Saw something I shouldn't have seen, don't know how to feel…Sorry, long post

Home Forums Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals Saw something I shouldn't have seen, don't know how to feel…Sorry, long post

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    I was at my boyfriend’s (of 11 months) house and he went to take a shower. I was just watching TV, but I realized he had left his laptop open on facebook and I saw that he had been talking to one of his best friends recently. Out of plain curiosity I looked through their conversation… and of course saw something I didn’t want to see. (I know I know, I shouldn’t have looked. It’s weird, I trust him and I’ve never done anything like that… I fucked up, I knew better…)

    He had told his friend that he developed a crush on one of his coworkers and wasn’t sure how to handle it. He also wrote that he wasn’t sure where things were going with us and didn’t know what to do, but was still concerned about me since we had been dating a while. She advised him to “just roll with it and just see how things go. Enjoy what you have now, it’ll either work out or it won’t.”
    ***It should be noted that he interviewed for a job in which he would have had to move 8 hours away in a few months, so he probably didn’t know how his future would play out especially with us. But this conversation was a month ago, and he JUST found out he didn’t get the job a few days ago***

    The crush part doesn’t bother me too much… As far as I can tell that’s a relatively normal thing and so long as he doesn’t act on it, it should be fine. But the fact that he was doubtful about us in the long run… that hurt to read. As soon as I saw that, I wanted to cry. I wanted to somehow bring it up but didn’t want to him to get the feeling I saw that private conversation. As he got out of the shower and dressed, I went over to him, hugged him and asked him if he was okay (he had been acting odd recently anyway). He told me he had bad news, that he didn’t get the job that he had high hopes for. I sat with him and reassured him that everything would be alright. After a bit of holding him in silence, I quietly asked if anything else had been bothering him, that I wasn’t sure how we were doing because he seemed so off. I told him I didn’t know if he was acting weird because of me, work, family… He seemed surprised hearing this, saying things were good between us and kissed me before he got up and got ready for work.

    Since yesterday, I feel weird, confused, sad… I don’t know what to expect between us and how long we’ll last. When I’ve been with him the last few weeks, things seemed fine. He’s affectionate as usual and seems excited for the plans we made the next month. I don’t know if it’s just phase he found himself in due to his uncertain future and the fact he’s been overworking a lot recently, or something he’s been really thinking about. I don’t know if he truly wants to stay with me, but I figure if he didn’t want to, he would have gotten it over with already…
    I dunno, this is more of a rant if anything, but I’d love advice on how to deal with this. My feelings are so messed up. All because I invaded his privacy and saw something I shouldn’t have seen…

    TLDR: The only time I looked at a private conversation, I saw that my boyfriend admitted to his best friend that he had doubts about us in the long run and even found himself crushing on a coworker. But now his situation has changed (didn’t get a job that would have made him move far away) and it’s possible that was a temporary feeling, or something he’s been thinking about for a while. I’d love advice on how to deal with this and what I could do to spark our relationship back to life, and yes! I knew I shouldn’t have looked…

    #481350 Reply

    This is tough. I’ve actually been in a similar situation, and it’s awful which is why I’ve never “snooped” again.

    It’s entirely possible that your bf was concerned over how the new job would affect your relationship, and that he was unsure if he could maintain it long distance. Try not to allow it to make you anxious and neurotic, because that WILL impact the relationship in a negative way.

    If you still feel as if he’s not being completely honest about it, wait for a time when the two of you are relaxed and physically close together, like maybe laying in bed talking. Then either stroke his hair, scratch his back, take his hand, etc. and say, “I feel that something’s bothering you that you’re not talking about. I’d really like you to tell me what it is.” Don’t say anything about the two of you, or the relationship, or his feelings for you. If he says that there isn’t anything, persist a little and tell him you just sense that there is, and you want to create a safe place for him to discuss it. Then listen calmly to anything he has to say. If he still denies it, just drop it. The seed has been planted and he may come to you at another time (if there is anything).

    But, unless he says otherwise or your instinct is telling you that there is really something up, try to assume that it was about the job and no longer an issue.

    As for livening things up, change things up. Find a new activity that you might both enjoy. Send a sexy text message if you don’t typically do that or surprise him with something new in the bedroom. If you guys have fallen into a routine, break it with things that are unexpected but pleasant.

    #481354 Reply

    If my guy would see what I talk about with my close friends he would probably freak out and cry… We always have our uncertainty moments and it’s all part of a relationship.

    I would just try to forget about it and work on the relationship, whatever is meant to happen will happen anyways but you won’t feel like you failed if you keep being nice as usual and enjoying your time with him.

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