Should i give up on him

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  • #893135 Reply
    Anon 2

    Long story short. Met a wonderful man, really hit it off and had been seeing each other for a couple of months. Anyway, this guys ex partner found out that he was seeing me and she is now threatening him with never seeing his children again.

    She has a new partner but for whatever reason my guy is not allowed a life.

    I told him i wasnt comfortable being the one that cost him his children and i would leave and let him deal with the situation however he begged me not to go so i said ok, and that i would be there for him to support as much as i could. However within 48hrs he has went cold on me and pushed away my support.

    I know its best to stay away and let him deal with it and thats what um doing but the selfish side of me is anxious that it’s over. I have knots in my stomach and my jaw is always clenched. How do i deal with this?? How do i stop myself reaching out? What if he never comes back?

    I got out of an emotionally abusive relationship 14 months ago and my new man gave me back hope…he’s the most caring man i know and i know he’ll be struggling hugely with this situation he’s in. Every fibre in my body wants to reach out and just be there but i know i cant 😪😪😪

    #893142 Reply

    You won’t like this answer, but you’re best off letting him go.

    You don’t need to be involved with someone who has big drama like this with an ex.

    If he were in control of the situation, he would have just told his lawyer to handle it and not bothered you with it because it has nothing to do with you. Obviously she can’t keep his kids from him for any reason, short of her having proof he’s abusing him.

    But I”m assuming he told you this, so that means it’s affecting him. He’s not free and clear to move into a new relationship.

    The best you could do would be to tell him you’d love to hear from him when he has the situation handled once and for all but that could take a long time. I’ve learned the hard way to stay away from men who have a lot of problems with an ex, particularly when she uses the kids against him.

    #893143 Reply

    Short of her having proof he’s abusing THEM. Sorry.

    #893145 Reply

    He’s doing you a favor by letting you go. You don’t need to be dragged into this mess and he probably gets that.

    Your healing from your previous relationship is your responsibility. Focus on that for a while instead of dating, perhaps.

    #893149 Reply
    Anon 2

    Why, when its saying 4 replies, i cant see them??

    #893150 Reply
    Anon 2

    Thanks Angiebaby…hard but you’re correct. I feel bad but best letting it go…too much drama from an ex is never a good thing 😪😪😪😪😪😪

    #893154 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    AngieBaby is completely right. I’m sorry you’re going through this. It sucks that she’s jerking him around this way, but he’s partially to blame because he’s letting her. My bf’s ex for the most part hasn’t caused us any trouble, but the one time there was an issue (she was making a very fake excuse to deny him his custodial time, over some jealousy of our relationship), he simply wrote her a very businesslike email (so it would be in writing) saying he’d be contacting his lawyer. She straightened up pretty quickly and there were no issues after that.

    I also agree with AngieBaby that generally it’s best to stay away from men who have a lot of drama with their ex. They need to have that situation under control, otherwise it will be a big stress on your relationship (or budding relationship, in your case).

    One other comment, don’t look at it as you “costing him his children”. It’s not about you. It’s about his relationship with her. None of it is your fault, so don’t take that blame. If he can’t have a civil relationship with his ex when he’s dating, it’s not your fault.

    I wish we could give a different reply, but it is what it is, unfortunately.

    #893155 Reply

    So sorry this happened to you! I know how hard it is to let go of someone you really care about, especially when you have done nothing wrong. I wouldn’t give up on the situation working out entirely but giving him the space to work things out for now seems like the best thing to do.

    #893158 Reply
    Anon 2

    @liz lemon, thank you. He does seem to let her get to him a lot! He was particularly upset when he never got a card from them on fathers day. I agree he needs to stand up to her but he wont for whatever reason. Thank you for reminding me ots not my fault, thats eased my mind a bit. Its a shame its came to this, i knew this man when we were children and i was delighted when he appeared back in my life. Wish he’d never came back, i was doing so well on my own 😪😪

    #893160 Reply
    Anon 2

    Jaylyn, im giving him space but not sitting waiting on him cause i really dont think he’ll be back

    #893188 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    The fact that she gets to him a lot is telling. I understand exes often dislike each other, but if she really gets under his skin, it would make me wonder if there are unresolved feelings there. Not saying he wants her back, but he may not totally be over her. He may still be processing the divorce (have they been divorced long?) Coupled with the fact that he won’t stand up to her about the dating thing, it would make me wonder. She has absolutely no right to have any opinion whatsoever on his love life. So he shouldn’t be tolerating this. She’ll pull this crap anytime he dates any woman if he doesn’t put her in check.

    #893347 Reply

    think you have got good advice. really his situation with his ex, has nothing at all to do with you. and he needs to get his act together and learn the right way to handle things with his ex. hes already making you feel guilty about a situation which really speaking has nothing at all to do with you! he needs to learn and if he cant, this will keep happening and he wont ever be able to have an independent life and a gud relationship. you need to stay away until he sorts out his life.

    #894235 Reply

    Your decision to stay away may hurt now, but it is wise. I’m sorry because this type of situation feels so unfair. You have absolutely no role in “costing him his children.” He may feel overwhelmed, but the bottom line is that at the moment he is acting like a victim by allowing her to dictate the terms when he has pretty straight forward options to combat what she’s doing. I really do hope he gets his affairs in order so he has something to offer you.

    It may seem impossible right now to feel this way, but if he goes away you may have just dodged a huge potential bullet. It’s not unusual for a single father to feel guilt and that he has something to prove. Especially, if he allows the ex to call the shots. Unfortunately, this can come in the form of him creating conflict where there was none to use you as the “proof” he puts his children first.
    I’m not meaning as a parent he shouldn’t put his children first. I’m talking about when the father won’t ever put his own plans on hold for his kids but will always put you on hold while declaring his children always come first – even when all you say is that you understand when he breaks plans.

    I’ve seen this happen to more than one friend. I hope I’m way off base for you and him but the way he is acting is exactly how the men my friends dated acted.

    #894737 Reply
    Anon 2

    Thanks for all the replys. At this point ive decided im moving on, much as id love to see him back, if he cant stand up to his ex now and is so traumatised by the situation that he’s just up and left me wondering what the hell is happening, then he’s not the man for me. It does leave me wondering though if all the nice words, affection, days out, the flowers, the kind caring man were all just an act. To me, if you care for someone so much you dont just dump them like that. Yes, i understand the worry of losing his kids however he could have communicated better with me…told me he needed time to sort things out instead of just running scared…ah well

    #894758 Reply

    Can understand what your going through. am sure he meant it when he said them. but when faced with reality and hardships, he couldnt withstand the pressure. atleast you now know this is one man who may not stand with you if faced with hardships. it sucks but what you have decided makes total sens. just try and put him behind you.

    #894766 Reply
    Anon 2

    Tammy, thats it exactly. He’s just shown me that he wouldnt be strong enough during hard times so it’s best ended, hard as it is right now

    #894832 Reply

    to give him some benefit of doubt, since how much time has he not connected with you? maybe he just went in a panic mode and withdrew to think things over? maybe he will get in touch once hes figured what he shld do? or is it that he just disappeared?

    #894856 Reply

    is it just me , but I feel like he is lying , the ex and kids are the perfect excuse to get rid of you…. and like you said he instantly went cold , I think he used his ex to stop seeing you but did not have the guts to tell you he is just simply not interested in seeing you

    #894866 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    Keep in mind that guys decide whether they see a long-term future with a woman after a few months of dating. For the first 2, 3, 4 months they can be incredibly sweet and attentive, but eventually they take stock and ask themselves if they want a long-term relationship with this woman. That’s why a lot of breakups happen after 3-4 months of dating. That’s the point when a guy decides if he’s all in, or not.

    I don’t necessarily think this guy is lying about his ex giving him a hard time, but it may be that the situation with her made him realize that he does not want a long term relationship with you. Who knows. The important thing is, if he is not willing to stand up to his ex for you and fight for the relationship, he is not a guy you want anyway (no matter how sweet he was at the beginning).

    #895315 Reply

    Please stay away from men with baby mama drama. It won’t be the first time, and the last time.

    Also, are you sure that this woman in a relationship with another man is withholding kids from your guy because you he’s with you?

    The baby mama chronicles are always loaded with such drama and stories,you barely know if any of the claims are true or not especially if the man is not upfront.

    I think he did you a favor, he’s no good for you.

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