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- This topic has 3 replies and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by
This guy and I are in a relationship now and there are some things I’m wondering are worth breaking up with him or not. He’s a bad texter and sometimes goes 1-2 days without reaching out. I called him out on it and he’s been actively trying to do better but it still rubs me the wrong way that he can go that long without wanting to talk. Next is I’m worried if I’m just something that fills a void for this Covid mess for him because my friends asked him what his intentions were and he said “tough times are better with her in my life and it’s nice having joy despite all the darkness” and I asked him if this is just a covid relationship and he couldn’t say yes or no, but said “something about this works and I want to keep working to figure it out.” Should I dump him now or keep trying? How do I keep my standards high through this?
Sarah have you only been dating since Covid or preCovid? If this is a new relationship meaning a few months then I would not overly invest given his actions and comments. Going a day or 2 without communication while in a serious relationship is unacceptable to me. I am not saying texting or calling all day but giving your SO a heads up that today I am doing this so I will contact you later or tomorrow is a sign of communication and respect towards the other person, especially if you have already told him that. If you are the type of person that likes the constant communication and he does not then that is a compatibility issue. You see the relationship differently than he does. You said you asked him what this relationship is and his response was vague. Are you BF/GF? Have you established a title? If this is a concern for you I would I have a serious conversation with him and explain your expectations of him and if he is unable to answer what he wants at this moment then let him go figure it out without you. No need to waste your time if you’re both on different levels.
We started dating after Covid (officially in August) and he asked me to be his girlfriend so we do have that title established. Is it worth seeing how things go? Or should I just end it?
You asked, he is doing it. He should not be penalized for not reading your mind or you asking. You being upset about that is a mark of immaturity on you part. You should be thinking… how great that I found a guy who listens to my concerns and acts on them to put me at ease. This guy is great.
And anyone who can tell you who met you during COVID if it is a longer than COVID thing would be lying.
I don’t need my man to call me everyday. The occasional 36 hour thing is fine for me.