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I feel I have been struggling recently. I’m 29 and live on my own. I’m very independent, as I sustain myself and my own place. Where I struggle is, with my parents. I’m very close to them. I like talking to them and spending time with them.
They were wonderful parents growing up. Suportive, loving. That isn’the issue. Now as an adult, I see they wanted the best for me, which isn’t a bad thing.
But they also didn’t let express myself enough.
I see this affecting my personality as an adult. I’ve tried talking to them about this and they think its not their fault, I’m dramatic, and its ridiculous.
Growing up I was shy. That is okay. I’m a bit like that now still. But my mother never wanted things to go wrong. Say I was at a birthday party, where they had a craft. Little kids are using glitter, paints, nothing is perfect. Little kids make ugly things sometimes. Colors are pretty, more meant better, prettier. Little kid mindset. My mom would not like when I made ugly crafts, and she’d always come over fixing it to make it look better. I felt like then I couldn’t do things good enough.
She didn’t want ugly crafts hanging up around her house. She wanted things to look nice.
Now at 29, I find myself not thinking highly of my work, downplaying myself, and seeking reassurance from others.
I’m smart and have good ideas. But I second guess myself all the time.
My mother often made plans for me as a child. Play dates, making friends for me, because I was shy. But her personality was just like this, wanting things to always be good. She meant well.
But now as an adult I have a hard time making friends. I’m better one on one with people, but I’m bad at connecting with people and in crowds. My mother even chastises me for my lack of friend making. I think thats wrong. She’s even mentioned how she can’t be making friends for me. She’s social, friendly, and people love her.
I have a hard time putting myself out there. Its scary to me. So I am more a loner.
Don’t get me wrong, I have friends, but I am not a social butterfly.
When I actually open up and be myself, people love me. But I often am not my full self for fear of embarrassment. She’s criticized me my whole life “why did you say that?”
“Don’t walk like that”
“Stop singing so loud”
“Stop eating so fast”
“Don’t make that look on your face, you look dumb”
She never wanted me to embarass myself. Again, she meant well, but now I fear being my full self. I get so intimidated by others, so I act very generically pleasant. Again, when I home around, act myself, with no fear, people love me.
Its hurt my love life too. Guys want a carefree girl and my mother has ingrained this perfect persona that I can actually be un-fun. I’m too concerned about what I am saying or how I am coming across, when I should just be letting loose and singing my heart out in the car, not afraid to look dumb.
Even recently, my mother still does that. I’ll tell her I ran into someone today and I said XYZ and she’ll go “why did you say that? Why did you say it like that? I wouldn’t have said that”
Then I get upset and self conscious and I feel stupid and embarrassed. But I’m 29, not 10. I often then fight with my mother. She gets mad claiming she won’t point one thing out again. I apologize and it all happens again in time.
She’s a wonderful woman. The best caring mom. But she doesn’t realize nor acknowledge she does this.
Then in times where I really want and need her., she’ll leave me hanging. Saying “you decide,” and I get frustrated needing an opinion or help when I ask and she leaves me hanging.
I also hate that I feel I’ve become like her. She’s amazing. But I’m very judgemental of people sometimes. I’ll judge my friends for decisions they make like my mom. Things should be a certain way and if my friends stray, I judge.
Anyone out there understand this? What do I do to try and change?
Again, my mom and I are best friends. I love her. Most of our time together /relationship is really good.
Of course you love Your Mama…
Sounds like your relationship is a little toxic though.Find a trained someone to talk with…
Share less with your Ma.Good Luck…
Thank you for sharing. And amazing job at self reflection and I suggest you find a therapist to help you – not because there is anything wrong with you, but because they have skills in working through this stuff. However, here are some suggestions:
A. Your mom is who she is. That is not going to change. So forgive her for not knowing better and do not expect much in terms of her changing. Honestly, you want to pity her for the cage that she has for herself with unrealistic expectations and constant negativity.
B. Look up inner child work and self parenting. These will be frameworks you can use. You have to parent yourself now. You need to tell yourself what you wish she had said, and actually do it.
C. Limit your time with her.
D. And when she makes disparaging comments – either ignore them (do not let them in) or say – Mom, if you cannot say something positive, then I prefer you to not say anything at all. And if she reacts with the drama queen stuff, just say mom – I know you love me, but I will not engage with you in this fashion unless you want to have a real discussion about this, which looks like an adult conversation. I cannot allow negative stuff into my life anymore and while I know you mean well, your approach does nothing to bring us closer together, nor make me a better person, it makes me sad and robs my life of joy. Offer for you two to go to therapy to better communicate.
D. You are not judgmental because of her. You are judgmental because you judge yourself, which you learned from her. She is also very judgmental of herself – that is why she does it. When you start being less judgmental of yourself, you will be less so of others. However, it is amazing you see this in yourself and how it no longer serves you.kaye
Wow!! Tallspicy that is amazing advice! That is all I can say because really how can anyone follow that!!! Lol
Excellent advice.
“Anyone out there understand this? What do I do to try and change?”
Parents will continue “parenting” no matter what age.
You can attempt to set some clear personal boundaries for yourself (not so much for your mom) and see what works best for you.
This is a big part of “growing up” and becoming self-reliant when you leave the nest but it sounds like you are too comfortable in the nest and refuse to leave it.
You appear to blame your mom but not taking any ownership for your inability to take charge of your life. Again, this is a big part of becoming an adult yet you are remaining stuck in a 10 year old state of mind not because of your mother but out of fear.
I understand your parents want the best for you but at some point YOU have to fly on your own by taking the initiative to keep trying new and different things. So flipping what if you screw up, it only makes you wiser and stronger knowing that if you do mess up its OK, life doesn’t end, you learned something from it and with that gain the confidence necessary to forge your way through life especially when it gets messy or hard, which it will.
Mom’s are generally critical because they have this warped idea they don’t want their child to make the same mistakes they did but its a flawed mentality. Life is messy and children need to learn the skills to deal with it when it doesn’t go right, or gets hard, so they can learn, grow from it, make better decisions or tackle it when a curve ball is thrown at them.
In a nutshell, go do you and stop worrying about what your mom say’s or thinks—its called adulthood.