Should I just let this one go?

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    Earlier this year I was dating someone but it ended around January. I get back on dating apps in Feb and met this guy who I went on a fun date with and then BOOM pandemic hits. After that, we’d talk almost daily via text (with him inititaiting 90% of the time). Eventually, things in our town started to open so we met in person a week ago. Before anyone judges, we had masks on and only took them off to drink our drinks, were separated from others, didn’t kiss, etc. We met outside at a place serving drinks. The good part of the date is I was attracted to this guy, he was easy to talk to, fun, etc. But I noticed his personality is a bit abrasive and he has a really sarcastic sense of humor (I think I have a good sense of humor, but sometimes I miss sarcasm so I’m often like “what??”). So, I wasnt sure if we’d be a great match but it was nice to have someone to hang out with in person after being isolated for so long, and I’m trying to be less picky.

    To preface my next sentiment, I am definitely one who likes to drink and have fun so I really have no room to judge anyone else who does that. That being said, later that same day while we’re out I noticed he’s getting really drunk – not being mean or anything, but just a little slurry and kept talking over/interrupting me. There was a couple who struck up a conversation with us and I could tell the woman was not impressed by this guy because he kept talking over me and I felt kind of embarrassed. He was also dropping the F bomb left and right which is FINE but also I find weird to do with strangers. He also made a really weird sexually explicit comment to a stranger that I actually said “why would you say that?”. Anyways – before all this happened we had a nice time talking outside and got along well but all that left a bad taste in my mouth – but again, trying not to be so judgemental when I like to drink myself and have been a mess a few times in my life.

    The next day we’re talking over text and I guess I was being short (I didnt even realize I was just busy) and he asked me what was wrong and I just said nothing I had fun but I feel like there was a point where he got a little rude, drunk, and obnoxious. He said sorry and he thinks he drank alot because we don’t really know each other that well yet. Idk what that means – nerves I guess? Anyways, after that I noticed he was taking hours in between texts (when usually responses have been fairly quick). We were supposed to meet up outside again tomorrow but I have a feeling he may be ghosting me now because I called him out? I think I’m asking for advice on what to do here because I think when someone does the “slow fade” or ghosts it’s the rudest thing in the world. The original plan to meet up again tomorrow was mine – so I feel like if I don’t hear anything I should just not say anything at all. Or should I follow up? Or should I call out the behavior? Do you think someone like this deserves another chance or am I just being way too lenient? I’m not always the best decision maker with relationships so wanted to ask for advice.

    #794147 Reply

    Why on Earth would you want to see this guy again?!

    #794151 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    You are being way too lenient. Let’s see– he was abrasive, got drunk, talked over you, dropped the F bomb constantly, made a sexually explicit comment to a stranger, he “left a bad taste” in your mouth– ON A FIRST DATE. People are generally on their best behavior on a 1st date. This is the best the guy can do?!

    It’s not a question of being picky or judgmental, for crying out loud. You have to have standards. You yourself are saying you don’t think he’s a good match. Why on earth would you see him again? And who cares if he’s ghosting? If he is, you dodged a bullet.

    If I were in your shoes I would do nothing, I would not follow up, I’d let this one go. And he did reach out about getting together again, I would politely tell him I thought it over and I realized the two of us are not a good match, I’m just not feeling it, and don’t want to waste both of our time. Then say goodbye and delete his number.

    #794152 Reply

    You do realize that when people have a first date they try to impress right? If this is his best behaviour you can have a fair idea how a normal day is for him. You called him out on it, good for you. You accepted a second date – less impressive but Yeah he will probably cancel (thank god for you).

    #794154 Reply

    Oh my word!!! This sounds like my absolute WORST first date I ever had… minus yelling at a toddler, grabbing your @ss, yelling in the background how he wanted to take me home and F@ck me while I was on the phone with my 8 year old daughter and giving me a totally unsolicited kiss! The difference here being not only did I abruptly end the date, and call him out on his bad behavior, I also never answered any of his messages or calls again. And let me tell you from the time our date ended at 11 that night he messaged me MANY drunken messages between then and 3 am. Everything from inviting me to church with him the next day to calling me a wh^re because I wasn’t answering his messages to apologizing for saying that and wanting to meet my daughter! WTF?!?!

    As the others have said, it’s only downhill from here!! If this is the behavior you accept on a first date he has no incentive to act any better. Sweetie, there’s trying to be less picky and there’s scraping the bottom of the barrel and putting up with unacceptable behavior. Please don’t confuse the two!!!

    #794157 Reply
    T from NY

    I do not want to be harsh to the poster. But GIRL OMG. A lot of times on this forum a woman asks a question – but the REAL question is why you would make excuse after excuse for this guys bad behavior? Take care never to abide by the faulty “investment theory” all us women have fallen into when dating – that because you had spoken to him for a length of time and had made efforts – therefore you look the other direction when the version you have of the man built up in your head doesn’t match. The MOMENT a man you barely know starts treating you disrespectfully (getting drunk. period. regardless of the rudeness or potty mouth WAS disrespectful) – a lady hits the road.

    PS I get also that you may feel you want to make changes and choose other types of men – but I would challenge you to start trusting yourself more. Which starts with loving yourself and never making excuses for a dude being an idiot.

    #794172 Reply

    Sorry but the fade or poofing is not the rudest thing in the world!!! Like they say “an opportunity lost is an opportunity gained! Trust me, when I dumped these kind of guys better guys appeared! Need to set higher boundaries for yourself, whereas if this was my first date I would have run for hills, not asked how do I “fix this!”

    You need stronger boundaries, and higher standards in men you chose to date. Sad that a lady stranger had better one’s than you do, and was like WTF. You need to learn from her to improve your ‘guydar.’

    #794191 Reply


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