Online but Not Responding

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  • #662065 Reply

    So, I’m really trying not to care, but my boyfriend is doing the same thing again.

    I sent him a message at 5, he saw it at 6 and has been online since then and still not responded (more than 4 hours later). It honestly just feels like he’s ignoring me now.

    I haven’t sent him multiple messages. Just a response to his message and that’s all. I don’t understand what’s going on, but I’m feeling frustrated by this.

    I know I probably shouldn’t care as much as I do, but when we talk for only 35 minutes out of the entire day and not even on the phone but over text, he’s read my message hours ago and been online since then, it really just makes me feel like he’s deliberately ignoring me.

    #662067 Reply

    I don’t expect to hear from him immediately, but communication is important especially since it’s an LDR, so it would have been nice to receive a response to my message if he’s been online.

    #662068 Reply

    And no, he didn’t have work today.

    #662297 Reply

    Hi I’m in an LDR also and just recently visited my SO at his place things did not go as well as I’d hoped instead of all my questions being resolved I now seem to have even more of them
    So I’m going through the same thing as you are now that I’m back again and getting more than a bit depressed when he doesn’t respond in a timely manner but I just try to keep in mind that yes he’s got a life a busy one and I’m only part of that life so I try so hard not to stress however it isn’t easy but it is necessary and good for you and I both to quit thinking about the relationships that we’re in and concentrate on other things it makes us more well rounded people and therefore more interesting to our SOS a d it also helps to keep us on an even keel so that we won’t stress out bad for us and bad for the relationship
    Now like most i give great advice but just have a hard time taking it—right now for instance my heart is in the pit of my stomach because I haven’t heard from him at a time when I sometimes do but I have to remember he’s very busy at work was yesterday also so he’s bound to be tired
    All I can do is message my usual messages and try to keep calm and understanding
    Finally I know there are a lot of nay sayers about LDRs but they obviously aren’t aware of the psychiatric studies showing that people get to know one a other more deeply and intensely than in a conventional relationship so yes while there are certainly special challenges involved in this type of a relationship the rewards are just as real as in a regular relationship as are the chances that it will last if you ever want to talk I’ll be around

    #662377 Reply

    You really need to learn how to chill out. I could not handle the amount of texting you require, whereas if my BF acted like your u he would stop being my BF! Men primarily text for logistics, not bond as they bond through ACTIVITIES whee woman bond through communication.

    Did you talk when he was there? Do you have anything new or exciting to talk to him about? If not, then all your doing is seeking validation and that’s not a good reason to reach out. Let him MISS YOU a bit and Find some better things to do with your time then wondering what he’s up to…let him wonder what your up to! This is how I keep my man interested and why he reaches out to me 90% if the time because he’s more concerned about me not forgetting about him.

    For every action there’s an opposite reaction! Do the opposite of what your doing and you just might get a different result.

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