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- This topic has 109 replies and was last updated 10 years, 7 months ago by
Thank you very, very much Lane. You’ve pretty much–and very succinctly, I might add–encapsulated exactly what I’ve suspected is the case with Dee. Even though I’ve never met her ex, nor do I want to, Dee has at times referred to certain traits and tendencies in me that she finds very similar to her ex. Not the abusive part, of course, but other characteristics that he and I, in her opinion, share.
Now, whether these alleged similarities between myself and her ex are actually real, only she knows for sure. Sometimes I think she has manufactured these similarities (“red flags”, as they say) in her own mind to rationalize her inability/unwillingness to let her feelings for me grow.
Why the need to not answer your phone, then lie you didn’t know it was her calling and then about the boat?If you are being true to yourself, what is it you hoped to accomplish? This woman already knows you and how to get under your skin.
It’s one thing to truly BE busy and focused on your own life. It’s another to pretend.
It’s still unclear why you are so fixated on understanding her. You didn’t answer, by the way, what you are working on with you. Co dependence? I understand how certain people can bring out traits in us that are dormant, but still there. If that is the case here, what are you doing for you. So far all your posts are still focused on her issues of which you have no control over nor fully will ever understand. Why the obsession to understand? Is it so that you don’t have to focus on you ?
I am not trying to sound harsh, it’s just that when we tend to worry and concern about other peoples issues , it’s so much easier to ignore ourselves and what brought us into such dysfunction… And this relationship was dysfunctional. I have been in a few and recognize it.
What brought a strong healthy man down to the level of being emotionally abused by this woman?
LA Girl:
Applying a little “tough medicine”, are we? I was actually acting on the advice of one of the other women on here, who suggested that, the next time she called, do not make myself seem available, even if it meant telling a little white lie. I thought it was good advice,actually, so that’s why I reacted the way I did when she called yesterday.
It may not have been how you would choose to handle a similar scenario were you in my place, and that’s fine, we’re all unique and different individuals who respond to a given situation in a way that makes sense to us at the time. You’re entitled to your opinion about my chosen strategy, as am I.
Thanks again,
I don’t mean to offend you, it’s just that the strategy suggested Won’t work for people who are so out of sync with a ‘normal’ relationship. In other words , yes, it’s good not to be too avalailable, when first courting and measuring each other’s interest. When in a relationship that has love and is established, it can become a bit of game playing and an attempt to manipulate the other person rather than being direct about what is bothering you and setting boundaries.
I lived in a very abusive and dysfunctional relation, that I clung to, for 4 years and know well these games we play to try and make things work out. That is why I asked what are you doing about you? I notice that still the focus is on her and not in you. That’s ok.. You don’t have to answer… It’s just that the answer is usually within ourselves and not the person we are focused on.
I had to find that out myself, the hard way too… I hope you find what works for you .
Terry, Kat and others here…
I cannot add much to what the other wise women have, but wanted to with you all the strength to do what you know is right in your heart and that the situations you are in are not healthy and your SO’s are not contributing to YOUR life as you are to theirs.
As a recovering codependent, I struggle with this everyday and lived it for decades.
I do not know what my current relationship will bring in the future, but I am living it for today and know that I am with a person who makes me feel better when I am with him, instead of worse. Should that change, I hope I have the strength address it, rectify the situation and if that doesn’t work, walk away. Life is to short to settle for crumbs.maria
IMO addiction (when it comes to things you DO, not things you use/drink/eat), is just another word for strong passion, and it’s only wrong if it’s (like you said) destructive (to yourself and other people).
As for escaping from reality, I believe it can be positive or negative depending on the REASON for why you do it. If it’s for pleasure (like reading a book, playing golf or having great sex for that matter), then it’s positive, and if it’s to get away because you can’t cope with life, then it’s negative.
And female sexuality… I’m ALL for women/people living their lifes exactly how they wish to live them (as long as they don’t hurt other people), WITHOUT being looked down upon. However I would hesitate to date/be in a relationship with a guy who had been with more than 100 women, not because of any morals, but because I’d think we were not compatible (just like you are more compatible with someone who enjoys three/foursomes and won’t mind if you have other partners).
Have you considered WHY you let her treat you like she does?
Is it because you love her and want to be with her and therefore “take the good with the bad”?
Or is it because you believe that because she has been abused, this is the only way she CAN act?
Or is it for some other reason?
Yeah, I am sad about my situation. And, I am confused and angry at times. I met this guy when he was 2.5 months outside of his 3.5 year relationship. That should have been a red flag for me. But, he seemed at the time like he was moving on. And, when we reconnected recently, he was 6 months out of the relationship. To me, that seemed like an adequate healing period. Unbeknownst to me until then, he was still “spending time with his ex and her child.” While he is doing so regularly, I do not think he will be able to move on.
I have been in LT relationships before and, depending on the nature of the relationship/breakup, I didn’t seek a relationship right away or I moved on very quickly. I do not recall ever making the declarative statement I was not ready for a relationship; I recall being open to meeting new people and who knows what would happen.
One guy I dated for 1.5 years and the night we broke up, I met the man I later married! I also spent 3 years in a relationship and had no trouble moving on after that. I had moved on emotionally from that relationship long before I did physically.
So, I guess that is why I did not possibly heed a warning about the red flag this guy may have had. I find the time needed to get over a relationship varies.
I REALLY liked this guy and was (am) hoping we could have something. But, he is clearly not in that place. I do not really know why. My thoughts about us being something in the future could likely be wishful thinking or foolish hope.
Do I take him at his word that he is “newly single and not looking to rush into anything.”? Or is he feeding me a line? Is he suggesting we be friends now because he really does enjoy spending time with me (and just can’t be in a relationship ‘right now’ as he says)? Or is he again feeding me a line to soften the blow or is he just wanting to keep me around for an ego boost or setting me up for FWB? Was I his rebound girl? Did he ever really have any feelings for me? Does he still have feelings for his ex and desire to get back with her?
These questions run through my head and cause me sadness, confusion and, at times, anger. My thoughts and “conclusions” about these questions change throughout the day.
And, yeah, since the issue with the ex and her child seemed to be the cause of our demise, I still feel guilty about the way I reacted to or handled the news about his ex and her child (despite my recent call with him wherein I apologized for what I had done to contribute to the way things went down between us.) Not being someone who remains friends with my exes and not having dated anyone with kids before, this news hit me like a ton of bricks. I still don’t think my reaction was that bad that he should have shut down. Should he have told me about this upfront or explained it better? Who knows – the answer to this question seems to depend on who is answering it as I have heard various responses. Maybe if he had been forthcoming, I would have processed the news better?
I have a very active social life and am spending lots of time out with friends. I am open to meeting new people, but am not really actively looking for someone right now. I am able to distract myself temporarily, but my mind is almost always brought back to him.
So, if all the feelings I am having and expressing in trying to process all of this one week after our last communication is making me pathetic, then I guess I am. I think it just makes me human and missing someone I very likely met at the wrong time.
To put things in perspective… You only had 4 dates with this man and that was over several months. Sweetie you are in love with the IDEA of being with him.. Not him.You became way emotionally attached to a man who has shown from the beginning he was not wanting a relationship …
I hope you can come to realize this and put your mind to rest.
Just because we feel a connection with someone does not mean they feel it back. This man has been clear with you. I hope you can move forward. At least you know .. No reason to guess or think up reasons how/why it could have been better. You have to go by what he told you and his actions.
Hi Maria,
In response to your question about why I choose to stay her her, even though she doesn’t treat me very well, I would have to say it’s the former, that I love her and have been willing to “take the good with the bad”, although there seems to be more bad than good of late.
I want her to get help for the unresolved issues related to her past abusive relationship, for two reasons. First, because I believe that she is, at heart, a good person; and secondly, because I’ve seen glimpses of how much she really does care for me, but strongly suspect that the unresolved abuse issues have held her back from allowing herself to trust her feelings for me.
Confusing, I know. Trust me, nobody is more confused about why I feel the way I do for her than me. But, that’s how it is. I wish I didn’t feel as I do, because then my mind would be more at peace and my life could go back to being on an even keel, instead of the gut-wrenching roller coaster ride it’s turned into in the last few months.
And, just to set the record straight for all the ladies on here who have been kind enough to offer their insights into my dilemma, it may seem like I’m only focussing on Dee’s issues, but that’s not the case. I see a social worker on a weekly basis and while I speak to her about my struggles vis-a-vis Dee, I’m also trying to understand what’s going on inside my own head that is preventing me from doing what I know is best for me, which, as everybody else can see (even Dee, believe it or not), would be to cut my losses and move on.
As the saying goes, I’m a work in progress on that front, I guess.
I your posts have really touched a nerve for me as I see much of myself in both you AND Dee as you describe her.I lived in an abusive relationship for almost 24 years and it ended with no intimacy (with me), his infidelity and my self-esteem being lower than low. On the other hand, I am an enabler, a fixer, a lover of the underdog and I have enabled bad behavior in many men.
It is wonderful that you are seeing a counselor and I hope that you can find clarity in relationship choices. I agree that this woman does care for you as Lane suggested, but is that enough for you? Are you willing to wait until the day that she MAY be able to offer you the love that you are seeking and are offering her?
A relationship is never in 100% balance and that is ok, but being on the bottom of the teeter-totter all the time really stinks .. especially when they tire of the ‘high’ you offer, hop off and send you flying.
I hope that you have gained insight from what all have said here and I wish you all the joy that you deserve.Terry
Hi Kat,
My heart goes out to you because, though the particulars of our respective situations obviously differ, I can identify 100% with the emotions you are experiencing. Looking back on some of the text conversations I’ve had with Dee over tha past week, I’m stunned by the changes in tone from one day, or even within the same day, to another. One time, my texts will be calm, affectionate, funny, etc….and another time, they’re angry, full of pain and hurt and resentment.
I know it’s not much consolation to you, if any at all, but at least you know there’s someone else out there going through exactly the sme kind of turmoil and anguish as you are, and, regrettably, that’s me, lol.
Hi Celeste,
Once again, thanks for your compassion and insight. My feelings towards Dee, and my ability to cope with all the uncertainty related to being with her, varo from hour-to-hour, It’s a very unstable situation. At one point, I’ll feel strong and able to contemplate cutting off all ties with her. Then, shortly thereafter, the exact opposite.
Despite all the confusion and uncertainty, there is one thing I am sure of, and that is that the hold that this thing with Dee has over my psyche has made me act in ways I’m not proud of. I hope to one day have to courage to do what I know is right for me and that is to end it completely. Unfortunately, depsite all the wishful thinking in the world, I don’t yet have the courage to make that break,
Just curious, how did you post a picture that appears alongside your name?
Terry – no offense, but I know of a guy in real life who is in a very similar situation like yourself, dealing with a manipulative lady……
But he has his own set of issues that landed him where he is now – extremely low self-esteem, anxiety, depression……The lady is manipulative and dis-respectful to him only because she knows that she can get away with it….
He is now going to therapy, which we all hope would help him….
Hi Diane,
Thanks for the feedback and the comparison with your friend. The strange thing about my situation that differs from your friend’s, though, si the following: when Dee & I first met (4 months ago), it was she who sought me out. Heck, at first she wanted me (sexually) so much that, when I was without a vehicle for a few weeks and out of work (I have a new job now), she went so far as to offer to pay for a taxi on several occasions so I could come see her.
In fact, it was she who first told me she thought she was “falling in love with me” and I responded by saying that, while flattered, it wasn’t love, but infatuation. That was only two-three weeks into it. Perversely, shortly after that, I’m the one who started having strong feelings for her, which is approximately around the time she started pulling away emotionally.
I’ve been working very hard and not pushing things and not appearing overly needy–as she has repeatedly told me that, the more I pressure her, the more she withdraws. But, every now & then, I hit a moment of weakness, in which I’ll vent all the frustration, hurt and anger I’ve felt because things aren’t going as I want. All this does is make me feel guilty afterwards, give her more leverage (because she knows the extent to which she has a hold over me), and make me more depressed and insecure.
I’m trying to end this vicious cycle, and seem to be able to for a little while, but not permanently.
Just to be clear, however, it’s not all one-sided. This past weekend, she went back to her home town by train. She left early Saturday morning. She and I last spoke Friday evening. I had just woken up at 8 a.m. and within minutes, there was a text from her, in which she said, “Hi Terry. Have a great weekend”. We exchanged a few more texts for about an hour while she was on the train and then signed off once she reached her destination. I mustered all the self-control I could not to text or call her for the remainder of the weekend, because a). I know she doesn’t really like texting and prefers talking by phone, and b). She was busy with friends and family and I didn’t want to be a pest; and c). I wanted to give the impression that I wasn’t that desperate and was giving her the breathing space she needed.
It seemed to have the intended effect, as she called me shortly after she came home. See, I didn’t initiate the calls or texts the entire weekend.
Then, yesterday, it changed around again. She was at work. I’m on holidays for two weeks. She usually gives me a call around mid-day every day. I don’t demand or expect it. She just does. However, yesterday, 2 o’clock came and went, and no text or call from her. So, I just sent a quick text, “How goes your day”, to which she curtly replied, “Busy”. I replied back “Ahh, Mondays, eh?”. And she simply replied back with “Yes”.
So, I texted “OK, know ur busy. Don’t want to disturb. Call when able”. She called a little later, but I didn’t get it, as I was on my patio having a few beers enjoying to beautiful summer day and had my earphones on. She left a voice mail, saying she had to go to another city a couple of hours away last night for work-related meetings (she had told me about this last week, so I know it’s not an excuse), so I should refrain from texting her while she was away, as she can’t have her cell on during meetings, in which she’d be all day today. She said she’d try to give me a call at some point between last night and today, but gave no specific time.
See the difference in tone between this exchange and her tone on the weekend? I texted saying, “That’s fine, give me a shout when you get settled into your hotel room (last night)”. She did, called me around 8 pm. It was a short conversation, lasting no longer than 5 minutes. I asked how her weekend back home had gone and tried to keep her on the phone for a little while, as we hadn’t spoken for two days at all. But, she abruptly cut the call short, saying she and her co-workers were about to head out for dinner, but that she wanted to call her mom to tell her she’d arrived safe & sound. Obviously, I was feeling a bit shortchanged, and said, “OK, fit me in when you can then”.
At that point she asked if I’d been drinking yesterday and I asked her why she would ask that an she replied “Because I can always tell when you’ve been drinking”. Yes, I had had a few beers, but didn’t think I sounded inebriated or anything. I know I was still very coherent. I texted her an hour or so later, asking, “What made you think I’ve been drinking?”. Still haven’t received a response from her to that question. And on it goes . . . Lol
OK Terry, so basically you’re aware you should end it, but feel you’re not ready for it yet.
The way I see it, there are valid and non valid reactions to abuse. Being emotionally unavailable, guarded/have trust issues etc. is OK, whereas being selfish and disrespectful and use/abuse other people is NOT.
It is our responsibility to understand and be aware of the reactions that are OK, but we should never excuse or enable/put up with what is not OK. Please keep that in mind.
Since you’re not ready to cut your losses and move on just yet, do you think you could at least drop your insecurities, your neediness and your fear of losing her?
Could you from now on stop excusing her and refuse to let her use you/dictate when and if you can meet her etc.?
Could you only do what you are OK with doing, and live by the good old “whatever will be will be” – and be happy regardless of her reaction/what happens?
That’s a tall order, Maria, but I’ll try.
Some people simply live for drama.
I’m afraid that you and kat are acting like this.
The fact you have little strength to do what is best, implies you don’t want to. You somehow enjoy the highs and lows… It’s an addiction for you.
I have been there… You need to crash before you realize how self destructive you are being.
Right now both of you are so caught up in the drama of all of this… My guess is that right now any ‘ normal’ would feel boring to you. It’s one of the reasons we get caught up in these things. The initial excitement of drama, conflict, passion, challenges that appear surmountable, etc…. Is not reality. It’s like living in a soap opera or movie.
Until you are able to step outside of yourself and see this for what it is, you will continue to gravitate to the drama …
Great !
To put up a pic go to: en.gravatar.com
That’s not my case at all!!!! I actually long for the peace & simplicity in my life before she came along. I want out, I just don’t yet, not I said “yet”, have the courage to let it go completely.
Ya, I must say NOW i am out of the drama, analysing, second guessing myself stage… overall( give the odd hitch or two.. BOTH work through), relationships are easy.
Boy meets girl
Boy fancies girl
Boy asks girl out
Girl says YES
Boy.. treats girl good
GIRL…. treats boy better !
I’m fully believing these days, life is as simple as we make it. OF COURSE problems will arise… re jobs/family/partners/paying bills/kids/addictions etc etc, IT’S HOW we CHOOSE to deal with these problems and OVERCOME them.. that makes our lives MORE or LESS complex/problematic/dramatic.
Solutions to ANY problem are out there.. if we seek and enact them, face demons, ask for help when we need it.
We all cling to people out of fear. Fear of being alone, fear of someone abandonig us, fear of …. fear of….
What do you fear? You don’t have to answer here.. just tossing it out there for you to ponder.Fear is what holds us back in life. Not just in love but in everything. Once you overcome the fear you can do just about anything.
That’s why going NC is so important, IMO, in these situtions. You can’t get past the fear until you face it. Hanging on and remaining in an abusive situation actually quells the fear which is why its easier to stay stuck in dysfunction and more difficult to move on and forward.
Certainly everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion but I wholeheartedly disagree with the idea that I like drama! That could not be farther from the truth. I am a well accomplished person and quite reserved and analytical in my approach to every aspect of my life. If I was a drama seeker I could not have gotten the things I have in my life all on my own. It is my analytical side that is causing me pain now. Not the love of drama.
I have been a single and independent woman for a number of years. The fact that I got attached to a guy so quickly is quite out of character for me. As I believe I have stated before I am typically quite fickle and write people off quickly if they are not for me.
Yes this guy has gotten to me. I haven’t felt such a strong interest in someone like this for 15 years though I have dated many guys since then including the one I spent three years with. Including this latest guy I have only felt this reaction to three men in my life, one was my now ex husband and another was someine whom I dated for about 6 months. That one was a LDR so it didn’t have much hope to begin with.
I came to this site to learn from others who may have had similar experiences or who could provide guidance and support for a situation I’ve never found myself in. Buy if I’m going to be critcized or judged then this is not the forum for me.
I do appreciate those who have offered guidance, support, and maybe some constructive criticism. But to make general statements or judgement calls abouy me or that guy as if they are fact is not a good approach. There are many reasons why people do what they do and only that person who is saying or doing the things knows the underlying truth.
@terry and others who may be hurting for various reasons, I do hope you are able to work things out within yourself to find peace of mind. Whether that means we are able to resolve and improve issues with those we are currently involved with or resurrect a “failed” relationship and have it be a good one in the future, only time will tell. The alternative is to let that person go and move on in your own time. Any choice will not be easy when you care for someone.
I for one have long ago deleted all text messages with that guy that we shared for the last 4+ months including the one I refer to as my fatal text. This morning I deleted him from my contacts in my phone.
Who knows if he or I will ever reconnect again. And I do not know that I will be visiting this forum again for the reasons noted above. Again I wish everyone well in their quest for peaceful and happy hearts.
Hi Kat… all the best. I truly hope it works out for you…. whatever way is happiness for you. xoxoxo
I’m sorry if I struck a nerve…. yet your departure is also dramatic.I am glad that you are looking out for yourself and moving on. I think you did learn a great deal here.
This forum is not all about telling you what you want to hear. Believe me, I have been in very bad relationships myself and am the first to share that experience with those here on the forum.
Very successful people get caught up in drama. They may not like to acknowledge it, but they do. Drama means you can’t let go.. and you are on edge (intentionally) to control the situation and/or allow things to happen to you that are usually not in your best interest.
I am very successful myself in business. I fell prey to an abusive narcissist for 4 years and got sucked into the drama. It wasn’t until I admitted what happened to me that I was able to learn and grow from it.
I don’t know you or that much about you. I am tossing out experiences, as we all do here, so that you might learn if this is what you are dealing with as well.
I’m sorry you take it offensively, yet sometimes, when we strike a nerve it means we are closer to the truth.
I wish you only the best. I also wish you would stay on and help other women learn from your experiences.