, and walk away, after a polite interval from those that irriate me/suck the life out of me/try to make me negative.
August 15, 2014 at 6:03 am #359473Harley
OH.. I meant “YOU” when I said who started this thread. Go back and read your 1st post.. LOOK how far you have come. BELIEVE. TRUST. LIVE.
August 15, 2014 at 9:52 am #359494maria
It makes total sense that people can get addicted to “bad” brain chemicals, since we have no problem getting addicted to other bad (and good) chemicals/substances. However, as with all addictions, we can overcome them if we really want to.
I’m not sure if it’s about addiction, or about believing you’re a victim so hard that you stay a victim, or about being emotionally shut down after a trauma, though… but one thing is for sure, and that’s that we all deal differently with trauma, problems and emotions. (A book on that subject is The Emotional Life Of Your Brain by Richard J. Davidson. It’s about how the brain’s unique patterns affect the way you think, feel and live – and how you can change them).
3 things in what you said stick out to me:
– Talking about a trauma often equals reliving it, and can definitely make people worse instead of better.
– If you don’t believe in healthy love, you can’t create it.
– Heal the reasons for your pain. The reasons for your pain is what’s causing your pain.
True healing is always about healing the reason/cause for your “pain”. The opposite – to treat the symptoms – is never as good or effective.
As for reliving trauma and not believing in healthy love, there are methods to re (or de) program your brain without talking or even thinking about the trauma you’ve experienced. (A book on that subject is The Healing Code by Alexander Loyd).
August 15, 2014 at 10:10 am #359495maria
As for weight and diets, 3 main factors affect your weight – body type (genes), hormones and metabolism.
The most important hormone is insulin (it regulates your blood sugar). If you insulin is high it will lead to fat storage and difficulty to lose weight. A low balanced blood sugar gives you your best “base” to lose/not gain weight, and to keep it off. (It also naturally balances your other hormones, like estrogen, progesterone etc).
Low calorie/starvation diets screw up your metabolism (and your whole system), and you should therefore NEVER eat too little.
If you work out a lot and move consistently, it is extremely important to eat well and enough and make sure you get enough nutrition, protein and good fats, cause if you don’t, the work outs will break down, stress and harm your body (and mind) instead of buliding it up…
Do you feel that you have a balance in what you eat and in how much you work out Vi?
August 15, 2014 at 11:15 am #359514Serena
OMG this thread moves at the speed of light. I’ll have to catch up a bit later. So swamped at the office.
Just thought I’d pop in and say hi to you lovelies. :)August 15, 2014 at 7:55 pm #359642Serena
Hello lovelies,
Maria – thanks for suggesting power walking, I’ve looked it up just to see what it was about and I think it’s something I can definitely do. I’ve read so many people have lost weight doing this. At first I wasn’t sure if it was more like interval training like walk, walk faster, run, walk etc..but it’s an actual style of walking. Maria the vibrating plate that you do…is that at gym?
I’ve heard of chilli aiding in weight loss. I suppose it’s something else I could try. I do try and drink green tea and at least 2 litres of water daily.
Harley – I know you walk a lot too. I remember you told me ages ago. How is that going?
Also, did you hear back from your ‘flirt’ on POF ;)Vi – I’m so glad you’re feeling better. You’ll bounce back to 100 per cent soon. :)
Wow, I’m surprised that all your sister did was walk. That’s amazing. I would like to lift weight but that will have to wait until I’m a bit stronger.
I tried hot yoga but it was too hot lol I know that sounds funny, but I couldn’t hack it – I felt like throwing up every time I went. I haven’t tried normal yoga but have tried pilates and didn’t lose anything but strengthened my core. I think everyone is different but the main thing I need to keep doing is to keep moving and do it consistently. I have tried to fix my diet but that also relates to my medical condition at the mo. I do watch my calorie intake and found it was working. I just feel a bit discouraged when I don’t see any results right away.Vi, Harley pretty much said since you’re initial post you’ve shown so much growth in yourself and in the advice you give to others.
What are you ladies up to this weekend?
And, thank you girlies for all the advice and the chats. :) <3
August 16, 2014 at 3:51 am #359673maria
Hey Serena !
The vibration plate – I work in a sports rehabilitation clinic, and it’s one of the machines we have in our gym. Or actually, we have two in the gym and the one I use is an ex demo that I have at home (I can keep it untill the sales people decide they want it back).
It is said to be extremely effective – like 15 mins on it equals 1 hour of a “normal” workout. During normal forms of exercise your muscles contract 1-2 times/second, on a vibration plate they contract 30-50 times/second.
It also has a lot of “side effects” that I like – it increases blood circulation and stimulates your lymph glands (which helps flush out toxins and strengthens your immune system), and it increases bone density, balance, flexibility, joint function and gives pain relief etc. etc.
I’ve had it for 10 months, and the first 3 months I used it for 1 hour/day every day – and got super results. Now I use it 3 hours/week to maintain (and improve) those results.
The one I use is a professional machine, but I know there are not that expensive at home versions for sale if you’re interested in buying (or trying) one…
My weekend, well, tonight will be a girls night out. In other words – fun, fun, fun.
What about your weekend? :-D
August 16, 2014 at 8:38 am #359680Harley
POF guy did not flirt back… oh well.
I’ve resorted to looking at sheds for houses.. completely insane I am.. possible barn conversion type stuff… way out of my price range, but I can try to negotiate and I love building/decorating/recycling.
I used to save guys with problems.. now I stick to old furniture, materials( clothes/curtains). buildings and animals…MUCH safer ! AND.. keeps me out of trouble. Should be a 5 yr plan at least.. but I think I can’r affird it and the Planners will object to me changing it. … but…. I can try.
I can always stick a mobile home on it and become trailer trash !
Sister wreaking my head… so defo time to move soon.
otherwise.. all quiet and quiet weekend planned.
August 16, 2014 at 7:30 pm #359810Serena
Hi Maria,
That vibrating plate sounds awesome. I think what I might try going to a physiotherapy/sports rehab clinic. I believe this kinda stuff is covered in my plan. If I like it, I can look into getting a home version.
I really like the ‘side effects’ you mention, as I think they would be extremely beneficial to me.
Girls night? Sounds fun…what will you girls be up to?
I was supposed to go to a bday/house warming party but in all honesty I’m not feeling too great today. Haven’t been for the past few days. So I’m taking it easy.
Harley – It’s ok as they say there are plenty more fish in the sea. ;)
I knew you said you were looking for a new home, but it is a rush that you need to move? Maybe give it another 6 months if you can? Sometimes, when we stop looking we find what we need. It sucks to have been looking for so long. Is a barn conversion a viable option? I mean to do people do that or were you joking? Sorry I live in a city.
August 17, 2014 at 6:14 am #359837Violet
Hey ladies <3
Maria, yup – I have the right balance of eating enough and working out. To be honest, I just eat when I’m hungry – usually 3-5 times a day. What I’ve eaten hasn’t changed at all… and my exercise hasn’t changed at all, which is why the sudden weight loss is surprising, and why I’m sure it’s emotional. I think my body was ready to let it go.
So SOMETHING is happening with me on a cellular level… some inner transformation.
Serena, yeah hot yoga is NOT for everyone! If you want to use yoga for weight loss you’ll need to do one of the active styles, and do it at least three times a week. Ashtanga, Vinyasa Flow and Dynmaic are all great. Try Vinyasa Flow – it’s a bit more gentle than the other two but you still move a lot.
Harley, converting a barn sounds really cool!
To be honest… girls, I’m not doing so well these last few days. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not in a heap crying, but I connecting with some very deep pain inside me. I have realised that this isn’t about S at all… it never was.
I have a very deep wound within me… probably stemming back to the abuse. My core belief is that no one’s ever going to love me for who I am. That’s why I’ve been overly nice to people… I’m trying to “win” them… because I don’t believe I deserve unconditional love. This latest situation with S – seeing how he has given this girl what he refused me, is just validating that core belief that I’m not good enough to be loved, and that’s why it’s so painful. It’s not about him – he is triggering me.
And I have realised that until I believe I deserve to be loved, I will keep selecting men who reject me.
I’m not crying so much… I’m just deeply connecting and feeling the pain, instead of resisting it. I”m realising that resisting it intensifies it, and puts me into victim mode. So I’m hopefully shifting out of victim mode.
I’ve tried many, many things over the years, and I have made progress, but the deep wound is still there. I need to try something different. Talking doesn’t help – not in the long run. What do you guys think I should do?
Thanks again, for all your love. Hugs xxx
August 17, 2014 at 6:29 am #359839Harley
Vi… I honestly don’t know WHAT advice to give… EXCEPT that I think it’s something that has to come from inside you. I just got sick and tired of how I was. walking, crying,helped. counselling a wee bit( thought it fairly shite ).
I just decided to try different things… not hanging out with mean people, not believing my family’s, crap comments, losing weight, looking good, thinking positive, doing things I liked.. i.e hobbies, changing where I live ( debt was crippling me), stopped ( pretty much) arguing with my son.. DISCUSS things now.. set boundaries with him, ignore his crap behaviour or tell him I don’t like it, kicked him out of my house,stopped accepting crap treatment from men.
It all together just seems to have worked.
Serena, I walk 3-7 miles a day, not every day. I lost a lot of weight at first but now seem to be stalemate.. although I know I am toning up. The rush on a house is that the property market is changing here, prices going up, I can’t get a loan to buy ( bad credit rating), so I have so little money.
My family are going crazy about all my stuff stored in the house and in our farm sheds. My sister’s negative behaviour and nasty comments are bad for my mental health( although I ignore mainly and get out of her company as much as possible). My son is a lazy, weed smoking git, so i want to get away from that situation too.. I just want PEACE and QUIET ! renting is as dear as a mortgage here so I refuse to do that.
Barn conversions are not over popular her. but we shall see. if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be !
Otherwise… all is GOOD !
August 17, 2014 at 6:57 am #359846Violet
Believe it or not… I started doing all those things 10 years ago. I was sick of myself, and knew I needed to change. And I’ve been fairly successful in creating a good life for myself… you can see on FB how much I have going on… and I love it; I’m blessed.
Setting boundaries and weeding out the negative people has been a very recent thing – but it makes a huge difference. Realising I should stop being so “nice” has been another big revelation, and is helping me a lot too.
But this is something else… it’s this deep, raw hole inside me… and it never goes away.
Funny thing is, that when I’m in a good head space, I know that the core beliefs it represents (I;m not good enough to be loved) are a lie. I can see that… But when I’m in the middle of the abyss, it becomes the only thing that’s true. I completely lose persecutive… it’s very strange.
August 17, 2014 at 8:48 am #359852Violet
Harley, in terms of weight loss – have you tried cutting out bread? A lot of people start to lose again after a plateau when they do this.
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