Should I ask him out?

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice Should I ask him out?

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  • #782671 Reply

    I’ve been talking to this guy for the past two months and been out four times so far. Things are going very slowly, not kissed or held hands, which is fine we’re just getting to know each other. I’ve posted on here before as I don’t have much experience in dating and I have taken everybody’s advise to date with little emotional investment, see where things go and enjoy going on dates & not stress. I honestly feel happier and more relaxed. I’ve also changed my mentality of with or without him, I will still be happy.

    Anyway as I mentioned, we’ve been out four times (I asked him out after our 1st date, where he asked the 1st, 3rd and 4th time.) I enjoy spending time with him, he seems lovely and usually pays for most things. therefore I was just wondering if I should ask to see him next time? I kind of feel like it’s ‘my turn’?

    My concern with asking guys out is that usually this pushes him away as he sees me as ‘easy’. What do you guys think?

    #782677 Reply

    It’s generally best not to ask a man out before hes your boyfriend. However if he showing up really consistently, meaning trying to see you at least once a week and talking to you in between dates and building the relationship slowly, it wouldn’t kill you to ask him out once. I would be more concerned that this is taking so long. Most men make women their girlfriends really quickly. Usually <3 months. The fact that this is taking so long means you’re not seeing each other that often. Relationships that are growing for real tend to be people who want to see each other at least once a week if not more often as time goes on. So if hes consistently seeing you, meaning wanting to see you at least once a week, contacting you and between dates to say Hi, then feel free to ask him out one more time period however if you just wanna see what he does, let it go and let him lead.

    #782685 Reply

    We see each other every 1.5 weeks- do you think that’s not good enough/slow? Also, we met online so I guess that’s slightly different as we don’t really know each other before hand. He did mention he’s not too sure how to progress as he’s been single for a really long time.

    But yeah he’s showing up for dates and paying for everything. Texts throughout the day everyday and replies quickly.

    Do you think this is going nowhere? Is this a case of ‘he’s just not that into me’?
    (Sorry, pretty new at this)

    #782693 Reply

    From what you said its going real show i terms on date frequency, intimacy. Im not so rigid when it comes to never ask a guy out, i think you can from time to time, in a: im thinking of checking out this place, you like to come along? Kind of way. But he is so slow, i think i would let him ask.

    #782695 Reply

    What are your ages and is he an introvert guy? If he is 30plus and introverted, you might ask him. I have a guy friend where the girl had to drag him into bed to get them committed. But thats rare

    #782702 Reply

    I do think this is too slow but then not knowing his personality its hard to know if this is how he is or its something else.

    How do feel about him? Do you feel like its growing or he is pulling away a bit? If he’s being consistent and nothing has changed since you met, I wouldn’t ask him on a date but more of a request such as “there’s a _____ (name of event/activity) happening next Sat. and was wondering if you would like to go with me?” However, I would only do this if I feel there’s been forward movement, if not and he appears to be pulling back, then I pull back further to see what he does by either fading out or steps back in and progresses it naturally. Men need to go through what’s called an “uncommitted phase” where they are trying to decide if they are truly ready for the all the expectations that comes with a relationship, and if they are ready and wanting to give up their singlehood (freedom) for another person.

    Guys do run out of things to do, so adding a cool activity that you know he would like is a good way to create a stronger bond as it shows him you listen to what he likes and if you enjoy it too is a double bonus!

    #782709 Reply

    Thanks so much for the great response guys :) He’s 26 and I’m 22. He loves Netflix and the cinema. A software/computering graduate. Talks about his career a lot. Mentioned he gets stressed out over small talks and crowded places. Also mentioned usually wants to be friends first before going onto dating- so maybe that’s my answer right there. Surely he enjoys my company too, if not he wouldn’t still be talking to me?

    Since I’m not too emotionally invested like someone here suggested I do, all I can say at the moment is I enjoy spending time with him. I’m also slowly observing if he’s someone I want to date properly, I’m liking what I see so far:) I used to do that love at first sight/ sparks flying everywhere thing in the past but both turned out badly. Trying a new approach to take things slow this time.

    Nice things he does I’ve noticed: binge watched one of my favourite TV show I recommended in just a day, paid for everything (expensive meals), texts throughout the day (quick replies even at work and on Christmas day), mature, usually lets me pick meet up times/days.

    In terms of moving things forward, it’s very slow… But it was nice that he told me about his stress at work and daily stuff. One of our conversations ended last week and I didn’t text him for 5 days so that I can see what he would do next. He ended up initiating a text and asking me to the cinema.

    What do you guys think? Is he just being nice? I’m not super pretty but I’m pleasant-looking and fit so I seriously hope he’s not looking for something casual, I’m not that person.

    #782713 Reply

    I would keep my options open and multi date. Next time you go out ask what he is looking for right now in terms of dating and tell him what you want. I am not impressed with this, but not negative either about your story.

    #782716 Reply

    I think its going OK based on what you said about him. I understand the engineering mind, its logical, rational and methodical so it fits within his personality type.

    I would be a concerned with the fact he doesn’t like “small talk” and “avoids crowds” as that could be a very limiting factor in a relationship where you could end up feeling very alone eve thought you aren’t. I would continue to observe to determine if its what inhibits him from forming bonds, with not only you but others in general.

    I think building a friendship before a relationship is best IF that’s the path he’s taking you down and not just as “a friend.” Has he mentioned any of his intentions with you or is he treating you like a friend? I would definitely want some clarification on his intentions before proceeding or you could be wasting your time going nowhere.

    #782744 Reply

    Disliking small talk and crowds are introvert characteristics, not yellow flags (unless you don’t want an introvert). As an introvert with a busy people-intensive career it can be hard to build and maintain relationships and also get enough down-time to stay sane!

    I would investigate why he’s asking you out so infrequently rather than asking him out.
    What does he do on the days he isn’t seeing you? Why doesn’t he want to see you on those days? Is he prioritising his friends or needing time alone? I think you need to understand his priorities and needs more to decide if this is an issue for you.

    #782749 Reply

    I think he is just seeing you and getting to know you presently as a friend. so its ok if you do ask him out for a movie or dinner. I think after another 2/3 meetings, the pic should get clear. but try not investing in him too much emotionally or mentally or you may end up getting hurt if things don’t progress beyond casual occasional friendship. do accept other dates and don’t lock your self down for the present.

    #782752 Reply

    I actually already brought up the fact that he seemed unsure before Christmas. He said he’s been single for a long time and only just started dating so still figuring things out. He said in his past experience that he likes to be friends first before dating and he wants to get to know me as a friend just now- is that my answer right there? Have I just been ignoring it this whole time?

    I was a bit annoyed and blunt when I brought it up so I assume he was going to stop talking to me but he’s still texting me and even asked to see me after the talk.

    I think it’s fine as I’m going to put him as low priority. But then we texts hourly throughout the day and he pays for everything even when I offer- that almost seems part of dating?

    Just a bit confused at the moment.

    #782753 Reply

    Re: Jo
    He works full time in the city so as soon as he gets home, it’s dinner and chill I’m guessing ( he lives with his parents). He sometimes goes to the cinema after work.

    Hmm not sure, he maybe needing time alone. He’s quite high up at the firm so I’m guessing that’d be quite exhausting.

    At the moment it’s not an issue for me as I’m not looking for anything serious

    #782754 Reply

    Girl little tough love time, you are way over invested. To be honest, this guy sounds maybe like he might show up and maybe like you won’t, but my guess is this is who he is. Even in a relationship I bet this is who he is. You should be multi dating why are you only focused on this dude? Until a man shows up for real, stop trying to analyze him. You are overthinking it

    #782756 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I’m wondering why he still lives with his parents if he (presumably) has a good paying job? I assume that because you said he’s high up in his firm. At age 26 I would think he would want his own place. Do you have any insight on that?

    I agree that he sounds like he has introvert characteristics (not liking small talk or crowds, etc). However my boyfriend is definitely an introvert and still was very proactive about showing romantic interest and taking me out 2 or sometimes even 3 times a week, the first couple months we were dating. So I agree with what others have said that it seems that this is moving rather slow, if you’ve only been out 4 times in 2 months.

    “He said in his past experience that he likes to be friends first before dating and he wants to get to know me as a friend just now”– I think you should believe what he’s saying. Honestly he sounds like a kind person (paying when you go out, etc) but it really sounds to me like he’s approaching you as a friend for the moment. Which is exactly what he’s telling you. Especially since after 4 dates he has not even held your hand or kissed you. I don’t think he’s feeling a strong romantic pull towards you or he’d be asking to see you more. From what you’ve said, he isn’t shy about asking.

    I agree with Tammy that you should wait it out for a few more dates and see if he steps it up at all. But don’t get emotionally invested and keep yourself open to other guys. Since you’re seeing each other as friends now, I don’t see anything wrong with suggesting that you get together, as you would with any friend.

    #782757 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    LOL @ Tallspicy! I love the tough love! Gotta keep it real.

    I have to agree with Tallspicy. If he were showing up for real you wouldn’t be spending energy trying to analyze his every move. You would just know. Just treat this guy as you would any friend unless he gives you reason to think otherwise. But don’t invest so much in him.

    #782798 Reply

    @ Liz Lemon
    He wants to pay off all loans and buy a property so he’s saving up. You’re right, he is really kind and lovely. Whenever I wanted to talk, he’ll be there even when it’s not the best time for him. But he seems closed off on his end for some reason as someone mentioned earlier here.

    Anyway, I’ll take everyone’s advice and try not to get too invested. Thanks!

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