Home › Forums › Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals › The one thats needy, is the one who wins?
- This topic has 35 replies and was last updated 10 years, 4 months ago by
Oke let me break it to you. Because im confused, pissed off and dont know what else to do.
Last week i wrote my story in the complicated section of the forum. In I want to be exclusive, but he doesn’t.
I was dating this guy (to complicate the situation he lives across the street from where I live, that’s how it’s all very awkward and painfull). When we are with eachother, were just peas and carrots like Forrest Gump tells about his Jenny :) always having fun, sweet with eachother, can tell eachother everything. He tells me stuff he doesn’t tell anyone else. When we met eachother, he was already dating this girl who i didn;t know about till a few weeks ago. He also has emotional baggage from his past girlfriend. I broke it off a couple of times but he continued reaching out to me via text or standing at my door. He was the one always reaching out to me, even if i didn’t respond for days.
I was 2.5 month dating my guy and broke it off one week ago because he continued seeing somebody else too. When other people can date more than one at the same time it’s fine but it’s not how it works for me when you had several dates and have a connection with someone. I am in love with him, and i don’t want to continue this thing in nomansland, where everything is possible and nothing is certain, certainly not when somebody else gets in to his bed too… It was horrible, wee had a date past friday night a week ago, i met his best friends, we had a fight afterwards because i found out he was texting the same messages to her he sends to me: sweet, flirty messages. He said she was jealous and mad because i was with him, and that im actually WITH him. We made up, slept together. We where whole again. Made him breakfast, the morning after, he went to his soccergame and i went to my own place. It felt like the puzzle finally fits, that i made my point and we where on the same page. That afternoon I asked if he wanted to eat something together that night, but he had oher plans, he had plans with that other girl again, i felt worthless, and sick to my stomach… I was totally flabbergasted, i really thought he made up his mind. I deleted his number and said it was over, he continued to send me messages, the days after. That monday evening he said he couldn’t go without me, we have a connection and wants to continue seeing me. I thought well maybe he made up his mind. The next day this other woman was at his house again. Doing god knows what, and that was the point that i didn’t want to go through with this anymore. I made a decision and chose for myself. Not to put up with this anymore. I was so mad and heart broken, i broke all contact, and said dont you ever contact me again, that this behaviour is unacceptable, and im fine being alone even if im in love with him, because i dont deserve this. This shit wont stand man! To quote The Big Lebowski here ;)
She’s been there for over then 5 times this past week. She’s just fine with everything he does. Comes whenever he calls. How i know this? I live across the street and unfortunatly i have to witness everything everytime i step out my door…And it makes me very mad, sad and i have anxiety attacks all over the place. Im the one who stood up for herself, like on a article off Eric & Sabrina said: “like neediness is the biggest man repeller, being confident is the biggest man attractor.” Uhm it’s not really working for me, is it?? She’ll accept any kind behaviour from him, but i don’t. Whenever he decides he wants to see her, she’s there! Im the one who realised that i have the power to choose and will not reduce myself to the role of waiting to be chosen. But i cant get over the fact, that SHE is the one who gets him in the end!!? Im so scared that he falls in love with her, while i did everything a self confidant woman would stand up for herself but im the one who is drawing the shortest straw. Even when i know, i do not deserve this.
Maybe you’ll have some advice for me. Thanks so much for reading this…
Hi Ellen.
Why don’t you move? Trust me, he doesn’t and never will love a doormat, which she is because she comes at his beck and call. She can be easily replaced or will finally give up like you did. My neighbor was like this and I honestly don’t know how he kept track! There was the white, rust, blue, brown, red cars at varying nights during the week. I was always waiting for him to get caught, but living in a gated community made it difficult for them to just “show up” unannounced.
When we initially met he told me about his divorce, two teen kids and that he was just having fun with no desire to be in a relationship and he meant it. These cars would eventually disappear (all but the white one) and be replaced by another. He moved out last month and guess what…he’s still single!
Don’t be the white car (which that girl is). Really need to find a way to move away so you’re not tempted to fall back into the same trap she is. I know its hard, but it really is the best course of action to take until you’re able to wean yourself off him.
She doesn’t have him!!! She is just the girl he is using to scratch an itch. But I am sure if asked by his friends, he would say he is still single … because guess what he doesn’t want to commit. Its fine that she is spending 5 times in the week with him. But I actually wouldn’t put it past him to be on the look out for a woman to replace you. It doesn’t look like he is satisfied with one woman anyway. And I agree with Lane, she is a doormat and if you go back to him, you would be his doormat too …
Sweetie trust us. He wants sex. She gives him sex. He wants nothing else from her. You’re way better off and worth so much more than her.
I dont know what to believe anymore. He said to me that he doesn’t just have sex with a person or just sleeps with someone and most of the time had steady long relationships in the past, not like a type of guy who will go around and date a bunch of girls at the same time.
But i dont know what to believe of him anymore, or his words, i sensed that he is a sensitive guy, who can talk about his emotions, only when he trusts you. And i believe him when he tells me that i know more stuff about him, then his best friends.
He really wanted to continue seeing me but i just couldnt anymore, i miss him though, loved spending time with him, but also another person in the picture, it broke my heart.I have all of these questions that keep haunting me. Why is he making such an effort to see her, to reach out to her? Isn’t that what a guy does when he really wants to be with a woman? To have her around as many times as he wants?
our date day was always on friday afternoon, night and evening, this first time, it was just like he was doing it to piss me off that i rejected him…past friday afternoon, she replaced me…i felt devastated.
I know i really have to let him go, it’s just part of my own problem that i dont get what she has more then me or why she has the privilege too see him and get to spend time with him so many nights/days. While im the one who is self confident, finally choosing for herself, for my own sake and well-being. That was one of the biggest lessons i guess, doing what is best for my self.
Thank you so much for your kind words everyone :)
Wow either this guy is an idiot or he really just doesn’t care about your feelings and/or is trying to make a point. He knows you can see her car and he doesn’t care. Didn’t even try to hide it that he lied to you about not seeing other people and had her over knowing full well you could see her car.
Why are you making excuses for this kind of behavior? This man sounds immature and like a huge jerk. Are you renting? Is your lease up soon? The best course of action is for you to either get far away from this man or to wake up and realize what kind of guy he really is. Get some anger and some self confidence girl!
I agree with Ali … He is a jerk. And doesn’t matter what he tells you … his actions have shown that he had no intention of being committed. When are you going to accept his actions and not just think about his words. I would suggest you do some homework. Make a list of all the ways he hurt you or lied to you. And anytime you miss him, take a look at this list.
Well the inevitable happened. He tried to add me again on facebook last week. I unblocked him on whatsapp, texted him why are you adding me on Facebook again? I think he just did it to see how i responded or to get a look at my page because i have all my settings on private…
He responded that his brother had send the friend request, which i think is a big bullshit story, he lives in another city and rarely visits him, also think its bullshit because i didnt even met him yet, and he certainly didn’t know my last name.
last friday night he stood at my door with some friends and colleagues , asked if i wanted to come over for a drink because he had a little party at his house. They kept asking me until i said yes, oke fine one drink.
Well that didnt quite go as i had planned…Because eventually i stayed the night again. I try to ignore him, make conversationss with his friends and kept distance between us. He kept coming to me and looking at me. People kept asking, so is it going to work out between you guys. Whole lotta awkward. I talked to one of his best mates. He asked me are you really feeling oke, i said no, it’s him and the situation who is ripping me apart, talked him through how things are between us. He told me that he really really likes me, and that he talks about me all the time at work, but he didnt know about that other girl, and also said to me that it’s unacceptable, and when it happened again, i had to say: f**k off in replying to his messages.
Well you can guess what happened, i stayed the night. We had sex again. i felt completely in love and loved, feelings become more stronger everytime we are with eachother. Made breakfast for him as he went to his soccergame. He texted me again a few hours later: isnt this confusing for you? Because the situation hasn’t changed for me. This time no flirty sweet things, straight to ripping off the bandage.
Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night i saw that other girl was with him again. It’s growse, i feel nauseated, i feel numb, and this is a huge alarm bell for me, because i don know what to do anymore when i feel numb, and get to the point that people are walking all over me.
But what if, i keep asking myself, i dont get how he has sex with me, his friends knows he likes me, tells about me, but keep dating somebody else too, even when he knows it hurts me but dont want to give up on that. Im so afraid that what some of you said, that im actually am the one he’s having sex with and is building a relationship with that other girl. But she puts up with everything, and everytime i draw a line go no contact, he keeps contacting me over and over again, and i cant ignore and resist that many times, because missing him is gtting the best of me… Ignore him to the point he comes knocking on my door, to come over. Im just a friend? Well you dont have sex with a friend, most certainly not when you know the other one is in love with you. You dont tell youre friends or collegues how much you like some one. Ah..whatever i dont know anymore…
But also if he keeps seeing her, and likes her so much that he’s spending all this time with her, why does he have sex with me? But then again anxiety strikes and im worried that im just a booty call and she is the real deal. And also, yes he now has contact with his ex(who has a boyfriend) every day.
This rollercoaster needs to stop, because im lowdown and out, of energy. And I need to raise my standards…
Ellen, men aren’t women. You are evaluating his behavior and choices by female standards, which will never work because he’s operating on male instincts. So stop torturing yourself. Why does he do it? Because he’s apparently trying to have sex with as many women as possible.
This is way big drama. Just walk away. All this s*** would stop if you stopped responding and feeding it.
Ellen.. you’re a mess. YOU know this. Get some respect and pride. At this stage You’re asking for all you get.
Break the cycle. You are NOTHING TO HIM… get sense and STOP the interaction. if he’s at your door.. call the cops. YOU HAD A CHOICE NOT to go to his house.. YOU WENT.
YOUR post is a mess. ALL the thinking you do and over anyalysing.. about a manwhore.
Ouch, that last one hurt though… Moving is not that easy, its rental and there is a shortage in my city on rental houses/appartments. I was living with housemates before i got my own place and have been on the waiting list 5,5 years for i got this. But im seriously considering it, going back to my birth-grounds so to speak.
And you are right, i thought i had it under control, but i never experienced this, when i say i dont want any contact no more, the guy doesn’t contact me anymore, or maybe a few months afterwards to check in or something, and about that time i could care less because the feelings are gone. But everytime i do this with him, that everytime i go no contact and tell him to dont contact me no more, he keeps on ssearching for a way, it’s my own fault that i give in, but with all those feelings involved it’s freaking difficult to ignore that kind of behavior. Well yeah my post it’s one big over analyzing bullshit i see that, it’s been going on this whole day. All this energy wasted for a person it isnt even worth thewhile (HA that felt good to say that in public).
Any advice to ‘heal’ from this emotional baggage?
I;M Harsh.. to try to get you to see sense. You keep doing the same insane behaviour over and over again.
WRITE.. little notes all over the house.. pointing out his bad points.. like tacked onto the back of your doors, bathroom mirror, car, workplace etc.
Write .. little notes. saying YOU DESERVE BETTER. Eventually this will sink in with you.
Try to be OUT of the house when he is IN. Get new hobbies/friends. join a self-esteem class or one like that. Build up your confidence.
keep a diary.. all your thoughts.
treat yourself everytime you do a week of no contact.
Hi Ellen,
The same has happened to me recently and it’s heartbreaking. I was dating a guy for a few months, we had never slept together but it was the best time I had ever spent with anyone, we were perfect for each other. He started having personal issues, I tried to stick by him but he just pushed me away to a point where he didn’t make contact with me and wanted to be alone etc so I ended things. I told him that I really liked him and that if he wanted to catch up again and resume things when he was feeling better then I would be happy to.
Fast forward a few weeks, I sent him a text to check how he was. We ended up catching up a few times just as friends. I asked about whether he wanted to start things up again and he said no. He was pretty harsh about it all so I told him I didn’t want to talk to him again. Fast forward 3 weeks, he made contact with me and asked to catch up. We had a great night, just like old times and he was really sweet and he was back to his old self. He kissed me at the end of the night and it was amazing.
Fast forward a week, I have heard nothing from him since that night. Nothing. He’s on online dating and looking for other women. The moral of the story for me and for you as well is that sometimes boys just like to know that they can have something if they want it…..it’s there if they change their mind. They give you enough to keep you around but have no intention of pursuing things at that point in time. Our situations are the same except that I never slept with the guy because I didn’t feel that it was going anywhere, given his current situation.
You have to stop sleeping with him. Don’t lower yourself to the point where you are giving him something for nothing. He has offered you no kind of commitment and he is dating someone else. His actions are speaking for him right now and you need to walk away. I mean properly walk away and find someone who deserves you. He doesn’t. It’s hard, I get it, but it’s for the best.
Start looking after yourself and start going out and dating other guys so you aren’t focused on what he’s doing and when he tries to come back you need to be strong and say no. I played my situation totally wrong, when he came back I should have been cautious and should have made him work for it, even just to kiss me, but I didn’t and now I’m going through the sad feelings all over again. Next time, I won’t be so stupid and he won’t be so lucky to have my time. Do the same with your guy, don’t make it so easy for him.
Ellen, you heal by doing 2 things. Identifying the limiting belief that gets you into something like this and keeps you there, change it for the opposite empowering belief and then start focusing on the positive.
Kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight and then follow the light. You don’t get health by focusing on sickness, you don’t get wealth by focusing on poverty and you don’t get love by focusing on men who behave badly. Know what I mean?
with love, Stefanie
This is madness. I woke up in the middle of the night it’s about 4.00 am. This typing here is just to ease my mind not to have a breakdown of crying or a panick attack or do something out of anger. Im finally getting angry though :), but also days of sadness and feeling lost.
I woke up. Looked at my window, and she is with him…AGAIN. Staying the night. During weekdays now. Ugh i think im going to be sick. She also knew about me at a certain point. WHY does she get what’s she wants while she is fine with everything he does. She certainly doesnt have the same ‘man’ standards or just want to hook up, NO, she actually believes shit is going to end up in a relationship with him and now im scared too, knowing the fact that she is now with him this many times. Even in our best dating days, I didn’t get to spend that much time with him. Im the one who always been straight forward with, somebody else in the picture, thats not what i want, that’s not what i deserve, i deserve better and also dont want contact no more goodbye. Because i have that much self respect, it took time I got bullied in highschool and dated a few men who also treated me like i was nothing. And al those years ibelieved that is what i deserved. That or i wasnt pretty, skinny, fun or smart enough. I already made a big break through past year, or couple of years, in loving myself, respecting myself, but i also want a piece of happiness to you know (knowing that a relationship can do that but not when its the number one thing in your life) the experience of two people who understand eachother unconditionally love , is that too much to ask for? I do al this new things, different point of view, but still got wound up in this mess. This time i was really steady, knowing what i want and knowing what i do and dont accept. And it was looking good, it really seemed this was heading in the right direction, naturally. But then everything turned around.
After he repeatably contacting me again, i give in yes, that with the lethal im in love combination in the that ‘wow this guy must really like me allot going through all this effort’. But she is just taking all of his bullshit. I saw their conversations once, it’s just shallow as a puddle of rainwater. And he likes that? We always talked about everything and making eachother laugh. But she is now with him all the time, and the one who stood up for herself told a piece of her mind…drawing the shortest straw. If she is over there, that many times, he must really want to be with here isnt it? :S but still him coming at my door past friday night, inviting me, him not liking that i didnt give him that wanting me to stay over, us sleeping together. He even said when we had one of our talks, that he wanted to continue seeing me every friday. Wanted to talk with me everyday, misses me when he doesn’t or cant talk to me. And if i didnt have that many self respect, we would still be talking the whole day via whatsapp, facebook, flirting, have dates, if i didnt have a problem with somebody else too in the picture, we would still be going strong! Wham bam, no thank you sir….
I know everything about him, his goodside, his bad side. His dark side, his mind and troubles he had, growing up, his family who was never there for him, telling me all these things while he said you now know more of me then my best friends. I dont want him back though, i think i can never trust him ever again. Or a miracle needs to happen only then, and yes i am jealous, I admit that. I never felt so right, safe and secure with a person, until the sh*t has hit the van.
Thank you so much for your kind words and help, even when i dont know you in person and youre on the other side of the world.
Thanks for telling your story Natalie, i hope you can find some peace in what happened. Dont judge yourself, your not stupid, you just wanted things, the same as i did.
Still no contact, I this time didnt delete his number, but made sure every possible way his number is blocked and cant reach out to me :)
Ellen honey, go back to bed and close the curtains.
This is not your business any longer.
Move on with your life. Spend your time thinking and feeling about being happy with your own life and about what a good relationship feels like.
with love, S
Sleep in a different room so you can’t look out and see his window. The kitchen if needs be. Train yourself to have better control.as soon as your lease is up…you need to move. Consider therapy. Your mind is over fixated with this sleezebag
Ellen, I don’t want to hurt you in any way and believe me, I understand how painful all of this is for you. But I noticed that you think that this other girl is needy. Actually there is no reason ta assume that. People tend to feel and see things differently, maybe for her it’s just a casual fun without no hard feelings attached or maybe it doesn’t hurt her as it does you.. or maybe she is more better controlling her feelings, who knows. You don’t know what he is telling her or what is between them. It’s not even important. Important is that he chooses to be with that girl and wants to spend time with her – it is obvious that he WANTS to do it.
I used to be like you, even the situation was almost similar, and I thought that the other woman is needy because she was around without dramas and demandings.. and at some point I understood that I am actually the needy one. This kind of arrangment didn’t suit me, it hurt me as hell, made me feel insecure and low, dramas all the time. And even I had my ‘standards’ I wasn’t able to walk complitely away.. and he knew that he could get me back every time he just walked to my door. He knows the same about you and if you continue to do that, he sees more and more that needy side of you.
It doesn’t go anywhere, just going to hurt you more. Just step out of it, even if it’s killing you now. It will be better without him eventually, trust me :D
Ellen, based on your description he does seem like a jerk, however like karen said there’s no reason to assume that the other girl is needy…
He could be choosing her because he finds her easy going and fun to be around. Men like that, NOT drama.
Plus, you told him “this shit won’t stand man” and never to contact you again, and that’s yet another reason for him to choose her over you.
Ask yourself why on earth he would choose drama and a girl who basically tells him to fuck off over a fun easy going girl who wants to be with him?
I love being around him, and he loves being around me. He told me this all the time. Doesn’t take away the fact that he is seeing somebody else too, that for me is the big issue that im walking away. And above all that, he also have this ‘ex’ emotional baggage issue. And now also frequently is talking to her again via whatsapp, and several times have said when we met eachother that he couldn’t get over her.
And that’s not working for me. Everytime im with him, my feelings for him grow, that is why they get so hurt and beaten up if i notice that he is still seeing somebody else, or also wants to see somebody else. Everytime i tell him i dont want no contact, because i want to step out of this ‘relationship/dating’ in order to heal myself and wanting something better for myself, he keeps on showing up, it is for me to heal, and go on with my life. When i first did no contact, he literally said and continue talking even if i didn’t respond that he cant go without me and doesn’t want to loose me.
This kind of behavior of dating several people when youre intimate doesn’t match my moral standards or how you should treat somebody. He knows that im in love with him, and still contacts me when i told him not too. A week no contact, and he is at my door.
In the dating time i was with him, i tried being the fun casual girl, well if you dont commit i might as wel go talk and see other guys. I had a date once it was fun, but i still was in love with him, and still couldn’t get him out of my head. It didnt feel right
She knows about me too, they had fights about me too, she was jealous of me when i was with him and i didn’t know this untill we finally had a fight AFTER i found out they where also talking and meeting up again. A few nice words of manipulating and she is hooked again. When i draw the line and go no contact, she stays in contact.
If i wanted too, i could continue seeing him, could continue dating him, continue sleeping with him, but then i dont think there would be left anymore of me you could recognize, i think i would tore myself apart, devastated, sad, because i then would only listen to my needs like ‘being with someone because i dont want to be alone, or feeling loved because i dont think i could get any better’ ‘maybe if i stick around he finally comes around’. He literally said, i’d love that we can still see eachother and do nice things together every friday (it’s my day of and his too). I don’t want to share him with anybody else, nah-ah.
I get the word around allot that im high sensitive, and it’s true. I can’t handle this kind of situation if there are that much feelings involved. Or when people mean that much to me and do ths kind of things when it upsets me.
I’m finally getting angry, and want to flee the house like all the time, going out, watch a movie, going to the theatre, staying late at work, hanging out with friends, almost going to the gym or go hiking/running everyday NOT to be at home and taking my mind of things. Having mucho tv and movie marathons. Taking up old hobbies like ice skating and playing guitar. Next week im planning a little vacation to go see my parents and stay there. His birthday is the 5th of november. And i don’t want him coming at me door drunk or intoxicated, and also that weekend afterwards, when he has a party, dont want to take a risk that im getting invited or company at my door. I am walking away :)
He wants to sleep around and you want to be exclusive. That means you’re not compatible.
Accept that, let go of your obsession with him, refocus your energy and move on.
You shouldn’t have to flee or move. Get some self respect and pride, hold your head high and ignore him instead.
Well said Maria and I totally agree …..
Im so angry all of the time now. It was my birthday yesterday, and he just invited that bitch over so everyone of my family could see –
__- two weeks ago he asked if he was invited at my birthday, wanting to meet my family and friends….when i walked my friends to the door last night, he stood up to the window to see what i was doing, regretted that i didn’t flip the finger though.
Im just so angry he’s getting away with this, i almost walked over there, wanted to storm into the room and wanted to drop the bomb: hi there everything oke over here? You know he comes knocking on my door when he pleases and guess what happens between the sheets! Oke bye!
Do i meet up with her to tell her whats going on or via message/mail? Tell her: Fyi do you know whats happening? Or do i let this one go sour on it’s own? I dont think she knows im sleeping over and sleeping with him this passed few weeks, maybe told her that we dont see eachother no more or she just doesnt want to see whats happening. There is a voice in the back of my mind telling: is he behaving like a total ass towards me, but is bringing his best self to her?? She’s been there 4 times this week, this is getting serious is it? Why else would a man see someone that many times in a row?
He wanted to continue seeing me on our date friday, wanted to hang out with me, but im the one who withdraws from this, because i am hurt by the fact he doesnt want to try to see where this is heading between us with no other people dating involved. Hurt by the fact that he’s doing the same things we do, but with somebody else. I withdraw And now she is getting him in the end..
Im also having second thoughts about my behavior that i deleted his FB and told him i didn’t want no contact a few weeks ago, because i needed space. That was for me to heal. AfTer events happened. If i was strong enough and could handle my emotions i would still get to know him better and spend time with him, and now its all a big mess. She was the one that continued contacting him via FB and whatsapp and look where it got her…
I feel like a loser not handling the situation quite as it should. I also blame myself that i cant date someone who doesnt want to lock it down, Who wants Continue seeing other people. And i dont feel good about dating other people when im in love with the somebody else. There where also three guys interested in me two of them flaky, only looking for casual stuff. One who really wanted to date me but wasnt quite my type though, and now ive got emotional baggage, so i dont think its fair to date him. I wish i had the strength to go through with dating my guy and let him see what an awesome girl i am.
I get allot of support of my friends and family. I did a mindfulness course, this guy also gives therapy and hopefully in a few weeks i have my first appointment. I really need to step up with my focus on work and im still in college. A friend of mine is picking me up today, and im going to live at my parents for a week, focus on other stuff :).
Thanks for the support,
With love,
Don’t want to upset you or anything but the reason he’s with her it’s bc of you created so much drama every time and then fall back to him straight after. It’s not being confident at all. It’s messy and full of bad energy and expectations.
She’s probably not needy at all. She probably did what I would do not have any expectations and let him choose who is better for him by himself. It puts her in a position when he think she’s confident one bc of she doesn’t feel triggered or insecure bc of.the other girl. It’s been only 2 months so it’s not like he was committed to any of you. She accepted it and didn’t give him shit and didn’t show him how bad he treats her (he wasn’t in relationship with any of you so he could do anything he wanted to) so naturally it will be someone who will drown him more to him as she feels more safe and stable to him and she let’s him lead and makes best decisions for himself and her.Stefanie
Ellen, things will change for you when you don’t need to make anyone see any longer what an “awesome girl” you are. Your sense of self-worth is really messed up, honey. I hope getting away for a week and staying at your parents and starting therapy will help you move forward. This actually isn’t about him. It’s about you. This may come as bad news to you but he isn’t doing stuff with her to annoy you. Sounds like he moved on. I know this is hard, we’ve all been through caring about someone too much. But you’re not in love with him, you are attached and obsessed. He knows that energetically. Stay away from the other girl, messing with her will just make you feel worse.
Hang in there baby.
with love, Stefanie