Urgent advice needed — badoo

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    Hi ladies,

    Does anyone know what that little blue tick next to the name in a Badoo profile mean?

    My bf and I met in Badoo 6 months ago. We’ve been in exclusive relationship for 5 months now. He is very, very good to me. He says he loves me and want to have a future with me. He told me he had deleted all his online dating profiles but Two months ago, I discovered his profile on Badoo is still there. It says ‘online more than a week ago.’ I was shocked but didn’t know how to bring it up. We spend every weekend together so unlikely he’s dating other women, but why did he lie?

    You may ask me why I haven’t deleted my profile. I actually removed the app from my phone since we were together, but just to check if he was telling the truth I downloaded it again two months ago and that’s when I found out he was still there. But ‘online more than one week ago’ is very vague, hard to prove anything….

    so I never question him about it. I never checked on this again until a few days ago, he suddenly talked about being polygamous, I got upset, told him it wouldn’t work for me. He said I was close-minded, I told him it’s simple, if he wants to be polygamous, he would need to find someone who is OK with it. But not me. He then changed his words, saying he will be monogamous with me.

    But I was uneasy, again I downloaded the app and his profile was still there showing ‘online more than one week ago’. I have noticed that some profiles have a little blue tick, and some don’t. Does the blue tick indicated something?

    I am hoping someone knows. But I don’t know if it would help me solve my question as to if he is chatting online with other women.

    I also am not sure how to bring it up. He is a very good boyfriend, very loving and caring….

    So, I’m at a loss….


    He’s still online.-.your dating..ask…what are you looking for?.listen then make your mind up hes already said he wants more than one girl…believe him. If you want singular exclusive monogamy this guy is not it.


    It simple…. he said he wanted poly and only when you wanted to walk he said ok to being monogamous. That to me is a guy who thinks ok if she wants monogamy then I will let her “think” we are exclusive while in actuality I am not….. Move on from this guy. He has already shown you who he is. Believe him!!!


    Btw already your trust is broken. You cannot have a relationship without trust.


    I dont know about blue ticks. On line more than a week ago can mean more than 6 months ago. I made some profile over a year ago, wasnt able to delete it, so my profile probably also says on line more then a week ago.
    So the dating app doesnt mean much to me. Not worth checking because he can have other profiles, other crushes etc. There is no way you can check all of that.
    I do think the polygamous statement os weird to say the least. And then say well ok ill be monogamous with you. Could be he was joking but to me it says he is not that serious (yet).


    A lot of sites say online over a week ago when it could have been months ago. Check other profiles. I bet they say the same and nothing says online a month ago or a year ago. It’s a marketing ploy to make it look like sites have more recent members than they do.


    The blue tick means that the user has confirmed they are who they say they are. I know badoo very well. It’s very, very unlikely he was still actively using that profile.


    This is a 2 yr old post.


    i just started seeing someone..confused but is badoo often wrong when they have online status he swears he hasn’t been online … but it says yesterday so kinda step back… in the same day it said 2 days ago and today .so not sure what to think


    I’ve had the same issue. He says he wasn’t online on badoo nut I saw the green dot next to his name. Before that it said last online 2 hrs
    It just doesn’t seem likely that Badoo would play with a members status like that

    Better off single

    just to check ….

    Do you think maybe he was doing the same thing and checking on *you*?

    Guys get those feelings too. They’re better at hiding it.

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