Supposed to go out tonight but I haven’t heard from him?

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  • #744250 Reply

    He asked me out for a third date at the end of our date last Friday. It’s been a few days and we are supposed to go out tonight but I still haven’t heard from him on the exact when and where.

    What should I do?

    #744253 Reply

    Technically you don’t have a date. No time or place= no date.

    In any case since he asked you out he really needs to follow up.

    I’d give him until the end of the day and if you don’t here from him go about your evening.

    #744279 Reply

    You don’t have a date as of now… sorry :(
    He put it out but didn’t cement a plan. That doesn’t mean he won’t as he may want to go out again, just not today. At the time he said it, it was more of a concept than an actual plan. It’s a concept until specifics are presented.

    Go about your day. Don’t pass up other plans or invites to keep the time open. If he does get ahold of you at the last minute tell him you have plans. Don’t be rude or act hurt about it. Just carry and present you have your own life and interests. If he wants to know you more he will nail down specifics for the next time. If a guy wants to get to know you things aren’t a one time shot to never happen again if they can’t happen at his convenience.

    #744281 Reply

    He really should have texted or called last night or this morning. At this time of the day, you don’t have a date. If he contacts you later today, just say, oh sorry made other plans since I didn’t hear from you, and be nice about it. He won’t do it again, hehehe.

    #744302 Reply

    Normally people confirm plans 24 hrs before. He hasn’t so don’t pin on him. understand that he did not forget. he chose not to. So act accordingly.

    if he asks you out again, you can decide how to take it. I’d say no that one and take a rain check for later. And leave it up to him to ask me AGAIN. And believe me, if he does, he will do that properly. if not, then you lost nothing because he was not all that interested in the first place and why would you want to invest in a guy who is not all in.

    I find that it works quite well when you leave things on a rain check, because you don’t offend them by a rejection but also don’t put yourself in a situation where you can be offended. You give the whole situation an opportunity to reset. And if it doesn’t, both sides move on without bruises to their egos.

    #744315 Reply

    I had this with my boyfriend on our first date as it goes. We agreed on an evening, then I heard nothing for two days. Day of the date and he messages about an hour before hand and says are we still on for tonight. I say no, I haven’t heard from you in two days including till now, so I assumed you changed your mind.

    He instantly confirmed when we could rearrange and text me the day before that one, saying don’t forget I’m taking you out tomorrow so don’t make other plans!

    If he contacts say oh sorry! Thought as I hadn’t heard from you It wasn’t going ahead so got busy doing other things

    #744400 Reply

    Thanks all. I didn’t hear back from him until this morning and he claimed that he’s got the flu but didn’t try to reschedule. Oh well.

    #744403 Reply
    my opinion

    I don’t believe he had the flu, I think he was probably hanging out with another gal and is keeping you on the backburner or feeling you out.

    If he was sick he would have told you he was passing on the date for now — that is, if he took the fact that he asked you out again seriously. I think he’s just not that into you.

    Sorry hun!

    #744404 Reply

    The flu
    Sick family member
    Dead family member
    Dead pet
    Its rampant

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