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- This topic has 25 replies and was last updated 9 years, 9 months ago by
I really like him. It has been many months of me looking up and seeing him staring at me. Doing odd things to make me laugh. Constantly hovering around me, the whole nine. He even opened up and just came and started talking to me about his personal life a while back. He asked me out once. He said to hang out with him and some of our co-workers and for me to let him know when I wanted to go. I waited like 3 months to get back to him. But I did eventually give him my number. We talked for a bit, but the plans never worked out. If I try to text him, he doesn’t get back to me for a long time. And if he does just randomly text me, its about work. I think he does like me but I have broken his confidence in asking me out again, because I’m not a flirt and just dense when it comes to these situations. I really am afraid of being hurt. So would asking him to lunch and then confessing that I have a crush on him be too much? I don’t want to play this cat and mouse thing anymore. At this point I really just want him to know how I feel. But at the same time, I’m afraid to even text him, part of me believes he won’t text me back. But then when we work together again, he just be hovering around and staring at me. What should I do?
Well, I would round up a few working friends and go out and invite him. I would not invite him to lunch and put it all out there…I would be more casual about it and see where it goes.
Hi Aunna,
Rule number one for me has always been – do not make it too easy for a guy! Men are competitive creatures and they like a chase. This is why they love sport; computer games; chess.. By asking him out he might indeed get the idea that you like him – but sooner or later he will lose interest – because you would have made it too easy for him. Don’t be a man from the very start. This is his job!
And don’t tell him how you feel about him before he does. Firstly because you will put yourself in a vulnerable position and secondly it would be awkward – especially since you are working together. And maybe think once again if you really want to mix business and pleasure.
For now I will suggest to be nice and breezy with him. I know it might be energy consuming, but it is better than coming across as too keen. Listen to what he says, seem interested. BUT never initiate anything. No sms, no calls, no date invites! In fact, try to look outside of work for now to get your mind off of him.
Good luck!
Thanks everyone for the answers!
But to be honest I am currently looking for a new job, this is not a place that I see myself in long term, plus we do not work together extremely often.
And as far as dating, I never have actually dated anyone and I only become interested in one guy may every 2 years or so. I don’t look at dating as just a fun social thing because having a bunch or random dudes trying to convince me to sleep with them is a really bad recurring nightmare for me..Lol
And honestly I don’t mind if he stops being interested in me. Mostly I just want to know how he would react if I told him. My mind is mostly on studies and getting a better job, and if a guy (even this one) happens to stick then so be it, if not that is cool too. Also I really hate feeling like I can’t be straightforward. I mean this has been going on almost a year and I’m tired of not knowing. The only reason why I haven’t completely disregarded him by now is because he seems interesting, I mean really and truly not like any other person I have met. And throughout all this time, I think he still oblivious to the fact that I like him back.
Oh and I also forgot to mention, I don’t text or call him now, like at all. I tried texting in the past, but it went nowhere. So yeah things are basically still exactly the way they were last year! The only real difference is that he texts me at random to ask me questions about work. Questions that I couldn’t possibly answer mind you.
So I really feel as if he is only going to go as far as he thinks I want him to. Plus I’m really not much of a flirt. And smiling at him and waving, and being genuinely excited to see him does not work because I’m generally a happy person. I speak and smile to everyone, all the time. And I also have no desire to hang out with anyone outside of work besides him. I wouldn’t even let the words form on my lips to even mention seeing my other co-workers outside of work hours..Lol
But again thanks so much for answering! I have been refreshing this page for longer than I’m going to admit hoping for some insight..
Well if you just want to see how it pans out then of course go for it.
But if you are after a genuine relationship it might work for a while. But in the long run you will only put yourself through hell – as you put yourself in jeopardy of being rejected or ignored – if not now, then in the future.
I see. I understand what you mean. And yes I would be open to a genuine relationship if he can be honest on how he views me too. But it will kill two birds with one stone if I just confess. Because either he will like me back and we work together to build a relationship. Or he rejects me “Oh I think you’re a nice girl..but…” Or like you said, he’ll just flat out ignore me/ decline to have lunch which is cool. That would just mean that I can move on knowing that I did everything in my power to be with him. And if in the future say he does start to take me for granted (if he accepts the invite-if I ask him) because I confessed an attraction first, then he was never the guy I thought I wanted in the first place.
It just blows my mind that I have been thinking about the same guy, a crush on 1 single solitary man for almost an entire year..Lol and I still feel like I can’t communicate with him. I will try just as you said Princessa, because I do care for him, but I’m not going to stay on this roller coaster forever..
Thanks again Princessa you’re awesome!
Well this is good that you are exactly the same with him as you are with the rest of the co-workers. The one mistake that we females do is make it very obvious for guys when we like them. The awkward smile comes up, the staring, the waving! Don’t do any of that! Wrong! Only talk to him if he talks to you and just be sweet – your usual self. Not flirty! Being flirty first is once again shows you are very keen. So treating him as everyone else is what you want.
Next – if he sends you a msg about work – do not reply outside working hours. If he wants to talk business, it can wait until Monday, or 9 am for that matter. You have a life outside of work and he has to understand and respect that.
If he sends you a personal msg – do not reply straight away. Same principle. You have life outside of him. And don’t give him excuses writing “sorry I took ages to reply, I was in the gym…” this should be none of his business where you were.
And also there is no need to answer sms if he is not specifically asking you something and there is no question mark. Like let’s say if he writes ‘what a day!’ – don’t reply that. if he says after why didn’t you reply just be sweet and say – oh I had no idea you were waiting for a reply as you didn’t ask anything.Hope it all works out. Keep us posted!
Ha You’re a master mind! And I will! Thanks again..!
Well, I have a different view on this one. You say you think you might have broken his confidence in asking you out again. And you say you behave with him like with any other coworker. Then how could he know you are interested in more? Guys fear rejection, too. If he doesn’t get a signal that you might like him he could be holding back so he won’t get rejected. I’ve seen this with my male friends
If he texts you about work stuff you couldn’t have the answer to, maybe it is his way of testing the waters. I don’t now, I am not in his head.
What I would do in this case is to tell him something like “Hey, I am interested in getting to know you outside of our work lives so I would like to have lunch/dinner/drinks with you sometimes”. And then let him do the rest. No more bringing up this subject. If he likes you that way he will pick it up from there. You would give him a signal that you are interested, but also would let him do the chasing from that moment on. Sometimes opportunities pass us just because we didn’t have the guts to try. But that’s just my 2 cents :)princessa
I agree it is good to explore opportunities, but I don’t believe this is the way to go when it come to wanting a serious relationship.
You can either be his dream girl or a girl for now.
One thing to understand though is that you can’t make a man do anything…. He obviously made it clear he is interested but what exactly is he interested in?? what if it’s just a casual hook up? Would you be happy with that?
Princessa, she doesn’t know what he is interested in unless she asks the questions. And she can’t ask the questions if they don’t go out. Am man can pursue you like crazy even if he is interested in just a hook up. I found out by experience that those interested in a serious relationship are the ones who would hols back because of fear of rejection if they do not have a clear signal. Especially if they had time to get to know the woman in work/friends circle environment.
That’s why I said it: signal you are interested, see if he picks up from there. Go on a date, ask the right questions and evaluate if you want to continue or not. It’s much better than wondering for a whole year. That would drive me crazy
Thanks again Princessa!
Hey Dyanne, Thanks for answering..! And that is why I wanted to in some way just tell him that I’m into him. Because I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know or is on the fence about me liking him back. Because he’ll just come around and just stand near me, or in the near vicinity and stare ect. And the other night at work, he wasn’t even scheduled to work, but he was there all day. Plus it was bad weather liking storming so hard the lights went out at work. And every time I got moved from one post to another, he would be there too.
I just want to cut out all confusion and didn’t want to say anything direct through text so it could not be misinterpreted as anything else. The other night he made a comment about women always being sarcastic. Immediately I thought when the plans for us to hang out didn’t work out the first time, I told him not to worry about it because he seemed like a busy guy. But when he had the time to let me know because I liked him and thought he was a cool guy. And obviously he didn’t take me literally because he didn’t text me back until a while later when he was asking me about work. And he continued acting the same way. And this whole situation Has driven me half mad..Lol But I think he is worth the headache..
Then ask him. In your own words, pet him know you are interested and see if he follows. Just once and don’t mention it again. But make it crystal clear, no room for interpretation. I would do it in person.
Of nothing, at least it would put your mind at ease that you gave done everything in your powers. If it works, great! If not… At least you know where you’re standing
Good luck!
No one can really tell you what to do! It has to be your decision. But you just need to know the physiology. Behind why men act a certain way.
If you take the man’s side early in the relationship you will tend to keep it for a while. And I wish someone would have cleared my head earlier.
If the guy is into you, racing Bulls won’t stop him in his endevours to ask you out. Everything else is you doing his job for him…
Just be smart about your decisions. If he stares and you feel like he is making an effort, maybe he does need a sign.. But I won’t ask him out. Not even for lunch. There are other ways to show him you are interested without putting yourself in jeopardy.
Ask him about his weekends, if he wants something from a store while you are out (while of course asking everyone else), pop in with a cuppa into his office and discuss that question he asked you about work face to face; tell him about your plans to look for another job ( lit could be somethignstopping him as well).. There is millions of ways without asking him out…
Men that hold on because of a fear of rejection are the one with emotional baggage.. And they would hold on every step of the way. Trust me you don’t want to be there.
I don’t know if you have seen my story but ‘where is my proposal’ is where I am sitting atm… And I wish I had someone from the very start to tell me to turn it down a notch…
The more you give – the more they would take. Because this is what they do – like it easy and stress free; but then you aren’t doing anyone any favors.
No offense Dyanne but I think you need to play a game unless you want to be played.. And that’s not about being mean, it’s about protecting yourself and your stability. It’s either you are in charge or you lose the war in a long run. And once again, I wish I knew this earlier…
Princessa, no offense taken. I don’t believe in games, I believe in authenticity. In being yourself. And that means being confident and happy and having a full life by yourself. So being able to ask a man out or to text him without caring about the result, therefore not being needy and not chasing. I believe in being very straightforward with what you want but not clinging on the outcome. At least that’s what worked for me so far.
I just told the OP what I would do. Of course that it is her decision about it, she is the only one here who really know the situation and the guyKhadija
Hello Aunna,
I would not ask this man out. However, if there were another coworker get together I would attend a flirt with him. Give him a little nudge. If you ask him out to lunch and then spill your feelings I think that’s putting yourself out there too much.
The last thing you want is to have your forwardness rebuffed. If a man is interested he will ask you out, plain and simple. The work romances rarely work out and having to see that person everyday can be annoying.
It’s up to you but, this is one I’d leave alone.Aunna
Again Thanks guys for all the answers…!
I completely understand what you are saying Princessa, but I do think Dyanne and I have very similar views when it comes to dating. I’m willing to go all in, but I need a clear definite thing. I will let you know upfront everything that would be relevant to the relationship. I don’t like dancing around things, and I especially don’t like playing games.
However, for some guys, especially the ones who don’t see to be extremely confident you really do have to. But I feel as if, on any level if he really wanted to be in an actual relationship, regardless if I ask him, or he asks me it would not matter because somehow, someway, we’d end up spending time together.Hi Khadija!
Thanks for replying! And yes I can see how very bold all of this is, but honestly I’m tired of being timid. I’m tired of waiting around hoping for this and hoping for that. And really I am no flirt. I either like you or I don’t and I will either tell you or I won’t. Many people can’t handle this but I am learning not to be a people-Pleaser. On many occasions, even this one, I sit and wait and do this or that but I don’t usually get the outcome I want or there is some big misunderstanding. At this point in my life if he can’t handle my severity, then he just isn’t the one for me..LolKhadija
Ok girlfriend!
I wish you well on this one.
Keep us updated on how this goes for you.Jessica
I’m in a very similar situation with a coworker, and it’s been going on for awhile so this caught my attention.
I’ve been reading all the responses so far, and there is some great advice in the responses so far.
However, one thing I’d like to add is it doesn’t have to be all or nothing.
For example, you could ask him to lunch, but you don’t have to make a big confession. Just ask him on a lunch date, which will give him the hint that you’re interested, but don’t bring up your feelings. Use that lunch to learn more about him and his life outside of work. This way you can get to know each other outside of the coworker relationship, and see if you are compatible and if this is really a guy you’d like to enter into a relationship with.
Ultimately, it is your decision and no one can tell you what to do. If you decide to ask him out, be bold and confident when you do. And if you decide to wait for him, then find other things in your life to distract you. Don’t get stuck in the trap of focusing too much time exclusively on him!
Best of luck with whatever you decide!
Thanks Jessica!
But at this point I feel like this has been going on for too long. And I’m tired of dancing around this. But I guess the situation is just touchy because we do work together but that wouldn’t even be a problem if he would just Talk to me about it. But guys come and go..regardless if we come together or not, I’ve already decided that I will remain happy.
Sounds like you know what you want to do ??
Yes, Jessica. That’s what I was trying to say I would do. Ask him to lunch and get to know him. A confession would be too much imo.
good luck, Aunna! Let us know how in wentSara
i am in the same situation. i invited my coworker to a coffee (after a year). He invited me before to some events but i was to afraid to go.so, he started with mixed signals. so i told him i was attracted and he told me that attraction was mutual, he asked me why i didn’t pursue him before etc.also, he told me there is another woman in his life (not a serious relationship), so i started to joke with him and said that maybe i will call him next year to see if he is available and he told me ,,you should do that” . and after coffee, he started to like my fb posts, to like my office outfits; 2 weeks ago he said i’m so sexy.and after that, he started to ignore me. so, i think he’s not really interested. i try to move on.
My advice: you should talk with him and see his reaction.