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- This topic has 4 replies and was last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
Hi everyone.
I just wanted to write in and chat about this, I’m 24 by the way.
So I’ve always had this problem when dating, which is relationship anxiety. I get into a relationship and after a few months I become this anxious, paranoid girlfriend. I have self destructive behaviour in relationships where I’ll get really scared incase hes going to cheat or lie and I’ll do things to try and prove that I’m right, like looking through his history or checking his messages (if his phone is around and he’s not). This is speaking from past relationships. I’m single at the minute.
But a couple of months ago, I stopped looking for things I knew wouldn’t be good for to ‘look’ for, and even though it’s tough not to give into addiction of the self sabatoge, say looking at an exs page, or his ex pages, I came to this realisation that I was never aware of before. the reason why I do this, is because I make these scenarios up in my head that aren’t even true,that seem very believable. But I think of the worst possible case scenario, and before I give myself time to really think about it and question it, I just believe my thoughts and jump to conclusions.
Is this good progress that I’ve become aware of this. If I question my thoughts and don’t jump to conclusions or not to ‘spy’ on their privacy. Could that lead to better relationships for me?
I read what you wrote and thought you were writing about me. It’s called over thinking situations and it comes from insecurity. But, I still do it- but much less. What helped was exactly that- I don’t go on any social media that may upset me and try to think of the positive rather than go right to the negatives. What causes this sometimes is a boyfriend who has lied to you- once you’ve lied, it’s very hard to not think everything could be a possible lie so you have to choose to believe that he’s telling the truth. That can be very hard.
Thank you so much for your comment, it makes me feel better knowing I’m not alone and that someone goes through something the same, even though it’s not nice to deal with. And what you said at the end is very true, once you’ve been lied too, which yeah, I had been lied too, it’s very difficult to trust then what’s true.
Yes it’s great that you’ve become aware of this. Trying to have a relationship with emotional issues means constantly challenging your own self. You’re not alone in these battles.
Have you tried to figure out why you have such self-sabotaging thoughts and actions? Sometimes the reason is not as simple as being afraid someone may be cheating or lying to you, but fear of intimacy, or unable to give up control that’s required to have faith in your partner
I’m pretty sure it stems back to my childhood. I think there is this one moment that I’m still dealing with the trauma of. It’s my dad telling me, when I was around age 12, “you’re old enough now to know that I want nothing to do with you”. It’s crazy in a way because, I remember everything that happened up to that moment but afterward, It’s like I blocked out what happened.