Home › Forums › The Community Lounge › Thoughts for the people who give advice on A New Mode…
- This topic has 50 replies and was last updated 6 years, 9 months ago by
Let me just preface this post by saying I’m not trying to be confrontational or attack anyone in particular. I think there has been wonderful, valuable advice given throughout the forums on A New Mode and I think this is the rule rather than the exception. But I have noticed one thing from my own posts that I just wanted to discuss…
I have posted a handful of times-once on a previous relationship and a few on my current, 3 year strong relationship. In most of my posts I was seeking advice due to my own mistakes in my relationships but a couple also had to do with his.
One thing seemed to ring true in almost very post….and that was a lot of comments saying that I totally screwed up, that guys don’t like girls like me and I had no chance of redemption and that he was probably going to leave me and I deserved it. Yikes. These replies would usually make me feel extremely low-lower than I felt coming in here seeking support.
I started to notice something though-I posted once before my current relationship became official, seeking advice as to if he was interested or using me. I received a majority of replies saying it was clear he wasn’t interested, I had no self respect, he wouldn’t stick around long etc etc. well….he did and a great relationship developed. Then I posted after our first big fight seeking advice after I freaked out over something small, upsetting him and embarrassing myself-and although I had mentioned I already knew I had made a mistake and now I was trying to fix it, I still got many comments telling me in so many words that I screwed up,that I needed help, that there was no fixing it, that he would probably leave me and I didn’t have hope finding anyone else because I was clearly crazy.(I’m exaggerating a bit but you get the gist). these comments would always make me feel worse than I already did, not to mention convinced I was unloveable and I would be left….none of which happened, we made up, I was forgiven, now we’re 3 years strong.
This seems to be a theme throughout most of my posts-if I posted about their screw up then it’s that They don’t respect me, they’re using me, and I need to leave them immediately…or if I post about my screw up then I’m crazy and they’re going to leave me immediately. Obviously I’m paraphrasing , but almost 50-60% of advice I’ve received has either made me feel worse or just been quick to judge and foretell an outcome that…has not been correct once, at least in my case.
Not sure why we’re so quick to do this to each other-maybe it’s from the dark places inside where we’ve been hurt or made a mistake and weren’t forgiven that we’re still holding on to. And I’m sure sometimes these sad outcomes do come true. I’ve also received really good wake up calls, and good constructive criticism that is laced into the dark forshawdowings that were absolutely right even if their dooming outcomes weren’t. I guess what I’m saying is that maybe we should consider keeping the constructive advice strong, but keep out the foreshadowing parts, because we aren’t experts and we’re only getting a piece of the story-we should be as supportive as possible, not make people feel worse about mistakes they’re trying to correct, and hope for the best outcome for them possible. Like a yeah, this sucks but here’s what I think you did wrong and here’s how you might be able to fix it, and…good luck! More so than …yeah you’re right you really messed up in fact you messed up more than you think you did and this is how you might be able to fix it but he’s probably going to leave you anyways. 🙃 I really like A New Mode and think there’s great people on here overall, just a small observation. 😊Thanks for all the advice that did help and made me a better person!
Interesting. I always hope people will come back and update their threads with how things turn out, but they rarely do.
Without knowing what threads are yours it’s hard to react to this.
Some regulars are tough. Then again some OP are so clearly under valuing themselves and deluding themselves and it’s a constant theme on here of “I haven’t heard from him in a month and we never go out anywhere and he won’t call me his girlfriend after 6 months is there hope?!!” that it gets old, and you just wanna kinda shake women like that to their senses.
Maybe you should pay for professional advice rather than seek out strangers from all walks of life about your situation. A good portion of women on here can’t even handle their own problems. You get what you pay for, free advice is just that.
Lol Ali I have seen posts that it’s hard not to get frustrated at the posters and perhaps I’ve been one of them. I also get not wanting to give people false hope so I understand the tough love especially in the “he hasn’t answered my calls or texts in 2 months are we still together” thing. And I’m posting just from my own experiences obviously, although I have noticed this in comments in posts not so dramatically well, sad…just quite a bit of cynical comments…sometimes comments that make me wonder if the poster is bitter from their own heartbreak and is projecting perhaps? Not sure, I’m sure they mean the best though and are just trying to keep others from the same pain but I think it’s good to remember every circumstance is unique
Thanks umm, you kind of just proved my whole post with harsh commenters that seem to only want to make people feel worse. I do understand to take every comment with a grain of salt, I’m just stating an observation, take it how you will. Some people don’t have the initiative/money/whatever to seek professional help-but your point that people from all walks of life are posting and no one should consider it expert advice if it’s coming from a forum on the internet is valid, even if that wasn’t my point at all.
Bingo, some posters are bitter and have grown very tough. (Me). My ex husband had an affair with my sister and continued to cheat. So I know liars and cheaters.
And I know narcissist and abusive. And I know how it is to chase, beg and be desperate.
All those days are over now.
I think multiple options even negative bring out a glimmer of truth
Sorry if you don’t like my response, but you could go to a free community mental health clinic and at least be assured there are trained professionals. When you choose to post on a forum with no restrictions or experts you get what you pay for. Not sure why it surprises you that you might not get the support you want. What is the point of your observation? Other than to show you expect too much from a non sanctioned Internet forum. So are the responders to blame or you for expecting free professional advice? If you don’t like th advice, save your pennies and don’t pay for internet dating and see a real therapist. Many women on here won’t benefit from advise here because they really do need professional help. This isn’t a site to deal with mental illness, depression, … if you are relatively healthy mentally, it’s great because it gives mostly common sense advice.
I agree with your post overall. Hopefully the poster can weed out the unhelpful comments and gain some help on the more balanced and supportive comments. You have the whole gamut of people on this forum from people with a hole host of problems themselves to well adjusted and helpful people. That is just the nature of an open forum like this.People can only hear what they are ready to hear and will gravitate toward advice they can hear. Those who want help will hopefully find kernels of wisdom despite the source and delivery.
But I think this is a good reminder that kindness and compassion can never go wrong. Thanks!
Would to mind pulling up your posts and posting links/ paths here? I think I would really help what was said and how things actually worked out. I think a lot of us here could benefit from some hope that things actually worked out.
Umm, I don’t pay for a dating site lol. And my problems have never been bad enough where I felt the need to seek professional help, just like the majority of common folk who post here with common every day problems that don’t exactly need psychiatric consults. I mainly posted for outside advice, fresh perspectives, on common relationship issues, never anything concerned with mental illness and depression. And I did get valuable feedback even from the more cynical posters, as I mentioned in my post…
Which It seems like you didn’t even read my post at all and you simply want to be argumentative. Perhaps you’re one of the more harsher advice givers so you feel attacked, which wasn’t my goal. I never once “blamed” any one for their advice, did I?
The point of my post was to try to spread some awareness to those who commonly give advice that maybe we should be a little more consciencious of what we advise, and what baggage of our own we may be brininging to the table, and to consider keeping out the the element of fortune telling, because in my case those are usually very crynical and very wrong predictions. Because perfectly sane people come here for support and sometimes you get the opposite of that. Again, I didn’t say always-I said this is the exception and generally not the rule. It is good I didn’t take everything too seriously or I would have missed out on a great relationship. I’m also glad I did listen to the good, constructive (even if a little harsh advice)because sometimes that is what I needed to hear.
you’re right-no one should take anything on here as professional advice and if they do they should seek true help.
As ali mentioned above, you don’t usually hear the outcome of people’s stories and it’s interesting to hear some perspective. I decided to give both one of my outcomes and my perspective on the advice given to me in the past. I’m not sure why, if you found the post pointless, you didn’t just move along?
Sometimes when I’m looking for compassion I get tough love. lol Regardless, I’m always looking for a fresh perspective and a different way to frame things in my mind to help me get through whatever problem I have. Either from posting here or reading other posts (and the articles which are awesome!), I’ve learned a tremendous amount regarding relationships and the dating process. Some people are just harsher than others. Some have really helped! I’m no expert, but if I have something I think can help someone else I’m happy to share. As you know, its the internet. Gotta sift through the riff raff, but you can also meet some really great people.
Nicole- I appreciate your post as it does amaze me to see how rude some of the responses are. I worry if the woman with the concern is hurt by the response, but typically someone else will chime in with something supportive. I appreciate the different perspectives from various generations of women and from all over the world. Pretty cool to have this forum.
Agree with Joe. It is their opinion. Perhaps it could be delivered in a nicer way, but I also think the posters are usually in a very emotional state when they read the advise given so they could be interpreting the advise as more rude then it was intended. Most likely just not what you wanted to hear.
Glad your situation worked out for the best!
some people are just plain rude… it’s almost like coming home from a bad day at work and kicking the dog.
They are the ones that are in need paid medical attention and in no way capable of handing out advice.
And you know who you are…redcurleysue
I agree that over time there have been some posters that could use a class in compassion.
That said, it has been an education for me to understand that there are women who know very little about men. They do not understand that chasing a man is not in their best interests. There are also a lot of women who put the cart in front of the horse and imagine interest on the part of a fellow as well as the thought that the instant connection of sex makes a relationship.
These are general ideas and do not apply in every single circumstance. Yet, they remain with their own truths in a lot of threads.
Without a doubt, some advice is based on past bitter history, and therefore flawed. But, overall I think a large numbers of regulars try their best to let OPs know not to make the mistakes they themselves have made, and regretted.
I agree that advice for hurting people needs to be given in the vein of love and compassion and I thank you for reminding us of that.
Good luck to you in your future. Post again and let us know how you are doing.
B. O. S.
Everyone views the world differently and I like reading everyone’s take on a post. I’ve related to a lot of things other women go through. Me personally, when stuck on a dilemma I weigh out the good and bad. Having both good and bad feedback from other people is helpful and helps me make a logical decision instead of fully relying on my own list of pros and cons and because I am emotional in the moment, maybe I might have missed a small detail or I’m not reading the situation I’m in right.
Plus L and raven’s snarky comments are always good for a laugh.
If a negative comment makes you react emotionally or makes you feel bad about yourself maybe think about why it did. For me, most of the time it’s a harsh truth I might have not considered.
Yes, the replies can be harsh but…in reality, they are often true. I have learned so much from the ladies, and occasionally, gentlemen, on this forum and it has certainly helped me deal with my own situation. So often, we think things are acceptable when, in fact, they are far from that and an outside, objective viewpoint can give clarity!
sailor v
You are spot on. We do not see the world as it is, we see the world as WE are. When people give you mean-spirited advice or negativity, remember that it is a reflection of who they are. We all have our own lens and we cannot see past our lens. It does not mean it is the ‘only’ lens or only way to see things. Projection is real, and unfortunately, women here have found this site for a reason — searching for the same kind of relationship advice. In some ways, it is the blind leading the blind. ;)
I disagree with the replies are harsh but often true comment. I was completely ripped apart on here for asking a simple question…im not raking it up incase it starts up again..the majority of the replies were hideous and one person in particular really went for me, calling me names, totally ripping me apart. Uncalled for and made me feel 100 times worse than I already did. People need to really step back and think out their replies before verbally vomiting over someone who feels bad already….and yes I know this is a public forum but bullying, which is what I suffered is totally uncalled for especially from adults
I rarely post, mostly just lurk due to the nature of this forum where you can’t make an account so technically people can make different names and pretend to be different people on here.
When I do ask for advice I know that I will get different opinions so that’s the lovely fact of individuality. Most posters do make thoughtful suggestions. You can really appreciate that they spent their time reading everything. Some posters are rude but they have every right to post what they want. Don’t take it personally and learn to think positively so that nothing gets to you. When you are stable internally, other people’s opinions will not make you feel unloved or attacked. Learn to be in peace with yourself, stop reacting. When you are a positive person, no negativity will every get to you. So i think you need to work on yourself first, build a thick skin, and don’t take a public forum so personally.
Am I supposed to be giving advice on here? Ohhhhhhh… i thought this was ‘a new model’ and was just hoping that by getting my pic out there I could get a few more photo shoots.
focus on the good advice!
I can understand that sometimes some people (mostly in the past fortunately) have put in some uncalled for comments. I have not liked that either. It is true, as Eric has pointed out, that some women asking advice can be at the breaking point and feel very badly. So we need to keep that in mind before we type.
While I think we can point someone firmly in a direction if we feel they are off course, I think we have to be careful since we do not know the state of the person asking. We may assume too readily that we are dealing with a “whole” person and not a “shattered” person.
Again, I am glad to say I have not seen much of this behavior recently, more in the past.
I also believe that pussy footing around is not helpful. I think direct has better results. Most OPs appreciate women who are strong enough to tell them the truth as they see it, even if it is not what they want to hear. It becomes a problem when we talk to the person as if they are not valued as a human being. That is altogether different.
Really? Eric was going to shut down this forum six months ago and women were crying begging to keep it. Yet there are always women creating threads about how they are dissatisfied. If you want expert advice, pay a professional. Keep bitching and the forum will be dead. It’s funny those who complain don’t seem to move on. They stick around and still complain.
That’s true. But honestly, I really only post rarely because I don’t want people to link my account to my questions (the latest one was about my scat fetish).