Home › Forums › Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals › Talked to my guy about the "deep regret of my last text"
- This topic has 109 replies and was last updated 10 years, 7 months ago by
Thanks again for the input Harley. I really do appreciate it and, in my gut, I know you’re right. The strangest things is, I suspect she actually cares about me more than she lets on and I’ll give you a few examples to explain. About two months ago, she went back to her hometown for the weekend, which is about 300 miles away from where we both live. She had a medical appointment with a specialist there & was then going to get together with old friends.
Well, she and I were talking on the Friday night, after she had seen her doctor, and when I tried getting a little frisky on the phone, she kind of shut down, which hadn’t yet happened like that at that point. She said she decided not to get together with the old friends because she was exhausted and had a migraine & was just staying in for the night. I asked if she’d received any bad news from the doctor and she assured me that wasn’t the reason. That night, on the phone, was when I first sensed she was pulling away & we kind of got into an argument. Not a really bad one, mind you, but a bit tense.
When I texted her the next morning to say I was sorry for how the convo went, she replied saying the same thing. Then, when I asked what her plans were for the rest of the weekend and how she felt that morning, she informed me that she was coming back home early. Somewhat surprised, I inquired as to the reason for her sudden change in plans. Her response was because she had realized that she was using me and felt like a “terrible person” because of it (her own words). I asked “Using me how” and she couldn’t really articulate what she meant. But, two things stood out for me: a). If she didn’t have serious feelings for her, then why would she have gotten upset to the point of suddenly changing her itinerary like that? and b). She does have a conscience and is aware of the impact of her actions on me and that it must matter to her.
Similar situations have occurred occasionally since then. Most recently,three nights ago, I had had a few beers and was feeling uninhibited when she and I were talking and spilled my guts about how stressed out, insecure and, overall, frustrated I’ve been the last few months because of her confusing, mixed messages. Then, on Wednesday, she calls me in the morning and invited me to supper at her place so we could talk about some of what I disclosed the night before, which she described as “harsh”. To be honest, I was in the bag and am embarrassed to admit that I don’t remember much of what I said. When I got to her place, she tells me she wasn’t able to get back to sleep the night before because of how upset she was over our conversation.
If she didn’t have strong feelings for me, then why would our arguments cause her to abruptly changed long-made plans and prevent her from sleeping. As a woman, any ideas?
Oh my heart is aching for you. Please listen carefully to me and the other ladies on here. My dad is going through a very similar situation and sounds just like you. You are validating her bad behavior and allowing her to behave this way, Eric and Sabrina wrote an email about this you are making excuses for her and trying to validate how things by saying “if she didn’t have strong feelings she would do…..” I am sorry to tell you but she will treat you this way as long as you let her and she will do it until she finds someone else and it wont be you. Her behavior has no excuses, you need to back way off and not talk to her. Its the same as a child if a child is going to throw a fit and treat the people around them like crap they will continue to do so until they are punished for it. You are enabling this behavior and you need to show that you no longer appreciate it. I am sorry But LOVE isn’t enough, LOVE does not concure all, you can not have a relationship based only on love. it doesn’t work that way. She doesn’t respect you and you deserve to be respected.
And I know you will say the same as everyone else including my Dad ” Yeah I get it” However I am afraid that you will continue down this road with her and get very hurt.
This lady does care for you, thinks you’re great, etc. but by her own admission “is not ready” Not saying she is not a nice person and frankly she probably wasn’t able to sleep as she knows you have bigger feelings for you than for her and feels bad about potentially hurting you.We always tell each other here to watch a man’s (woman’s) actions and listen to them when they tell you they do not want toot be in a relationship. You need to do that too hon.
I had a similar situation with the first guy I dated out of my marriage. He was single, no kids and a few years younger than me. He wanted to be in a long-term relationship with me in the worst way, but I knew that I was just starting on my dating journey. I was getting ready to break it off with him after 304 months abut he had a major health issue and I stayed ugghh .. for months until he was better. I knew my feelings would not change and know I broke his heart but he deserved more than I had to offer him and I still needed to grow as a person as I would have been no use to him in the long term.
This sucks, it hurts, and we all have been where you are.
We rationalize, hear what we want to hear, and drag out the pain.
You need to let her work on her, pull back. Get buys, meet new people, date others and who knows, she may realize that you are the ONE, maybe not. But just like we tell so many women here. You know what you have does not feel right and that is why you are hear asking for advice. Go with your guy. You server more.
sorry ‘deserve more’
ok.. so many more typos.. sorry – hope you get my drift.. and totally agree with Mel.. no more excuses for bad behavior. You deserve a love equal to your own.
Hi Terry…I’m from Ireland and blunt… the others all know me well. So… I’ll call a spade a spade and spare the bullshit, DEE…. is treating you like consummate shite ! She’s coming across as narcisistic ( I can never s.p.e.l.l that word !) to me.. being horrid, then nice, justifying her own bad behaviour… and sucking you right back in each time. She gives you enough rope to give you hope, and then reels you back in, and off with your head… a gutted fish.
perhaps she does not mean it.. but she’s doing it. I would seriously consider moving on. WE cannot change our partners… THEY have to want to change. 2 are needed to make a relationship work… YOU… are only 1 at the moment.
Hi Mel,
Thanks for your thoughts, as well as empathy. I do appreciate it. I can’t dispute a word you say. And, I can definitely sympthize with your dad, because if he’s anything like me, his brain (logical part) knows everything you’ve just written is 100% true, but the heart (the damned emotional side that makes no sense!, LOL) has a “mind” of it’s own, so to speak.
As for the pulling back part, it’s coming soon. I can go for a couple of days straight where I restrain myself from contacting her and, then, either she’ll call or tex me, or something else triggers it, and I’m putty in her hands again. I hate it, because it makes me feel off-balance, insecure, helpless and at her mercy.
Hi Harley,
I’m Canadian, but of Irish ancestry (family from Galway and Cork), so I get the direct approach of which you speak, lol. You’ve nailed it. I suspect she’s part narcissist and part borderline personality disorder, because, as I said in my initial post, she left an abusive 22-year marriage four years ago with no money, or self-esteem, or feeling of worthiness (a common theme, sadly, among abused women).
That said, since that time, she has re-built her life. She’s the general manager of the local branch of a large multinational corporation and is very dedicated to her work, though some might describe her as a workaholic. That’s the upside of the “new Dee”: more self-confidence. Now the downside: because she had felt powerless and lacking any control when with her physically and verbally abusive ex, she now seems to be obsessed with being the one in control, whether it’s her job, or personal life. By keeping me feeling insecure and unsure of where I stand with her, she retains the control, leverage and power in our arrangement.
Just as children who were molested often, tragically, grow up to repeat the same heinous behaviour as adults. I suspect that it’s the same with some, not all perhaps, but some women who have left abusive marriages: they’re determined to never, ever again be powerless and lacking control in a relationship. The bizarre irony of this pattern, however, and this is where I’ve been negatively impacted, is that they take out their uinresolved power/control issues regarding their ex’s on well-meaning, decent, innocent men like me, whose only crime is that they tried to love them. That’s how I see Dee’s conduct, though others may disagree, since there is much to tell that she has said and shown that I could never cover in these modest posts (given the time and space constraints).
Hi Terry!
Thought I would pipe in after reading through the threads and being that my great grandparents come from County Cork Ireland too :-)
You’re on the other side of what most women are going through on here, and why you’re receiving the same advice we impart to them based on what you’ve written.
It is true that women coming out of these dysfunctional relationships carry a lot of baggage and emotional damage, but if they take the time to work through these issues and try to change their mindset, then they can come out on the other side whole again. However, its up to the individual to do this on their own and I might add you appear to exhibit some co-dependency traits (based on my observation) where you feel compelled to FIX her.
Trust me, as a recovered co-dependent myself I had to learn to separate myself form these people because there’s no one on this earth who can fix them—they MUST want to do it for themselves, not because someone wants them to. I know its hard for you to continually put in all the energy and receive nothing in return, but you can’t love someone into loving you no matter how hard you try.
You deserve to be with a woman who cherishes, loves, and truly wants to be with you. I know she’s out there waiting for you to find her :-)
Hi Lane,
Thanks, and I agree. I sometimes feel like I am a co-dependent. The things is, she knows she hasn’t worked through the unresolved issues from her previous abusive relationship. In fact, just last week, we were talking about our individual strengths and weaknesses and she, without any prompting, admitted that one of her weaknesses is that she doesn’t let men get close to her.
The problem, however, is that even though she is aware of it, she hasn’t really done anything to sort it out, as in seeking counselling. She told me that she attended a support group for abused women in the city she used to live in when she was staying at a shelter after she left her ex, but that was four years ago.
I even went so far as to get the names of local support groups for women in her situation from a counsellor I see for my own issues and, while she thanked me for the brochures, she has never acted on the suggestion. So, as the old saying goes, you can’t help those who won’t help themselves.
You’re right, of course. I’ve even said to her that I might have had better luck with her if I’d been an azzhole like her ex to her.
Ah… but decent people can’t be assholes… nor should they be. I’m a hopeless romantic… fall in love at the drop of a hat.. get treated like shite half the time. Since I found this site, I’ve set my standards higher, learned how to weed out ” bad partners”. I COULD have been more cautious after my marriage ended… it’s taken me 7 yrs to find a guy I really “want” again( typical.. he don’t want me !) but.. I decide to LIVE life, not just exist. I’m a survivor… I believe in “fully” giving in love, so much my heart splits and if the guy don’t love me back, too bad, his loss… I’ll move on. Life is TOO short to not take chances on people and to love to the max ! But… i think one needs to know WHEN to cut their losses/ to NOT hang on and drag a BAD/SAD/INCOMPLETE relationship out.. until each hate each other… or one ( YOU ) is completely worn down/out, insecure, browbeaten.
This poor woman is a mess… half a man hater/man basher….. that is NOT fair to you. ARE you getting more out of this relationship , than you are putting in ???…I don’t think so ! ARE you getting /giving 50/50 ???… I don’t think so ! ARE you having more happy times, than sadder times ????…. I don’t think so !
WE ALL DESERVE to be with someone who makes us happy MORE often than sad.. and when sad… WE work through it… TOGETHER. Each day is a gift, as we get older, come out of crap relationships, experience death of family, friends, loved ones, WE realise TIME is sooo precious. I would rather be on the shelf now than inn the wrong closet. I would rather dine on one night of mad, passionate, life remembering love, than settle for a day in , day out NOT WORKING relationship again.
7 yrs it’s taken me to find ONE night of heaven again ( and I am NOT a man basher !)…. hopefully next time will not take so long !
I think… If she really loved you… she’d seek help/try and WANT to be a nicer person. YOU.. cannot fix what is broken. YOU can HELP…. but SHE has to want and start to fix herself.
I vote… save your sanity/self esteem/ self worth… pull the plug and move on now. The initial heartache is horrendous but your pride of ” self love ” WILL be worth it.
Hi again,
All true. Too bad you’re on the other side of the Atlantic, as we sound like two sides of the same coin in some ways. Ever been to Canada or the States?
No… never been. I had to sell my house with recession here. I’m out of debt but not much money to start again.. but I WILL ! I have a good pensionable Govt job so loathe to leave that. .. And a 20yr old son who just can’t get his act together.
IF.. I could get as good a job abroad… I’d be gone like a shot ! I’ve gotten sooo fed up of high taxes here and the workers paying or everything.
Since I got out of debt, I’ve gallivanted to London, Glasgow and Germany… was there for the world cup. Electric ! Next… who knows !
I replied .
@Terry, thanks for your input. I am sorry to hear you are going through what does seem to be quite similar to what I am. I am concerned, though, about the direct comments your lady has made to you about having you over a barrel, etc. It makes me think she is manipulating you and is not afraid to tell you as much. IMO, she is definitely giving you mixed signals by keeping in touch, but not really making solid plans to get together or to have your relationship move forward.
I do not know how long it takes someone to move past their “issues”, in her case, her bad marriage, but I would think she should be past them after so many years outside of her marriage. But, I have never been in an abusive relationship, so what do I know? That type of thing could haunt you forever…
As mentioned above, my guy was not married to his ex-GF. I do not know if they ever talked marriage. They dated for 3.5 years. I recently learned they knew each other only 6 months before they moved in, so they lived with one another for 3 years. Her now 7 year old daughter lived with them. I do not know if the kid’s father is in the picture, but I believe my guy considers himself to be her dad.
They have been broken up for 6 months. He broke up with her as he says she was not ambitious enough for him. But, they are still spending time with each other. It seems because of the child. I do not know if he still has feelings for his ex. When I first learned of this situation he did tell me he had not figured out to remove himself from the situation. It seems to me that 6 months outside of his relationship, they should be figuring this out better. I do not know the frequency with which they spend time, but do know he went to her recital and then took her to the fair. These events took place within two weeks of each other. For all I know, they are spending even more time together. While I probably have no place to judge, this seems excessive to me. For everyone involved, he and his ex need to prepare themselves and this little girl for the final “break-up.” At some time, all of them need to move on.
My guy is the most perplexing and exhausting person I have ever had a relationship with. As for him making plans with me, he can be evasive and non-committal. But, I do not know if that is just with me or his personality. As I mentioned above, he is a police detective, so it may just be his nature. He told me early on “he plans day to day”…
I do know when I first met him in person, he was moving the next day. When I went to his home, he had not packed anything, nor where there even moving supplies there! It took him three weekends to move as a result. That is crazymaking!
He is also a smart ass, so it is hard to pin him down sometimes as he is always making some snarky comment. (I actually like sarcasm and am this way myself, but it can be confusing when you are just getting to know someone and their personality.) When he and I first split a few months back, we were exchanging some texts and at one point, he said “you are madly in love with me, so it wouldn’t matter ;)” This made me stand up straight. I responded by saying “you are too much.” Then, we did not “talk” for 7 weeks.
We then reconnected. This rekindling of our relationship is now broken which is why I’ve been posting. When we reconnected, he suggested we go on a “proper date.” But, after some back and forth, he didn’t firm up plans. By the end of the week, I was so irritated with him, I texted him saying “I do not know what foolish games you are playing, but enjoy the ego boost as that is all you are “winning”. You are a waste of my time.”
He came running back immediately texting me multiple messages saying I had him all wrong. It took me hours to respond back to him, but I eventually agreed to meet him. It was the next day we got together and he reminded me of the amazing guy I remembered and he stepped up. Sadly, things came crashing down once I found out about the ex and her child.
I really believe he is a good guy. But, I just don’t know why he can’t pull his head out of his butt and get in line. We have great times when we are together with our dates lasting 4-6 hours each time. We are very affectionate with each other and have good conversations. I really believe he is conflicted due to this situation with his ex and only being 6 months out of his relationship.
I think about him all the time and really want to continue seeing him. I believe he sees me as relationship material and that is the reason why he goes missing (since he says he doesn’t want a relationship.) I do not know if he just doesn’t want one with me or maybe his ex is still trying to get him back. I find it impossible to believe he just doesn’t want one with me because of how we are with one another. He may be conflicted with his situation or he may also at some time think he just wants to play the field before he settles down again. He does seem to think he rushed into his last relationship by moving in with the ex after only knowing her 6 months…
Hi Kat.. I think you need to TRY to move on.. REALLY MOVING ON.. won’t happen till you are ready. I told myself all you are telling yourself. I was engaged to this guy 23 yrs ago… he COULDN’T possibly treat me bad/mean it. The reality and logics set in… would not phone, skype, arrange to meet up, takes ages to reply to texts, ghosting, sexting.
I went back to where we first met last weekend… to try to get closure. I DID… in the least expected way… I met an old friend and slept with him. It made me realise how bad my ex was treating me ! NOW.. there’s NO going back.
Please.. stop holding on to make believe. For yourself !
I will add, too, that he and I have not talked to each other since Tuesday night. So, I am going on day 4 and miss him terribly. We ended our call with me saying I’m not sure we can be friends. My best guy friend and a number of my girlfriends tell me by saying that, he heard “no, go away.” That I completely closed the door with him and that he will not reach out to me again.
It is true I do not want to just be friends with him and do not believe we can just be friends due to our strong attraction to one another. I definitely do not want to be friends with benefits! I may be stupid, but I do wonder if he and I were to hang out, if we back it way up, remove the pressure, and start dating again slowly over time…
My good guy friend and some of my girlfriends say I should consider this as a possibility. They say I should reach out to him again casually in a few weeks if I don’t hear from him. He may really think I never want to hear from him again, so he may not reach out to me. And, if we go a long time with NC, maybe “out of sight, out of mind” for him?
On the other hand, if he thinks by my statement about not being sure about being friends, might this cause him to pull his head out of his butt and step up?
I am so confused as I am getting advice that seems to be all over the place. I know only he knows how he really feels or thinks. Since I cannot seem to do anything right with this guy, I do not know what, if anything, I should do.
Kat and Terry – sorry I am going to say something that might sound harsh on the surface….
How these people are treating you is a reflection of how you carry yourselves in front of them… In other words, you asked for it…. yes, I mean it..
I was just like that the past 6 months….. My guy led me on, gave me false hope… But I was weak, I allowed it….
Thanks for this website, I have come completely out of it… No contact with the guy now, but I am so much happier…
Until you decide to be stronger, no body can help you… No body…..
Yep Diane.. I agree. just did what you did. KAT.. ONLY reach out if you are in a fit mental state/ non emotional TO BE friends… you DO NOT want /hope for MORE AND MOST IMPORTANT… you do NOT let him suck you back in.
You have to reach the point of no return within yourself !
You are right, Harley, it will not be over until I am ready to move on… Right now, I am not ready… :( It is heartbreaking, too. But, Diane, I am not sure I agree that the way he is treating me is a reflection of how I carry myself in front of him. When we are together, we are both in the moment enjoying each other’s company. It is when we are texting that things get really screwed up! We both agree that we suck at texting. I believe this is the worst form of communication as it is so easy to misunderstand and miscommunicate.
Two of my guy friends tell me both he and I moved too quickly from day one (months ago) and that he pulls back because he is not ready to be in the same place I am. My best guy friend, who I’ve known half my life, who is VERY straightforward and blunt (and by the way does not like this guy for me), tells me I should pull way back, but reach out to him again. And, he says if he were that guy, he would have told me to F-off a long time ago. He says this because of the way I call my guy out and put a figurative finger in his chest. He says it is obvious this guy likes me because no guy is going to put up with that simply for an ego boost (and that he is not insisting on sex, so that is not his end game, either.) My guy friend says this guy obviously is interested in me because of how we are together and that I have said some pretty harsh things to him, but he keeps coming back.
There is some reason this guy keeps in contact with me. When I called him the other day, he did not need to answer his phone, he did not need to spend 45 minutes on the line when he felt like crap, and he didn’t need to say the things he did. My friends know I am all about writing people off and simply just end contact with someone when I want to. If I am not interested, I just ignore…
I do not know what the future holds, but I do know the timing for me and this guy is bad. We just don’t seem to be on the same plane. And, with both of us believing we cannot do anything right, I fear we may not be able to start fresh some day. I think when he is ready to start dating again and looking for another relationship, that he will simply try someone new. That way, he will have a new slate and not have to explain himself or his current situation (as it will be resolved.) I fear he thinks we are just too complicated…
This makes me really sad. And, this is the first weekend in months that I have no plans. I am afraid my idle mind is going to get the best of me…
Hi Kat,
Thanks for your observations. Your story struck a chord in me precisely because of the numerous similarities in behaviour with your guy as with my gal. Like him, she told me no more than a week ago that she doesn’t like to make plans, is extremely non-commital when trying to firm up plans, and also very impulsive/impetuous (can change her mind on a dime). Sound familiar.
My gal left early this morning (6 am) to head to her hometown (3 hour train ride away). I woke up at 8 am and within minutes, lo and behold, there’s a text from her saying “Hi Terry, on train now. Hope you have a great weekend! Talk when I get back”). Go figure. Her initiating contact with me, out of the blue, and she hates texting.
This is what I’ve been talking about with her mixed messages, unpredictable behaviour: one day indifferent & distant; the next, affectionate and friendly. I don’t know about you & your guy, but as far as I’m concerned this kind of hot & cold behaviour only serves to keep me off-balance, because, while when she acts like she did this morning, it leads me to think that perhaps she cares more about me than she has previously led on. But, then, before I get too hopeful, I remind myself that she’s done this before, only to act like she could care less whether or not we get together the next time. And, sometimes, even when we do hang out, she treats me almost liek I were a same-sex, platonic friend, rather than a sexual partner. Yet, for the first couple of months, and intermittently in the last two, when we do get intimate, the chemistry sure is there & the sparks fly! She’s never complained about the sexual part of our relationship.
Confusing & exhausting, isn’t it?
I think we get this wishy washy behaviour from people because we are their option, and they know we will accept it. Went through it all myself until I got sense. They DO genuinely like us/even love us, to some extent, but we are an ego boost.. their fall guy.. when they FEEL like attention.. THEY get in touch… but never get in touch when WE NEED THEM ! And the saga will continue… JUST SO . Until the “right one ” comes along who WON’T accept their behaviour… and they soon shape up fast !
LOVE…. should not be soooo exhausting. Sometimes.. like me now.. it’s only WHEN you are out of it/the situation, and look back with fresh eyes… you see it was ALL more bad , than good.
Right now.. you can’t see the wood for the trees.
True again Harley!!
You are, indeed, a wise woman. She was on the train, early in the morning, knew most of her friends & family would still be asleep on a Saturday morning, but “reliable”, fawning Terry would be awake and even if I wasn’t, would snap to once I saw the text was from her.
But, now, as we’re well into mid-day (North American EST), and all her hometown crowd are around, if I texted her now, I likely would get a response til well into the night, if not tomorrow morning.
Funny thing is, though, going back to the ambivalent signals she sends, we got into an argument Tuesday night, in which she says I said some pretty harsh things (probably because I spoke from the heart, seeing that I was somewhat inebriated, instead of walking on eggshells as I usually do). To be frank, I’m embarrassed to say I don’t recall much of the conversation due to my altered state, lol.
Nonetheless, the next morning she calls to invite me over for supper and to “talk” about what transpired the night before. I went, but worried all day that she was going to dump me when I got there. When I told her of my apprehension, she said, “If I was going to break up with you, I would have you come all the way to my house, or waste my food on you”.
I found her response to be an interesting choice of words, because ever since we began dating, she was adamant that we weren’t a couple and weren’t in a relationship. Perhaps it was just a careless choice of words on her part, but from my perspective, if she referred to what I was fearing would happen (which didn’t, incidentally) as “breaking up”, it is impossible to do so without acknowledging that you’ve been in some sort of relationship in the first place.
Am I wrong in this assumption? Or, so you think it’s just a slip of the tongue kind of deal?
Well said… My guy told me he is not interested in anyone except me, just as recent as 2 days ago, after I told him I deleted his numbers, he immediated texted me!!!
But he is making no effort to be with me on a regular and predictable basis…
If someone is ready to be with you, you wont be visiting this website…..
One of these days, you will get to your “point of no return” just like Harley and I did… And you will be much happier than now… Trust me….