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- This topic has 6 replies and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
I started to talk to this guy off an app and we texted a little bit everyday and have set up a date for Friday. Our conversation ended with my msg being the last one. Shouldn’t we be texting more to get to know each other? We live in a time where most people text abundantly or has he already lost interest?
His interest should be measured by the time he is wanting to spend with you. Also pay attention to why he is interested by what he shows you on the date and how he interacts with you.
Liz Lemon
You have a date set for Friday. That’s what counts. I personally prefer not to text before a date. It can set up too many false expectations.
You two have never met in person, right? This will be your first meeting? Then there’s no reason to text. Just wait till Friday, meet him in person, and see if there’s chemistry. Once you meet, if you like each other and want to continue to get to know each other, there will be plenty of time for texting.
Stay away from all that texting before you met this guy.
It will create a false sense of familiarity.Plus, don’t you want to have something to have talk about on the date?
He set a date on Friday, leave it at that for now.
I hate when a guy wants to text a lot before the first date. I’m not much of a texter, and this guy probably isn’t, either. Just talk and get to know each other in person!
You have been texting a little bit each day. At this point you really dont know each other yet. Guy probably doesn’t know what to say, other than idle chit chat. I get that.
After your date he will get to know you & see if there’s a connection or common interests.
After that you guys should text with a a bit more substance, and then fairly frequently if he likes you.
Good luck.
Here’s the truth: TEXTING is the TOP TWO reasons (sex too early is the other) dating doesn’t get off the ground today!!!
Why? Because you are using a device to interact with a person you don’t know at all, whereas he could be texting 10 ladies the same thing and you wouldn’t know it because you don’t know him at all!
For a man, the quality of TIME he spends one-on-one with a lady is how he let’s her know if she’s special to him or not. The more TIME (not texting) he spends with you is the ultimate measurement of a man’s devotion and that’s what you need to heed and pay attention to, not how much a person can text. Anyone can do that, big whoop; however taking a lady out and spending money on her is how a man shows his true interest level.
A lot of dates (TIME outside of the sheets) = high interest. Little to NO TIME = low to no interest.
Additionally, allowing for a lot of mystery by not giving out a lot of personal details/info. over text keeps a man’s interest IF he’s interested in getting to know you, if not, not amount of texts is going to change his mind. Also, writing a book (aka texting) takes all the mystery and fun out of getting to know someone so I would step away from the phone and allow for 90% of personal interactions to take place by getting to know and learning more about each other IN PERSON; with 10% of texting to be solely used for the occasional check in (maintain the mystery) and setting up dates if you want to have a good chance of making it past the infatuation/lust stage (first few months).