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- This topic has 78 replies and was last updated 10 years, 2 months ago by
WHY are you doing NC…………when it sounds like YOU pushed him away with your behaviour ???
He…………is trying to reach out……………and you are making it worse.
DO YOU want the guy back or not ???
Communicate, not punish him.
IS his treatment of you ok, overall ???
Harley is right. I hate this tendency of people to take dating advice the complete wrong way. No Contact is not a miracle tool to make your man do whatever you want. Use it in the right way with the right intention and it serves a purpose. Use it in the wrong way and you’ll just make your guy think you’re rejecting him!!
Agree Yams.
Diane………….your title says it all… I believe YOU WANT TO PUNISH him. You’ve mentioned anger.
I don’t consider your behaviour very nice or mature.
“So basically we had a fight last Monday night over some small things, I got mad, and told him it is over and I am going to date some else… He immediately went silent..”.
THIS is your quote above,
YOU GAVE him an ultimatum
YOU TOLD him…………..you would date others.
NO WONDER he went silent. WELL…………. this has backfired on you………. spectacular………and deservingly so imo. I’m surprised he’s even reaching out.
I agree with Harley. I think the fact that you considered punishment to even be an option is a bad sign
Ladies – maybe NC is a bad word here.. What has been happening is we apologized to each other on Tuesday.. Then he turned down sleepover on Wednesday, even though we each apologized to each other again… Him saying he missed me but felt shut down and need time to think….
That is why I went on MC on Wednesday and Thursday… Don’t want to interrupt him, but don’t see the need to apologize a 3rd or 4th time either …
Friday, he offered to help on some staff, which I replied calmly and politely…
At this point, I am not sure what he is thinking or where things will be going… So I trying to lay low and not make any move… And see where /if he is leading things…
What else can I do?
Ok………….he needs time to think…………so leave him to it. GIVE HIM SPACE.
If he was the last to text.. reply, short.. but being nice.IF you want to say.. briefly.. WHAT was the fight about……….so I can gauge HOW bad he is feeling and damage limitation……..or perhaps you are not in the wrong, so to speak, for all I know.
THIS is a crucial moment … based on the fight and your reactions… possible temper, words used, reason for fight, behaviour since………..HE IS DECIDING WHETHER HE WANTS TO CONTINUE ON WITH YOU OR NOT.
So on thanksgiving weekend, he sleepover for one day only and I had wanted to spend 2 days together… So I got upset….
On Monday morning, he tried to talk and I was acting cold… Monday night, I wanted to talk and he was cold, and that is when/why I said what I said….
Yesterday, he offered to help… And we exchanged 4 to 5 texts, with the last one of him asking me to not worry and he would take care of things for me
I left it there.. Not responding to that last text…
I am not trying to be unfriendly, just wanted to see where he is leading next… I am not sure if he will get over this or not…
Ok………….at ONLY 3 months in…………you smothered him with wanting him to spend more time with you. You came across as he is the centre of your life, needy, clingy, insecure.
So…………he has gotten a bit turned OFF. A GUY does not like drama……….or coldness. He SEES that you can’t handle life on your own, you fight and give him the cold shoulder………….NOT GOOD marriage material !
He’s half way out the door already. YOU have 1 chance to rescue this. NO more apologies.
text him asap.. fun, flirty and light. say. ” hey handsome, I’d LOVE and appreciate your offer of help. Thanks VERY much for offering. Looking forward to hearing from you with an action plan, date and time that suits you to help.smiley.. winky.. kissy face.
I gotta go out…. won’t be back for 7 hos or so. Sorry. good luck
Haha, Harley… That is soooooo not me….
I have been thinking whether I should say thank you to his last email from yesterday asking me to not worry… But I am honestly not sure what is the right thing to do at this point…
I will continue to think… Lol
In my opinion, you should definitely say thank you. I say thank you to the guy I’m dating all the time, for dates, compliments, doing considerate little things for me without my asking etc. It’s important to show gratitude in a relationship and I’ve read that not doing so can sometimes be a dealbreaker for a guy.
Ok.. Done…
I can’t believe it… Lol
Cool. Keep us updated!
I’m back ! dying to hear if/what he replies !
he did not….
Well………..time yet. guys are NOT like girls who reply STRAIGHT away. He could be busy, he could be making you wait… like you did he, he could be pissed at you, he could be drunk, he could be thinking etc etc etc.
DO the waiting game now………..no more texting/calling him. see if he’s in touch by tues……….if not…………write him off, hard as it is.
If………he is back in touch, just reply brief but nice…………kill him with kindness… to get things back on track. At a later stage when he’s in a happy mood, just casually mention, you wish you too communicated better. It’ soo nice when you are both understanding each other and appreciate the things you do for each other………..he’ll get the hint !
So last night, one week after our fight, we started talking again… I reached out..
Told me he misses me, but my statement is like struck a note and kept going in his head..” Over and over” …my statement that “I will just find someone else then”….
Also told me that he already forgave me, and “it is just him now”…. And apologized multiple times for making me feel sad…I guess I realized for a the first time how much my statement hurted him..
Will us ever moving pass this?
It has been a bitter sweet day at work today… Sweet that he is still going out of his way to be nice to me, sweet that the tension seems to be easing… Bitter that he is still shut down… No talk to me outside of work…
You just have to get on with your life and see over time if he forgives you. DO NOT bring it up again. I am not sure he can forgive you. The damage may be done. It’s patience and time from your end that us needed now. nothing else you can do. learn from this and think before you speak. easier said than done I know !
I have never experienced this before… Not that I have not said hurtful things, but to have a guy shut down on me… Ugh
Diane, all you can do is apologise sincerely once saying ‘I’m so sorry. I blurted that out without thinking. I didn’t mean a word of it. I don’t want someone else. I want you. I hope you understand this and that we can get past this’.
That’s all. After that, dont bring it up again. Ever. Just make sure you dont say such hurtful things ever again.
He said he know I am sorry, do I need to apologize again?
Mine was not as nicely worded as yours… I just simply said I am sorryHarley
I would not apologise.
I’d phone him and say ..I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you. I completely understand where you ate coming from right now and I would like you to reconsider everything and give me another chance. If you think you can get past this, I look go ward to hearing from you.
then….say goodbye. ..hang up.do NOT prolong the convo..get out and about….keep yourself busy. If he’s in touch .. he’s in touch. but….do not hold out much hope.
forward to hearing ***
I should not have read this as it’s making me think I need to do more work reaching out. I’ve hurt his feelings and that’s why he’s shut down on me.
Also I don’t understand why Diane is getting totally different advice from everyone else??