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- This topic has 19 replies and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
I need a little bit of tough love….or something idk lol. But I find this so interesting…
I dated this guy a bit about 2 years ago. We never got fully intimate because when I had to disclose that I had unfortunately acquired HSV1 (TMI I know…) from a previous monogamous relationship, this guy decided he didn’t want to move forward. I TOTALLY get it and held no ill will and we went our separate ways. Forward a few months later and we begin to chat again as friends. He then wanted to take things in a virtual sexy direction, at first I didn’t play along, but the longer we talked, I eventually gave in. I know he doesn’t want anything more, and I have tried pulling away and he does the same. But then he comes back or I do. I’ve dated some since him, but nothing as emotionally serious as him. For some reason I can’t shake it.
Forward to last week after he ghosted me three months ago (I figured he found someone because it was that abrupt) I left him alone, but then he started popping up on social media (liking things, commenting, etc.) I decided to send him a friendly platonic message, which then eventually he turned sexual and we were right back at square one. The next day he messaged me complaining about work and when I tried to carry the conversation on, he disappeared for the night. The next morning I saw a photo put up of him and the girl I thought he started dating (3 months ago when he ghosted me a photo soon popped up of them after that as well) on Facebook from that previous night.
So I messaged him and told him that from what I have seen it looks like he has a girl and that I will not continue to cross that line with him, that I still have feelings and that if what I was seeing was true, we needed to stick to platonic conversation from now on.
I haven’t heard anything back now, yet he has the BALLS to check up on me on social media. Like what the actual heck is this business? Like really? Am I crazy? Is he just a jerk?
I think I’m over it. But it still makes it hard to find out that someone you care about it like that.
He is not interested in a relationship with you, not even sexual but only sort of phone sexting. So there is really nothing complicated about this except the question why you let him come back for some fun over and over and disappears again. Its a waste of your time and wil eat at your selfesteem at some point that you let that guy walk all over you. Its 2020, time to take out the trash and start fresh
Liz Lemon
Why have platonic conversation with this guy? Why have any conversation at all? He’s dating another woman and has been stringing you along (and virtually cheating on her by getting sexual with you).
Delete him from your social media & stop talking to him. And for goodness sake don’t reach out for “platonic conversation”. That’s the best way to get over him. It serves no purpose to keep him as a friend and it will hold you back from moving on.
As for him checking up on you over social media, it’s meaningless. It doesn’t mean he cares. Maybe he’s just nosy. Haven’t you ever checked up on someone out of curiosity (an ex, an old hookup) with no intention of it going anywhere? Just block him. It’s clearly messing with your head.
You think that it is ok to just converse? Why would you converse? he was never your friend. The issue is you here – your relationship was crap on boundaries to begin with – as FWB and sexting outside of a relationship can be. Then you are surprised that this man has no boundaries? You want boundaries? STop talking to him and block him and stop being confused when you create a messy situation and then it continues. Sorry to be so blunt, but this is not a him issue, it is a you issue.
Anne (OP)
You all have so many valid points. And its ridiculous because I know all of this.
I don’t know why I have still kept in contact with him. I think its the hopeful thought that because he seems so be so interested in my life outside of the relationship. I understand you can’t go by social media, but its hard not to when it keeps happening, you know? I’m just of the mindset that if you’re over someone, you don’t do what he’s doing. You leave them alone and move on. I’m not over him so I get why I’m still connected. I know I have self confidence issues to work on since the circumstances from my last relationship before him.
I doubt I’ll hear from him again, since I gave him the opportunity to correct me and he didn’t. And I HATE that that makes me sad….he doesn’t deserve that sadness. But whatever, c’est la vie right? lol
Ask him;
What would your GF think if she knew you were messaging me like this?Anne (OP)
That’s what I want to do! Like LITERALLY the night before I saw the photo of them, he sent a “photo” if you catch my drift and was asking for mine! I feel bad for her if they are in fact dating. But everything is so grey when it comes to what it actually considered dating these days (and I’m not that old!) that I don’t know what’s wrong and right in the matter. If it were me, it would be a deal breaker. And it makes me wonder what he was doing when we dated. It’s just so interesting. And the fact that you can just drop someone like he did with me. I get if you barely know each other, but really dude? Sorry its just turning into a vent session now.
Anne you could take matters into your own hands and block him from seeing you on social media, calling you, contacting you, etc. Then you don’t have to wait, you don’t have to wonder… it’s all in YOUR control.
Even if you ever did end up dating in real life (it kind of sounds like you’re hoping for a fairly tale ending), do you really want a guy who does this stuff virtually with other women while seeing you?
You seem like a smart gal, do the right thing for yourself. :)
Its all something and nothing. I get why you engage. I have a couple of similar guys i chat to on and off and I myself well enough to know if i engage its purely for attention or ego boost if I’m feeling a bit crappy. I’m sure I’m the same for them.
Sometimes it’s sexual sometimes its real life stuff but I don’t harbour any fantasy about us ending up together and i guess that’s the diffrence in my situation from yours- I know the boundaries and I know its not some love thing or even any real interest on both sides… it’s boredom and ego. they comment on my social media and watch my stories etc but it doesn’t mean anything really… they are just bored, nosy or may be clicked into my stories by accident after watching someone elses.
You seem quite cross with this guy for dating others but you are not in a relationship. he isnt ghosting when he drops off … he has just had his fun. I imagine he sees virtual friendship differently to how you do.
Since you seem invested and the on/off communication is making you feel crappy and confused when he drops off its best you just delete and block him as its not mutually beneficial
Keep in mind I have never sexted nor had phone sex but is it such a bad thing to do it with someone you won’t meet with again? If my wife did it I don’t think I would object but one never knows until it happens.
Anne (OP)
I guess its a completely personal thing. And whatever works for you is totally cool. I don’t know the dynamic between this new girl and the guy, but from what I can see, it looks like they are together. I don’t think I’d be comfortable sexting with someone outside of my relationship or having my partner do the same. But this is also something that is meaningful in some way to me (I totally get that most opinions differ from this one) and I think that is where my issue is. It’s meaningless to him. But I don’t want to do it if he has a person.
Hi Ann, hoping to shed some experience in a completely non judgmental way while encouraging some self love. As someone who also recently contracted HSV-1 from a committed relationship which ended shortly after, and trying to navigate the dating world with this diagnosis i can relate and empathize with your story. The first and only man I revealed this to in dating was someone i was building a very strong relationship with and wanted to be completely honest. At the time he decided he was uncomfortable with moving the relationship forward and things ended between us. While i completely understood his stance, i was very hurt and struggled with extreme depression and hopelessness over my future and where this would leave my romantic life. Fast forward 2 months and the guy reached back out to me and asked to see me. He apologized with one of the most sincere apologies i have ever received and professed that he wanted to be in a relationship with me. I never saw this coming, nor did I expect it, but he took the time to reflect and came to the decision all on his own that what he wanted to move forward in a committed, loving, and physical relationship. All of this is not to brag, or rub in your face what has happened in my situation vs yours, but simply to show you what a man in this situation does when he is serious about you and respects your. It seems as though your guy doesn’t really respect you or value you as he has made a decision he is uncomfortable with a true, physical relationship but keeps you on the hook for his own entertainment and fulfillment when it is convenient to him and nothing more. You deserve far better than this and i realize as someone in your shoes that its sometimes hard to trust in that, but I assure you do, and it is possible, but you need to stop allowing this waste of time make you feel you aren’t worthy of anything more. I hope you find the guts to walk away from this situation and free up the space for a man who is respects you enough for a completely fulfilling, REAL relationship, because it will happen. Sending love to you!
Your post is so comforting. I’m sorry that you have had to find yourself on this journey as well. As minuscule as it actually is, its not something the rest of the world takes kindly too. This guy was the first that I disclosed to as well. And I believe that I have formed some attachment based on that fact as well, because he was took it kindly. BUT. You are correct. I have allowed myself to be treated like this because I’m afraid that I have nothing else in store for me in that aspect. I know that there are others out there that find love, but its also scary to be so vulnerable.
I am ashamed that it has made me feel like I am not worthy of more than what he is giving me. But I believe to shows more of his character than mine. I am worth more than to be rejected but then used as a personal virtual bang. Its gross and not nice. But I have also allowed it. Moving forward, I will not tolerate it.
Thank you all for your kind messages and tough love. It’s amazing the community you have here and I appreciate everyone of your responses. <3
I find it shocking someone would not proceed with someone who gets cold sores. I somewhat understand genital herpes, but the reality of it is that – it can be contained (do not have sex when you feel something), and you can be completely monogamous and contract it. Almost 20% of people have it, and it is impossible to know who gave it to you and most likely a man gives it to a woman than vice versa. It is no reflection on if you do things wrong.
If someone told me they had it, and I was proceeding, I would learn more before a make a decision because it is easily something you can have, have non-protected sex and still not pass on.
You are completely correct. I have only ever had one partner and unfortunately it was something that partner didn’t know about. So it was quite an eye opener and life changer when I was diagnosed. Unfortunately, it is genital HSV1 for me so I understood the step back. I wish there was more informative/positive education out there. Because unfortunately until you have it, you don’t realize how little of a deal it can be. But everyone is allowed their opinion and right to protect themselves, so I get it.
But I think the fact that he still tried to get what he can while knowing that he made his choice to reject me without even trying to learn about my situation, is slowly dawning on me about how gross that feels, like being tossed to the side like a toy while some other girl gets the relationship. It makes me feel like trash. I’m taking it as a lesson to grow a bit more confidence and a stronger spine next time.
I am still so baffled by the fact that someone would believe that this behavior is acceptable in any situation and then when confronted, he completely ignores. It’s a shame.
Ok, you need a wake up call. A reframe would help you. And to make you feel better, I contracted HSV-2 and I have never once had unprotected sex with someone who was not a tested partner. NOT ONCE IN MY WHOLE DAMN LIFE. So, one of my partners over the years gave it to me and I do not know whom.
That said – onto the reframe:
A. She did not “get the relationship” – this guy objectively does not sound so great
B. This guy objectively does not sound great – I am repeating this
C. This guy is cheating on his girlfriend and I doubt you are the only one he is doing dodgy stuff with
D. You did not know this man in any real way – it takes a year at least to get there, and maybe not even then.
E. NEXT TIME – when someone shows you who they are in such a obvious way, just walk away. If they ask for an explanation, then give it to them. Stop owning that this guy is gross, he is that on his own time. Your main problem is that when he came back, you did not hold him to any standard whatsoever to get access to you. If you work on making people earn you, this will go away in a heartbeat.
E. This did cannot make you feel like garbage. You make you feel like garbage with your thoughts and stories that you are telling yourself. Please read that again.
F. They do not even recommend testing for herpes anymore in a sexual test because of false positives and negatives without an outbreak, so it is very hard to know if you have it.Lala
Anne, I’m happy I was able to provide some comfort. I know exactly how you feel about all of this. The vast majority of the population (myself included until I was diagnosed) is hugely ignorant or misinformed about this condition. The absolute worst part about genital herpes (be it HSV1 or HSV2) is absolutely the stigma. The virus itself is really nothing more than a rash at the end of the day, and often one that people experience once and never have symptoms again. The world could benefit from much more education on the subject, yet even as I sit here knowing and feeling this completely, I still myself am not prepared to broadcast my diagnosis all over the place for fear of the shame that others attach to the name. I joke that I could make a great poster child for the face of herpes, and help a lot of people by sharing my experience and knowledge, but due to the stigma, I still feel way to ashamed to admit to people that I once had a rash, that never came back, that nearly 80% of the population share the virus, whether active or inactive. Please know I feel for you and you are not alone.
I completely understand how and why you have found yourself in this situation and it all goes to how you view yourself. I have been going to therapy to deal with this situation, because the feelings and fears that come from it can be all too isolating and traumatizing if you keep it to yourself and don’t work through it. I can understand why you would allow this go on with this man and find yourself in this situation, I just hope you can find the love to demand better. Believe me, I didnt know if I would ever get there, and I’m sure I will have moments where I don’t feel quite so empowered, but please, please know you are worthy of much more than a man that behaves this way.
Stay true to yourself. You did the right thing being honest with this guy and he is now taking advantage of your kindness and honesty. Lots of love to you!
I agree with what Tallspicy said, especially about the lesson that you have to learn from this. While I admire your distance in saying that it is ‘simply interesting’, it’s unfortunately much more than this. It is a lesson for you to learn that you f*cked up. This guy is horrible, that’s beyond doubt, your mistake was not spotting it soon enough… and allowing his shady, flaky behavior. Someone ghosts you, then comes back like nothing happened and you engage in some sexting with him? I don’t think it’s self-confidence that you need to grow, you need to grow balls. With some balls, next time that happens, a guy popping up on your social media 3 months after going poof, you’ll just think ‘wtf dude’ or ‘who is this’, never contact or block him and forget about it two seconds later.
And while it may be good to have some conversation about HSV1 and 2 on this forum, I seriously doubt that anything in this story is about this virus. This is just some shady, flaky man, anything could have been an excuse for him to not take a relationship to a next step. If he was into you, HSV1 wouldn’t have been a problem.
I gotta say, I don’t know any of you, but god I wish I did lol. Thank you all for being so awesomely candid and telling me what I need to hear. But also for making me feel not so alone with this situation. I believe I have allowed myself to be very protective of who I let in because of it, so when it happened I didn’t want to see that it would end up like this with someone I opened up to in such a way.
But all of you are right, I am not innocent in anything here. I could have stopped it but I didn’t. Now after two years of this sh*t storm, it just is what it is. I’m glad I haven’t heard anything back from him, though hurtful, it makes it so much easier to grasp how unimportant it was to him. Which makes it easier for me to disconnect.
And as for the HSV tangent, I haven’t told anyone besides him and a sibling, so no one really knows the whole story in my 3D world. So Thank you for allowing me to have a safe and supportive platform to reach out to. I am sending all of you a huge hug because it really has helped me over the past week and I believe it will continue to help in the future. You guys are awesome.