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- This topic has 92 replies and was last updated 9 years, 1 month ago by
Way too early to be in this mode, especially since you are not bf/ gf and that you don’t even know if you want him to be your bf. I think you have to basically forget about him and date other guys or you will push him away with being over invested. More importantly decide what it is you want from a relationship and keep looking for a man who will give it to you. It will probably speed things up for this guy to either commit or disappear. You’re giving this man boyfriend privileges without having earned them. You need to see other guys in order to dilute this situation and not be this invested. I recommend not sleeping with him or anyone at all for the time being if that puts you in a girlfriend mode. See you are making a decision here also not only him, so don’t do things that will cloud your judgement like sex. For now unless you know you can handle it (ie you know it’s temporary and no long term potential)…
I would “dump” this guy in my mind and seek companionship elsewhere. Thing is you wouldn’t be writing here if he wasn’t actually pulling back. And maybe the pull back guy is not your cup of tea. My bf was all in from about week 3 of us having our first drinks date. He didn’t have to sleep with me and pull away to be sure. He just was sure and was willing to take the risk and it was very relaxing for me. It has to work for you.Sun
Despite the amount of time and money, all it makes this is a very expensive FWB or casual because he still has not asked you to be his girlfriend but once you get physical that’s when all these obsessive thoughts come flooding your mind. It’s how we women catch feelings is through physical intimacy and it’s not a good thing when the main and initial objective is to move it to the bf/gf level.
Yes, there’s your ego and competitiveness but he still does not owe you anything at this point. Perhaps, at the very least he is honoring the “only” sleeping with you. But if you continue to obsess due to your ego or competitiveness, the whatever chance of him taking this to next level that you want, could easily become ever slimmer by the day. When you are married to a certain outcome and you’re coming from a place of being competitive and not from genuine feelings of sincerity and love, there is a universe out there with forces beyond our control and it will take that chance away from you to protect the innocent.
Flip the situation, would you want to be with someone who felt this way about you because they’re competitive and has a huge ego and wants t relationship even when they’re not ever sure what they really want? Karma is a real thing. Be careful what you wish for. People are not yours to manipulate and bend to your will. It could very well be the very thing of why this situation is in this state. Maybe his angels are protecting him from you since you are uncertain. Let it be if you don’t even really know what you want. Once you figure it out, let him know that you enjoy being with him and that you want to proceed to see if this could develop to bf/gf but don’t sleep with him at the same time. You need to change gears and unfortunately, it’s harder because it happened backwards.
I had one suitor during my single days and he lavished me with expensive dinner, limo, exclusive clubs, etc… but he had no intention of being my bf and I knew and I enjoyed it for what it was. So, spending time and lots on me on you, meeting each others family, friends, co-workers and texting/calling everyday/constantly, means nothing until he officially asked you to be his gf.
*even *lots of money
May I recommend for you also the hypnosis apps for an iphone/ droid from the surf city apps. The Self Esteem one will be particularly helpful and End Anxiety. See if you can download them and use the hypnotic booster (listen with earphones/ headphones), it’s $2.99 vs free, but it’s worth it. I would love for you to come back and write here, after you’ve listened to it I think you would make 180.
so…. everyone who advised me to stop sleeping with him… i didn’t even have to play that card last night…. this is how things went done…
he picked a great restaurant and made a reservation for us, which I always find really gentlemanly (I’ve had past dates/bfs who were way too flippant about this kind of stuff). when i arrived he kissed me per usual on the month, got me my favorite wine, and we sat. things were normal. we chatted, he ordered food for us, things were totally fine. remember how i was nervous about that girl he followed on instagram? figured out it’s his roommate’s new girlfriend! he also repeated multiple times he was kicking himself for not spending the blizzard with me bc he drank too much on friday. so all these things were good. i felt fine. he was stressed about a few things with work last week, he has a lawsuit against him for something dumb, blah blah.
but then… we went for a drink, and he mentioned how tired he was… and then he went home! he didnt even try to go home with me! we haven’t slept together for a week and a half (he normally can’t keep his hands off me and he was affectionate, but i was sort of shocked??). could this just be work stress, he’s exhausted, this is the point where things can slow down physically? or could there be something wrong all things considering?
i’m also annoyed things are in this steady holding pattern and not progressing at all.
anyway. thanks for all your advice, and I thought it was too funny sun, etc was like stop sleeping with him and then it didn’t even come up last night!
So, overall how do you feel about seeing him again? Are you okay with how he was with you? What’s next? Keep me posted and perhaps he really is just tired, stressed about work and that lawsuit that’s causing his libido to be low.
I wish I could have recorded the date to have someone decipher every little thing for me, as bad as that is. I think he does like me, I just wish I knew “how much.” I think it’s the quantifying factor that worries me. Like, he didn’t like me enough to push through the tiredness and TRY to even sleep in bed with me (we’ve slept in the same bed before without having sex, I like that). He didn’t seem to like me enough to invite me to this friends thing on Friday where some of my friends were, or make solid plans for me for this weekend. But at the same time he’s always curious about my upcoming plans and like hints that he wants to know who I am going on vacation with or weddings to (as if he expects to be invited), and said we’d see each other this weekend when he put me in a cab (albeit we have no solid plans), and was like “Oh we have our friend Caroline to thank for this” (meaning us). when we first met he said he never kisses in public places but he holds my hand a lot and kisses me a lot in public. I think things are okay, I just think they are gray and blurry, and most of all, not much different than how they were a month ago. thats what worries me. like, he went home after work to change his clothes, why didn’t he want to grab a pair of pants and spend the night at my house and go to work in the morning from here? why aren’t we pushing that level? (his contact solution and contact case are here). i just wonder if we’re going backwards, or just staying the same, and i just don’t want to be in a holding pattern and then i look up and all of a sudden we’re at 7 months of this and we’ve gone no where.
I think you need to change your mindset. That would help not only the situation, but curb your anxiety. You would do well to stop expecting every little thing from him. You’re in a hurry, way ahead of him here. That NEVER works. You’re being needy in the sense you feel you need him to be a certain way or else you’re in a frenzy. The best thing for you to do would be to stop trying to control & speed this up. Even though you’re just doing it in your mind, it’s way too much. I used to have similar thoughts like I mentioned before so trust me I know this thinking pattern is not gonna work well lol. You should go on a date with someone else. Even if it’s just on the platonic side. Guys do not fall for girls who are obsessing, they fall for girls who are not fixated on the outcome like this.
ashley i think that’s good advice, but isnt there something to be said if we’re almost 3 months in and it really hasnt progressed?
when we were 2 months in and it was like this i wasn’t thinking like this but i’m a little concern it doesnt seem to be changing at all, you know?
Yea I know what you mean. That’s why I think you should focus less on him & focus more on something else cause worrying about him is enhancing your concerns. I would definitely just busy yourself with other people. If you have a close guy friend, maybe hangout with him? That used to help me a lot & shake me out of the obsessive moments. You need something to make you feel fresh. It’s hard to feel how you should when you’re worrying about a guy.
What progress do you want if the guy is not ready for a full on relationship? Did you ask his dating objectives early on? If you did , you would not complain it is not progressing and you are frustrated.
It now depends on how serious that you want him instead of the other way around.
Discuss like real adults by 90 days mark. If he still still not sure or on the same page. Kindly ask some space and weight your options. I would not have advised that but since you have don’t so much work texting and inviting ; why would he step up?
You two need some time apart to figure out if you can be on the same page. Want a similar relationship.
we never discussed “dating objectives” off the bat. we just started dating. in the past i have always dated men, and they have had the DTR – defining the relationship talk – with me, but i’ve always felt things progressing in that direction. it’s been anywhere from 2 months, to 4 months and i’ve never really stressed about it because i’ve kind of felt things progressing so it’s never been an issue. with this situation, it just kind of feels like things are at a halt like they arent going in that direction. for the first month it felt like it but now, not so much.
ashley, good idea. im going to pull away a bit, not as to play games, but to focus on other things.
any help
So my guy has kinda already ‘pulled away.’ We are about 3 months in & had our first disagreement, he said he was stressing out & became distant. I didn’t hear from him for 3 days. I only texted him once during that time. Finally yesterday night I caved & Facebook messaged him that even though I know he needs space, I want to know everything is OK between us because he never even told me he needed that space to begin with.
It was probably too soon to ask him. Did anyone have that experience & does the guy usually come around soon or did what i messaged him turn him off completely?JB
Carcar – you seem really really anxious about this relationship and it seems (to me) you want to control it…
A week ago, this was about preparing for an expected pull away, which he did in a way I guess, but had valid reasoning with work issues.
From page one you wrote: “I do not think he is my boyfriend, and I don’t act like it, which he notes….I keep things casual. I still am not 100% sure I want him to be my boyfriend; we’re getting to know each other.”
You are seriously over analyzing every little thing and that seems a bit crazy don’t you think??
I don’t want to sound mean or anything, just think you need to step back and re-read this thread and maybe have a convo with yourself on what exactly you are looking for…
He may feel your vibes of being fixated on him & feels like you aren’t going anywhere so he has no incentive to rake things further.. Like just enjoying your company but not feeling inspired for more at the moment. That’s why you need to be on the market because you ARE single. You can’t think like a gf when you aren’t. And a guy isn’t going to step up if you’re already acting like it. This may be subconscious in him, just a theory. He may feel your vibes of how focused you are on everything. If you’re doing your own thing, it’s way more attractive & effective at getting a guy to step up.
Anyone who is not your boyfriend by 3 months never is going to be. End it. If he fights for it, then he is invested, but most likely he will let you walk.
JB – yeah I can be really intense. I can be like this weird contradiction, because I personally want a lot of space, but I also just want to know what’s going on ALL the time. like i hate not knowing what’s going on. it’s a bad habit i need to break (or find myself a really good communicator!)
ashley – i think all the advice you’re giving is good. i think i need to pull back, and act like i’m single more, but i have this awful ego, and i feel like if i do that i’m going to get frustrated and be like, F it! and get mad at him, and just be like NEVER MIND. (i shouldn’t do that, but my whole thing is, when i see people not putting in effort with me, i think screw it, you know?). i want someone who is excited about dating me!
It’s hard but you can’t control these things or know what is going on unless a guy literally asks you the be his gf. Make it black & white for yourself: either we’re an official couple or not. The gray area doesn’t matter. It’s similar to filling out paperwork: you are either married or single. The gray area is what causes the problems, so it’s best to be black&white with it for your own sanity.
Exactly so get out there & be single ;) no matter what happens with him, it’ll just feel better period.