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- This topic has 100 replies and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago by
So after discovering this site I started reading the articles and threads and I’ve been wondering, how do you know when a guy is pulling the slow fade as opposed to when is he ‘testing’ you/himself to see if you will freak out/he will miss you? I understand that it can start as the latter and end in the former, but other than the end goal, is it different in any way? Any tell tale signs?
I think you have the wrong idea. Most (mature) men will not intentionally “test” a woman; that is game playing. He may subconsciously pull back for several reasons, like being busy, work stress, other personal issues, etc, and he will take note if you react poorly and become needy, but don’t be mistaken in thinking that he purposefully is pulling back just to test your reaction.
Is this something you are currently experiencing?
That’s a good question. I think if it is pulling back, they are still in touch and let you know what they are up to or that they will be busy/ away for the next x days; and if you ask a reasonable question, they will answer in a timely manner, but if it is a slow fade, they are all over the place and may start acting confusing and become kind of secretive/ don’t want you to know what they are doing.
I think pulling back temporarily is something along the lines of going weeks/months without the norm of his communication. Maybe because things were moving too fast, maybe because he wants to test you (petty), maybe he needs some time to see if he is ready for the relationship to proceed. Whatever the reasoning, he still likes you and has every intention on pursuing you.
Slowly fading, in my opinion, would be something like a guy texting you good morning/good night daily, to 3x a week, 2x a week, once, and so on. He might ask you how your day is, that will slowly stop too. He might not initiate as many conversations and let them end sooner than he used to. His overall interest is slowly descending. He may have found someone else, or realized that he doesn’t like you anymore, but isn’t at the point where he wants to sit down with you and break things off completely. The slow fade is so painful, because you can see it coming.
Guys are stupid.
And then enter option 3, ghosting!!!! It’s Halloween after all!
Seems like it can manifest the same way, only with different intentions.
Every guys different so its hard to say why he’s doing it. I’ve had guys do the pull back and my reaction was to let him go, if he came back then he better have a damned good explanation for doing it. I’ve done it to guys too for different reasons such as wanting to break up or to re-balance my life when it was becoming too consuming and it freaked the guys out.
Both genders test each other out and its either a pass or fail. Dating/relationships are no different than selecting a friend, employee, employer, car, doctor/dentist, etc.—its human nature even though you may subconsciously not know your doing it, you are.
Gemini615, I didn’t really think I was experiencing this/had anything to be worried about when I posted.
Been busy/preoccupied the last week and only noticed something’s up just before I posted this yesterday, since then I’ve counted days/really put some thought into it and now anxiety has set in! I pride myself on being a cool, drama free girl, not needy at all, but I think being that girl just worked against me!!
We’ve known each other for a year, we’ve been dating 4 months. He never goes silent for more than 3 days, he initiates, he’s sweet, romantic, loving, attentive, a gentleman, remembers the little things, treats me like a priority, everyone has been commenting on how in love we seem, everything has been wonderful.
I ended up counting and it’s been 12 days since we’ve really had a meaningful/deep interaction/connection with him being lovey dovey, 7 days since we had a date (I knew he was going to be away this weekend) and 5 days since we’ve spoken (usually no more than 3 days go by). He still likes/comments on my social media, but he hasn’t made any direct contact with me.
Then today I stalk his social media and discover that he had the day off yesterday due to their office building being fumigated (so did I, as is the case every Friday FYI), which I knew nothing about and which would usually mean it’s “us” time. I think this is what triggered the anxiety.Now I’m thinking was/is this me or him, because 2 weeks ago he told me he’d love it if I’d go visit his family with him (we haven’t met, but they’re aware of me) and that we should maybe consider moving in together. I played it cool, but I was actually freaking out because I was overwhelmed by a mixture of shock and awe. Awe because it feels good that he wants me around/wants to introduce me to his family, but shock because I think it’s too much too soon, the moving in part more so than the family part obviously. When he said it I smiled and said we should discuss it more. He said ‘whenever you’re ready, babe’. I never responded to the innocuous message he sent me later that day, because I just needed time to let all he said sink in. Radio silence from both sides the next 4 days and then the turn of events as described above.
Did he freak himself out, pulling away or did I put him off with my reaction, causing him to back off?
I can’t believe I didn’t start questioning this earlier! I can’t even believe I’m in this position right now!123
Read the article by Sabrina called ‘why he’s withdrawing’.
I have actually read it, I’ve read everything I could find on here and I still can’t tell if he is withdrawing or a slow fade. Things have been amazing the last couple of weeks. I’m baffled.
You said yourself you never replied to his last text. You’ve been dating for 4 months. Just send a text asking how his weekend away went and check in. Maybe you’re freaking him out because you never responded and you weren’t very receptive to his discussion about moving in together.
I finally responded after 4 days, we had a date (the 7 days ago one I mentioned), we were both tired and cut the evening short. Then on Monday he apologized for the short date and said ‘chat soon x’. And now it’s 6 days later, still nothing.
But I am wondering how much of this is my fault, does he think I’m not sufficiently interested because I was the one to (initially) withdraw after he said all that?alia
Don’t think of it as so much it is “your fault”. If you felt like it was a little too soon to discuss moving in and your gut told you to withdraw a bit, thank goodness you followed your gut on this one. I don’t see anything wrong with having to take some time to acclimate yourself to the idea of moving in with someone.
Seems like you are now ready to be talking to him again, and since he sent the last message, do by all means reach out to him. Your scenario sounds like you faded on him not him on you! Just saying ;)Anon
I wouldn’t mind one bit if you ladies are correct by identifying me as the ‘fader’ in stead of him, I just don’t want to reach out when I should be giving him space and I was expecting him to contact me because of the ‘we’ll chat soon’, I interpreted it as a ‘I’ll call you in the near future’. I know I sound like I’m trippin, but I’ve never been in this situation.
You can try reaching out but I am of the opinion that if he last said chat soon and you never responded he should have initiated but yes he could be feeling that you are not that interested. In my opinion tough in most cases if a guy is interested enough, he will initiate no matter what but there is no problem with the woman trying every once in a while either. Do what you feel but you could try sending out a signal and see what happens. If nothing then you got your answer. Let us know. Maybe he did expect you writing back that you would love to talk to him.
I would reach out. It sounds like you freaked out a bit from the moving in/meeting the family talk and he felt that and is giving you space. I would bet he thought you would be ecstatic about suggesting this but you were not – so he’s letting you think. I would send him a light sweet text – saying something like ‘Hey stranger, I miss your handsome face. How are you?’ That way he knows you aren’t freaking out anymore and still think he’s great. Guys do need to hear this too, especially since he just suggested moving a step forward in the relationship and you wavered.
Jessica I think this is a great idea. I would suggest writing something really sweet too. Nothing to lose, if he does not write back then so be it, at least you will know but otherwise you may fix the problems of the last few weeks.
I really don’t like that you “played it cool” even though you were freaking out inside. How would you feel if you asked a man to move in and meet your family and his reaction was cool? I know I’d be hurt and pissed off and probably start fading away, too.
It’s important to be authentic in how you behave and express yourself. That doesn’t mean dumping everything on him, but it does mean finding effective ways to express your true feelings. If you are going to have a real, loving partnership with anyone then it’s really important to express your real feelings and not play in a way that is different from how you’re feeling.
I hope this doesn’t sound like a criticism. I know you’re doing your best. I can just imagine how it might be from his perspective. I offered my boyfriend the key to my apartment and he “played it cool” and the result was, I took the key offer completely off the table because I was so hurt that he didn’t seem to care. When I spoke with him about it, he confessed that it mattered to him a lot. By then, it was too late. He still doesn’t have my key and likely won’t until there’s a ring on my finger, now. It’s not just you who is vulnerable in this relationship. If he loves you, he is also in a vulnerable position. If you can’t be authentic with him about your feelings, how can he trust you?
m, constructive criticism is welcomed, but I didn’t do it intentionally, it just sort of happened, it was like somebody had sprayed me with liquid nitrogen, I knew I had to react in a positive way, that’s why I smiled and said we should discuss it more, I didn’t want him to think it’s a rejection, but I felt overwhelmed/shocked and had to gather my thoughts. I reacted as warmly as I could manage at that moment. I understand that he probably expected me to gush and I was planning on telling him how happy he made when we picked up the conversation again. After 4 days (the time I needed to let everything sink in) I checked in with him to see if we were still on for our date. His response was maybe a cooler than usual, no loving words, no jokes or smileys, but it still had a kiss at the end, not that xoxo’s matter in the grand scheme of things. I thought he’d bring up the topic on the date, but we were both tired and he didn’t really engage with me, so I thought it’s not the right moment for ME to bring up the topic either. He was kind of cool when when we parted ways too. I tried to call him later that night, but no answer, I just assumed he was sleeping already. Nothing Sunday, but I didn’t think too much of that either, we don’t talk every day. Then Monday I commented on something he posted on Facebook and that’s when he sent me the apology/we’ll chat soon message, so even though I wanted to pick up the conversation, I didn’t think their was anything ‘wrong’. The next thing I know it’s Friday and I realize I still haven’t heard from him. It was a little strange, but I didn’t get all bent out of shape about it all till Saturday. And now I’m tossing and turning.
I’ve been racking my brain and finally remembered that he DID go silent on me once before a month or so ago, but the thought of him fading didn’t even cross my mind then, I reached out on day 6, he responded very positively, his explanation came down to him having a down (feeling) week. He was hardly active on social media that week, but this week he’s been very active.I’ll probably end up reaching out to him, but I have to sleep on this.
Sorry, I just realized I just repeated what I had summarized before, didn’t really respond to the points made, too tired to think straight. Thank you for the responses.
No worries. Try Googling “Stan Tatkin couple bubble” and see if some of that information strikes a chord with you. It sounds like the two of you are not keeping connected. That information might help you two repair things, if you want to keep the relationship.
Gemini615, I still wanted to add I understand they don’t necessarily ‘intentionally’ test you, I meant it more like you and Lane said, subconsciously.
m, to get back to your point.
I wasn’t trying to make excuses earlier, I agree with everything you said, it’s just that it was never a conscious decision to react that way, even though my narrative made it sound like it was, wrong choice of words I think?
I also kissed him quite intensely after smiling/saying we should discuss it more. I had hoped that that would have been an indication that I was touched by his words.
My ex (initially) said that if it weren’t for my (warm) actions he would’ve had no idea how I felt, because (cold) words failed me. He also said that I improved 100% later in the relationship, it was because we had grown closer by then and he had earned my trust and love, so I opened up to him fully.
I am not there yet with this man. But I would really love to get there. He makes me sooo happy.I could relate to some of that (couple bubble, hopefully I read the correct information), but I don’t think we’re quite ‘there’ yet in the relationship, as in we’ve been going slow, I feel like we’re still getting to know each other, definitely not at ILUs and serious commitment yet, that’s why I was shocked by what he said. I also wasn’t sure if it’s the typical ‘guy trying to make you fall in love with him before he decides he actually really wants (to pursue a relationship with) you’ thing men do. I’ve read up on how guys fall in love, so I wondered if my reaction said ‘I don’t have her hooked (yet)’ and then he decided I’m not even worth the effort? I’m a rational thinker, but I’m so confused. And yes, I do realize we should have (had) a discussion on what we are both feeling at this point (the disconnect). I DID actually think that conversation was coming and when he he lead with ‘I’ve been thinking and’…you should meet the family etc. I did interpret it as us essentially being on the same page though, that we wanted to be together and move things forward.
Today is day 7 and I actually feel sick to the pit of my stomach. I’ll be very honest here, I’m going to that crazy lady head space where I’m thinking did he message me and I just didn’t get it, I’ve even started to question whether I might’ve misunderstood what he said. I know it’s not rational and highly unlikely and I swear, I don’t usually get this insecure, but I’m truly at a loss. I’ve never had someone just disappear on me like that without saying a word.
I really really really hoped I would wake up to a message from him. In stead I saw that he was active on social media, didn’t respond to a comment I had made last night, but did respond to someone else’s. I am convinced he won’t ‘ghost’ entirely, he can’t, we work in the same industry where paths cross, a mutual friend introduced us and one of the biggest reasons I’m attracted to him, which he is aware of, is because he is such a stand up guy (he always showed me consideration and respect, even before we ever got together), so I find it unthinkable that he would just exit entirely without even showing me a little courtesy.I know my life won’t fall apart if this is in fact going south, so it’s not the rejection I fear the most, it’s the humiliation if I do reach out when I shouldn’t. And of course dealing with the hurt and disappointment.
I always try to act with grace, walking away with my hhead held high when a relationship ends in stead of being hysterical and pathetic and I feel like if this is him doing the slow fade to ‘get rid of’ me and I reach out, it will make me look pathetic, like I have no self respect.
I’m also afraid that if he DID in fact withdraw because of my reaction, the damage has been done, because essentially 2 weeks have passed.
I’m also thinking what if I DO reach out, he is receptive, but he offers me no real explanation, I really don’t want him thinking that he can treat me that way and we can just sweep it under the rug, but I also don’t want to be a naggy drama queen and fault him, ESPECIALLY if it was because of my reaction in the first place.
I WILL swallow my pride and bite the bullet if I have to though, because I do care very much and I definitely don’t want this to end just because I’m being stubborn.Anon
Oh, not that it matters I guess, but my comment and the other person’s comment on Facebook wasn’t on the same post. I commented on an older one and the other person on the latest one.
Honestly, just reach out to him and have that discussion. This is one of those that need that discussion in person. What have you got to lose? If he’s not receptive, then you know one way or the other where his head is at. Usually, I’d say no but this is entirely different.
I was still hesitant about reaching out first, but called him yesterday lunch time, his phone was off. No surprises there, he usually has back to back meetings all day Monday. So I messaged him. Wasn’t delivered till after 5, and shortly after he was active on social media. Didn’t feel any sense of relief after contacting him yesterday. And I still feel kind of nauseous. I hate going into such a negative (crazy!) mindset, because I do believe in self fulfilling prophecies, negative energy etc.
Yesterday was 7 days of silence from his side. I didn’t really expect an immediate response, I thought if it is in fact the “my reaction/me being the one fading” theory, maybe he would need a day or so to process before getting back to me. But I don’t know.
How long do you suggest I give it?
I have no doubt that I’ll hear from him…at some point. But hearing from him today versus hearing from him in 3 weeks, well needless to say, 3 weeks from now I will not be considering giving him the time of day. -