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- This topic has 53 replies and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
BC, I would do it in an email, not text. I think you should never end anything by text. My value system. I dislike texting, unless it’s for logistics.
I’m v glad this is useful to so many. You feel so much better when you handle it this way. It really disarms them. They expect to be spit at, put down or all sorts.
Lylah, I agree with just rip the damn band-aid OFF already and get on with it.
Nic, take your time answering him. And start getting aware at how much energy you’re pushing his way when he doesn’t warrant it. I decided to bring the curtain down and declare the show over when I realized how much energy I was spending “ignoring” him.
I don’t know his email address though, and I wouldn’t call him to say it, as in the 6 weeks we’ve been seeing each other we’ve never spoken on the phone. We’ve only ever communicated by text when not in person, and even that is minimal. Maybe 2 texts every two days.
Unless a Facebook private message is suitable.
I’m not ready to do it yet. He is distant, and I’m sure his ex wife has been working her magic on him. But it is the holidays. He’s spent most of it with his boys, so I will at least let life resume to normal routine next week and see what happens.
What do you think is a suitable time span? Say, if he didn’t contact for 3 days,5 days??
We’ve only been seeing each other 6 weeks at twice a week, but over the holidays once a week and about one text every three days.
Well then text is OK.
I cut everyone slack over the holiday period. You just don’t know what people are doing. Give it a few weeks into January and see if he comes forward?
Thank you. I’m going on holiday in two weeks so if he hasn’t stepped up before I leave, I could do it that day. That’s if it hasn’t all ended before then!
2 weeks is well enough time. Do it just before you go…then you have closure and can enjoy your holidays. but. I think it may be over before that.
So do i.
But I hate jumping to conclusions. Maybe it’s me, maybe he has just been extra busy with the kids.
NO! …..Trust my instincts.
He’s not wanted to see me over Xmas. He didn’t even text happy new year.
This is a man who is fading. Not a man who is still interested.
I’m learning. Slowly!
I’m seeing my gorgeous singer friend tonight :-)
Now, he’s a good man. Good morals and wonderful qualities!
Oooh yea…go for singer dude ! I like him.. and yes. ..New guys behaviour has been shite over Xmas and he seems to have texted MORE than he rang !
We all…are indeed learning !
Thank you all for your comments…this has really helped me get some insight on a current guy, that I was/am seeing. I’d be interested to get some of your insight on my situation.
I just started seeing a guy that I met online at the beginning of December. I must admit it was a little whirlwind, we saw each other about every other day, for a quick lunch date, a movie, dinner etc. It was great. I’ve been dating for about the last year and have been on at least 15-20 first dates and I immediately felt a connection with this guy. I wasn’t super attracted to him at first, but as I got to know him, I became more attracted etc. We got along really well and had a bunch of things in common. We spoke over the phone really often and the first kiss was awesome…again something I hadn’t experienced in a long time. So I got excited. I felt like things were progressing really well. I asked him if he wanted to come and hang out with me and some friends in a couple of days. The next day I sent him a text, got a one word answer. Then nothing for 2 days. It seemed odd, we were texting and he was calling me at least once a day. So I sent him a message asking if he was ok…I had a vibe that something had changed. He said that things were moving too quickly. I was a little confused because he had initiated majority of the dates, phone calls and even most of the texts. I was just going along with it and was encouraged by the amount of pursuit I was getting. We had a couple of cheeky kisses here and there but nothing more. So couldn’t really figure out exactly how it was going too quickly. So I then sent him a message asking if we slowed things down a bit did he still want to hang out, and asked what had changed. He said that “he did (want to still hang out) but it was his issues and he just needed to get over his weirdness” I haven’t heard from him in a week. How long does getting over weirdness take? lol. I actually was really starting to like this guy, it was the first time in at least 2 years that I’ve actually felt something close to attraction for someone. Now I feel unsure about everything. Is he giving me the fade out or does he just need time? A couple of friends said that I should text him in a week or so just to check in. But I’ve come to believe that if a guy wants to see you then he will, should I just leave it up to him? I also think that in dating these days, there is such a disposable attitude and if I feel like he was worth it…then I should just send the stupid message. :)
I have a tendency to over-analyse. So feel free to be frank…I also know that knowing someone for a month is not really long…but as I mentioned this one felt different and well…I don’t want to do something stupid. I think what you all have mentioned about waiting until all the emotions (anger, hurt, confusion) have died subsided. So at this point I’m thinking of just letting him make the next move? Thoughts?
I’d also like to mention that I’m still dating, and have been pretty busy so it’s not as if I’m sitting by the phone waiting to hear from him. I just can’t get him off my mind. Would love to get some of your insight please.
Hi ladies,
I really enjoyed reading this thread, definitely helpful to me. I am stealing Stefanie’s response if I ever hear back from my date. Danielle, I think don’t initiate contact…cos he needs the time to sort out his weirdness as he said so give it to him. If in a week still nothing, move on. :)It’s hard to have a guy fading…but in my case it’s obvious. He and I have not had any contact since beginning of Dec, I went on a trip for a week, came back but didn’t contact him.
Sometimes I feel like I overplayed my hand…regret creeps in and everyday even now I still tempted to contact him. But I must be strong! Help!!! I felt the fading started back in Oct/Nov…At that time I found myself initiating texts, he’d responded right away with a text or phone call, or invite me to go to places. I declined going to these dates as I thought they were last minute and just a reaction to my text. Then boom, no more contacts. No txt, no phone, for a month now even nothing on xmas and new year. We are OVER. :( And I feel like it’s too late to do anything now. He probably feels the same.
Good luck to you all! xoxo
Happy NY all!
I’m really, really happy to know that my experience is of use to many girls here!!
Danielle, definitely leave him alone, don’t contact again unless he contacts you first. You have NO idea what’s going on in his life. The key is to not get overly excited or invested… keep a cool, objective head for the first 2-3 months, because you should be more concerned with making sure he meets YOUR standards. That keeps the energy and power balanced, which is conducive to the relationship moving forward.
Abby, so sorry honey, sounds like he is definitely gone.
hi Stefanie and ladies,
I wanted to send the goodbye note to him via email. I examined my motive of doing that is to not provoke a response but really is to have a closure for myself and maybe make it a bit less awkward when we run into each other in the future. We just sort of dropped it cold.. do you think it is appropriate to send it now or should I not do anything until he contacts me again…which may never happen now thats over a month’s silence. I just want to close this chapter and move on. Your thought? Thanks!Sherri
Abby, closure comes from within. If you really want to write something, then write it on a piece of paper and then burn it. Hopefully that will bring you closure. Not sending some guy a message ….
Now if he contacted you, then sending a reply would be appropriate.
I agree with Sherri, Abby. In this case he’s gone so just do it on paper and burn, which transforms the energy of it and lets it go.
I proactively gave the speech to the man I was dating because he kept contacting me.
Yeah, any guy who doesn’t send you a Merry Christmas or Happy New Year even a text and you are in a relationship, or at least exclusive, well that is just messed up.
Danielle, next time, don’t see a new guy every another day, that’s way too much. Try to hold back your excitement and interest in the beginning, dating does require self-control.
My oh my, THANK YOU so much Sherri, Stefanie and Ivy for your response! You are my saving grace!!! Yes I sent that question to this forum at 3:30 in the morning cos I woke up in the middle of the night and felt restless…desperate trying to stop myself from thinking about him. This morning before reading your responses here, I decided that it’s not a good idea to send anything to him. And when I read your responses, I feel YUP, NOT GONNA DO ANYTHING. IT IS DEAD! I am going to accept, let it be and move on.
I love how Sherri and Stefanie said that closure comes from within and initiating that note is not necessary anymore. Ivy, you confirmed my belief that if he didn’t even bother to send a note on xmas and new year, it’s messed up and a screaming signal that he is gone. Gone for good! :) Once again thank you love you ladies!!! :))
Abby, It is messed up, I mean you guys were together I think 5 months. Anyway, the screaming signal isn’t that he is gone but that you can make him gone. He should be gone for you. Cause men have a crazy radar once they know you moved on and don’t need them anymore they sometimes come back, but to me, that kind of MIA and lack of care is just yucky.
Good luck and hang in there :)
Abby, so glad it helped. I find it helpful to redirect this way when I’m thinking about him… I hope you’re happy wherever you are… now, what do I want for me, what does the right man for me feel like and then engage all my senses in feeling that. See, you don’t want to TRY so hard to forget him because that actually reinforces him in your mind. It’s like what happens if I tell you not to think of purple cows. You WILL think of purple cows.
I relate to where you are, I’ve had plenty of those nights thinking about him. Redirect, redirect, redirect and pretty soon you’ve developed a new muscle. The neurons in your brain with memories of him on them will deactivate when they aren’t lit up any more.
Cannot thank you enough ladies! Ivy how do you know we dated 5 months? That’s exactly right! :) Well, this guy is one of those that probably a lot of gals want, so I’m not surprised that by now he’s gotten plenty of distractions and moved on. So I’m going to do that too, move on and do my best not to harboring hopes of his return. Stefanie perhaps you should consider being a relationship/life coach if you’re not already! :) Honestly this relationship had been difficult almost like a tug of war…I was never exclusive with him. I know better not to do that unless the guy expresses that interest first. Like you said Stefanie, Refocus refocus…just need to keep myself busy and really enjoy the dates that I’m going now, and avoid comparing the current guys with this old passe dead guy LOL!
Many well wishes to you ladies! I cannot believe I actually gain great support here at this forum. :) Much love and gratitude.
Thanks so much Abby… I’m about to jump into to coaching in another area. I have started thinking since I’ve been here I could really help women over 40 or maybe even younger women who never learned the basics and keep making painful mistakes.
Sometimes silence is the loudest parting word yet never heard… Say nothing
Staci, you are so right. Sometimes the silence is worth a million words.
Well, guess what ladies. After weeks of MIA, he called tonight didn’t leave a message. I didn’t pick up cos I was with a date. I don’t plan to call back, maybe the most is to send back a txt, or not respond at all. What would you ladies do?
Thanks again, Abby. xo
I’d not reply. Make him work harder for you. The right guy will keep calling till he gets you …or at least leave a message. ..requesting you call back.
unless…He us calling to apologise and ask for a other chance. ..do not give him a 2nd thought…or chance. 98% of guys…just ring for an ego boost. ..to see if they can reel you in again.
be VERY cautious hete.