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- This topic has 5 replies and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
We saw eachother for 4 weeks & he was really interested in the beginning (he introduced me to his friends and even invited me to go on a trip with him & his friends), but I think I may have started putting too much pressure on the idea of commitment. He kept saying that we should part ways because he has avoidant attachment issues & he also used the “wrong time right person” bull***t. I eventually heard from his friend that he isn’t attracted to me physically & to some elements of my personality. For this reason, I ended things a couple days ago. I saw him on a dating app today.
I know I should move on but I guess I just want to try again & end things on my terms this time.What are the chances that he may come back to me once I’ve spent a lot of time focusing on working out & becoming emotionally/mentally better? Will the 30-day no contact rule work in this case (to make him attracted to me like he was in the beginning), or is this completely unsalvagable?
What do you mean by this?
“I know I should move on but I guess I just want to try again & end things on my terms this time.”
Do you mean, you want to try dating him again with the intent of breaking up with him again? Maybe I misunderstood you but that doesn’t make sense to me.
Anyway, to answer your question: No, the 30-day rule won’t work. He does not want a relationship with you, and he said so. This will not change in 30 days no matter what you do. It’s not up to you whether he wants a relationship. It’s up to him. He’s made his choice.
It’s good if you want to work out and also work to become emotionally and mentally better! Do that! But you MUST do that for YOU, not HIM!
Agree with jane. Just pls move on..
The other posters are right. Plus, if someone warns you they have an avoidant attachment style and aren’t actively already in therapy wanting to work on it, and you’re seeking a serious relationship, heed the warning. Believe someone when they show you who they are. People who have those problems with emotional availability and intimacy often look for “problems” with their dates in order to distance, which may include not feeling physically attracted without being able to understand or explain why. It has very little to do with you, he had these issues before he met you. So there is no “trying again to end things on your terms” especially after you already ended things with him for a reason in the first place… plus why would you waste your time trying again knowing it’s not going to work or last??
You don’t seek closure through doing a repeat with him (and it likely resulting in the exact same outcome and extending your own pain), you get it by going no contact and focusing on yourself and rebuilding your self-esteem while you move on. Instead of asking about him, ask questions of yourself. Like, why are you chasing an unavailable person who doesn’t want what you want, when you deserve better? If deep down you don’t believe you deserve more, that’s actually where you need to focus in order to eventually feel better, not using your energy trying to re-attract someone who isn’t capable of giving you the relationship you’re looking for for whatever the reason.
You will get through this if you choose to let him go. That will allow you to stay open for someone looking for the same things as you who you won’t need to “convince” to be with you. A good dating rule of thumb is, if you have to convince another person of your worth, they’re not worth your time.
I am in the same boat. Mine lasted a year and long distance and we made efforts to see each other. We both kept is casual saying we were friends. Well, last I was in town my relative, a friend of him and a close relative I would talk to about him because I trusted her.. well she got mad at me for seeing him and not making the weekend about her, mind you after a year and she knew I would see him. So she told him a munch of stuff, mostly made up because I was careful to not suggest anything more than we were. She told him I tell the family we are together and that I am his girlfriend and we talk all the time (we did talk daily, he would call in the morning before work and before bed) and basically made me sound a ili crazy. Soooo, he held back and said he wanted to stop and he was done bc I was acting like a girlfriend and we won’t need to talk daily or visit.
OMG – I was shocked and hurt. After a year of talking daily and him acting like a BF, wtf. He started to call weeks after that but I didn’t handle it well and then I acted crazy bc he blocked me and then I found out what my relative did. I was having fun and it sucks and I want to try to be friends again, but I acted out to him bc it was Bull Crap that he suddenly changed and even had tix to visit me! I finally let my relative have it after 3 mths of me holding it back. -