Home › Forums › Dating and Sex Advice › Two dates and he ghosted. Was he looking for something serious?
- This topic has 21 replies and was last updated 3 years, 7 months ago by
This guy starts following me on social media, because he follows a friend of mine (I don’t know how they even met each other, but she posted a photo and tagged me, and that’s how he found my account), and starts talking to me. He is way older than me, like, 11 years older. I’m on my twenties, and he’s on his thirties.
When we started talking he suggested I went to his place. But, I wasn’t going to go to his house for the first time, on the first date. So we agreed to going to a park.
Days before the date we texted a lot, he asked me plenty of questions about myself, sent me voice messages that were long, he even told me that he is really anxious to meet me at the park, he even mentioned that one day he wants to marry someone and have children. I felt he was being genuine, and I got way too anxious to meet him too.
At the park, the date was pretty bad – because of me. It was the first time going out with someone I’ve never seen before, like, in person – I’m new at this. This was like a Tinder match. I also felt super intimidated by him – I didn’t feel enough because of the money he makes and other stuff that I won’t mention here – I’m changing that now. I started freaking out, and I couldn’t even speak or ask him anything. Of course we chatted, but I felt so uncomfortable. At one point he wanted to leave the date, but I was like, I have time!. But I felt uncomfortable by the fact that I was uncomfortable and didn’t know what to say to him. It was the fact that I’m just starting at life and he has his life all sorted out, and that made me feel not enough to him, so I chickened down. He even asked multiple times if I was okay, and I was like ‘Yeah, it’s been a long time since I went out with someone, and I’m shy’. I think when I came home I got a pretty bad anxiety attack. My fight-flight-freeze response was activated at the date, I didn’t feel good enough and I felt anxios af. I think I got the ‘freeze’ response when I was with him. This never happened to me – I was frightened. Im managing my anxiety now so it doesn’t ruin further dates.
Well, at the end of the date, he wanted me to go to his house… it was near the park. And I was like, no… I need to go back home and study. So this is the second time he mentions he wants me to go to his place.
Besides, he was 25 minutes late to the first date, which scared me, I was like ‘What if he doesn’t show up? What’s going on?’ And maybe that contributed to my bad humour and anxiety.
During the date he wanted to hug me and kiss me, but I didn’t want to just yet, but I still did it anyways. I felt like it was too soon to do that, even more so if I JUST had met him in person. But I didn’t want to seem uninterested (which I seemed anyways, it wasn’t my intention tough, I was just nervous and didn’t want to catch COVID through kissing, and that made things awkward). He asked me why I was so serious, and I wanted to scream ‘I HAVE ANXIETY, I ACTUALLY LIKE YOU. AND I DON’T WANT TO CATCH COVID BECAUSE I DON’T KNOW YOU BASICALLY AND I HAVE A FAMILY TO TAKE CARE OF’, but I couldn’t say it, I don’t know why. I ended up kissing and hugging him anyways, so… I don’t have covid thank god.
Anyways, we agreed to go on a second date. (At that point I felt I had ruined everyhing with him because of how shy, serious, and quiet I was on the first date, and how uninterested I seemed, because of STUPID ANXIETY). But, he wanted me to go to his place AGAIN (3rd time he mentions it), to watch a game. Through texting he was like, ‘we can hang out at my place, and watch the game together pleeease’. And I told him ‘I was thinking we could go out and grab some drinks!’ And he was like ‘I’ll pick you up and we’ll see where we’ll go.’
Later that night, I texted him, saying, okay, let’s go grab some drinks and then, we’ll watch the game at your place. When he picks me up (30 minutes late, LITERALLY. Second time he’s late), I told him ‘which bar do you like from here? So we can go’, and he’s like ‘We can go to my place better. It’s really cold outside.’ (4TH TIME!!) – He was right, it’s REALLY cold, but I didn’t want to go to his house for the second date, for god’s sake lmao. And I was like ‘It would be nice if we could go out!’ and he was like ‘Home is better, I think, right?’ And I was like, okay, let’s go to your place.
We watched the game, had a great time, and nothing sexual happened. I felt so much better than the first date, I was more myself, I think I was A LOT myself. I told a lot of jokes, and I even told him my parents wouldn’t let me stay the night at his house **facepalm** I KNOW. I don’t know why I said that, I’m sure that scared him off. But hey, I was myself, I was still anxious but I was myself. OH, at one point, he was showing me a video from his phone, and some woman starts calling him. He rejected the call, and went to the kitchen for a few minutes and then came back. That was weird.
He drove me home, we kept on texting until the texts stopped. He then texted me, 4 days later, at 10 pm, telling me ‘Ahh, I was going to tell you to come over to my place, but It got late. I’m listening to some music’. I’m sure he sent me that because he wanted to see if I would go to his house or not. And I didn’t. I told him I really wanted to see him, and he told me he wanted to see me too (through voice message). But we never saw each other again. He basically lied though the voice message, telling me he wanted to see me too. Which made me think, what if he lied to me, when he first started texting me, telling me he was anxious to meet me and all that stuff? I want to believe it was genuine though, maybe it was. It seemed genuine to me!
I feel like I ruined it on the first date – I embarassed myself BADLY. He seems like a nice guy, and I feel that I lost the opportunity to give a good impression. I couldn’t even speak about myself. But at the same time, for the first date, he wanted me to go to his place at first. So I don’t know what to think. Even when I went to his house, nothing sexual happened. So maybe he is a home guy, I don’t know. I felt pretty bad after the first date; not pretty bad, REALLY bad. Or maybe I’m putting the guy high on a pedestal. I really need advice on this, because this really got me feeling down and bad.
Your anxiety might have been a warning that something was actually wrong and making you feel uncomfortable. Sounds like this guy doesn’t respect your boundaries at all, frankly, which would make anyone uncomfortable. He’s pushy and I think you dodged a bullet. Don’t feel bad about this, though keep doing introspection on your anxiety and freeze/flight etc. responses because getting better connected to yourself and your needs can only help you.
I want to slap you and then hug you. You are a slow learner and you have no boundaries. Sorry to be that blunt – I couldn’t get through all of this because I was afraid it was going to end with you being sexually assaulted. This guy threw off red flag after red flag and you totally ignored your gut instincts telling you to get the hell away from him… and you kept signing up for more.
Tough talk – you should have never gone to his place and in the future if a guy asks you to do that right up front cut him off, it’s a bad sign. This guy only wanted sex. You’re lucky he didn’t force himself on you.
Oh honey. NO he was not looking for anything serious and he went away because thankfully you weren’t as easy as he thought you were going to be.
How old are you?? If you’re over 25 you need to get some serious safety advice for dating. And you need to value yourself. You don’t kiss and hug someone unless you want to. You don’t go to a guy’s house unless you’ve known him for a while and you want to.
Sorry but this guy was looking for an easy lay. I don’t think he put the moves on you, the first time, because he wanted to make it easier for you to ‘come to his’ the next time but the moment you put out, he would have poofed on you anyway.
I know it might sound counterintuitive to you but you should be thankful when a guy stops wanting to see you early. This helps you from becoming attached to a guy who isn’t going to attach to you.
It sounds like you need to date more. The more you do something, such as driving, the more comfortable you become, and able to spot hazards, such as this experience, and be better at that too :o) He was a hazard!
Don’t go to a man’s house unless you’ve dated for a good bit of time. Just know that men who lead with sex, its usually just for sex.
Been through it
Angels must have been watching out for you.
This guy acted like a sleaze and you dodged a bullet. Please continue working on your anxiety for your own wellbeing.
Life is about perspective and I hope you see how your perspective on what happened between you and this man undervalues you. Go back and read your post as if someone else wrote it. Maybe then you will be able to see. You are worth much more than you are giving yourself credit for.Lisa
Guy was only ever interested in sex. Your awkwardness on the first date was your hint that you’re not compatible. You did nothing wrong, you’re way younger than he is and don’t have anything in common. To me it doesn’t even sound like you liked him, just that you kind of think you need to date anyone that wants to date you and if they lose interest you “failed.” You didn’t fail, you had nothing in common with this guy and it was a waste of your time.
Offf…from where to start. First of all, you did nothing wrong. You do you and whoever likes it will stick around. It’s just a guy so don’t get hang up on this. Okay few awkward dates I’ve been to tons of those and ended up with someone leaving cause they were getting bored. You are going out to observe this guy, get to know him and etc. I find it pathetic that although you expressed not feeling comfortable meeting at his place so early in dating process he insisted and tried to manipulate you to get there. He isn’t worth a sweat, let him fall into the abyss. Just a warning, I’ve been casually dating and meeting with guys from tinder for hook ups. This means I ended up at a random guy’s place and had sex (those are arranged and both sides have an understanding that we are meeting in a house to have sex). I take precautions, protection, and text my best friend my exact location as soon as I get there. I don’t prolong my visit and have battery on my phone at all times to make quick call if needed and taxi app downloaded with address saved each time so I get to leave immediately if I sense something that puts me off. You have your reasons to not want to do that and guys should be respecting this not pushing you. You got a lesson here cause frankly a lot of things can go wrong. To me nothing happened so far but these kind of hook ups can get pretty brutal, from guys becoming aggressive to others coming at my place using my shower and stuff without bringing even a drink out of courtesy. So you’re very collected and cautious and never settle this for any guy. If you say no it should mean at all times no and not “maybe”. I bet if you were a bit more flirty at his place he would touched you and pushed you to have sex even though you would probably not have felt comfortable. Now go live your life and next time a guy insists to meet at his place and you say no and they don’t respect it, refuse to go out with them. Your comfort and safety are more important than their arousal.
m sorry keira but if you feel you need to take so many precautions, why are you even seeing such men to have sex? cant you choose to have sex with men who are and make you feel safe? is it even worth it?
@kylie. girl u dodged a bullet there. not only u got pushed into hugging and kissing by him, he also managed to push you into coming to his house despite your misgivings. you were lucky this time. pls do not do anything that your not comfortable withKylie
Thank you all so much for your replies. You are right, he insisted me to go to his place. The thing is, I think I ruined it the first date, because we were texting so good prior to the first date. He would send me voice messages telling me how he was doing, what he was doing, and he was genuinely interested in me. He would ask me a lot of questions about myself and he told me he was anxious to meet me, and I was really happy about that. And I feel like I blew it. Because not only I didn’t ask almost any questions because of my anxiety, I was also serious – according to him-. According to him I was distant, and I was looking at him like I was mad at him, even though I never meant that. I was trying to stay calm because of my anxiety. So I gave a really bad impression or the impression that I wasn’t interested in him. When in reality, I was. I was just cautious because of covid and I wanted to wait until the next date to hug and kiss, my mistake was not telling him that, and make him aware of that, so I seemed like I was uninterested. That’s why I’m guessing he stopped texting me, even though we went on the second date. After that the texts stopped. I feel like I disappointed him. But, well. This is just another lesson I learnt. I still feel pretty bad about this, but we’ll I learnt my lesson.
I’m making another post. I need to complete the last one – I didn’t feel enough for him, so I was all that awkward at first and didn’t know what to say and I was unconsciously pushing him away and I seemed uninterested, all because I didn’t clarify him what was happening to me, and what I was thinking. That’s why I feel like I ruined the whole thing, I should’ve said “you know, I don’t feel like hugging and kissing right now because I’m taking care of covid and also I want to get to know you better”, but I didn’t even say that out of fear he would reject me or something. Instead, I was distant and serios while he hugged me and gave a bad impression – that I wasn’t interested. He seemed to be re really interested in me, so I feel bad about that. He even told me “really?” When I told him I had a great time. Lol. But according to you guys he was just looking for a hook up so maybe I’m reading too much into this. But why would he seem so interested and tell me he wanted to get married some day and have children and be all that serious with me at first, before meeting in person? But we’ll idk
if your insistent on beating your self then well not many can do much. i dont thnk you read what all told you here. not a single person told you anything or that he stopped communicating bec of you or your anxiety issues. maybe you do have anxiety and suffer from lack of self esteem. but atleast read what people are telling you here. don’t be so quick to beat yrself. from what you wrote its obvious he was looking for sex right from the start. but when he realised that’s not gonna happen, he disappeared. don’t you understand? if you keep putting urself down, others will do. i thnk you need to talk to a professional who will help you sort out issues your feeling and facing. posting here is pointless bec you hvnt taken in one word that ladies hv posted.
What Tammy said. You haven’t listened at all to what anyone said.
RECAP: Total stranger contacts you on FB and flatters you and tries to get you to come to his home. He wants to get physical and keeps pressuring you to come to his home. He stops talking to you when he figures out you aren’t an easy lay after all.
But… your story is ruined it and it’s all your fault.
You’re too desperate to be liked, to have a man in your life or to be in a relationship. You don’t understand men, and when that’s combined with having no boundaries, you’re letting yourself in for real trouble at some point. You were lucky this time you weren’t harmed.
You said: But why would he seem so interested and tell me he wanted to get married some day and have children and be all that serious with me at first, before meeting in person?
Why? To get into your pants fast. Girl, are you really this gullible that you believe everything a man tells you? Words are worth absolutely zero. This guy is a player and he knows what women want to hear. Watch what a man does – it’s worth a lot more than words and his actions reveal who he is and what his real intent is towards you.
Strongly advise you go deal with your anxiety issues that cause you to be too much of a pleaser and learn how to set boundaries and spot a wolf in sheep’s clothing before you go dating again. And stay away from strangers on social media.
But… your story is YOU ruined it. Darn phone.
A guy told me prior to hooking up “I love everything about you” and we’ve been in a one and half dates. He was calling me an Egyptian princess because of my origins and “Middle East goddess”. We hooked up and had a good time but guess what, he never contacted me again. We were kissing, hugging and holding hands in the street. Ofc he was interested, to hook up and told me “baby, let me show all the love and affection I have for you” but he meant sex and it was so obvious. I also wanted to have sex with him so no harm but don’t believe anything they say. Words doesn’t show real intentions it’s just to build up tension and attraction leading to sex
Thank you for your responses. Of course I read all your replies, and I totally understand. I was sad because the guy told me he was ‘intense’ and that he is very affectionate, and I was cold to him. Not because I didn’t like him, but because I move at a different pace, and, of course, the anxiety I felt. He was very eager to get to know me, and he told me he didn’t want to text me because he didn’t want to seem intense – this was at the beggining, before seeing each other I think. He was very sweet, he even remembered when my birthday was. He seemed really excited to get to know me. And I pushed him away… with my ‘bad’ attitude. And according to him I was in a bad mood and very serious at the first date. I was in a bad mood because of the anxiety and I seemed uninterested. I didn’t even know what to ask him, guys. There were PLENTY of awkward silences, eternal silences. And I googled and people that go on awful first dates don’t last or they don’t continue seeing each other. I just wish I was a little bit more “normal” and act like a normal person on a date. But my nerves got the best of me.
I do think he wanted to have sex from the beginning, but I also felt like he really wanted to get to know me and maybe something serious could’ve come out of it. But he saw a silent, shy, serious, anxious ‘bad mood’ girl, and he moved on.
Either way, I recognize that on the second date he insisted me to go over to his house, which is a HUGE red flag. I wanted to go out, to a bar, and he still wanted me to go to his place. And days after that he invited me over, again. And I declined.
This is a part of the conversation we had at first, before seeing each other:
Him: If you want to / can, we can go grab some drinks!
Me: Of course! I think it’s a great idea.
Him: Great. If you want to, I invite you over to my place if you want to.
Me: Ahh, I thought we were going to grab some drinks.
Him: Yes! Of course. Let’s go grab some drinks, in the afternoon or at night. Whatever you want, I have no problem.I started telling him I couldn’t go, so then he suggested we could go to a park. It was his idea. That’s the date where I acted anxious. But at the end of the date tho, he suggested me to go to his place, that was near the park. It’s cold AF outside so it was his excuse for me to go to his place, but I declined. Now that I see it, the guy only wanted me to end up at his place…
Lolololol, maybe my anxiety and bad mood on the first date were accurate. It was my intuition speaking to me. It’s good that we’re not talking anymore because I wasn’t an easy lay after all. And the guy was looking for that – even though he seemed genuinely interested.
Leave these guys alone and start building up your confidence. You’re too focused on yourself which you see in a negative light. And remember that perception is reality so what you reflect, the other person perceives. Anxiety is not good for any aspect in your life not just dating but you gotta start working on balancing it. This story is a common dating experience. He was trying to get some, you were looking to get to know him and frankly, if this was a match you wouldn’t feel anxiety or worrying so much. It’s trivial and you’re better than this so stop being so harsh on yourself. Raise some good standards and start dating for your own fun doing only what makes you comfortable. The right guy won’t blame you for that, judge you or get scared. This one was just looking for an easy hook up and with more experience you’ll start recognizing the signs immediately. And delete this conversation finally and his contact.
Oh Kylie, you really need to date more (date, not have sex!). You need to read more about men and dating in general and you need to listen to Sabrina and Eric and what they are saying about these issues. The part of the conversation that you gave us…I don’t even know how he made you agree to responding let alone seeing him. It was obvious from the beginning that he was interested only in one thing (not to mention how boring he seems through his texts). You did nothing wrong, the way you acted had NOTHING to do with him disappearing, the only, but ONLY reason for him to invite you was sex.
And that is OK, as someone mentioned, if you want the same thing and only that thing. However, you seem young and inexperienced and with some anxiety issues you need to attend to…so, please trust me (and all of us), this guy is not worth anything, let alone so many words. I wish you all the best.Kylie
@keira @barbara Thank you so much… I’m working on my anxiety right now. After this happened to me I learnt so much about myself and the things I need to fix. I think I forgot to say that on the first date he tried to kiss me and I dodged the kiss *facepalm*. Because you know, you can get covid through saliva. And he was like, ‘come on, just a little kiss’ and I ended up kissing him. I was laughing at the whole thing, I didn’t think he was pressuring me though, because I wanted to kiss him – if there was no covid I wouldn’t have dodged the kiss. So that’s another thing I remember and I cringe at. Lol. The guy got all the signals that I wasn’t into him hahaha. But well. I think I made every single mistake on dating with this guy lmao (including the fact that I totally ignored the fact that he just wanted a hookup). I assume that an invitation to a guy’s house isn’t just for sex, it’s that he just wants to be comfortable, idk. Because when I went nothing happened, so, i don’t know. But hey I learnt a lot about this. Thank you so much for your help and advice.
do you even realise what your doing? your still micro analysing the dates and keep putting yourslf down again for every little snippet you remember. he pushed you into kissing just like he pushed you to come to his house. and u allowed urslf to be pushed into what he wanted. sometimes conversations flow on dates and sometimes they do not. its not just upto one person but the chemistry between 2 people. there were awkward silences because he was also at a loss at to what he should be saying next. same as you. did he put himslf down for the fact that there were lot of silences? so why are you doing that? just think of things as a bad fit and move on. without being so negative of self. just remember, if you out yourslf down others will as well.
Thanks @tammy. I’ve deleted his number and conversation. He’s just not worth it, he wasted my time completely. I want to thank everyone for giving me advice. I’m so thankful. Thank you for making me see what was really going on!
Hi Kylie,
I don’t want to sound like your mother, but I would be in that age category. First off, you should really have a girlfriend to tell all your new “guy dates” too just as a sounding board. You had all the right “flags” in your mind. Also, just so in case something happens, there is a trace (sorry I’m old school). Lots of things have changed since texting, it makes it easier to have a conversation and this doesn’t mean your “compatible”. In person, as you saw has a dynamic, a physical presence, conversation has to do with being comfortable. You need to date people in your own age group until you’re experience to know what can happen. Also, I would tell your friend that led him to you in social media that this is what happened. Guys, didn’t used to get away with dodgy stuff because “the talk” would ruin him in a social group.
As a standard, staying in public: such as a coffee shop, bar, restaurant keeps you in the public eye and “protected”. Someone’s personal home does really suggest intimacy and should only happen when you are ready. Otherwise say “NO” and walk away.
Take this all as a lesson learnt.Good luck on the next one!
Kylie, you seem a very sweet girl and empathetic. Lots of guys will try to manipulate or take advantage of that aspect of you so please be mindful, remain kind and grounded but listen to your gut feeling next time. Probably you felt those red flags and felt uncomfortable. I’m sure you are fun to be around and charming. You just gotta believe in yourself and your judgement. And don’t be afraid to say no when something crosses your boundaries. I really want you to empower yourself, and let this amazing girl come outside. Perhaps try to meet guys during activities like courses, fitness or social clubs to have an interaction and be friendly so it’s not awkward for you rather than strangers. And once you’ve been to few dates with cooler guys you’ll see the difference. Don’t lose hope cause of a random guy, already in the past. You are young and you’ve got your whole life so chill a bit and treat them like your best friends, you don’t care what they’d think if you refuse an offer or don’t wanna hang out at their place. What I follow in dating, I ask lots of questions on lifestyle books and interests or news so if I know the topics and feel more confident to converse. I found also listening more helps to make yourself feel at ease. But remember, at any point of a date if something feels off you have every right to go and don’t see them again, you don’t owe them your time or company especially if they only look for hook up. I’m sure you’ll figure it with a bit more experience. Wish you all the best, try using humour as well laughing and making jokes and be your authentic self cause anything else is going to fail.