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From our first meeting, there was a strong connection between this man and myself. He told me he’d been married twice and had three grown kids. Within a couple of months, we were in love and talking about building a future together. During our third month, I learn he was married 3 times and had a child he never told me about. When I confronted him, he said if he told me the truth, he would have lost me, and he had planned to tell me eventually. This made sense to me and I continued the relationship because I loved him deeply. A few months later, I learn he carried on a secret relationship for 8 months behind his previous girlfriend’s back. He told me they broke up because she wanted to move, but she told me they broke up because of his cheating and gave me the woman’s number to verify what he had done. I called the woman, and she said he did date her and never told her he was in a relationship with another woman. She also told me he had been in rehab for sex addiction a decade ago. I confronted my boyfriend about this and he swore he never had sex with the woman, she was just a friend, and the sex addiction was a painful time in his life he felt was none of my business because it was in the past and he only told her about it because he didn’t care what she thought of him. I then learn he has ANOTHER child by a woman he was hooking up with during this time. He claimed he told her if she became pregnant, he would have nothing to do with the child. I asked him why he didn’t just use a condom, and he said he “pulled out” every time, and he was in “active addiction” and this woman was taking advantage of his illness. When I told him I couldn’t understand how a 59 year old man could deny his own 9 year old child all these years, especially since he claims to now be mentally healthy, he told me I was being judgemental and my digging up his past was making him feel terrible about himself. He claimed that I should not focus on his past because that’s no longer who he is and I was ruining our relationship by constantly bringing it up. I felt like I was going nuts-this person I loved lied and hid his past from me, then blamed ME for demanding the truth and telling him I didn’t trust him any longer. The end came when I found a flashdrive in MY house of bondage pics he took of his last girlfriend. I confronted him on it, he swore he didn’t realize he still had it and said he just wanted us to forget about it and move on. When I told him I was very hurt he would bring something like that into my home-even unknowingly-he told me I was just too judgemental to be in a relationship with and left. I know this is going to sound crazy, but now I’m wondering if I WAS being judgemental. He texted me a few days ago to tell me he is in a new relationship with a woman who accepts his past and knows he will do what is best for HIM if his daughter comes knocking on his door someday in the future. Am I insane or is he??
The ‘man’ & I use that term loosely is a mess, you are better with him gone!
Stay away from him…he is like Raven stated a mess! Nothing good can come from from dating a guy like this.
This man is seriously f’ed up.
He’s lied repeatedly about some huge things and he’s very irresponsible. That’s just a straight-up no fly zone in my book. Plus this is a load of big drama over and over in his life.
Someone who tells you they lied so they wouldn’t lose you… just manipulated the hell out of you. With your permission.
What is it about him that you were so in love with?
And when you have enough sense to walk away, he calls you to gloat he found someone else who’s stupid enough to tolerate all of this??
Exactly WHAT do you think you’re missing here?? Take a long, hard look at why you would stick around for this much BS. Straighten your crown, tighten your boundaries and raise your self-worth. Block him and never look back.
Thank you for responding, Raven. I’m at that stage of hindsight, wondering what the heck happened and how much of it was my fault. I do feel remorse for those times I grilled him with questions when I knew he was already ashamed having to divulge a part of his past he didn’t want to face. I sometimes wonder if I truly was too judgemental and it’s my fault the relationship ended rather than us being able to navigate through it. He certainly seemed to think so.
Thanks for verifying Raven’s comments, Peggy. Part of the issue is I’m a widow-I was happily married 37 years to a wonderful man. I met this guy 18 months later and had no idea what the dating world is like now. He often told me I lived a “charmed life” and his experiences are typical of divorced men. God, he made me feel like a world class b*tch sometimes!
Yup, AngieBaby-I needed to hear that!! Thanks for your honest assessment of my situation. Time for me to take the first train out of Crazy Town!
Oh wow Susan. That sure explains it! I hope I wasn’t too hard on you. I just wanted to help you see that you are not at all the one with the issue and you were right to call him out on his stuff.
Trust me, it can be not great out there after 40 from what I hear but this guy is very atypical.
That’s one of my favorite expressions! You go girl and take the first fast train out of Crazy Town ASAP!!
Nope, my instincts have been telling me the same thing for awhile now, not to mention my son and my sister! I need to dust my self off and move forward. Thank you for helping me see that.