Home › Forums › Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals › Preparing myself for the "pull away"
- This topic has 92 replies and was last updated 9 years, 1 month ago by
Hi guys.. Just spent my first weekend away with the guy I’ve been seeing of approx 2.5 months. It went pretty well (one little incident where I got uncomfortable with one of my ex boyfriends being at the same bar with us, and I got annoyed when the guy I was seeing referenced us as “oh, he doesn’t know we’re hooking up?” – he had his arm around me at this time, but I snapped at him for his wording – it just sounded so sexual. he said I took it out of context, we’re obviously dating, but it bothered me. I think the ex-bf’s presence had me on edge we were fine though, i don’t harp on situations and either does he)
now though, despite us ending on a high note when we parted ways yesterday, i’m preparing for the inevitable “pull away” period where im sure he’ll want some space after we were so close all weekend. lots of couples stuff (we were with 1-2 other very serious couples all weekend, lots of acting like a serious couple, things like i folded his clothes for him – trying to keep our hotel room from being a disaster – and he kept saying “you’re too good to me”)
how do i brace myself without losing my f-ing mind? i know i don’t get all weird and start texting him and i should mirror him, i just want to mentally control my craziness.
Oh boy, you know it’s coming. I think the best thing you book yourself a spa appointment and get a haircut. Get tickets to plays and shows and just book a bunch of things in your calendar with your friends and not him. This guy is not committed and I do not think he will.
Do not fold his clothes. When you feel like folding his clothes, start painting your nails.
Don’t assume someone is your boyfriend when they haven’t announced it to you. Ask him what his dating goals are before you get more invested.
Take control of the situation insofar as what your wants and needs are in all this. What your dating goals are in general.Carcar
I do know its coming! I expect it. I do not think he is my boyfriend, and I don’t act like it, which he notes. He saw texts from another guy on my phone saturday morning when I was in the shower and was like : “TKTK is texting you” nad i just smiled and said thanks and took my phone. I keep things casual. I still am not 100% sure I want him to be my boyfriend; we’re getting to know each other. I just don’t want to go CRAZY while he shifts his behavior the next few weeks. I like consistency, you know? I think we all do. I think that’s good advice Alia.
As long as you keep him on trial, you won’t go “crazy”. You are testing him as much as he is testing you. Good on you! Enjoy! Don’t make TKTK wait too long either;)
hahah I wish I liked TTKTK hehe (he lives in another state anyway, but my guy doesn’t need to know that). I think one of my friends has made me nervous as well because she’s like: This will be a big week for you in figuring out how he feels because of how he reacts! And in my head I’m thinking like… yeah but won’t he almost like guaranteed do the “pull away” after so much together time? So I think it’s making me paranoid that’s a bad sign even though its normal…
Forget about him. Not entirely! But focus on how you feel. If you’re not even sure if you do want a relationship with this guy, why worry about how he will react and feel? How do you feel after your time with him?
Not all guys pull away. It depends on them and the situation.
Thanks Hannah.
So I do really like him. He’s different than most guys I’ve liked or dated. He’s more quiet, more serious and steady, but also not a great communicator (he also hasn’t been in a lot of serious relationships – he was mesmerized by the simplest things of my “female” behavior that makes me wonder how much time he’s even spent with a woman – like, dry shampoo is mind boggling to you? me not washing my hair every day is a shocker?) But he’s very generous (both financially and affectionate in surprising ways) and I grew quiet on Saturday night because I was nervous about my ex boyfriend being near, and he had no idea why and he kept being like, what’s wrong? you’re quiet, I can see the wheels in your head turning. what’s wrong? you only seem quiet around me. what’s going on? – I’ve been with men who could never even pick up when I was worried/nervous/upset after months of being with me. so that says a lot.
but, i’m a little worried that we might not be connecting enough. i’m worried we’re too different. i’m also worried i’m over analyzing so early on!
and i’m worried i’m going to go nuts if he takes like… three days this week of no contact!!!
There seems to be lots of worrying about future things that may not even happen here. That’s exactly the way to work yourself up to crazy!
Time for some mental exercise. Push all those thoughts out of your head and tell yourself “I’ll worry about it if it happens”. If you’re already in a state and then he disappears for a few days, you’ll be a total mess by the end of it!
It’s nice he can read your face. It shows he’s interested and has been observing you closely.
I recommend alternating 10 pushups with 10 sit-ups 10 times.
Well I think you’re first problem is that you’re coming on here for advice on a problem that is all in your head! Not all guys pull away after getting close. As a matter of fact, I’ve rarely had a guy do it unless it was because he actually was wanting to end things.
The only guy who actually did it to me was my current boyfriend. There was a period of 3-4 days or so where he wasn’t texting as much, wasn’t calling and seemed distant and then all the sudden the next time he sees me is when he commits and tells me he loves me! If I had freaked out on him when he pulled away, he wouldn’t have ever had a chance to say those words!
So the 3-4 month mark is the make or break mark. Assuming you didn’t show too much crazy this weekend, I would expect things to continue as they normally do. Don’t start creating scenarios in your head, don’t start seeing problems that aren’t there and don’t start expecting certain behavior from him. That’s when women start getting needy and crazy and push a guy away.
The best way to mentally control your crazy is to focus on something else. As soon as those thoughts start creeping in, balance your checkbook, organize your closet, go through your pantry and donate canned goods and things you don’t use to a food pantry, take items you rarely use and sell them on Ebay. Pick something constructive to do with your time that will take your mind off him. Not only will help you control your crazy thoughts with him but it will get your life in order too!!
@alia – hahaha, I love that, add 12 burpies to the mix.
Carcar, you are running ahead of the carriage. Things are moving along fine, when he pulls away, if he pulls away, you’ll figure out what to do. Maybe you won’t care, you said you are not 100% sure of him anyway.
Kaye thank you! I feel like I should print out your “don’t start..” Little blurb and put it on my wall. I think it’ll be really helpful. I should just carry on per usual. I think things will be fine – he’s already tagged me in a couple Instagram photos today that reminded him of me despite being super busy at work which was cute behavior (not overly important but still better than total no contact). I’ll just carry on and not be concerned unless he like ghosts.
So I loved Maria’s comment about me getting ahead of the carriage (it was hilarious and probably true), but of course, me being me, I am still in my head today. he seemed normal yesterday (we parted on Sunday), and he was going out of his way to text me a few things despite being busy at work and tag me in Instagram photos that made him think of me (something he’s never done before). So I felt calm and fine (especially with you ladies). But today he sent me a kind of weird, like overly polite text. Overly polite texts make me nervous (do they make anyone else nervous? I feel like people are only overly polite with each other when they are taking a step back). He sent me a text saying he had a great time this weekend, and thanking me for inviting him along (it was a work trip I included him in, as a mutual friend of his was also there). He also said “let me know if I owe you any $$…I think I paid for 1 cab the whole trip!” (he is very careful to always be extremely generous with me).
I could be just reading into it like the weirdo I am, but it just seems soooooo polite. I couldn’t respond for two hours bc I was in a meeting, but he never responded to my response. weird. (my brain keeps going “pull away, pull away, pull away? pull away, pull away, pull away?”)
Carcar honey, RELAX! I just pushed a guy away by freaking out so I know first-hand what it’s like to let those crazy worst case scenarios turn into self-fulfilling prophecies. Please don’t let that happen. Go on about your life and trust him that he will back, hopefully more committed than ever. As Lane would say, give him the gift of space and trust. If he’s a keeper, he’ll appreciate it.
Thanks Carrie! I’m being good and mirroring his contact patterns. I’m just being a weirdo/psycho by analyizng everything! (There’s way too much to analyze these days between social media, texting, etc). He just friended me on Facebook too… also a good (albeit small) good sign I think.
Uh oh, I hope you’re not one of us stalkers lol! I used to stalk the guy I mentioned on all social media I could find him on (and some of his exes too) and all it did was drive me nuts. Lesson learned, I urge you to turn off your Whatsapp last seen status and message read notifications, and SIT ON THOSE FINGERS so that you’re not constantly checking his Facebook and other social media. If you’re not familiar with the term “self-fulfilling prophecy”, check Wikipedia NOW. Luckily at this point where everything is going fine it’s fully in your control to decide whether this will be a positive or a negative prophecy. Trust me, stalking, overanalyzing, obsessing etc. will only turn this into a worst case scenario. I’m warning you lady lol! :)
Lol! Just love, love love Alia’s advice!! I am going to borrow that for when my brain starts making up stories too.
But yeah, I would just write a list out of what seems to trigger for you (like worrying about his text being too polite) and put them aside. Because using your brain (or ours) to try to interpret what they could mean doesn’t necessarily accurately depict what his brain was thinking. An overly polite text could just as easily mean he had an awesome time with you and he wants to amp up his game and make a good impression with you (to redeem the “hooking up” comment). And since your brain is just coming up with guesses, you can go with the most benign guess (since he is thinking whatever he is thinking, and your brain guesses don’t change that) because if you go on the assumption of the benign guess, you are more likely to behave in a grounded, happy way than an anxious way. That was kind of convoluted, but hope it sort of makes sense.
Interesting choice of words “hooking up” of all the things he could’ve said…
Carrie, I AM one of those stalkers unfortunately. I’m an ultimate stalker. My friends even turn to me to help them dig up dirt on guys they’re seeing I’m so good at it. I’m so embarrassed at how good at it i am I wont even get into it (I used to be an investigative news reporter – part of the job). But yes it drives me even bonkers.
Miss blissful I know. The thing is also is that’s where his kind went when he was drunk. When he’s sober he always, and in public amongst mutual friends, says we are dating. “Oh tell so and so you’re dating this persons cousin!” Or jokingly: “why are you dating me now?” But the fact drunkenly he chose to use that turn of phrase… Drunken words are sober thoughts?
Hey, Hooking Up comment wasn’t cool and I wouldn’t like it either but relax.
I think, if he’s normally a polite steady guy, then he was probably just letting loose and felt like it’s ok to be sexual and playful under the influence…I am a stalker as well so I feel ya! I’m really good at it too. haha
Funny I feel like you are the voice from inside the male brain. Here’s hoping.
He’s been pretty steady (for him) with texts the past two days, maybe even more so than before the trip, and even upp-ed our social media communicating, but he has still to set a date for us to see each other again. I’m continuing to mirror him.
Hi Carcar,
You’re not alone in this crazy mental doomsday exercise. I can relate 100%. It happens to me right after a long weekend getaway or a whole week vacation. It was more so right after our first weekend getaway as BF/GF and our first intimate moment together. I think everytime we part, I prepare myself for the pull away, distant, quite, reserve, etc… behaviors and yes, I think of all the worst case scenarios. However, perhaps because I am much older now and I’ve read so much about dating in this day and age after becoming an unexpected widow, I just turned 50 today, I needed to arm myself with useful information of how is the dating world now with texting, social media, online dating, etc…
My favorite site for sanity check is this forum all the advice that the great ladies give. I learned so much and I vow not to repeat or make the same mistakes that appear too common mistakes in today’s dating world. I also learned how to distinguish thoughts vs. actions. What you think or feel is not necessarily the reality you’re in and it is best to let it flow through you and not act in out or give out the vibe that scares the heck out of men.
Whenever I start to feel and think the way you’re doing, I start to remind myself that as long as I don’t act out what I’m thinking and feeling because they aren’t real and they aren’t even happening, I go to this site and read and sometimes share my experience if it could help someone or I write what I think and feel in my journal. Once I acknowledge and accept that my thoughts and emotions aren’t real as I look into what is the “actual” scenario, what exactly am I doing now? 10 out of 10, none of my thoughts and emotions are actually happening but they seem so real to me. So the trick that I find worked for me is to go back to the first few dates before we became BF/GF and keep the same attitude that I was doing alright when I met him and I am still and always will be. So, I just treat my moments with him like in the first three months. You can’t impose and create certain expectations because men are another human beings that are just as complex as we are – there are many factors in everyone’s life story that influence who we are or they are today.
The best way I found to deal with this paranoia is to be always PRESENT in those moments I’m with him and actually interact and react to him and not to what’s in my head and to the result I want or expect. As Sabrina said, just bring your best self on the table, be present with him and that moment so the connection can flourish and develop organically. All the advice the ladies gave here are very good and very useful – it focuses on yourself, how you can improve your own life and pursue your own goals and dreams. We need to look at “relationships” as an extension of something great in our lives not as the defining tool of who we are and who we aren’t when it does not work out.
It is easier said than done for the mind and its dark imaginings are very powerful but if you can stay focus on what is actually happening to you in that moment, in the present, you will know that you are safe and that you’re okay.
You are not what you think and feel. You are what you do.
Best of luck to you.
oh this is such familiar territory. We worry over what hasn’t happend and our greatest fears usually don’t come to pass……….in my case anway.
SUN – Happy birthday first, I’ll be joining the ranks at the end of the year :). I can relate to the OP and others here and its so important to busy your mind with other things when you find yourself getting batty.
If not for this forum and my two kids I’d be a bat with my bf as well. When you get accustom to a pattern or routine (for me its been 13months) it makes it a lot easier. But I’ve been where you are carcar and that only recently if you can believe it. At our 2-4 month mark, I wasn’t on this forum and had no fears of him ‘ghosting’ or ‘pulling away’ actually he was making me feel like he was in this for the long haul and he still does/has.
However, I must admit I do freak out nowadays and I don’t even know why. It just happens. Like Sun suggested tho I NEVER act out of my thoughts and feelings, instead I come here, do some reading and see if I can help or encourage anyone on the forum. I also call my peeps and talk about nonsense stuff, or if all else fails I go on a TV or netflix binge. There are so many other things to do that worry about what we can’t control anyway.
This weekend I did so much house cleaning b/c I wasn’t hearing from him after Thursday (he tol me he’d be on a new project and had to cancel our weekend away :( ) it was cold outside so a great time to do some indoor winter cleaning.
I sometimes forget how far along we are, when I read this forum of the ‘newbies’ less than 3months in, I am glad to offer a bit of knowledge.
All in all, you been given some great advise here, free your mind, exersie, take a walk, get a mani pedi, read o book etc. anything to keep your sanity. and oh yes, stop stalking.
Neither of us are on social media (well I am but he’s not) so I got nothing to stalk. I’m sure you and he will be fine.
Happy birthday sun! Your advice is excellent. CarCar, listen to that!
I used to be quite an anxious person and the advice was exactly the same. I’d spend all my time thiking “what if this happens” or “how will I cope with that”? It would make me constantly stressed and worried and was exhausting. I learnt to refocus my mind on the present. Ask myself “is anything bad happening now?” and if it wasn’t, think “I’ll worry about that if it happens”. It’s difficult but you can control your thinking with time.
I just think it’s the way women are built for some reason. We like to forward plan and forward think, especially in our relationships. Men on the other hand tend to in terms of career etc but not so much relationships. It can make them seen less caring or invested, but actually they’re just being sensible and living in the present!
Thank you Hannah. OMG! You are so right about that dark imaginings. My sister and I call it the demons whispering in our ears and we’re not going to let them win. I do the same exact thing, I re-assess my current situation, I look around and I say, what am I doing right now? Am I safe? Yes, I’m in the office. Just got off a conference call and preparing for the next. So in reality, nothing bad is happening to me. My boyfriend is not about to pull away after spending the weekend meeting my sister and her husband; after he posted picture of us in his FB and we finally decided we’ll be Facebook friends and to really hit the home run and why not, we even change our status to In Relationship like a couple of teenagers. We’ve been together for 8 months and this is another new development in our relationship that we can finally admit and let the whole world know that we are bf/gf, LOL!!!
When I got back to reality (home), I had all these thoughts that he may feel scared and start the pull away, caveman act, etc… I started analyzing his texts, blah, blah, blah…Then I snap myself back to reality and I say to myself, if it does happen, I’d still be okay as I’ve always been before I met him and came into my life. In my head, we’ve broken out so many times. he’s pulled away, ghosted, left me for another woman, etc… Then again, I snapped back to reality and then repeat. I do not act out these insecurities and self made distractions but I do let them flow through me than resist them. That way, I get them out of my system before my next meeting with my BF. By the time of our next get together, I am the same person when he first met: fun, not invested, just enjoying the moment, not acting needy, scared, and having certain expectations and wanting certain outcomes based on what he said or the way he acted towards me. At that moment, he’s just a man who is getting to know a woman and vice versa.
It is harder said than done but when you actually experience losing someone unexpectedly (late husband), you become more in tune to want to live in the moment, be present than worrying about what may or may not happen and missing out on this special day – one more day you got to wake up and practically, do everything over and better. Life is way too short. Enjoy living it not thinking and feeling about it.