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- This topic has 7 replies and was last updated 10 years, 7 months ago by
So my concern is that I’ve already informed my boyfriend that there is a lot with him. Background history is that he has two children from his previous relationship, a crazy work schedule with limited free time and a lot of financial debt to take care of. I myself do not have any children and up to the time I met him, I refused to date men with children because of the drama it could cause and because of the simple fact that I would never be first. If the guys a good father the children will be first and I’d have to accept that. For starters my boyfriend has been telling me and my mother that he loves me and his plan is to marry me. I’ve been dating him for just over a year and have never met his children whom are 4 and 8 yrs old. I’ve told him that I’m concerned that you say you want to marry me yet there is another part of him that I don’t know. That is his children. His response is that will happen soon. The second concern I have is that around 9 pm yesterday while we were together his kids mother calls to tell him that their daughter was riding her bike and ended up scratching up a neighbor’s car. The kids mother called to tell him about the incident he tells her that he know’s a guy who can fix the scratch on the neighbors car and he’ll give it to her when he can to avoid the major repair costs. In the process of him ending the conversation with his kids mother he says to her, “okay let me get back in here”. As if he’s at work…its like he’s covering up that he is in a relationship. His actions to me do not fit a person ready for marriage. Then she calls back around 11:30pm, 12am and 6:30am asking him for the guys number after he’s already informed her he’ll get it to her, when he answered his phone at 12am we were in bed. As he was on the phone with her he started lowering the volume.
I’m just sick of the drama already!!!!! Any advise.
Sorry, but the only advice is to move on or accept it. You broke YOUR BOUNDARIES by getting into a non-committal relationship with a man for the very reasons you outlined, so why do think you he will allow you to establish new one’s? This man has zero inclination of marrying you. Why? Because you act like a [secret] wife without him having to put in any effort.
The kids aren’t going away and their mother will be in his life for a very long time because of this connection. He’s trying to “keep the peace” whereby, he’s not ready to add another woman into the mix yet, which is why you remain in perpetual limbo. If you push new boundaries, he will rebel against them, and you will either be dumped or remain where you’re at.
Sorry, but I think its best you move on with someone who doesn’t have all these challenges and is CLEARLY showing he wants to marry you which would involve: A RING and A PROPOSAL = A BOND. Without those two key elements he’s just spewing empty promises to keep you strung along.
Another question I would ask you is that you said you do not have any children. Do you want children of your own? Have you had a talk with this guy about it? Because I am quite sure that he will not want more children especially if he is already in debt.
Yes. I’ve told him I want children (at least one) in the near future and he says he wouldn’t be opposed to having more kids. He loves children. We’ve talked about his debt from taking a loss on the sell of his town house and purchase of his new home. He’s said that debt should be satisfied in about a year based on the payments he’s been making.
I think I’m going to take your advice and move on. Seems he’s just feeding me whatever sounds good. Full of it and to make matters worse he’s not just lying to me but also to my mother which shows he has no limit.
I also feel he’s still emotionally connected to her though he tells me he only has eyes for me. For example, he won’t perform oral sex, says he had a bad experience yrs ago. I’ve talked to him time and time again about this and he says, “if it’s my thing he’ll do it”. Probably is he still hasn’t so I’m not going to beg…just move on. I told him it gets pretty old pleasing him with hand jobs and performing sex for him the way he likes me to (me nude in high heels) and I’m not being pleased the way I like in return. His solution is that I don’t have to give him a hand job until he has an oragasim. I said, it shouldn’t have to be that way, there should be no limits sexually if you love me like you say you do. He agreed but still didn’t do anything to please me. This just leads me to believe he’s connected with someone else…
It means that he is ALL TALK AND NO ACTION. I agree move on …..
So I finally broke up with him today. I have a lot of mixed emotions from anger to confusion. I just got so feed up being with someone treating me less than I deserve. After not haven spoken to him sense Wednesday due to his busy work schedule and him calling late with me already asleep for the night…
I called him today and told him I just can’t do this any more (repeated three times). He got quite briefly and said he understands. I said thank you for understanding. That was it and I haven’t heard a peep. I guess this goes to show how much he really cared (zero).
Any suggestions on the best method or approach to take with my last post and/or how to stay strong…