Seen a message on his phone

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  • #839784 Reply

    Hi I have been with my partner a couple of years. We were sat chatting and he was on his phone. I looked down and saw a message from a girl. I had never heard him mention her name before . I casually asked him who she was and he said someone he used to work with years ago and they just say hi now and again . I got a really uneasy feeling . I later told him I felt something was a bit dodgy with it and he said well I’m not showing you my messages I’ve done nothing wrong. I don’t know where to go from here . I don’t want to ask to look at the messages but I feel he could show me if they were innocent. I can’t just brush it under the carpet . What would you do ?
    Thanks x

    #839786 Reply

    Before all of this did you trust him? Or his this merely one in a long line of incidents that are tugging at your gut?

    Honestly, after a couple of years, showing you his phone shouldn’t be a huge deal unless… you’ve made a big deal about other women or things you’ve seen on his phone in the past.

    My ex husband was EXTREMELY protective of his phone, and honestly, that’s a major turnoff. Eventually, I looked up the numbers he was texting/calling on our shared mobile account that I paid for and googled the numbers to find they were for a female coworker (where they clocked phone calls 3-4 hours long) on nights I was out with friends, during drives home, etc. They also were to a hooker. It turned out that he was cheating on me with someone 11 years younger than I am- his admin. And as for the hooker? I have no idea what went down because I figured that it was time to move on.

    I’m not saying he’s cheating. But what I’m saying is that there seems to be some level of mistrust where there should be intimacy. I’d either work on the intimacy or move on, personally.

    #839791 Reply

    These types of questions are really hard to answer without knowing anything about him, the relationship, your dynamic, his general behaviour, his loyalty, your loyalty, the status of the relationship, your character as in are you overly suspicious or generally chilled. Well you get the drift. We have to have an opinion about only knowing he texted a girl Hi.
    I can tell you one thing. I think you picked the worst kind of wordening asking your bf about this. After seeing her name and him saying its an old collegue saying Hi now and then. You decided it was dodgy and told him so. That immediately brought him in defence position. Try: ‘i’ sentences next time. Like: i feel a bit insecure about this. I never heard her name. And then an open question like: are you friends?
    You know the drift. In these cases its really about how you communicate. Do i think its (a bit) weird: yes, mostly because you never heard her name. Do i have to go in attack mode: no. Knowledge is power. Good luck finding out what is going on.

    #839800 Reply

    Best thing to do is to confront it head on! I don’t know why women are so afraid of confronting men and demanding a truthful answer? You were given a voice and need to use it, if you don’t, well then keep on struggling.

    I haven’t been in this particular situation before but if I was I would totally say “who the hell are you texting?” If he refused to show me he would be seeing my backside as I walk out the door. A man who has nothing to hide wouldn’t hide it IMO.

    I did catch my ex husband e-mailing with his his ex once as he didn’t have enough time to hide it when I came up behind him. I was able to read enough to see it was just a ‘catch up’ before he tried to close the laptop lol. I asked why was he was hiding it and he responded “I didn’t want you to get upset over nothing” whereas I stated, hiding it is worse so just be honest with me from the get go and we won’t have an issue.

    I admit there are a couple text conversations I’ve had with my ex husband that I would not want my current partner to see. Not because of anything I said was bad but they could easily be taken out of context and I would have to “explain” what I meant at the time I said it. For instance my ex asked if I was going to marry him. At the ‘time’ he asked I did not want to get married but if he were to ask today I would, not now but maybe in the summer when the weather’s nice. That would take too much energy to explain lol.

    #839881 Reply

    Thanks guys. A bit of background… we are very close and have a fab relationship. I’ve never asked to look at his phone before, he is always showing me messages on there and conversations so it is strange he has took the ‘ I shouldn’t have to prove myself’ stance with this particular person.
    I haven’t over reacted which is making him think I’ve let it go. I know I have to go there again though as I have a bad gut feeling about it and I need to know. I have a feeling he is not going to show me, which sadly I will have to make a decision whether I can accept that. I think I can’t and will have to walk away.

    #839887 Reply

    You are afraid, or you wouldn’t be here, asking…

    #839894 Reply

    I think you need to say something or the uneasy feeling you have is going to keep growing. As you say you otherwise have a good relationship, just have a heart to heart. Say you feel uncomfortable about it and the feeling isn’t going away and you want to be open about that. And that you don’t believe he’s cheating and you’re not demanding to see the message, you just feel funny about it because you never heard her name before this and you’ve been together a while. If you’re calm and reasonable, he should be willing to engage in the conversation. If he’s still defensive and unwilling to discuss, you have a problem that may be a deal breaker in the long run if you can’t solve conflict together.

    #839898 Reply

    Has your partner ever given you any reason not to trust him before in this regard? If so then I can totally understand where you’re coming from. If it’s as innocent as two friends saying a quick hello he shouldn’t be so defensive.

    If he’s always been trustworthy then he might be pissed that you don’t trust his word. If you can’t trust him after all these years there’s a bigger issue to deal with besides this friend of his.

    If I was in your position and my husband was in contact with an old female colleague I probably would be a bit curious as to why as well. If he hid it from when I asked about her I’d be concerned but if he was being open and honest about things I’d let it be.

    #840026 Reply

    Thank you for your replies ladies. Update … I spoke to him and told him my concerns. He just repeated that it was my problem if I didn’t believe it was innocent . I said I have never asked to see his phone before but I have a gut feeling and he could put my mind at ease but he refused. I told him he was leaving with no choice but to believe the worst and I would have to walk away. He said he loved me but it was on me not him . So I got out of the car and left . I am devastated but i feel I had no other choice x

    #840032 Reply

    Im so sorry for you. Im never for feeding paranoia about other women stories but this whole case did sound off to me. And the fact he said it was on you, to me is very telling. What would you have done if he had admitted he had been flirting/chatting with a girl? Because i think there is a real scenario he will come clean. Have you done some online digging? Meaning making a few fake dating profiles? Not to go all overboard but i do think he may have created dating profiles out of boredom as much guys that got caught say. Im not saying to go all stalker but you might want to find more evdidence.
    Really, hugs and have a good cry. It really sucks he gave up so easy

    #840037 Reply

    I”m really sorry. This is hard.

    Your gut is rarely wrong. If you feel something is off, it probably is. And his response isn’t helping. This is unfortunately how most people who are up to no good behave. They turn it around on you. If someone I cared about said they were fearful about what was going on in text with someone, I’d just show them the text and reassure them. It’s possible he just feels resentful about being called into question, sure, but generally what he’s doing isn’t how innocent people act. And note that he didn’t directly deny any wrongdoing but turned it right back around on you. That’s classic behavior of a liar who feels guilty.

    #840062 Reply

    Thank you for your replies, I am so gutted and don’t want to question myself. Reading your opinions makes me stronger.

    #840064 Reply

    Newbie . I haven’t snooped online – he knows a lot of people so wouldn’t really need a dating site. I genuinely thought he might have got in touch later in the day with some proof the messages were innocent but he didn’t. He just tried speaking to me like nothing had happened. I told him I was struggling with the situation and him acting like it hasn’t happened isn’t helping. He didn’t reply, then just txt goodnight at bedtime.

    #840076 Reply

    Hmmmmm. It would help a lot if he would just say, look she’s only a friend and there’s nothing to worry about. If he hasn’t done anything I”m puzzled he wouldn’t just say that.

    You might try calmly asking him how he would feel if the tables were turned and what he’d think if you didn’t even offer an assurance it was nothing more than a friend at least. You didn’t accuse him directly, you just said you were uncomfortable. How he’s handling this is now as much of a problem if not more than what might have happened with him and this woman.

    It’s very strange. This must be very confusing and hurtful.

    #840078 Reply

    If he keeps this up, you may need to just say, “if we can’t work through this, we have a bigger problem in our relationship than just a question about another woman. This issue won’t go away if you just refuse to talk about it. I don’t want to end our relationship like this but you’re not leaving me any choice.” And then go no contact for 30 days so you can start the process of moving on.

    #840134 Reply

    AngieBaby this is exactly how I feel. I’m a bit in shock to be honest. I have no doubt he loves me but the fact that it seems he is going to let me walk away without trying to show me there is nothing g to worry about has knocked me sideways. He has left me no other option. He said goodnight and good morning today but nothing else. I feel like screaming at him but trying to remain dignified.

    #840145 Reply

    Don’t do the dirty work of formally breaking up with him. At this point all I’d say is – “if we can’t work through this together, we have a bigger problem in our relationship than just a question about a text. Let me know when you’re ready to talk. I love you.” And then I’d leave it at that.

    His behavior is really passive aggressive. Don’t let him manipulate you. You have a legitimate concern. If he won’t address it and is ignoring your attempts to handle this with him and continues to act like nothing is wrong, then you just need to go silent for a while.

    I can imagine what a big shock it is if things were otherwise OK for a long time.

    Again, this isn’t how an innocent person acts. The longer he refuses to address it, the more likely it is he’s done something he needs to cover up.

    #840149 Reply

    The only way his behavior would make sense other than doing something he’s trying to hide is if you’ve questioned accused him without grounds on other occasions. If you haven’t, maybe someone else has and he’s triggered.

    Two stories from my dating life…

    I had a BF once who accused me a number of times of talking with other men with intent to cheat on him. It wasn’t true. I patiently explained, showed him texts, etc. At first he would just question things and I thought he was just a bit insecure and he’d get past it. But at about the 6th time he did it,I’d had enough. I said what your BF said – this is your projection. But I also stated, I haven’t done anything, I’m not interested in anyone but you and I’m not going to keep explaining myself. And our relationship ended shortly after that. He had an ex who had cheated on him and denied it until he literally caught her red-handed. He had major trust issues that I hadn’t seen in the beginning. Nothing that I did, and he wasn’t willing to address those issues to recover, he just wanted to continue seeing things that weren’t there and blame me.

    On another occasion I had a BF get weird about a male friend of mine. Nothing I did or said made it better. Turned out he was still in touch with a woman he had slept with on and off for a few years and she was deliberately trying to get him to sleep with her again even though she was aware he was dating me. Let’s just say I found evidence he wasn’t exactly shutting her down, although I don’t believe he slept with her. I caught him in a few lies and had to end it. I heard later through mutual friends he was seeing her again after we split.

    So… from my viewpoint, he’s either hiding something he’s done or said that he shouldn’t have, or has some kind of trauma from similar incidents.

    #840223 Reply

    Well, it is what it is. You now have tons of questions and instead of giving you reassurance he did just the opposite – shut you down and stopped talking.

    Things can go downhill from this point forward very quickly IF he keeps doing what he is doing to you.

    Here is a great source – just scroll down to the end of the page – how to catch a cheater – in case you want to investigate –

    I would keep my eyes on him, his behaviour and whereabouts. It is too bad that he does not understand the damage he is doing to the relationship. He breached your trust and won’t even bother remedy the situation.

    And then all men like this nag about women who are paranoid, insecure and suspicious.

    TO ALL THE MEN OUT HERE: if you have nothing to hide then prove it! What if you saw something like this on her phone? How would YOU like it? huh?

    These types of jerks drive me crazy. I better go to take a break before I explode and ruin my weekend. Thanks for reading everybody.

    #840471 Reply

    Update. He left me no choice but to end it. He wouldn’t show me the messages. I know he is really devastated I have broke up with him so if the messages were innocent surely he would have shown me to put things right. I am absolutely gutted but putting all my energy in being strong and not letting him talk me round . Thanks for all your advise ladies I do appreciate it.

    #840476 Reply

    AT this point even if there’s nothing in those messages, his stubbornness at being willing to lose you over it is not a good trait. Very messed up priorities, imo.

    He won the battle but lost the war.

    Figure out some proactive ways to heal and take care of yourself.

    #840481 Reply

    That really stinks. Did he offer any type of explanation on what the nature of the conversation was? I think your instincts are correct.. he wouldn’t let a good relationship go just to make a point. He’s hiding something.

    #840506 Reply

    @Sally, I am so very sorry. I thought it might go this way. Unfortunately it’s clear evidence he’s done something he needs to hide. No one lets a relationship end over a text if they have nothing to hide. Hugs. This is rough. My heart goes out to you.

    #840509 Reply

    He got angry and said he won’t explain himself like a child and I shouldn’t ask that of him. I said we have been together a long time and if I can’t be honest about my unrest well that doesn’t say much about our relationship ( taken from lanes advice ). He then pretended to read the messages to me but it was the most pathetic attempt at trying to pick a couple of words here and there. Basically saying she had mental health problems and needed someone to talk to. Again I said it was strange he had never mentioned this and just show me the messages (at this point I was so fed up of the fight and his reluctance) he point blanked refused . I said if that’s the case I have no choice to end it and we said goodbye , and put the phone down . He tried to speak to me like nothing had happened later in the day. I said if he had nothing new to say I’d rather he didn’t message me. He didn’t reply .

    #840720 Reply

    I also saw another female’s name come up in a text message on my boyfriend’s phone. The message came from his sister in-law whom I am also friends with. There were rumors floating around about either he was texting her or she was texting him. I addressed it and he denied it. I just don’t know what to believe. All I know is that this woman is 9 years older than me and its just maddening! So I totally know how you feel and it just sucks! He recently asked to move out because he wanted his space while his 23 year old daughter was staying with him. So I have since moved out and have not heard from him since and it’s now been a week. I’ve seen his car sitting at the bar so I don’t think his daughter is actually staying with him. I just wish guys would be honest and tell the truth rather than making up a story.

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