Should I be worried guy ignored last text?

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  • #783597 Reply

    Hi, so I’m 21 and been talking/seeing this 23 yr old since December 21st. Ever since then, we’ve been talking everyday. We have met three times. I am a virgin, which I told him and I also asked what he was looking for after the first week of talking (to prevent being hurt). He said that he was open, that depending on the vibe he gets from someone, he’ll go from there. I told him I was looking for good vibes and ultimately a serious relationship. Ever since then, when we met, it has been intimate (making out and third base). He’s been hinting at sex, esp through messages. I told my friends how I was thinking of losing my v-card to him, but they told me to be careful. Not sure if he really likes me or just wants me for sex. I glanced at his Twitter and he likes mostly pictures of thick women (I’m on the petite side).

    Anyways, he would always say “good morning” or “good afternoon” usually I ask about his day, work, make jokes, etc. I last heard from him on Wednesday when he replied like 6 hrs and told me had a long but good day: I was like, “ooh okay. That’s good at least.” And it’s been nothing since. He’s been active on social media and is usually the first to view my stories. I’m not sure if he is losing interest because he was also talking sexual this day & I replied mostly with humor. He also mentioned how I’m shy to always say stuff. I told him he was the reason. So I don’t know what to do. Some friends have told me to not text him back and wait.

    #783602 Reply

    No. You should be worried that this guy gave you a fuzzy answer about what he’s looking for and that he keeps bringing up sex. You’re ignoring big red flags here. Sounds like he just wants the challenge of deflowering a virgin and as soon as he does will be gone. Sorry to be so blunt but you need to open your eyes. Decent guys don’t keep talking about sex to a girl they really care for, particularly when she’s young and has never done it.

    You are wasting a lot of time talking with him and you’ve only seen him a few times in over a month.

    I’d pull way back on this one and definitely do not sleep with him. I think you need to fade out, you’re probably going to get hurt with this one. You don’t want the same things and he’s now got you pretty well e-tethered. Stop playing along and letting him call all the shots.

    #783603 Reply

    You’ve only seen him 3 times, but you chat everyday?

    He’s grooming you for sex…
    He will disappear once he gets it.

    #783604 Reply

    His answer as to what he wants was very vague. And three meetings since Dec is very low interest.

    I wouldn’t suggest losing your virginity to this guy.

    Hold off until you find a guy who demonstrates more interest.

    #783612 Reply

    I’m sorry to say but this guy is looking for one thing and one thing only. If he hasn’t text back then your not the only one on his mind. If a guy finds someone he thinks he could have more with he makes sure not to drop the ball and will keep the texting and meeting up and not put you on RED. So if he texts you back you need to put him on RED and not say a word for a few days. Then just tell him you’ve been so busy never noticed his text… now hes knows hes not that important to you just like he made you feel..

    #783655 Reply
    LaFrance Thibodeaux

    Dec 21st isn’t a long while to have been acquainted with someone..Whether you’ve met up with him 3 times or 30 if hes only out for one thing then that’s his goal..21 is a good age to still be a virgin these days so dont be in a rush..Chose the road less traveled..Remember once your v card is gone you can never get it back..Be wise dear!..

    #783667 Reply

    Yeah guys. Thanks so much. I deleted his number and the text thread. He texted me and was like, good morning!” Then asked how my week was. Regret texting back bc he hasn’t replied, but been active on socials. Done with it.

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