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- This topic has 109 replies and was last updated 10 years, 7 months ago by
Kat.. I don’t think anyone here is saying you LIKE the drama, but rather that it has become part of your process.
The excitement, the energy of a new relationship can fade very quickly, so the electricity that cam come from friction fills that space. I spent a decade convincing myself that opposites attract and that the angst my ex and I had was ‘passion.’
Once I got into a relationship that did not have that ‘energy’.. albeit negative, I was initially thinking.. he thinks I’m boring.. why is he ok if I talk to other guys? Doesn’t jealousy mean he cares.. and all kinds of bad habit crazy.I think the NC and taking him out of your phone is great, but only time will get him out of your head/heart. That connection/spark is amazing.. but it is not enough. My Scotsman and I could have burned down a town with our passion and ‘connection’, but in the end he was not able to deal even withe the first relationship hurdle.
You are right, we do not know you or your motivations, but I have found some very healing medicine here even if at first it tasted quite bad!
If you are truly stepping away.. good luck and all the best, but know that this site is amazing and we are all here trying to figure it out.
Terry.. Hope you saw the Gravatar link.
I have reread your posts and am wondering about Dee’s intentions.. she pursued you until you relented and stepped back when you stepped up to the plate. True reversal of what we usually see here, but nonetheless painful for you.
I am thinking that this is another ego boost situation for her.. he likes me more and I can take him or leave him. That bothers me as I hate to see anyone struggle in these situations.
Also.. her sweetness and engaging you was when she was on the train .. no one else to talk to.. text.. again, feels yucky.
I cannot speak to your motivations, but LAGirl hit the nail on the head for me.. I stayed with my ex out of fear, fear of loss – family, $,friends – fear of failure, fear of being alone and being as my ex called me ‘old, fat, useless’ etc.
I finally came to realize that I feared living a ‘partial life’ more than all of the above.
You have a spark with this woman, but is this pain worth you living a ‘partial life”?
You seem like truly self-aware and genuine man and would hate for that answer to be yes.Terry
I think you’re bang on about Dee’s intentions. Two relevant points that likely confirm what you said about her texting me nicely from the train ‘ she was bored & because it was so early, had nobody else to communicate with. I even asked her if she was bored when she texted, and she replied “no. Why?” I thought for a minute of replying back with “Because you hate texting and rarely text me, unless you’re board”. But, because I didn’t want to rock the boat, I simply said, “Because it’s a long trip” and left it at that.
Your other point which is salient is the “push me-pull you” approach. At several times over the last few months, she’s point blank asked me (full well knowing the snSwer, since I tiold her a moth ago I loved her) “yOU really like me, eh?” Why the need to ask me that when she knows the answer? Ego stroking is why. It puts her in the position of control and a feeling that she has leverage over me. This I suspect relates back to compensation for the abject lack of control and leverage she felt when in her abusive 22-year marriage. Any thoughts?
I think you are spot on as well. I felt the same way.. having no control and while I did not partake in behaviors to the level which Dee seems to have, I did date (not necessarily sex – but sometimes yes) ALOT.. 4-5 dates a week, most never going to date 2.
I also was pretty aloof with they guys and most likely blew off some good ones too. But in my mind, there was no way any MAN was going to tie me down again. After that phase, I got involved with a lovely man and knew in my heart he wanted a serious thing and I could not offer that.I did have the advantage of getting lots of help while I was still married and came to the realization that we were done years before the word divorce was ever uttered.
My healing process began during my divorce instead of after it.So in short.. I think she cares for you, but is very broken, understandably.
HOWEVER it is not your job to fix her, especially to your own detriment.
Please watch your codependent behaviors.. this coming form an expertDee has a bunch she has not dealt with and cannot offer you what you deserve in a relationship until she heals herself. While you seem very clear on your own issues and are working on them, Dee seems a bit further back on that path… So sorry for your pain. Glad you found us here.. You have a bunch of doting sisters :)
Omg terry, you are obsessed. I’m starting to believe Dee is not the problem. She is living her life and enjoying it. She isn’t pandering to anyone and when she finds people who are willing to tolerate her crumbs of attention she throws some your way and continues living her life.
You are putting way too much credence into this abuse thing. Trust me, she is not the first to be abused and frankly you only know her side of the story. Is there any documentation or information outside of what she tells you to support her story?
I can’t believe you continue to explain and excuse and play into this … Drama and more drama.. I’m sorry… I just believe you need a wake up call. It concerns me when we support dysfunctional and self destructive behavior .. Clearly your issue is outside of the scope anyone here has the expertise to handle.. I truly believe you are into this. Your last post about her texting and your passive aggressive behavior…. Wow.. Please get help for yourself..
Is she a GF or a science project to you? It seems you are head deep in psychoanalysis and jargon …. Save yourself sweetie… Seriously.
I’m sorry to come across harsh, it’s just that support can turn to enabling and this behavior is not a good example of what women on here should be learning. Allowing yourself to be emotionally abused by anyone wrong.
Making excuses for an abuser and staying with him or her does not build a person up. It tears them down.
I hate to see women who come on here feel as if they too, should be continuing in abusive relationships because the person she is with had a bad life or childhood or whatever.
We come on here everyday preaching otherwise.
I feel strongly about this because there is a big difference in being a victim versus playing a victim.
The younger women on here especially learn from those of us who have figured out how to get through all that and have healthy relationships.
Ok.. Off my soap box…
LA Girl,
You made your point.
Terry, LA is right.
You continue to obsess over her, and to come up with the wrong solutions (more drama, not less).
It seems you’re not one bit interested in changing your situation… and if you’re not interested in changing a situation for the better, then you should definitely WALK AWAY from it.
I think you should ask yourself WHY you are doing what you are doing. It’s not beneficial to Dee or to yourself in any way, so why ARE YOU doing it???
Of course I’m interested in changing the situation. If I weren’t, I wouldn’t have been pouring my soul out on this forum. Perhaps I am obsessed with the situation, but certainly not in a positive way. The only feelings I get from it are anguish, confusion and sadness.
So, where the hell you two are coming up with the insane notion that I like things as they are is beyond me. Care to elaborate?
IMO if you don’t like the situation you’re in, you either try to change it or you walk away from it.
If you stay it’s either because you like it/want to stay, or because you’re forced to stay… and you’re clearly not forced to stay…
If you choose to stay in a situation you don’t like/that gives you anguish, confusion and sadness, you should be questioning your sanity, not ours.
If you’re interested in changing your situation, then CHANGE IT, do not just talk about it.