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- This topic has 19 replies and was last updated 8 years, 5 months ago by Gina.
I’ve never dated a single dad before so I am not sure if I am overreacting or if my anger is justified.
I don’t get to see the guy I have been dating for seven months too often and our communication has greatly decreased to one or two texts a day due him being stressed with temporarily losing his job and having to work for his family business that includes long physical hours and moody family members. On top of that he has his daughter almost all the time rather than half the week like he’s supposed to because the mother of his daughter is slacking in her parenting responsibilities. She is constantly making excuses to get out of taking her daughter during her allotted time. Even though I’ve met his daughter and we get along, my guy likes to keep his dating life separate. So when his daughter is around, I am not around.
Up until this weekend, I hadn’t seen my guy in two weeks and the communication was barely there. He kept promising me dates but something would always come up with work or his daughter last minute. I was really looking forward to this weekend because not only did he not have to take care of his daughter but he also didn’t have to work. There was even a suggestion from him that we should go on the camping trip he had promised me for my birthday back in April.On Friday night, he texted me asking how I was doing. I told him I signed up for the race I was training for and he never responded. Late Saturday Afternoon I get a text from him and he completely ignores my race. Lately, he is in the habit of dismissing anything I say about what is going on in my life. What his text did say however, was that he took his daughter and niece camping for the weekend. I was very upset so I didn’t text him back. A couple of times in the past he has skipped our dates to do things with his daughter when it isn’t his day to watch her or he takes he on the activity he planned for me. Monday night I get a text from him asking how my holiday weekend was. I didn’t respond because I was busy. A few hours later he sends me a long text saying how exhausted he was from the busy weekend and that he brought his daughters mothers up with him the last day of camping. That made me even madder. He is constantly bashing this woman and he took her camping with him. I understand his daughter was there but he didn’t have to bring her mother too. I still haven’t responded because I want to calm down before I say anything I would regret and I don’t know where to go from here.
RavenYou say, sounds like you had a great weekend.
Then, you go radio silent.
MariaIt seems that everything is about him and his life. Granted, he is in a pickle right now, unemployed, working odd job, young daughter, ex wife. But if he is texting you, he could take extra few minutes to talk about YOU.
I think you’ve been very patient and understanding for seven months! One thing you shouldn’t be doing, however, is to “skip” dates or promises and not talk about it as if nothing happened. This is not going to serve your relationship well. You need to confront him in a non-aggressive manner.
But fyi, texting twice a day is a little too much, don’t text with him, if he wants to talk to you, he’ll find time to meet you, once a week is not a lot to ask. He can also call. Texting is not a good medium to maintain relationship. A text can come in when you are doing something else, do you quickly reply, there is no engagement, no attention. Or if you do take a few minutes to text, it is just that – a few minutes. When you talk on the phone, you are not doing anything else, you are talking to a person, you are listening, there is communication going on between the two of you simultaneously. I’d stop texting him. Do what Raven suggested and see if it changes things.
KathyI’d do exactly what Raven said.. Nothing more.. This man needs to step things up a bit on his part or it may not be worth it to you..
vanessaOh heck no!! This man is not serious about you or having a relationship. This last incident would be the last straw for me.
Grace12He invited the mother of his daughter on the camping trip 1) without seeing if you’d be okay with that and 2) after dangling that trip in front of you as though he was going to take you. I’d be pissed. So pissed that I’d do exactly what Raven said and make myself busy with lots of fun activities to tell him about if he ever picked up the phone to call me. He’s treating you like a doormat.
HannahThis sounds like excuses excuses to me. He may be super busy, he may be having a stressful time. But he’s putting in zero effort. Leave him alone, live your own life and move forward. He can’t give you a relationship. Either because he doesn’t really want to or he has too much on. Who knows?!
LoganHe is “benching” you. He wants to keep you around for when it is convenient for him but he is not really letting you “in”. If you have not met his daughter after seven full months of exclusivity it shows that he is not considering a future with you, in my opinion. I am REALLY sensitive to ditching and being dropped for other things, so you are being much much more patient than I ever could be.
kayeThis would SO not fly with me!! But I wouldn’t be radio silent, he would know exactly how pissed off I was and his response to that would tell me everything I need to know about the future of this relationship.
I would tell him how I had been looking forward to spending some time with him this weekend. How I thought we had plans for a camping trip he had been promising me for over 2 months now and if plans had changed and he ended up with his daughter at the last minute that I would have appreciated a phone call and an apology for breaking our plans.
I’d also be tempted to add that the race when great and thank him for asking and showing interest in my life! LOL But really I would focus on the what I typed above.
And let me tell you, if I pulled this crap with my boyfriend and didn’t bother to apologize or let him know my plans were changing and I ended up having my ex husband on my camping trip with me when my boyfriend wasn’t invited…he would go freaking ballistic!! So I’m sure as hell going to say something to him if he treated me like this. But the thing is he wouldn’t do this. He always calls to let me know if something comes up and plans are changing, he goes out of his way not to break a promise to me if we’re going out of town to do something together and if he does have to disappoint me then he’s already planning what we’ll do to make up for it. Your guy doesn’t sound like he’s considerate of your feelings at all!!
GinaI don’t think from what you’ve said that you have the relationship with him that you think you do. No point in having the come to Jesus talk, this is just too messed up. Remove yourself now before you get hurt further. This stinks. And once you let a guy get away with too much bad behavior it takes some doing to re establish the respect.
PhillygirlI’m sorry, but this man has unequivocally shown you your level of priority in his life. Which is next to nothing. He is stringing you along, and I don’t see that changing.
I am a single mom. I don’t allow anyone to meet my son, unless I have every indication it’s going someplace very serious. But once I get to that place with someone (I could see myself with long term), I want them to meet my son. I want to see how they interact with my child and if my child is comfortable around them.
If you want to love me you have to love my son. My son is first in importance in my life, so a man needs to understand and be okay with that. That said, my ex was a single dad, and had the same values I do. But once we were serious we met each other’s children and did things “as a family”.
This man is not in a place to be in a relationship with you, either by choice or circumstance, but I’m betting it’s his choice (he could see you if he really wanted). Men make time for what they want. When they want a woman, you never even have to question it. They are calling, planning dates, and spending as much time as they can with you. They show you in both words and actions that they miss you, and being with you is a top priority.
This guy is very inconsiderate, and I question just how “done” he is with the ex. I’d say “not very”. When a man talks about his ex all the time (good or bad) it’s a sign they are still emotionally attached.
I agree with what others have said, he is using you. He doesn’t want to really commit but he likes having you around when it’s convenient.
This is your choice now. Why choose to stay with him? He isn’t making you happy, he isn’t considerate, he isn’t moving the relationship forward, and he isn’t making any time for you.
Make your own happiness, and move on. He is wasting your time.
SunI commend your patience and generosity. I hope that you can clearly see that you are not a PRIORITY but an OPTION to this man. Based on your post, he is clearly not in a position to date or be in a relationship but since you’ve been with him for 7 months, I would once and for all discuss the situation with him and based on his reaction (he steps up or not), then you say your goodbye.
caetruFirst of all, his daughter will always come first in his life. It’s understandable that he wants to spend as much time with her as he can, so you have to respect that. Over time as you get more serious, he will incorporate you into his time with is daughter when the time is right. If his ex is causing trouble with the visitation schedule then it is on him to correct it.
However, with that said it is no excuse to consistently treat you like an afterthought. I would feel very hurt and disrespected about the weekend camping, but then at 7 months I would have contacted my bf days earlier to ask what the plans were for the weekend. You shouldn’t just ignore this type of behavior if you want to have a relationship with him. Approach this in a civil way and see what he says. Some guys don’t understand how their actions can be hurtful and if you give the impression that everything is ok with you then he won’t/can’t change his behavior. He will only treat you this way if you let him. The two of you should talk about what you want in a relationship and decide if you can meet each other’s needs.
With everything that is gong on with him at this point, it sounds like he’s not ready to have a serious relationship. Nothing wrong with that if you want the same thing but it sounds like you want more.
GinaI disagree with all this “my child comes first” stuff. If a guy isn’t prepared to give me equal air time, I’m out of there. Honestly think this is a smoke screen a lot of people hide behind, it’s a pretty convenient get out the relationship free card. Why would I go into competition with someone’s kid?? Sorry but I find when someone is waxing on too much about how much their child means to them, that’s a yellow flag that they are operating from an unbalanced place. No offense intended to single parents. I have dated men who have said that of course their kids are important to them and they are ready to have a significant other too. Those have been pleasant experiences whereas when a man has a crazy ex and/or is right up front with the “my kids are my world” speech, they are not relationship ready. I’m sure this is going to cause controversy. It’s just my point of view. No need to launch attacks as women on this site are sometimes prone to do.
vanessaWho knows if he’s really with his daughter all those extra days he says he is. Based on his other actions, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s making this up to not have to make time for you. You’ve already met the daughter so the only reason that I see for him not wanting you to be around her anymore is because he doesn’t see you being around long term.
AND he had the balls to tell you the ex came along? Who does that? I think he’s looking for you to get fed up and break it off with him.
vanessaExactly, Gina. I think that is the case for this guy, at least.
ShannonI have to tell you the truth, I’ve gone through the same thing more than once (I’m a slow learner). Decreasing communication, doesn’t respond right away, weeks without seeing one another…if someone wants you in their life they will make an effort to keep you there. You’re just going to continue to be stressed and anxious and frustrated until this inevitably ends. It’s not supposed to be this hard. Try not to take it personally, but because of all his issues, his interest level is low. He’s not fulfilling your needs and thus is not a good match for you.
redcurleysueHe has to man up to his ex if he wants to be treated fairly.
You have to woman up and decide to leave this guy. It has not gotten better but worse.
If he is not putting you strongly in the line up then be gone.
caetruAs I said it shouldn’t be used as an excuse to treat someone you’re dating as an afterthought.
When you are a divorced parent and you only get to see your child maybe 50% of the week, you prioritize them over other things. In a new relationship, I let the person know that my children are priority because I would not schedule dates or things that my children could not do with me when I had them so I could spend time with them when I had the chance. I go to recitals, games, etc even when it is not my day with them and don’t schedule things priority to those.
After the relationship is more established and serious, then you begin to spend time more together with your significant other and children.
This is why i only dated divorced men with children. They have a deeper understanding of what it is like, and don’t get upset when kid related things come up.
GinaMakes sense Caetru and if that works for you then that’s good to hear. If someone says to me the kids are my priority, I tell them to try me in the future when the kids are a little older or the situation is more stable – it leaves mouths hanging open and it gets me instant respect and disqualifies out the guys who are going to pull “oh the kids, the kids”. I tell them I’m looking for someone who can handle the kids and the SigOth. The guy I’m dating now has stepped up nicely. I say it in a nice way of course. The guys are used to women who will bend over backwards to accommodate, and I don’t do it. I tell them that I wouldn’t want them to get into a situation down the line when they had to call it off because they were in over their heads. I ask him to please take his time and think about where he is at in his life because I’m looking for someone who is ready to share their life with someone special and it doesn’t make sense to waste either of our time if there are obstacles that can’t be overcome from the get-go. Talk about establishing yourself as a lady to be won!!
I’m looking for equal air time, from the start, or it sets a bad precedent. Radical maybe, but once I made that rule I stopped winding up with men with problems with the ex or the children. I understand emergencies with the kids and I get that some flexibility is necessary. I’m happy to do that.
Obviously you can probably guess I’ve had some experience with this. LOL. Three times I was the wonderful understanding lady and once the guy came clean and said he wasn’t really ready and twice I removed myself because it was clear the guy was just looking for someone to fill the job of girlfriend when he needed one.