Home › Forums › Dating and Sex Advice › She (31F) invited me (31M) to a date and dumped me. What have I done wrong? Shou
- This topic has 4 replies and was last updated 3 years, 9 months ago by
I met this girl in a company (friend of a friend) and we got a lot of fun, she was next to me all the time, there was a lot of chemistry and we slipped away from the others and went to another bar, we danced, kissed, got a lot of fun and laughs. After that we went for a dinner, both ware very hungry, then she asked me to go with her to her place. I did. In the taxi she asked me just to leave her at her place. I agreed of course, she gave me her phone number and asked me very insistently to call her the next day. I kissed her goodbye, and went away. I was not really hopeful about all this:people on parties drink. Anyway I was busy and was thinking to call her in the afternoon. But she actually called me first (I was going to a business meeting) and we talked till I was on my appointment, she invited me to a date, she was very cute and charming on the phone. After my business meeting I went with my business partner (fine looking woman) to a store just for few mins AND in the same time my date entered the store by accident. She was really quick to leave after a brief chat, she was upset to see me with the other woman. Late that night she called me again and we talked for 40 minutes about the date for tomorrow and few times she tried to get to know who the lady was. So I calmed her that she is just a business partner. Anyway, we agreed that next day we will call each other to set the place. After work I called her but no answer. I got a message: Still at work, she called me hours later (after 20 PM) and told me she will have dinner and we may go for a drink or I’m going to join her. She was far away and I told her that will go the bar and wait her there. She agreed and told me that she will be there in 30 mins.1 hour passed. So I rung her phone, nothing, rung again – nothing. After 3 hours I got a text: was with my parents. I rung her and she told me just: was with my patents. So I asked why she called me if she was not available. She just hang up. Rung her last time. Nothing. This was yesterday. I did not called or texted since.
Your ‘date’ is very rude!
You dodged a bullet…Erin
I would not pursue her if I were you, if someone shows you who they are for the first time, believe them.
It would’ve been easy to say homegirl is just not that into you but she has displayed some pretty disturbing traits alongside her drama, which you need to pay attention to just in case you’re operating under the illusion that it’s just a trifle matter.
*comes on too strong in a very short time, check
*Demands loyalty too much too soon (what has she done to earn it) ,check
*comes across as controlling
*resorts to passive aggressive moves to ‘punish’ you or to see just how much she can push your boundaries and patience.
*baits and disappears/ghosts creates scenarios which make you upset so you can tell her off or confront her, only go go radio silent on you.This is not a cute look for a grown as* woman, if she is dropping the ball this early, imagine all the crap you will put up with in the future.
Shut it down, hits and misses are occupational hazards of dating.
just delete her number and forget about her. the previous poster has given you good reasons why. anyways why would you want to meet a woman who has behaved so badly with you? how can anyone agree to meet in 30 mins and not turn up? just block her man
Adding to the red flag list that she doesn’t believe you about something you’re being honest about right off the bat. No foundation of trust can exist if she’s so immediately suspicious and distrustful when you’ve not yet given her any reason to doubt you. Even if your pretty coworker WAS a date, someone getting that jealous, upset, and passive-aggressively vindictive (standing you up) after one meeting is a really, really bad sign. A lot of emotional immaturity. It’s not like she walked in on you two going at it, you were just walking around a store together.