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This a cry for help as I can’t move on from my break-up and it’s been 4 months now. I never felt so lost and can’t stop thinking about him and all the good memories at the beginning of our relationship. I feel like it’s all my fault and I can’t stop self blaming. Any insights into how to deal with this situation would be so so helpful. So we started dating in February 2023 long distance, I live in SF and he in Seattle and I go to Seattle for work regularly. Things were going well (he was super into me initially – more than I was ) I felt like I met my person ( I am previously divorced, he is not and I am looking for something serious and settle down) but I could always feel there was lack of calling/face timing (he would just text all the time). Then suddenly things started slowing down from his side after I met him in Seattle and we made out & spent time together (No sex). I could feel him pulling away when I asked him to come visit me in SF (after 3 months – May 2023). This made me super anxious so I decided to confront him and he said he can’t do LDR at the moment (besides initially saying he is cool with it). NGL I was heartbroken as I really started liking him – thought something good is happening in my life (after a divorce with an abusive Narcissist). I really worked on myself with a therapist and was able to pull myself together and come out of it – I thought I was secure and I don’t want anyone who doesn’t want me and who slow ghosts people and I deserved better.
After around 4 months he pops back into my life again, I didn’t respond for like a month but then I gave in and we started talking again (I know I shouldn’t have but I was lonely and dating apps weren’t promising either).
I asked for the real reason why he ended things he said because I didn’t tell him I was divorced on the 1st date but waited till 2nd and since he was cheated on before he want an honest partner. I accepted his reason and gave him another chance. He also said he has been single from the last 5 years because he is very picky.
After texting for 2 months every single day he came to visit me in SF – it was amazing like we never stopped seeing each other – I never felt anything like this with anyone before. He came to see me again the following weekend (stayed with me at my house – I cooked for him all his fav meals :) ) and then I went to see him (stayed over at his ) – everything was going great. He was caring, kind, loving, PDA and excitement. He said things about me moving in with him and us having kids and him meeting my family etc etc (everything I wanted to hear). But for some reason I still felt something was missing especially with communication (calling especially) he would text and send me his selfies/day to day stuff every single day. Then he went to attend a wedding in another country and ended up spending 2 nights with his female best friend (smoking weed, watching movies and trying food places) while he didn’t communicate with me at all. This happened one time before as well where he went on a trip with his ex and this girl best friend and zero communication. I don’t know this was something that made me very very anxious. I tried communicating with him but he said his ex is very close friend and if that’s a problem for me then I should reconsider.
I thought I was overreacting and tried ignoring this and living with the fact that he has a female best friend who he considers as close as his family. He came to visit me again and told him clearly that while I am okay with him being friends with her I would not like my partner spending nights alone with someone of opposite sex (that’s my boundary). I also asked about our relationship status and he asked for sometime & was very vague. Then after a few weeks asked me to be his girlfriend. I was head over heels and he said he will take me to meet his parents in December.
I don’t know but for some reason I always felt something was missing like my emotional needs were not met, there were no discussions of feelings and every time it was me who wanted to talk about feelings. He prioritized his work and friends over me, keeping me at an emotional arms length. Even after asking me to be his gf I didn’t feel the same level of emotional investment from his side. He would sext for hours but if I ever bring up anything emotional he would shutdown. Long story short, I think I couldn’t ever get over the whole situation with his girl best friend (also found out later that they were alone for those 2 nights) and ended up having an emotional outburst in 2 occasions. After the 2nd conflict, I could feel him pulling way again – complete emotional withdrawal (no compliments and meaningful talks) – I asked him what was going on but he said everything is fine – I became an absolute mess. I forced him to come see me and he did. I got high with him ( I am pretty new to smoking ) and got really emotional again and asked him what he thinks about the future and he said he doesn’t think about at all at this moment and he needs time. I spiraled into more anxiety said some hurtful things to him because he was emotionally checked out and saw him texting another female friend of his. He then ended things with me. I begged and apologized in every way possible and stopped him from breaking up – we ended up having a great event together before I flew back to SF (he said he never loved anyone the way he loved me) – and he said he will think about giving to another shot.
But a month passed and he was not there at all ( as if he was waiting for me to end things) – I was an absolute mess and then I saw him online on a dating app. My heart sank and I never felt so miserable in my whole life. Crippling anxiety and the feeling that I ruined everything – that no-one would ever want to be with me because I am so insecure and not a good person.
I confronted him about the app but he lied and denied it and then said he doesn’t want to continue because I am trying to change/control him and that’s altering his friendship with these girls. I apologized a million times and begged him to give it another chance and that we could work through this but he said no. Since then we are no contact but its been so hard for me to move on. I feel like I lost something amazing.
Sometimes I feel that everything that happened ( all the issues with him and girl best friend) was maybe nothing and I overreacted and made it a big deal – the reason being I do not have any proof plus he always maintained a plausible deniabilityI so . It’s all so confusing and my brain flips and flops between good and bad so much with cognitive dissonance.
Secondly, I feel he saw my emotions as character flaws and I feel this deep sense of guilt and shame that I showed him my bad side and he could never see any good part of me. He found all the faults in me and decided we are not compatible. This leads me to feel guilt, self blame and a lingering feeling that I am not a desirable person to love. Any guy would run away from the drama and constant conflicts that I caused.
I think about all the memories, moment we spent together and things he did for me and the fact that its over and that I will never get to experience it again and what if I can’t feel this way again about anyone.
Any advice on how to move on will be hugely appreciated !
I know this is long – thanks for reading !
Another things that made me anxious was he never introduced me to any of his friends. So it was getting harder for me to trust him. Sometimes he will say things like – I would do XYZ if my future wife would like it – like he never considered me long term :(
Also timeline wise this all happened over the period of 7 months – I didn’t confront hi m about the female friends till 4 months of dating
Sorry @Mira, This guy 🤯
He accuses you of being a potential cheeter because you didn’t tell him you were divorced until second date, but he’s galavanting around with his ex…
Please find a trained someone to help you through this..
You are pretty classic anxious attachment. I suggest you find a good therapist who specializes in somatic work to calm your nervous system and attachment wounds. I am going to give you a hug and a kick. The kick is to work on this so you don’t spiral again.
Thanks Raven – I am in therapy for almost an year and my therapist said he had Narcissistic traits with avoidant attachment. Do you also see it?
Its so difficult for me to get over this whole thing – I feel like I am the bad guy here and I am not going to find anyone as good as him. Its so bizarre, I never felt anything like this before ( I have had break ups but this feels something else). I feel like I lost my self confidence & self trust and its all my fault.
@Tallspicy do you think I pushed him away with my anxious attachment ?
You won’t push away the right people. An avoidant with narcissistic tendencies isn’t the right person. He’s just easy to obsess about because of the addictive dynamic between anxious and avoidant attachers. The intermittent reinforcement keeps you hooked, as you make excuse after excuse to try to forgive the unforgivable and stay connected. Keep working with your therapist, but go back to even prior to your divorce. That’s where the issues lie. This guy is just a distraction from taking a harder look at yourself, but that’s the real way through this.
Thanks Maddie – I worked on myself and my self esteem and actually took the hard decision of ending the marriage where my needs were not met. I thought I was secure and even was able to move on so fast after this guy had ghosted me the first time because I knew my worth but this second time around he made me feel like its all my fault. That I am needy and emotionally not stable – that triggered my anxious side and reaffirmed those old attachment wounds of being not good enough and unlovable. I never thought I would feel this way. Now it has become so hard for me to trust myself again and maybe getting external validation here is helping me a bit.
I know I should have left this relationship long time ago instead of making an emotionally unavailable person commit to me. But everything was so covert and subtle that I lost my discernment
Hey, felt the need to chime in here. I’m going to be blunt, so I hope you are okay with that, but this will be the advice a therapist won’t give you.
1. He was always one foot in the door and one foot in. You didn’t push him away or anything. There is a big saying for this, “For the wrong guy, there is nothing you can do right. For the right guy, there is nothing you could do wrong.” Understand this, if he liked you, actually liked you, there is nothing that would ‘push him away’ and his excusing his behaviour away is just that, excuses.
2. He was gaslighting you hard. He was definitely taking advantage of the fact that you clearly have never been loved properly. So when you brought up legit concerns like his closeness with female friends and an ex and sleeping over with them, he gaslit you hard by making it out like you were the one with the problem. Just putting it out there, a high value woman would have dropped him like yesterday.
3. A high value woman would never beg a man to come back or force him to stay together. You have clearly already lost a guy or he clearly isn’t invested if you have to do any of this stuff. To this I gotta say, have you read any of the articles on this website? You literally did all of the things you should never do.
4. When I say you did the things you shouldn’t do, I don’t mean you did anything to lose him. He was clearly stringing you along and I suspect dating around the entire time. He was clearly not exclusive with you and didn’t see you as anything but a bit of fun. With those guys, if you want to talk feelings, it isn’t fun anymore for them so they tune it out or want to stop talking about it. He was never as into it as you were. Where you should blame yourself is for begging and forcing things and DRAGGING it out. The more you saw him and kept trying to cling to him and not move on from him, the more you fed the obsession over him.
5. Best advice is this – When someone rejects you or gaslights you or just doesn’t really seem all that into you – which he was pretty clear about when he said long distance wasn’t for him, or he didn’t want to come see you, or he never thought of a future at all… If a guy was crazy about you, he will have already named your 3 perfect children. If you asked him to come to SF, he would be like, “When can I come? Booking flights NOW.” So, when someone rejects you (overtly or subtly like this guy), it isn’t a ‘no’, it is God’s way of saying, “This person isn’t the one for you. Let me redirect you over here…”
I hope this helps. I’m going through something similar, except I had a coworker I have liked for about 9 months. I finally asked him out but he replied he was seeing someone. Now, how did I handle it? With dignity and grace. A high value woman does not get stuck on a man. I made a list of his flaws to help me, and a list of what I want my ideal guy to be like. I got out there and flew to visit family back in my hometown and saw this cute guy waiting for the same flight. Normally, I’d be shy and look away. This time, I kept looking over, not caring if he caught me making eyes at him. He did, I smiled. I walked past him to get to my seat, he looked over at me lots, and so did 3 other guys. Confidence is sexy is what this has taught me.
The root cause of all these behaviours of yours is you have set a very low price tag on yourself. I hate when people say ‘you need to love yourself first’ or ‘spend time alone to build up self-confidence and esteem’.
I have been single a long time, and more alone time is not healthy or helpful. The only thing it makes me want to do is possible get another cat. Not the best goal rn. Lol
The plane is the goal. Get out and pursue a hobby you have seen others do and always wanted to try. Get really engrossed in your life and projects. Get out more, not necessarily bars and clubs, but try a new coffee place on your lunch break or break up your routines. Be friendly everywhere you go, be positive. Flirt, like I did via eye contact with the guy from the plane. And if he was picking up what I put down, he would have looked for an excuse to approach me. Was I going to try and find him? Hell no. The right guy wouldn’t let me slip through his fingers. You or I… we don’t need to ‘do’ anything, not for the right guys for us. They will be excited just to be part of things.
And the coworker? It’s upsetting after 4 years working together he is seeing someone. That’s what he said when I asked him out. It may or may not be true. He is technically my boss’s boss. And he has never mentioned a woman before, nor brought anyone to the Christmas parties… if he was dating someone, I suspect a man would be super happy (he isn’t – he’s super grumpy lately and depressed) and he’d be proud of her, probably telling everyone about this amazing linguini his gf made him last night. So, i honestly suspect he just doesn’t want to date coworkers and it’s just easier to say he is ‘in a relationship with someone’ which could mean anything… including his son. Lol
I’m not going to let it get me down. A buddy at work recently told me when we are working, he has lost track of how many of the other coworkers have been checking me out. Now the majority are married, but they have eyes.
Focus on these things. Focus less on the negative or rejections and flirt, remember compliments you get and remember what it feels like to have a man smile or compliment you. Then apply that feeling to your dating life and any potential suitors. That is how they should make you feel, they should make you feel like a graceful lady, like Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe. Even if we know we don’t look the part lol.
Hope this helps. It took me a while to get to this point, but once you do – you learn not yo elevate a random man to your master and to stop begging for scraps from the master’s table.
Much Love 💕
Your anxious a behavior did not cause this, but it did not help. However, you chose someone long distance who acted pretty unavailable (5 years single etc, you lied etc.), that is the difference, between someone secure would be icked out by this guy…. not worry what they did, and they would never self bully about their worth if they the guy backed away. As an anxio8s person, you are attracted to distance, but someone more secure might feel less spark like, but is a better fit.
Kat, i want to give you a hug, but please look up why you like phantom fantasy relatio ships. This man was a colleague, he either was being inappropriate by making it feel romantic or you over read his kindness. Either way, 4 years? That is signs you are the unavailable one to wait and projecting so much onto it.