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Having read through many posts, ghosting appears intolerable. But a guy going through a rubberband moment is tolerable. Where is the line between a rubberband moment and ghosting scenario?
A new guy I’m dating – he’s off on a business trip for a week right after our third date, he comes back and doesn’t initiate contact for a week. How long should I give him before writing him off? Would you write him off if he picks up again after one, two, three weeks? Or just go about slotting him in for a date if he asks? This is neither ghosting nor rubberband I guess, but would appreciate some views on what length of time is acceptable for guys to slip in and out during the early phases of dating? I see that he is still checking in to the online dating site, which is fair enough. So probably busy exercising his other options.
Rubber band theory is when there is already an attachment…ghosting happens when the slow fade occurs…the way to tell between the two is on what kind of relationship/bond you had and how much time falls in between communication.
A man going into rubber band land will follow up in a few days…he will miss you…your absence makes him fonder for you…
Ghosting is a disappearing act…there’s usually a fade out involved…texts are less enthusiastic, phone calls are longer in between, the energy shifts…
What you do in either situation is move about your life…you should be dating yourself first and foremost anyway…
What I would do in this situation is not care at all… Whether it is 1 or 2 or 3 weeks, does not matter….don’t spend any time and energy thinking about him or analyzing….until he resurface…and then you reassess everything at that time….
And God forbid, don’t reach out
To me, during the early days not hearing anything for 2-3 days isn’t really cause for concern. That’s the rubber band theory…guy needs a little bit of space to reassert his identity after a period of prolonged contact. Anything more than three days is cause for concern. When you haven’t heard from the guy a week, that to me is when you consider it done. You have been ghosted. However, I don’t personally consider it a “true” ghosting unless you’d been intimate and have established some sort of relationship. If you go on a few casual dates and never heard from him again, that’s not a ghosting. That’s simply “he’s not interested.” At that stage in the dating game no one really owes the other an explanation for simply not want to go out in another date.
Honestly, if I’m reading this correctly you haven’t heard from him in two weeks. Yes, I would definitely write him off at this point if I were you. To me, even if he was on a business trip, someone with a high level of interest would have at least sent you a text. No guy wants a great connection to die by ignoring someone for a week, business trip or no. I know this is little comfort to you. Unfortunately…and I have seen it over and over again in the time I have spent on this forum…the guy going on a business trip is often the preamble to a ghosting. WHY, I’m not sure. Maybe they say that as an excuse to stop contact and do a fade out? Perhaps they lose interest on the trip? Who knows. Very common though.
@Shannon. Really? after meeting with a person three times, and talking/texting in between, it is ok to just vanish? This is what normal people would do? Me thinks not. it is not ok. And “disappearing” without a word is not ok under any circumstances. it is not hard to say something to inform another person about your intentions, i.e. to not contact them again. Not hard at all. And if a person has any decency and consideration for another person’s feelings, they’d take care to say a few sentences to let them know.
You said he went on a business trip for a week after your 3rd date? We had a couple of cases here where this happened and many of us thought that this “business trips” after 1-2-3 dates especially with subsequent vanishing act for a week or more are rather telling. He is dating others and put you on the back burner. Thinking that if things don’t work out elsewhere and he’d want to come back all he had to do is text you “hey how is it going”. Some men are so smart, you see.
I agree 100%, do NOT reach out to him. If he reaches out to you with anything less than a truthful apology and then makes efforts to make it up to you, I won’t reply to him.
And to answer your question how to decide? Use normal human behaviour standards. It is not hard. Would he do it to his boss? His friend? His sister in law? If the answer is no, you know where things are.
I agree with Maria. Someone who is interested in you and wants to spend time with you woulndt risk to have such a huge gap in communication. I am going through a similar situation, and I am not settling for anything like that…. Just because someone is going on a trip doesnt mean you cut ties, you can call and you can text its not that hard.
Just take it for what it is, and do not reach out to him. I would think twice in giving him a chance if he appears out of the blue and expects things to just pick up where you guys left
Maria, I don’t think going on a few casual dates and texting someone is a relationship. In my book, unless you’ve moved into a more intimate relationship with them (sex, talk of commitment, some sort of relationship routine) you are not being ghosted because they did a fade out.
I’m entitled to my opinion the same as you are yours. I don’t need a condescending scolding from you about it.
Oh and Maria, just an addition…I DIDN’T say it was okay, I said It”S NOT GHOSTING!!!! But thanks for interpreting that in a way that gives you an excuse to go off on me.
I wonder how many of these business trips are real and how many are the guy making an excuse to fade? Even if you’re on a business trip you can send a quick text if you’re into someone.
Saying that, I would always give someone the benefit of the doubt. But if he hasn’t contacted you in a week of being home, that’s when you know he’s not interested. Any guy that is wouldn’t ignore you for long periods of time in case you got bored or found someone else. Not to mention if they like you, they want to be in touch with you.
I agree the rubber band thing is just a few days and ghosting is when you’re in a relationship of sorts, not having just been on 3 dates.
He had 3 dates with you, and in his head, it is still a having fun stage and not a relationship at all, which he was right about….
On the trip he had time to cool down and maybe realized he was not that interested after all, and thus contact any more….
If you remain silent, there is a better chance that he might got curious and becOme interest again, but know for now he is not interested anymore….
So keep your silence
Yeah…true…keep silence….someone ghosted me for a year and half…out of the blue he called me back…I told him nicely that I am no longer interested to know abt him…find someone who is proud to be with u..
I have to say this is WAY too common on here to be a coincidence! I’m with Hannah..just how many of these business trips are real?!? Or is it an easy excuse to fade out and not have to contact or meet up for awhile?
I also think it’s way too common for a woman to think after 3 dates it’s the start of a relationship when clearly it’s not!! This guy is still a complete stranger and he doesn’t owe you another date. So if he totally fades out at this point then he wasn’t that interested.
I’m really not sure why we make the guy out to be some kind of villain if he wants to take the easy way out and not have to explain why he doesn’t feel a connection or isn’t interested in pursuing this. Maybe he doesn’t even know how to explain it.
I certainly don’t think it makes him a bad person or “not normal” as Maria seems to imply. It’s a totally different situation when you’re in a relationship and have been seeing someone for 2-3 months and they disappear. That is what ghosting is. Not disappearing after a few dates.
I really think it’s on the woman when she gets so invested after 3 dates that she’s wanting to know what happened and why he didn’t call back. This happens ALL the time. The guy clearly isn’t interested if he goes 2 weeks without talking to you. If he does show up a couple weeks or months later then it’s because the other woman he was also seeing didn’t work out.
I think it’s pretty fair to assume that when a girl is upset a man hasn’t contacted her in so many days it is because she’s hyper aware of it…meaning she is not dating other guys or something, whereas the man is focused on other things in his life…work, dating other people, in general just living life to the fullest…
The problem then may be some females aren’t casting enough lines in the dating pool…you are just focused on one line and it’s driving you insane…ghosting implies a non attachment and being busy!! He likely doesn’t have the time or effort to “dismiss” every female he took on a few dates…dating is competitive and when it starts being viewed that way by the female, then you can understand nothing is really owed to you…think of sending in a resume…you don’t always get a hit and then an explanation as to why you weren’t hired…you didn’t pass their first screening…and say you get an interview…you don’t get the job…there is no feedback as to why…they just didn’t see you as being a part of them…and say you go on a second or third interview and don’t get the job…it went to the best candidate…doesn’t mean your life ends there…all that means is you are destined to be somewhere else…
This generation has so much entitlement behind everything it’s incredible to me…I am 33 and can read between the lines without expecting them to pacify my hurt feelings…I am capable enough to cope with being passed up…I don’t take it personal and I trust better things are on the horizon for me…
Maybe a shift in our thinking is what’s really needed…
So I’ve been dating a guy for a month & a 1/2 and he just took me on a camping trip which ended early bc his truck broke but we fixed it there. We were doing great I thought he introduced me to his friend on thr trip and we had a good time. We both got off thr dating site we were on within thd first 2 weeks and he had opened up alot about his emotions and how much our we fit perfectly together. Now after the camping trip I haven’t heard from him in almost coming up on 2 weeks now
My last text to him was.
Just checking in on you
I know u get a little distant sometimes if u want me to leave you alone I will, just let me know how I can be best supportive. 💓And nothing. In 4 days it will be 2 weeks.
What do I do?
You erase his number, vow to never speak to this jerk again. And you see that super fast moving can burn out quickly. Not that it never works, but it is no guarantee. Kick him off the pedestal because he does not belong there.
Not sure about the wording – meaning what is ghosting vs rubber banding, but after a week of no contact, def move on and don’t give him another thought. Before I met my husband, I was seeing a guy who did this. He only saw me as an option. If he’s truly interested he will never leave you questioning his feelings for you. Would you ever not talk to someone for 2 weeks that you liked? Put yourself up there- YOU ARE THE PRIZE
Emily, time to say ‘NEXT!’
If you reach out to someone after they go quiet on you and the choose ignore you, just write them off!
Unfortunately this has become a pandemic with men these days. When I was dating in my 20s, men didn’t act like this at all.
Now I’m 30 and oh boy it has become a thing it’s normalized, you best be shocked if a man follows up and remains consistent till the very end.
Anyway, just let it go and learn from it, going forward it teaches you to conduct yourself in a way that makes you happy and peaceful when dating.
what a horrible impolite man! after your camping trip, he ignored you completely. if he can do this once widout a reason, he will do this again. whtever is the reason, after you reachd out, he shld have atleast responded. he just dint bother. if i was in your place, i would simply put him out of my head. onto the next. since obviously this isnt the man for you.
Rubberbanding is a guy needing some space to process, but he shouldn’t fall off the face of the earth entirely. There may be some distance for a few days or a week but probably some quick check in as well so that he doesn’t screw things up with you totally. This isn’t that. After only 6 weeks of dating, you should write him off, even if he comes back with explanations. You can’t trust him to be mature and reliable or communicate well.
I did have an established boyfriend do this to me once, and it had zero to do with me. He got overwhelmed dealing with other stuff in life, vanished suddenly for about a week and a half, and when he just as suddenly reappeared, we had a long talk about how I wasn’t okay with that behavior, what was going on during that time, and how we would manage him dealing with life stress in the future in a way that met both our needs. We broke up for unrelated reasons about a year later, but it’s still an indication of different and perhaps incompatible mindsets. That was the only time I was forgiving about something like that and we did manage to work around it going forward, but I’d argue that a guy who needs to vanish or ghost or rubber band is too emotionally immature to be a good match if you’re at a point where you’re looking for a very serious partner / husband material. It’s also extremely likely that someone who does something like that early on will continue repeating it if you stay with them, so if you’re not okay with it the first time it’s best to say “next.”