Snide Comments

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  • This topic has 18 replies and was last updated 5 years ago by Raven.
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  • #781778 Reply

    I’m 29, single, bad luck with love, taking a break from seeing anyone right now.

    My best friends are all married or engaged. I’m happy for them, just haven’t met my match yet and that’s okay.

    I’ve unfortunately had a lot of pain from failed relationships. I feel my friends haven’t been through nearly as much pain as I have and they just don’t understand. They love to get together and gush about their relationships in front of me and I obviously don’t. I’m proud of my independent life and career. It hurts sometimes to sit through the relationship gushing, but they are happy and excited so I just let it go.

    What really bothers me more than anything is the snide comments towards me about my lifestyle. They know I’ve had pain, but I find they make very insensitive comments to me anyway and I find it rude and offensive.

    An example, recently a friend of mine is planning her wedding. During a gush session between she and I, she mentions her wedding which is a location far away, she says “hopefully you meet someone by my wedding” and “You can bring them and split all the costs, and you could pair up on fun things to do with other couples as a couple”

    I was offended by this. Like hopefully I meet someone soon just for her wedding and pretty much if I don’t I’ll be alone and can’t split cost or pair up with other couples. Like thanks for the advice, I’ll get right on a date to your wedding. Hopefully I meet someone. Yes, I hope so too. But not just for your wedding.

    Other times again, its been mentioned to me “hopefully you meet someone”

    I hate that. I’ve had bad luck, guys haven’t stuck around, and its hard to find a good guy. I don’t settle and am sick of settling and what is so wrong with me just enjoying my single life right now?

    Other times they are planning activities and invite me say bowling – to go with 4 to 5 other couples. When I mention that its awkward for me with that many couples and me alone. They say “well find someone to bring”

    One time we did actually go bowling. My friend tried to set me up/meet her co-worker so I went. She told the guy ti come to casually meet me in a friendly setting. He showed up at the very end of the night. He ignored me. I tried talking a few times and he seemed not interested at all. It was horrible.

    They say it all the time. Don’t you think if I could just find someone to bring at the snap of my fingers, I wouldn’t be in this situation? They don’t get it. They’ve never been single for more than a couple months tops. I’ve gone years at times.

    Another time it was offensive to my lifestyle. I live paycheck to paycheck. I’m successful, but have loans. Recently, my friend was up for a new job. I was supportive and insightful. I know the industry and hiring. She starts saying how if they don’t offer her X pay then she couldn’t fathom taking it and trying to live. The number she threw out was really high. Too high. Again, I know the industry. I mention to her how X pay is even still reasonable. Something a tiny bit lower and still worth the awesome job. She starts saying how she couldn’t possibly live that way, paycheck to paycheck and not having any savings or retirement. She went on and on about how she could never live that way etc.. I was a bit surprised by her reaction. I simply say “I live that way”

    She says nothing. I was hurt. Like do you even realize that most people live this way? I do and I make it work and my life is still great.

    The comments just bother me. Its all the time. If I show or mention any of the pain I’ve gone through with guys they’ve said I’m just bitter and hate all men.

    That hurts me. Like its a flaw in my personality. Again, I’ve been hurt badly, so yes maybe I am bitter, but I’m also smarter now from it.

    Any opinions or advice on how to handle this situation?

    #781779 Reply

    I’m so sorry to hear that you’re in pain. I’m a few years younger than you so I don’t think I’m even qualified to give you any advise on dating. But I just wanna say I admire you in terms of your confidence, financial independence and success in your career!

    I do think your friends are slightly inconsiderate. It’s these times you need your friends to lean on, maybe it’s worth mentioning it to them how your feeling again?

    In terms of dating, I’m a spiritual person so I believe everyone has a soulmate and I firmly believe there is someone out there for you so don’t lose hope. You will meet someone! I’ve not had a lot of experience in dating but out of my limited experience, I do think dating is so dynamic and spontaneous that it can happen when you least expect it. So be happy and grateful and not bitter because when that someone comes along, you’ll be ready :) I really really hope this brightens up your day a bit! xx

    #781785 Reply

    You need some single friends. I have both single and married and friends that I can go out with. This makes a difference.

    #781786 Reply
    Better off single

    Just ignore it. Mention how you feel if the situation calls for it. Otherwise say nothing, laugh it off, because that is how they are. You’re working your a$$ off, you’re comfortable with the way you’re living now,and should you choose to change it, that’s your business not theirs.

    What’s so bad about going to a wedding alone? You’re there to support your friend. She is going to be so focused on herself and her wedding, she will barely notice if you brought a date or not. You’re single, not half a person.

    Stop caring about the criticism and judgement of others. Listen to your own inner critic and change if you feel the need to. Ignore the pressure of your friends. They aren’t the ones who have to live out your life so their opinion should not matter. Acknowledged, taken into consideration but it really doesn’t matter because you call the shots in your life.

    #781787 Reply
    Better off single

    Also tell your friends to stop setting you up with men who are single and automatically think you would be compatible with him just because you’re single too.

    My best friend does that and F×CK is it annoying!

    Your friends just want to see you happy. Being married and in a relationship may be what makes them happy. They want the same for you. Keep showing them you’re just fine with or without one.

    #781789 Reply

    Question: after writing this long list of complaints against your frenemies… is there even one good reason to keep associating with them?

    Hint: the answer you’re looking for is it’s time to get a new set of friends if you find them this offensive. You’re at different places in life.

    #781792 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    No offense but you have posted threads about this before, recently, complaining about your friends. I remember it. You said you earn $60K and your friends said they could never work for less than $70K, etc. And you just posted a long post 3 days ago entitled “Just want someone to love” where you bemoaned the state of your love life and how defeated and down you felt about dating.

    You seem to be in a really negative head space. I honestly think you’re in way deeper than anyone on an anonymous internet forum can help you. Posting multiple threads with the same complaints will not change anything, we can’t magically present you with an answer that will solve things. You mentioned that you are depressed and in counseling in the other thread, and I think that’s great. Continue with the counseling. I agree with what’s been said here in that you need to expand your group of friends– pick up a hobby, start volunteering, join a meetup group– break out of the bubble you’re in. If every single one of your friends is partnered, then make some new friends, find single people to hang out with.

    But overall I get the feeling you are spending a lot of time stewing in your own negativity and not trying to make any positive changes- sorry if I’m wrong. It’s almost a new year and it’s a good time to make some resolutions and try to develop new habits. New habits can include changing your train of thought from “poor me” to something more empowering and positive. Maybe this is something your counselor can help you with. You do have the power to change your life, you just have to believe you can.

    #781793 Reply

    I think you are the same poster who posted about a married man. I think you should take a step back and take a look at your friends, interests and see if they align with who you want to be. I think you may be looking for attention in the wrong places instead of within yourself

    #781805 Reply

    I’m with Liz, you’ve post multiple threads about this same topic. I’m not sure what more you want to hear. I think your friends are simply wanting the best for you. They are happy in relationships and want to see you happy too! I don’t think it’s out of malice or ill will. Hoping you will meet someone by the wedding is a sweet thought not a death sentence! And sometimes when your best friends are telling you something maybe it’s time to look in the mirror and see if they’re right. Maybe you are bitter or jaded towards men. And I think I replied on your last post, why can’t you find a guy friend to bring along on a couple’s bowling night? Don’t you have a co-worker or someone you’ve been friends with since college or something?

    And again she was talking about herself when looking for a new job not YOU!! No one aspires to accept a job so they can live paycheck to paycheck! And if you are then you need to be concentrating on how to get yourself out of this situation right now instead of worried about your romantic life. She is right that no one can continue to live that way and not build up any savings or retirement. I think you are unhappy about a lot of things in your life including your financial situation. You life is not great or you wouldn’t be here posting multiple threads about the same thing upset and hurting over what your friends say.

    I think your bitterness at the pain you have experienced in past relationships is a dark cloud over your relationships even with your friends. And their well meaning comments you take as literal stabs in your back. I truly want you to strive to be happy for them and for yourself. Take the new year as a chance to get your life in order! Examine why are you in debt? Do you buy things you don’t need to make yourself feel better and rack up credit card debt? Are you driving a vehicle you can’t afford? What habits are contributing to your debt? Can you consolidate it for a lower interest rate and payment? Do you have items you don’t use you can sell or pawn to build up an emergency fund? Focus on one aspect at a time. Right now your financial health. You won’t believe the stress that is lifted off of you once you aren’t living paycheck to paycheck and worried about any single thing like car repairs or medical bills that could easily derail you. Then once you feel good about yourself and your independence you won’t believe the positive vibes you put out in the world and how it attracts others to want to be around you.

    #781811 Reply

    I 100% agree with kayes well thought out response. I didnt want to respond at first myself since i felt its a waste of my time. You never come back and just start another threat about more or less the same topics. Thats fine but it takes my energy away to give it much thought.
    So tape kayes response on your wall. It gives good suggestions on how to make things better plus its good you started therapy. You wont be lonely forever but you need some more solid ground for yourself first. Take care and love yourself first.

    #781812 Reply

    See I hate when people post just find a guy friend to take bowling. You are the same as my friends. Like its so easy. I’m not dumb. All my guy friends have girl friends. Its so hard to meet men. All guys around my age are already committed so can’t be friends or more.

    I work with all older married people. Its hard to meet men. Was online for years meeting men who weren’t right or good for me. I’ve had guys call me fat, at a size 10, guys tell me my small regional accent was horrible, guys tell me its not a good time right now after being all over me. I’ve had guys just up and leave with no answers after 6 months. Had guys take off after meeting my family, exchanging christmas gifts, after I give my heart. Guys who emotionally manipulated me. Hurt me. After I was so kind and caring.

    So no, I don’t have single guy friends, and hell yes I’m bitter. Be treated that way and tell me you’d be so positive. My friends act like they are in a fairy tale. And act like that’s reality, like hope you find that too. No, you are just ignoring your boyfriends pot addiction, bad credit, and poor family dynamic. I live in reality. Red flags are not red roses. That’s why I’m single.

    I sell, I consolidate, I refinance, and I still have to pay over $1000 a month just in student debt. I drive a cheaper car. I live in a nice place, but a nice, small, affordable place in not the best area. Again, its hard for others to understand unless you are in my exact situation. I’d love for my friends to live like me for a week. Its not a horrible life, but I’m alone and money is a huge issue. They have no debt. Mommy and daddy paid for them and they got more aid than me. My family makes “too much” to be eligible for aid, when in reality my family struggles financially too and didn’t have over 100,000 dollars for college for me.

    My friends are getting married, traveling, buying homes, split between two people. Two.

    Its an easier burden to handle between two people.

    Until I pay off my student debt, I can’t have savings or a retirement fund.

    I have a masters degree.

    I make over 50,000 a year, but its all debt, debt, debt.

    So no, I don’t appreciate being told, well hopefully you meet someone by my wedding. I find it insulting, not supportive or caring. Like hopefully someone falls out of the sky for you. Hopefully you have a date so you aren’t the only single one. What if I am? There’s nothing wrong with that.

    I won’t online date again. There’s a reason all those men are on there single. Baggage. Every time.

    I eat all my feelings. Every day I eat my anxiety and pain. I’ve gained 30 pounds probably this year alone and 70 total in the past 3 to 4 years. I’m trying to change, but when your friends don’t understand your pain, its hard to feel understood or supported. My counselor helps, a little, but its really not 1000% working for me. I like it, but I don’t see heaps of change from it like it did in my past. I come on here hoping someone lives my life, lives in my shoes, just to tell me I can do it and get out of this endless emotional pain I feel over past situations and the hate I feel for myself.

    #781813 Reply

    Hi keep going doing it your way

    #781831 Reply

    Its true that some people have it worse than others. Life isnt fair and its also true that its harder to get by single instead of a couple. My friends were couples and when we went away for a trip, they saw their contribution as a household until i simply said thats not fair to me: this way i pay double. Of course they were fine changing it.
    But the bottom line is: moping about it every single day wont help you one bit especially when now you are eating your misery away. You have an excuse for everything: you dont like to do things alone for savety reasons, youre in debt but thats on the family, you cant find single friends since you work with old people and then you blaim us for not seeing how difficult it is. You are your own personal road block and only you can change that. Right now im reading a book from Judith Beck about dietsolutions based on conditional therapy her dad did groundbreaking work in. Im reading it to help me stop smoking. Its working. Only by changing you way of thinking you can change outcomes. Its very powerful

    #781838 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    With all due respect, and having read the multiple posts you’ve made over the past few months about these topics, i have to agree with Newbie that an attitude adjustment is what you need.

    In the other thread you started about looking for love a few days ago, you do nothing but trash other women for being tramps and talk about how much better & more deserving you are– that you’re so sweet and wonderful and educated and perfect. And other women are, well, tramps.

    In this thread, you trash your friends for living happy & fulfilling lives. You trash all men online as having baggage, but take a look at yourself! What about YOUR baggage?

    Your focus is totally external, and totally negative. You direct excessive criticism towards others but never look at how your own thought patterns & behaviors are contributing to your situation. I know it’s a lot easier to blame outside circumstances (your friends, your job, men with baggage online). But until you take a hard look at yourself and make some personal changes, your life won’t change.

    #781839 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    And for the record, i’m in my early 40s and spent years as a broke single mom. I’m still dealing with debt from those years, but getting better. I spent years single, or in relationships that were unsatisfactory. I met a great guy online (imagine that) almost 2 years ago. I can honestly say it’s the best realtionship i’ve been in. But i struggled in my 20s and 30s, believe me.

    My point is, i’m more than a decade older than you. You’re 29. You have time. Sometimes things don’t perfectly fall into place just because you want them to. You can’t totally control when you meet the “right” guy. You can only control you & your attitude.

    #781846 Reply

    Carmen, You are so angry 😢 … I’m glad you’re seeing a therapist. Good Luck to You

    #781850 Reply

    I don’t blame my friends for the negativity in my life or any of my problems. Ny friends never hurt me badly or added pain.

    I have a lot of anger because men have hurt me so badly. I’m broken. I am smarter from learning from these experiences, but every time I trust again, put myself out there, it just seems to go bad.

    I’m angry at men who never gave me answers, who said they loved me, and turned around and left me. I never deserved that. I have a huge heart. I give my all and more. That’s just me.

    I look back and one man had respect for me. One – out of the many I’ve dated. One openly told me he didn’t want to date because his life plan was to move in a year, but that I was a wonderful woman and if circumstances were different for him, he would definitely date me because be did like me a lot. We remained friends after that and I had so much respect for him for just being honest with me.

    No one else has. They lie, cheat, ignore.

    I get mad at my friends, because I see them going down the same road as me sometimes. Trusting guys with huge red flags and I try to warn them but they are in love and blind. I am happy for them if they found someone, I just don’t want to see them get hurt like I’ve been, because I suffer with it every day.

    I don’t know how to get rid of the pain. My counselor really hasn’t helped with this at all. I don’t want to be this way. I want to be happy, carefree, fun. I’m so bitter. No guy will want me this way, but they didn’t want me when I was being my light loving self either. So I feel so lost with myself.

    Its lonely when your friends are so happy and I’m just not. They don’t understand, because they are all in relationship bliss. I’m hurting.

    I’m happy for my friends. Sad for me. Weddings, bridal showers, honeymoons, its like a stab to me, like hey you’re a failure who hasn’t made it work with anyone and has no prospects going for you. That you’ll never be doing that stuff, or by the time you do, your friends will be having children and light years away from you. I feel this pain that I’m being left behind, like a loser.

    #781855 Reply
    He doesn’t care

    Pack up your baggage and burn it. only you care about it, nobody else wants to hear about it. (Im not saying that to be mean.)

    Stop looking for a boyfriend he will find you.

    Enjoy your life as it is and keep focusing it on making it better, unless you’re like me who wants to continue to slowly self destruct.

    #781867 Reply

    I listened to a TED Talk that might help:
    “Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Top 10 Rules For Success”
    Give it a listen or 10…

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