Social Media Messaging

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  • #794540 Reply

    Does anyone else send ‘messages’ or hints to their ex’s or guys they were seeing via social media posts or stories or is it just me? When I don’t want to reach out directly but am still thinking of them, maybe I’ll post a random pic with significance to them / the time we spent together but also can’t for sure we tied to them…

    #794562 Reply

    Social media is where many people go to seek validation but really it doesn’t work because even when they get all their “likes” and “praise comments” they are back at it the next day or even hours later posting something else to seek more validation….that’s because true validation doesn’t come from social media so it’s an endless cycle.

    If an ex was trying to communicate with me via, posts or stories I’d ignore it. If they want to talk to me they have my number and or email at the least. I only have two ex’s on social media anyway, and they both know me well enough to know I’d rather get a call or text than communicate through social media.

    One of the Ex’s I’ll never get back with but the other one I’d be open to it but we’d have to get to know each other again because I’m sure we’ve changed a lot over the years and I don’t even know if I’d like him at this point.

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