Shall I leave him ?

Home Forums Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals Shall I leave him ?

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    I am in relationship for about 3 months. First month was ok but since then there are always doubt about him . I have been catching him lying and he is not honest . A little thing then to a big thing . He lying that he was not on social media , he is not into another relationship.
    1st time I caught his relation status on his Facebook, he mentioned a girl name . I asked him and he said it was the past . I let it go .
    2nd time , he was struggling and I offer him help , we both agreed . But few days after I gave him help, I found out another shocking post ( he did not know that his GF was on social media and everything was on Public post), I could see all the post and his comment on her post . And the biggest surprise was a post from himself ( he forgot to put the post on private ), I saw his picture with his secret lover . He told me that was a past also but it is actually fresh with all the caption saying that the pandemic made him missing her so much (we both actually on LDR ) He kept denied whenever I asked his explanation .
    Our relationship always up and down . Come and go, I always forgive him .

    The last one (3rd ) was recently , I found out that he was regular on social media , updating and commenting on his GF social medias .
    And he publish his affair on FB & IG . but he hide me from his social media . I felt I am worthless for him and he did not respect our relationship . I have enough drama with him . He play victim every time I ask him about his affair . He blame me that I kill his feeling for me . I am tired of him . He play with my feeling . What should I do, I have been thinking to walk away, until he realised that he lost someone who has always been there for him .

    But I found out lately that he hide another relationship on social media from me . I found out 3 x and I directly asked him but he denied . He always said that his family knows about our relationship, but actually its only WORDS . I did a lot of things for him and his family but the other girl who got the credit .

    #845161 Reply

    Your title says, “ Shall I leave him?”

    You’re still with this philander?!

    #845221 Reply

    I hate to sound harsh, but it sounds like to him, you were never with him to begin with. Your entire “relationship” is founded on lies. The lie that he was single, the lie that he was faithful, the lie about FB IG, the lie about his PUBLIC relationship, that he clearly flaunts online.
    If only the first month was “ok”, then all the lies came out, there is nothing else to do but don’t waste another second of your time with him.
    You said it’s a LDR, have you ever actually met?! Or has he been just using you for emotional (and apparently financial?!) support.
    Drop him like a burning hot potato, and never look back.

    #845365 Reply

    HI Queenie ,
    I have been with him about 1.5 months . Until then I found out the lies, he suddenly mad at me and decided to move back to his country . which is actually not far from where I live . He rushed made a decision . I forgive him at least few times, and were back together . But again and again he kept lying .
    He plan to see me every month when the Lock down is lifted . But the tragedy came out sooner as I can’t hold anymore the pain in my heart :( . I asked him nicely to be honest and explain everything, but he denied it and he always saying he had enough with me . 2x I caught him he received a called and he did not dare to pick up the call . Actually I already find out who called him at that time. As usual he make an excuses .
    Yea, I ever help him, he was in a difficult situation . But you know, he even did not think about how I would feel, I realised also that he took me for granted all this time .
    Thanks Queenie for your reply and advice .

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