Opinions: Is he Into Me?

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  • #878058 Reply

    Are these signs that a guy is into you or am I overthinking/overanalyzing:
    —He calls, not texts
    —He will call sometimes first thing in the morning, other times mid day.. sometimes he is inconsistent, sometimes I wont hear from him for a couple days, but when he’s busy and wont call, I receive an email that he wont be able to because of xyz..
    —He doesn’t USUALLY compliment my appearance, but he does compliment my ability to be good at my job ex: he said today I would make a great attorney (I work in a law office) and tells me I am great at my job, I am awesome, etc.. which this is confusing, because I usually think of compliments being on appearance..
    —He opens up to me about issues at work, sometimes, but not often.
    — When he calls, sometimes it’s work related, sometimes just to chat.

    I think he’s into me, but will a guy go through this effort just to be nice?

    #878060 Reply
    ANM Staff

    Hi L – Is this about the same guy that you had asked the community about before? If you let us know, that’ll help everyone give you a helpful answer.

    #878062 Reply

    Hi! Yes, same guy I asked about before in the last thread that I wanted to know the amount of calls.

    #878066 Reply

    Is this guy your coworker?

    #878108 Reply

    Hi..Not much info to go on. If you work together, even if he likes you, he may be reluctant to date you. He seems to value you and your input, but that may be just in a work capacity or as a friend.
    I think you should see if he asks you out in the next couple of weeks. If not, I would assume he is keeping things professional/friendly and nothing more. Or you could casually mention next time he calls, about maybe meeting up for a coffee or ice cream etc. If he agrees and you make plan,good. If he “can’t” or thinks it is not a good idea etc. ,then you have your answer. Or he may agree but still not want to date you or he does not make a plan to ask you out after that.

    #878128 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I agree with Peggy that there’s no much to go on here. But it seems like this guy mostly talks to you about work stuff, right? He may just be friendly and enjoy your company, honestly. It is possible for a guy to be friendly and warm and just think of you as a friend. I have had a few guy work buddies over the years who I was very close to, and it never became anything romantic. I am certain there was nothing romantic on their end. We just genuinely enjoyed chatting and hanging out.

    I suspect you are into this guy, and you want him to be into you….but like Peggy said, it’s hard to really say. I like her idea of suggesting you get lunch or coffee. If he’s at all interested, he’ll jump at the chance (although honestly if he were interested, I think he would have asked you already, so I tend to doubt he’s interested). A coffee or lunch is harmless and doesn’t mean he’s romantically interested in you, but you may get a better idea of his intentions if you spend time together in person. If he doesn’t want to get together, then you know he’s not interested and just likes chatting with you.

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