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- This topic has 1,590 replies and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
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August 19, 2014 at 3:48 am #360236
I agree Maria – the thread has evolved so nicely! And you’re right – stuff keeps happening ;)
I will continue to disagree with you on the carbs versus fat though. ;) It’s true that refined carbs tear down the body, but fruit and white potatoes (carbs) are both extremely nutritious. Plus there’s all this new info about resistant starches, and hence why sushi might be so healthy.
I think the best way of finding out what diet works for you is to listen to your body. Once the junk food habit has been kicked, if you are getting cravings, then it’s a sign that you’re missing something. Like I said, I recovered from BED on a higher carb diet, but I know of many people who had the same disorder and recovered on a low carb diet. Maria, I must send you a link to my tim actually! You would love it :) How can I get your email address?
Girls, I am feeling soooooo positive today :) I’ve been listening to the secret every night and… it’s so obvious! OF COURSE your outlook and your thoughts create your world! I can always recognise this in other people – I could see that S didn’t have any problems meeting girls, because he BELIEEVD he could meet them.
So I am reprogramming my brain to think “It is easy for me to date men who want a relationship with me.” This mantra makes me feel great good and grateful. It feels right, and I know it’s coming.
If anyone wants me to send them the whole CD series – let me know :) My sister said she listened to it three months before she met her husband.
Beautiful day in London <3
August 19, 2014 at 4:30 am #360242Violet
I completely forgot to mention – I met up with Sara (who used to post here) yesterday! We’ve met up before. Lovely girl. She came to my yoga class and then we went for coffee.
August 19, 2014 at 4:33 am #360244Harley
GREAT NEWS Violet. It’s all looking GREAT.
Yup.. I forgot, Fb’d wee Sara the other day. She’s HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY. I love her. GREAT girl, sooo pretty.
August 19, 2014 at 9:14 am #360271maria
I agree fruits and potatoes are nutritious Vi, BUT there’s nothing in them that you can’t find in vegetables or other foods with less carbs in them… and the thing (fact) is, that the more balanced your blood sugar is, the slower your body and brain will age/break down…
However, I do agree that everyone should choose what feels right for them… and ANY diet is FAR better than junk food.
Sushi, hmm… if you make it yourself it can be healthy. The kind you buy is usually full of preservatives, food additives, sugar and all kinds of crap…
I may be hard core when it comes to food/health but I’m not a fanatic… I don’t eat fruit, but I do put superfruit (acai, goji, noni etc.) powder in my vegetable juice drinks… I guess my role of thumb is, as long as something is super packed with nutrition and (I can feel that) it doesn’t affect my blood sugar I’ll definitely consider eating it.
You have my email address darling… Tam sent a group email about Mark’s a while ago (to you, me and Sherri)… I’ll find it and (re) send you my address…
It truly warms my heart that you’re feeling good… As for the secret – be determind to always believe in yourself, happiness, fairytales/dreams, love and life – if you can do that it will change your life forever.
Oh, and both of you, if you meet/talk to Sara again say hi from me <3
August 19, 2014 at 10:56 am #360293Serena
Gooood Morning dolls…
Gorg day here today, bright and sunny.
Harley – I suggest you set up something in advance of going to Germany, ask your mates out there if there are any ritzy parties you can all go to and make sure you make em swoon in your new red dress. ;) And or use your new red dress for the opening of ‘Harley’s…’ the new barn converted dance bar. ;) Woo hoo…
And your fights at home about the vacuum are fights we’ve had in my house too. That and whether the AC should be on or off and banging pots and pans at 8 am on a weekend. So I totally hear ya. At least it’s quiet now. Treasure it. lol
Lots of food for thought. Get it…lol. Ok maybe just me.
Anyway, thanks for all your thoughts on my diet issue. So I’m not quite sure how they came up with the specific macros I mentioned 50/30/20 but I’m on a 1570 caloric intake daily. So I agree just bec one thing works for one doesn’t mean it will work for another. So I will play around and see. Also, I am trying the 1tsp of coconut oil daily and the krill capsule too.I definitely like the thread…good things evolve naturally and that’s exactly what’s happened here.
Vi – if you don’t mind sharing the The Secret Cd with me, I’d love to hear it. I’ve read the book. I have to find it but I can share the e-book of the Power (second part to the Secret) if you any of you would like it. Let me know.
Maria would you be ok with me getting your email address too?
August 19, 2014 at 10:58 am #360294Serena
I’m so glad everyone is doing well. :) Makes me smile. Even though I only know you girlies virtually.
August 19, 2014 at 1:52 pm #360330maria
Ha, everyone seems to have gorgeous weather and be happy today… splendid!
Of course you can have my email address, Serena! Does Vi have yours? If she has it perhaps she can send mine to you!? And Harley, I think I have yours written down, but I’m not sure… if Vi has it can she send it to me? (I know you usually don’t mind posting it, but it’d be easy for Vi to send it too)…
August 19, 2014 at 4:01 pm #360365Harley
Hi all. email is geraldine. taaffe @mail. com.
fb.. Vi HAS and will kindly pass on.
I booked going back to Germany for halloween !
August 19, 2014 at 5:34 pm #360380Serena
Yes Vi has mine, so I will get yours (Maria) off her.
I’ve got Harley’s ;)
Wooo hoooo Harley’s going back to Germany. I’m a bit jealous or rather envious. Such an awesome time to go as well.
August 19, 2014 at 6:12 pm #360395Harley
Serena… I DOUBT I’ll bag the German again… he does not appear interested.
But… I can have other fun… or try to at least !
August 20, 2014 at 4:26 am #360456maria
Vi, I sent you an email… at least I think I did… let me know if you got it or not… I look forward to your link.
Serena, great that Vi can give you my address.
Harley, thanks, I will save your address… and yes, there are plenty of Germans in Germany… some other German might be as good as or better than “The German”…
August 20, 2014 at 4:54 am #360459Violet
Hey Maria, I just replied ;) Had a mad day yesterday, and another few to follow.
Serena, wil defo send “the secret” to you later :)
It’s weird, because I watched the film several years ago, and while I did manifest some stuff, it didn’t work that well in general. I thought the concept was flawed; but now I realise it didn’t work because I didn’t “get it”. I didn’t change my overall thoughts from negative to positive. I am still a very negative thinker, and THAT”S why I get depressed.
But I think “The Sectet” is working on me this time. I feel really great these last few days, and if I catch myself thinking negatively, I just steer the thoughts to something positive.
In terms of manifesting – I discovered that what you need to do is find a mantra that makes you feel really empowered. I think commitment still scares me a bit, so I really thought about what I wanted and I realised it was “It’s easy for me to date men who want a relationship with me”. I keep repeating that to myself ad it feels really good! The important thing is not to look for it – you have to *know* that it’s coming. I’m getting there :)
In other news- I saw S again yesterday. We were at the studio at the same time. I just treated him like any other person in there… very friendly and polite, but talked to him like I didnt ever know him. We just exchanged pleasantries, during which he managed to convey to me that he was depressed. I ignored that. He looked pained every time I smiled and walked away. He’s still on my mind a bit, but I feel now I’m establishing the level of contact we have and it feels good. I bet he will try to overstep the boundaries again though, so I’m looking forward to when he’s deleted from my memory. :)
August 20, 2014 at 7:31 am #360470Harley
Yes Serena.. I WILL try to set up a party or two !
maria.. yep.. plenty of Germans. Good looking ones too !
Vi,.this is SUPERB news. Of course S is trying to draw you back in.. “poor little me now, I’m depressed, boohoohoo”. I bet he’ll ask for a meeting wiht you soon. Keep the GREAT boundaries up.
WHAT is this “secret” thing all about ???? in a nutshell. I have not heard of it !!
August 20, 2014 at 8:29 am #360484Serena
Good day ladies…
Perfect, thanks Maria.
Harley, I’m sure even if ‘the German’ isn’t responsive, you’ll have a fab time and have no trouble meeting new people…esp good looking men.
Vi – I had the same experience the first time I read the secret. A friend gave it to me and forced me to read it. I tried to believe but I don’t think my heart was open to it. I didn’t get or maybe didn’t give it a fair chance. The second the book came into my life again I wasn’t searching it out – another friend talked about it and I bought it. This time I was ready and I read and it truly was a different experience for me than the first time. After reading it and implementing the vision board – things started to change for me in a good way. That’s when I discovered the “The Daily Love” newsletter and then I got the second book “The Power”.
You have to believe and you have to manifest. It does work. I know it does. :)
I think it’s working for you too, because of your interaction with S, you have to try and just see him as just someone you know, nothing more nothing less.
Harley – It’s hard to explain the secret, bec you have to read it. If you’re interested I have the e-book and Vi has the CD. If you google the “Laws of Attraction” you can get the gist.
What was the book you were referring to earlier in the thread? How was it? Worth the read?
Hope you lovely ladies have a fab day.
August 20, 2014 at 8:50 am #360487Harley
I forget the title of the book aready..oops.. Vi sent it o me. Yes.. please email on the secret. I read laws of attraction. Both these books I found good BUT they overlap a lot. It’s all really common knowledge stuff thrown in with a FEW spectacular pieces I neve thought of and that really made sense. I thought the books good in that they re-enforced what I had forgotten and to keep reminding myself every day.. re confidence/security/self esteem. I gopt some great tips on how to aprreciate guys, butter them up, make a relationship better and LAST.
I thought Vi’s book REALLY worth the read in some places.. others were just too longwinded.. maybe it’s just me ! the bit Vi copied and pasted here was EXCELLENT.
August 20, 2014 at 9:48 am #360503maria
Hey girls <3
I don’t have much time to write right now, but here are 2 GREAT articles by Sabrina:
www. anewmode. com /lifestyle/loving-yourself-becoming-confident/
www. anewmode. com /lifestyle/achieving-goals/
Both are in line with what we’re talking about right now. I’d love to hear your opinions on them.
Vi, I will watch your links as soon as I have the time. I’m really looking forward to it :-D
August 20, 2014 at 9:56 am #360506Harley
I am now offcailly mad/crazy. I have taken a HUGE leap of faith.
It has NO water,( but I can get some connected !) NO toilet, NO planning permission.. yet. I MAY NOT get planning. Small site. Neighbours who could object to planning. pot holed laneway to it. 5 yr plan to convert…. no money left after buying it !
27.5k EURO.. ASKING PRICE WAS 45K. I can sell it If I get no planning, it’s 15 mins from home, 50 from work, en route ot airport, secluded, not many neighbours. WILL look lovely inside when done.. bit hard to make it look lovely outside, but I’ll do my best… it is a SHED affter all. ! can move my furniture into it in 10 weeks or so and other stuff… get my family off my back. It will be a bolthole to escape to and work on it myself as much as possible. there is a local village 2 mins drive away.
August 20, 2014 at 9:58 am #360507Harley
OOOH.. Don’t say anythign on FB on a public post.. I want to keep it quiet from my family until sale goes through and FOR AS LONG as I can. They’ll go crazy and read me the riot act about being an idiot. THEY.. have NO vision !I will just say I am renting somewhere to store my stuff !
August 20, 2014 at 11:07 am #360524maria
I know you’ve been looking at a LOT of houses/sheds, so the fact that you choose this one must mean it’s SPECIAL. I’m soo looking forward to hearing all your building and decorating (and all other) stories…
Again, congrats on the shed, and on FOLLOWING YOUR DREAMS :-D :-D :-D
August 20, 2014 at 2:10 pm #360558Harley
I may have spoken too soon. BOOHOOHOO. shed is on an estate that is heritage protected. So.. I bet I can’t renovate it !
August 20, 2014 at 4:47 pm #360587Violet
Don’t worry Harley – check and see if you can get the permission first ;) And con grads!
Serena, yes – it DEFINITELY works. Your thoughts create your reality… I knew this, but I wasn’t aware of how utterly negative my thoughts were. Just look at the title of this thread…! So I was just asking for things, and they would come for minor stuff that I didn’t have many negative blocks about; but not for the things that I was really hung up on.
Two small things already happened! I ordered a bunch of supplements, plus my medication a few weeks ago, and they still hadn’t arrived. I really wanted them, so two nights ago I decided to try law of attraction. I said “My supplement are going to arrive tomorrow” and… they did! BUt what I really needed was my medication, so I said “TOMORROW, I’ll get my meds.” I woke up this morning and remembered I have a friend who has the same meds as me, and I could easily borrow some from her. So I got the meds today too :)
Small things, but nice to see it working so quickly.
Any reports from you ladies? I like hearing these stories!
August 21, 2014 at 12:53 am #360621maria
Morning Honeys!
Not really a story perhaps, but I can give you all my take on The Secret/The Law of Attraction…
It has actually been proven in MRI tests that telling yourself that you already have something/that you are well if you’re sick etc, is very stressful to your brain (and body/soul).
It has also been proven that dreaming, wishing, hoping and being positive in general does not create stress at all – it CALMS your brain/body/soul.
That said, I have always “seen” myself in a good place in the now and the future. Even if I would try I CAN’T see myself in any other way, BUT I combine that with a “what will be will be”-way of thinking, and doing that eliminates all stress (at least IMO)…
Vi, I watched part 1 of your documenatry last night. It’s GREAT so far. I agree with everything in it (of course). What they say (and that they say it) is soo IMPORTANT… Ancel Keys’ manipulated research is very much the reason for the huge heart disease, diabetes and obesity epidemic we have in the world today. If he wasn’t dead he should be prosecuted, judged and put in jail for life…
I’ll give you more feedback later, in here or in emails…
Harley, yes, check out if you can get permission… and seriously, to me it doesn’t make sense that/if you can’t renovate it. I mean in that case how could they sell it to ANYONE? Is anyone interested in bying a shed, do nothing and watch it turn into mould?
August 21, 2014 at 2:08 am #360623Violet
Maria, I’m glad you like it so far :) It’s been pretty successful around the world actually. A lot of people have heard of it without knowing that I directed it, which is quite cool :)
Hon, this paragraph you wrote:
“It has actually been proven in MRI tests that telling yourself that you already have something/that you are well if you’re sick etc, is very stressful to your brain (and body/soul).”
Did you mean to write “stressful”? If so, that’s soooo interesting – that dreaming / visualising is unstressful, whereas thinking something is like the white knuckle effect.
Serena, any updates on your ex?
August 21, 2014 at 2:37 am #360624maria
Yes, I meant stressful.
Some of the tests were done on people with cancer/other illnesses, and it was extremely stressful for them to tell themselves that they were already cured. Whereas dreaming, wishing, hoping and being positive in general had the exact opposite effect – it was calming and healing…
(You can read about it in the book I recommended) (The Healing Code).
That said, I’m sure it’s a bit different (yet somewhat the same) if you’re not sick, or if you imagine other things than being cured…
August 21, 2014 at 3:19 am #360625Harley
I think I read a different laws 0f attraction ! . .MINE was from a domematrix telling you how to attract men ! OOPS ! TRUST ME !
Maria.. you would be AMAZED what people sell here… there are no proper ” policing” laws at all to stop folk doing unethical stuff. They siad on teh sale yuo can get “possible planning” but “conveniently” forgot to mention it’s a heritage site.
Vi.. that’s great news on things worknig out re tablets/meds etc. I MUST try this positive thinking thing.
Ha ha…my horoscope yesterday told me I would buy property and start a new project.
But.. I think I may have to give this place a miss… a few weeks shall tell.
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