should I remind him my birthday is coming or wait for him to forget

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice should I remind him my birthday is coming or wait for him to forget

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  • #784729 Reply

    You really should remind him!
    I just remind my bf about my birthday today
    and he was trying not to hear it since he is preparing me a surprise
    It ruins his plan
    but i made my whole years ahead with him..
    At least i know he is trying to do something special for me

    #784746 Reply

    Emma this post is 3 years old now. But Happy Birthday and hope it’s a great surprise!!

    #784747 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I know this is an old thread. But since it’s been revived :-) I have to say, I can’t think of anything more toxic than knowingly setting up your man to fail. Some guys are good with remembering dates, but most are not. I dated a guy once who would forget his own birthday! If you know your man isn’t going to remember, why would you set a trap for him? Guys aren’t mind readers.

    My boyfriend is terrible about remembering birthdays/holidays. He’s genuinely not good at remembering that kind of thing. It’s nothing personal. He never does much for his own birthday (I get him presents and insist on taking him out to dinner, but that’s more than he even expects). I remind him about Valentine’s day and my birthday and I tell him what I want to do. And guess what, he wants to make me happy so he does exactly what I want.

    If your guy is otherwise a good boyfriend and you know he loves you, I wouldn’t make an issue out of this. I would help him by reminding him.

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