Pining Over Ex’s…

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  • This topic has 4 replies and was last updated 4 years ago by Caetru.
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  • #822393 Reply

    On Facebook Today:

    The reason a lot of women can’t find her knight in shining armor is because she won’t let go of that idiot wrapped in aluminum foil…

    #822454 Reply

    Haha. A “knight it shining armor” is an old term for a man who bravely rescues someone from danger or peril, like a fireman.

    If a woman needs to be saved by a guy I would suspect that armor is going to crack and rust pretty quickly from a lack of oxygen, just like the aluminum did haha

    #822494 Reply

    I heard comedian recently say a relationship is just a period of time when you slowly realise you don’t like someone as much as you thought you might do.

    I felt that ;-)

    Seriously though its kind of true because even if you aren’t pining about an ex, a lot of us are f#cked up by exes and carry that crap into out next attempt at a relationship. So, yep there is truth in Facebook!

    #842692 Reply

    This actually feels like what I am going through. My BF broke up with me and I can’t let go. I guess I keep holding out hope that he will come back and we’ll make up but that doesn’t seem likely at this point.

    They say the best way to get over someone is to get back out there but I miss the familiarity of my ex and I don’t want to start over with someone else. The thought makes me sick. I don’t want to try if I know it’s a half hearted effort.


    #842722 Reply

    Ss, I had to lol at that! So true. Right now me and my BF are working through the crap we both brought in from past relationships. We’re working through it, but his last ex messed him up pretty badly.

    Patricia, I wouldn’t recommend dating right away. I find the best way to get over somone is to focus on yourself and doing things with friends and family, I usually take a year or more after a long term relationship before I start dating again. It gives me a chance to physically and emotionally untangle from the other person and focus on myself. I was only two months out of a long-term relationship and my current BF was six months out of a long-term relationship when we started dating. It comes with challenges, trust me

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