Home › Forums › Dating and Sex Advice › Triggered by ex situationship getting engaged. Turning 39 and feel bleak
- This topic has 13 replies and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
Veruca Salt.
Hey all, I hope you can offer some tips. I’m about to be 39 and couldn’t be feeling more bleak about the future. I’m a doctor and work is tough in the U.K. due to Covid. We are in a lockdown. I left an 18 month abusive marriage 5 years ago and the divorce was traumatic, no kids. One of the main reasons I left was I couldn’t see how I could bring kids into that marriage as my ex was scary yet I longed for a family. I wanted to be brave and hopeful I could meet someone else and still have a family. The divorce was dragged out by an ex. I met someone via dating apps and had a 10 month relationship. For the most part he was kind and loving but never felt very physically attracted. We were intimate but no sex. I’m British Indian and had only ever slept with my ex husband and he respected my decision to wait. I hoped I’d fall for him but never happened for various reasons. Not just for not being over my ex. Even now, wouldn’t want to connect, just not a fit. I took time out of dating after that as realise I needed to heal my marriage and issues. Felt I was over my ex husband and ready to date from 2018 and since then have found myself only in situationships. I met one guy in summer 2019 who I really fell for – a British Asian guy who was 5 years younger when he was in the UK though he lived in Asia. we did long distance for a few months and he said as soon as he was in a serious relationship, he would move back. I was hesitant to date him as he was younger and hadn’t finalised his divorce and separated for 2 years but he pursued me. In the end at 4 months – he pulled away when it came to decide whether to give us a go so I ended it. I was shattered as first time I had fallen for anyone. I felt really foolish for even allowing it to get so far but I hadn’t clicked with anyone since my ex husband. He seemed genuine and said what we had was real but he felt unhappy with work and his divorce and maybe in the future it could be different. I took it he just wasn’t into me. Stupidly contacted him a couple of times after to check in and he always replied quickly and was friendly but never initiated. Since him, haven’t clicked with anyone. Had a few other situationships though, where invariable things don’t progress past 2-3 months as about then guys expect sex and they haven’t felt safe for me to progress emotionally or sexually as they don’t suggest exclusivity. I’ve met over 100 guys via apps, matchmakers and intros. I’ve been to therapy. Read a lot on relationships, try to put into action, lean back, let him lead. Although I get mistaken for being much younger than I am, the reality is I’m not. I stupidly looked up the long distance guy and shocked to see 18 months on, he is divorced in a new job and engaged. Felt like a sucker punch I didn’t expect. Feel weirdly cut up about, why he didn’t get back in touch, he really meant so much more to me than I ever did to him. Seems his fiancé is a young woman, his age. Generally finding life hard and as though I’ll not be deemed long term material for men due to my age and fertility. I’ve never been short on being asked on dates but either due to pandemic and dating being tough / my age, definitely less. I’m feeling really rock bottom and working in healthcare is so tough in a way I couldn’t imagine. Going home alone after a long shift and swiping on apps to empty conversations is soul destroying. I feel I have to push myself as time was never on my side due to my deep longing to have a family. I’ve always valued being a great partner and mother over career and feel like I’m living my worst case scenario in my personal life. Dread turning 40 and still feeling this way and being alone with nothing but bad memories of rejection. I’ve started withdrawing from people as painful when Everyone asks what’s happening in my personal life and have nothing to say. All my friends are married with kids. I can’t seem to move forward though I’ve tried. Now seems doomed due to lockdown can’t meet or even date.
I try to workout to boost my mood, rarely drink, listen to podcasts to lift me and give hope, try to remain open to talking to men who aren’t my type…I would really appreciate any advice on dating in this scenario.
Youre docter in the uk in a lockdown. It cant get anymore bleak than that. But hopefully in 6 months it will look better. The ongoing lockdown is really getting to me as well.
So a negative recent state of mind is not so weird. But i would like to say a few things. You define most of your past years in terms of loss, but you made a conscious decision to break off a marriage knowing it would bring potential kids in harms way. Thats an incredible bold decision and i think youre better off without him in your life. Even if you would be single forever. Then if you dated around 100 men in 2 years, thats crazy. I know dating is a Numbers guy but thats too much. When lockdowns get better, date smart. Get a better idea of good matches and be selective in your picks. But also do think of what types didnt work for you in the past. Do you have a type that never works out but pick first. I cant tell but suppose you felt British Indian guys fit you cultural wise, that doesnt necessarily make it a best fit. Youre an accomplished smart Metropole woman so that says just as much about what would possibly fit you.
What do you do to have fun? Make that a priority in 2021 for yourself: to do fun things for you. That can make you so much more attractive and happy so a win-win (im assuming a lot here btw, so dismiss it if you dont think its you, but for me docters were never my favorite friends as they were always so damn serious. And i know a few dutch Indian women and they were all so sincere and gorgious but so damn serious).
When i was around your age, i had no relationship and no kids. But i had a very good job. So i made the conscious decision to think about having kids on my own. I knew if i wanted to, i could at least try. I had a sort of sperm donor in mind that i would ask. I never asked. I did this to ease my mind. Get a handle on the things you can control. I never went through with it because i never felt the desire. It did mean i never looked back with regret. For you its the same. You have the money to raise a kid on your own if you really want to. Dont dismiss it, just because there is no man. Or at least freeze in some eggs.
Joy is what you need. I hope you can get it back. For now its a bit more netflixing im afraid. Take care and good luckSammy
Thanks Newbie for your thoughts. Some really solid points. I do feel like I’ve moved on from my ex husband and know in my heart the marriage and abuse were all wrong, though took me years to move on and stop blaming myself. Regards over 100 dates, that’s in the 5 years since I left my ex husband and for almost 1 year I was in a relationship which was clearly too soon and way before I was ready a year after. I took a break from dating after that and started dating. In the last year the numbers have been far less as I am more selective of who I meet. I have already frozen my eggs. Did it twice as first time didn’t go well but second time was better. It was such a soul destroying and expensive process but I wanted to try and got 20 eggs. I know as a doctor it’s a long shot but felt I rather try and not regret. I just never saw myself as a single mother. Perhaps it’s my cultural upbringing – hard enough being divorced let alone then having a child by sperm donor and certainly now don’t feel mentally strong to do that alone. Financially I could have a child but doctor hours are long and stressful as it is hence would want to co-parent…just don’t think fair on child yet feel heartbroken not to have a choke at all… though I admire many who are Single parents. As for personality, I laughed about what you said regarding serious. Though I’m feeling bleak now, my core personality is bright and bubbly. I often get asked out on 2nd dates and rarely click with guys. I started saying yes more to the 2nd dates even when I felt little way of a spark. The nicest compliment I got lately is I’m surprised how funny you are… why? Because pretty girls don’t normally have such a comedy side as they haven’t had to develop that! Ok maybe that was a line but I hope paints a picture. I don’t know what subconscious vibe I give off after a few dates as I know deep down the handful of times I get to the ‘seeing each other’ and physical side ramps up, I tend to feel anxious. I’ve never been comfortable with sex outside of a deep connection and relationship and even though I try to act cool, maybe my vibe changes. Though in all honesty, the only guy I’ve actually wanted to keep dating and explore a relationship with and would have been ready to sleep with was the long distance guy who is now engaged to someone. Lot of my insecurities rearing their ugly head…. London in lockdown is miserable and doctor life is hard. Yes I’m lucky to be a doctor and that was a childhood dream but never imagined I’d end up here. I’m watching Netflix to escape (jane the Virgin binge!) and want to feel optimistic it can work out for me but seems less hopeful as I approach 39 and so much on pause in life.
I think you need to find a way to get off line and out and about. Meeting men in real life is wholly different as you really only need about 10 seconds to know if they are someone you would at least want to talk to again even if nothing pans out. Men are EVERYWHERE! They are getting their oil changed, shopping, grabbing a bite to eat, at the park, attending your friends party/wedding…you get the gist. All you have to do is strike up a conversation and if the conversation flows well, you might have a date! This is how I met 99% of the men I was in a relationship with; including my ex husband and current partner. I had ONE online relationship that lasted briefly as we were too opposite; got fed up with online and went back to meeting men in real life as that worked best for me.
I understand the COVID thing makes it super difficult to date which is why it might be best to wait it out for the time being. Don’t hunt men online or waste your time reading bullcrap profiles. Only answer a man if he makes a worthy effort such as a good intro. and has an interesting response to your profile, if not, delete and log off. Don’t chit chat for long, talk about COVID or bring any negativity to your message. Keep it light and upbeat for a few exchanges and if he doesn’t plan a meetup (day, time and place, such as a park) just respond with “Thank you for replying but I’m not interested in virtual chit chat but meeting in real life.” If he doesn’t step up, you step out.
Online was never intended to be used the way it is today. Too many guys just trolling around with maybe 2% actively looking for a mate/partner/wife, which is why you are having little to no success. I wouldn’t rely on nor use online too much and start using other methods such as friends, joining groups/activities; taking up a hobby such as golf (lots of men on golf courses haha); or just chatting them anywhere and everywhere!
I’m really not sure what else you can do. What I do know is that when I’m NOT looking for a relationship and enjoying my singlehood, it’s like man catnip lol
You can always ask a few guys you dated how you they viewed you, if you have the balls to do it.
Im glad youre not that serious though.
This is really just an awefull time. So we have to handle it a few more months. Im sure you will get your groove back.
Try to Netflix the good place if you havent already. Brilliant and also good for after life dating😄Newbie
To add to lane: my friend suggested oil painting as where she met the best guys. Not pastel painting (only women there) but oil or photography. I agree with lane, off line dating works better for me too
Hey Lane. Great ideas. In fact end of 2019 I was being a lot more proactive about going to places to meet organically for example tech and entrepreneurship meet ups as have a genuine interest and men to be there, art classes (yes less men here) and made new younger female friends at single events to then go out with. Then bam pandemic came. Make most of the summer 2020 when things opened up and met a guy on one of the elite dating apps supposedly where is £40 a month and has a wait list. Dating him for nearly 2 months and continued to meet and chat to other guys as we weren’t exclusive. The connection just wasn’t there and thought we got on well enough and maybe it was a slow burn but he kept pushing for sex and said stuff like he can’t get pleasure without full sex… seemed douchy and didn’t respect my Boundaries and it ended. Then October to December went on a handful of dates and guys didn’t seem to be looking for anything other than casual. I always find it easy to show up bright and cheerful for first dates and think that’s why I tend to get asked out again. But now lockdown and in winter less people are keen to meet outdoors for a walk though agree a guy truly interested would. I’m not sure where you are but London is freezing and literally nobody is out and about as such. U.K. people just don’t strike up convo and we are social distancing so really seems tricky to implement what you suggest right now though summer yet. Yes maybe I should just detox from apps as it’s starting to get to me just feel so anxious as my age isn’t on my side to stop trying… I’m considering joining a professional matchmaking agency which costs £5000 but fear men there might have money but not normal and would be so much to spend and not meet a guy, they say no guarantees! Hate feeling so desperate about this situation and all my friends don’t have anyone to set me up with. Don’t know how hard they tried to ask friends of friends but it’s so cringe to keep asking.
Hey newbie – thought I replied. Will have to go to oil instead of watercolour classes! Ha. Thanks for Netflix recs. re asking guys I’ve dated… the number of situationships ive had, I’ve been the one to end it. Whilst I may have kind of liked the guys
To go on and start seeing them, the Only one I con eye y with and wanted to explore a relationship with was long distance guy who is now engaged. We had a big talk at the end and I know he lost interest and maybe he was emotionally unavailable at the time given his divorced wasn’t final. He said ‘it was him’ but ultimately he just wasn’t into me enough to go deeper and 4 months was a big investment financially, time wise and emotionally and to continue without some commitment and plan to move back at some point seemed fruitless. So it ended. I’m not sure if his now fiancée is local to him in Asia or they are long distance as my stalking suggested she is from the U.K. (ive stopped stalking now!!)… I don’t think the others were emotionally intelligent and as I wasn’t so into them, not sure what they could tell me that would make a difference as they wanted to keep dating me. I didn’t walk away only due to them wanted sex and didn’t commit, I didn’t feel they were good for anything longterm. Seems I have to find some strength to keep going and hold my nerveLane
I lived in UK for a couple years (military) so I understand how standoffish they can be but I still talked to them, its may nature, and they were very receptive when I did! Maybe give it a go and help soften them up to :o)
I think your *desperation* is hurting you. I would take a dating break and just try to meet men, offline, and get to know them without all the age ilk. Your not dead and still have a lot of life left, so live it up girl!
I think its the biological clock ticking that is bringing you down and leaves you feeling like time is running out. I completely get that and there is no easy answer. I’m glad you have frozen your eggs as that’s proactive and gives you options. As hard as it is I would say you need to really try and not think about the children issue. Perhaps have a plan/deadline for going it alone- give yourself that power and certainty that if it reaches a certain time you are going to go it alone.
The introduction agency idea is expensive but the men signing up to that at such a cost will at least likely be serious about a relationship.
You have clearly done so well in your life despite all the hard times. You are doing an amazing job as a doctor in a climate that is really really tough. You have worked on yourself, worked through the abusive relationship and taken time to be you- that’s all so healthy!
Try and switch off from the deadlines in your head as that’s what’s making you feel so hopeless.
Best of luck and big hugs xx
Hello, back here… work in healthcare has continued to be tough. Another man I dated for 8 weeks during lockdown started off nicely then ended in standard disappointment. So been 6 months since I posted and much of the same. Was really hoping summer would make dating easier and appreciate summer isn’t over but not so far has dating improved. In the past 3 days alone had 2 guys flake on date plans. It feels wounding each time. My self esteem is low. When im out & about and my age isn’t known feel I get more male attention but I have very friends to socialise with (most married with kids) and even the new single friends I made now have partners. I feel like giving up on dating especially apps or having a break but summer after lockdown ending is such a precious time plus going to be 40 in 2022 so feeling intense pressure. Feel like with each passing year I’m more invisible to men. Has anyone in my age group had the experience of dating or apps being just as tough? Can’t help but think it’s my race or age as limiting factors. Any tips or stories of Hope would be appreciated. Thank you
Hi Sammy. I’m in a similar situation. I’m 37 and live in the UK, so I can relate to the hard lockdown period and what now feels like an “opportunity” (due to the nicer weather and venues open) but I’m too a bit discouraged.
I’m using dating apps and my experience is similar to yours. You can meet quite a few people through them, but the disposable culture means that it’s harder to form any sort of real relationships. I get a fair share of flaky men, those looking for a hookup as well as those I go out with, have a good time, but eventually it dissolves into nothing. It is disappointing, yes and not not easy on the ego, but I do realize that it is really hard to meet a special person. Especially at this age, when we all have our quirks, habits, preferences and sometimes unreal expectations.
I still refuse to lose all hope and I’m trying to tweak my approach a little bit so it’s more aligned with my needs. I’m way more selective about who I connect with and if the prospect is worth a date. This means fewer dates but it’s okay.
I also try and get involved in group activities via MeetUp (hiking is of special interest). Meeting a guy through that is a secondary, I just want to be out with people, have a good time and make friends. I work from home, so it helps me to socialize and boost my confidence a bit.
You’re not alone, don’t give up and don’t compromise. Big hug!
Thanks Mert. I’ve in the last few weeks got back on meet-ups but find it really tough to muster up the excitement to go, find it difficult to walk in to a room full of strangers. I feel isolated so there is solace knowing I am not alone. Appreciate your message, I hope you find your person while you’re having fun hiking anyway.
Veruca Salt
I feel like I can somewhat relate to this. I’m going to be 38 but I never put myself out there because I’m too scared. At first I used my kids as an excuse but that was just that…an excuse. I have too much anxiety to try dating apps so I don’t think I’ll ever meet anyone. I met someone not too long ago at a bar but it ended in a disaster. I will say this though…being a single mother is HARD and I am not a doctor. In fact I have a job that I am able to do from home and they offer me a lot of flexibility, but it’s still hard so I can’t imagine how hard it would be if you decided to take the single mother route. But if you really want to be a mother don’t settle for a guy just for that. There are ways to make it work by yourself if being a mother is something that you really truly want. Obviously being a single parent is never an ideal situation but if that’s what you want then you can figure it out.